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  1. #1
    Kenneth Gilroy's Avatar
    (Disgusting Vermin)
    Status (Lancea)
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    Emotional Detachment
    (Mask of Tranquility)
    Kenneth Gilroy
    Nosferatu Lancea Sanctum

    Allies 1 (Academia)
    Allies 1 (City Hall)
    Allies 2 (Public Works)
    Contacts 1 (Academia)

    Presence 2
    Mask of Tranquility
    Status 1 (Covenant - Lancea Sanctum)
    Status 2 (Academia - Research Fellow)
    Allies 1 (Academia)
    Allies 1 (City Hall)
    Allies 2 (Public Works)
    Contacts 1 (Academia)
    Emotional Detachment 1


    Kenneth waited at the top of the metal stairs leading down to the Caldarium. 'His' kingdom. His 'kingdom'. Even the calming light of the Haunt's meeting area couldn't completely negate the feeling of fear whenever he thought those words.

    Too high up. Like falling off a balcony.

    He pushed his thoughts down to the place where he shackled the other instincts and steeled himself for his meeting with the newest family member.
    Mask of Tranquility
    Curse - Looking at Kenneth you feel disgust, as if you saw a lowly yet dangerous vermin.

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  3. #2

    The unmistakable smell of Tatiana slithered under the entrance door, moments before she arrived. She opened her rather large bag, when she passed the pile of animal corpses and while looking at Gilroy, she gently placed a dead fox. She smiled as she got up and walked towards him. Her beast was more calm, being around Gilroy for the second time. The squeaky vermin kings' intimidation factor had lost some edge. The words of Tatianas sire rang in her ears, every time she encountered Kindred again. "Kindred get used to each other and the beast will at some point accept others of our kind, Tatiana."
    "Thank you for taking the time to come and see me, my Priscus. I have a rather urgent proposition to make. It is regarding Luca Bonano. But perhaps we should speak at the bottom of the stairs.. Somewhere more private."
    Her face was now resting in a more serious fashion, bearing witness of the severity of the subject she came to talk of.

  4. #3
    Kenneth Gilroy's Avatar
    (Disgusting Vermin)
    Status (Lancea)
    Status (Academia)
    Emotional Detachment
    (Mask of Tranquility)
    Kenneth Gilroy
    Nosferatu Lancea Sanctum

    Allies 1 (Academia)
    Allies 1 (City Hall)
    Allies 2 (Public Works)
    Contacts 1 (Academia)

    Presence 2
    Mask of Tranquility
    Status 1 (Covenant - Lancea Sanctum)
    Status 2 (Academia - Research Fellow)
    Allies 1 (Academia)
    Allies 1 (City Hall)
    Allies 2 (Public Works)
    Contacts 1 (Academia)
    Emotional Detachment 1


    Kenneth did his best not to breath but the smell of pungent dead flowers still stung his nose and eyes, making him feel as if he'd recently swallowed curdled milk. He kept his face neutral when Tatiana actually came into view and the lesser mind tried to take over.

    "Of course. I always try to make time for family."

    His expression darkened in response to her severe urgency. Or was it the mention of Luca himself? He walked past her and closed the metal door and padlocked it from the inside.

    "No one will disturb us," he assured her as he began to descend the steps to the Caldarium proper.

    "So what is this proposal?"
    Mask of Tranquility
    Curse - Looking at Kenneth you feel disgust, as if you saw a lowly yet dangerous vermin.

  5. #4

    Tatiana walked behind Gilroy and gestured for him to sit down if he so desired.

    "As I told you, during our first conversation, Luca Bonano is a good friend of mine. Or used to be. Alliances can change through the years and through the fog of torpor. However, I have come to learn, that he plans on meeting with a member of our family. Greenberg, to be more specific. I would like, with your permission, to be present at the meeting. Like a security, that Luca doesn't harm our family members. I used to know him, but I can't say what has changed within him, since he woke up and went to Sacramento. This is also a good way to gather intel on what he thinks, says and does. It's a golden chance for clan Nosferatu to gather information on Mr. Bonano. A man you don't seem to get along with, if I am to believe the whispers in the wind."

    She looks to Gilroy, like she's waiting for the priscus to either swing his axe against her neck or applaud her for her brilliant idea.

  6. #5
    Kenneth Gilroy's Avatar
    (Disgusting Vermin)
    Status (Lancea)
    Status (Academia)
    Emotional Detachment
    (Mask of Tranquility)
    Kenneth Gilroy
    Nosferatu Lancea Sanctum

    Allies 1 (Academia)
    Allies 1 (City Hall)
    Allies 2 (Public Works)
    Contacts 1 (Academia)

    Presence 2
    Mask of Tranquility
    Status 1 (Covenant - Lancea Sanctum)
    Status 2 (Academia - Research Fellow)
    Allies 1 (Academia)
    Allies 1 (City Hall)
    Allies 2 (Public Works)
    Contacts 1 (Academia)
    Emotional Detachment 1


    “That is a serious accusation, Miss Tatiana.” Because it was an accusation. One he had a hard time taking seriously but whose nature demanded that he did.

    “You previously expressed great trust in Mr. Bonano and now you think he might attack a member of the Clan. Forgive me for being blunt, but why? Has he said or done anything that makes you think he means the family harm? And what exactly have you heard that makes it seem like I don’t get along with him?” If he was about to authorize Tatiana to effectively escalate a bad impression into a cold war, he needed more substantive.

    It was certainly easy for Kenneth to view Luca as a threat, especially if he was meeting with Greenberg (though some of that was the remnants of paranoia Joseph incurred). Yet there was something about the fact that she had brought this to his attention the smelled wrong. The sudden change of heart seemed rather quick given the time since they had last talked and Kenneth wanted to know what had made if shift so quickly. If it was Greenberg that was threatened why had she not asked him here as well? It could be she hadn't changed her mind at all and was still in cahoots with Luca. She could go to the meeting with Greenberg unaware of the danger, attack him, and then Tatiana could come back with false information. Or she could act the savior, endear herself to both Joseph and Gilroy, and act as a double agent for Bonano. Or Greenberg, Tatiana, and Bonano were all possibly conspiring to together.

    Gilroy repressed the train of thought before it ran away. He needed more data. So he waited for the Supplicant's reply.
    Mask of Tranquility
    Curse - Looking at Kenneth you feel disgust, as if you saw a lowly yet dangerous vermin.

  7. #6

    "My trust in Mr. Bonano remains rock solid Mr. Gilroy. But I have learned that friend can turn to foe in a milisecond in the kindred world. So even though he gives me absolutely no reason to suspect him of wanting to harm a member of my clan, I would rather be too cautious and be proven a fool for thinking he could do such a thing. After all, I consider him a great friend and ally, but not family. It's a very harsh line in New York, so I thought it wise to consult with the head of the Sacramento branch of my family. But if this not the way of this town, I will of course respect that!"

    Tatiana turned her eyes to the ground for a moment, before looking at Gilroy.

    "It's just... I want to do good in this city. I want to do right by my family. By my priscus. And I hope you don't suspect me of running a scheme. I just.. I used to look out for my own, even when they were among my friends..."

    Family first, Tati... Always... The words of her sire rang clear in her mind, as she observed the body language of Gilroy.

  8. #7
    Kenneth Gilroy's Avatar
    (Disgusting Vermin)
    Status (Lancea)
    Status (Academia)
    Emotional Detachment
    (Mask of Tranquility)
    Kenneth Gilroy
    Nosferatu Lancea Sanctum

    Allies 1 (Academia)
    Allies 1 (City Hall)
    Allies 2 (Public Works)
    Contacts 1 (Academia)

    Presence 2
    Mask of Tranquility
    Status 1 (Covenant - Lancea Sanctum)
    Status 2 (Academia - Research Fellow)
    Allies 1 (Academia)
    Allies 1 (City Hall)
    Allies 2 (Public Works)
    Contacts 1 (Academia)
    Emotional Detachment 1


    The urge to sigh would never go away. It simply arouse too often. A finger snapped as he cracked it.

    “I believe in the importance of loyalty to the Clan. I strive to make sure we are in the best and safest position and expect the same of everyone in the family. I appreciate your caution and your concern.”

    “But that does not mean you need my permission to attend this meeting. Independent thought and action are important to me as well. Rational behavior and sound judgement.”
    The irony of his association with Josephine was not lost on him.

    “In this case, I believe you are capable of making a good decision and taking the action you think most appropriate without my input. You know Mr. Bonano better than I do after all.” And for reasons Kenneth didn’t really understand she trusted him. “So feel free to attend the meeting and ask questions if you think that will be useful to the Clan. Or simply if you think it will be useful to you to strengthen your alliance. An ally is worth more than an enemy. If you learn anything that does make you think he means any member of the Clan harm or could prove vital information, then yes; I and the rest of our members would need to know. However, I would suggest coming at any observation from a neutral angle, otherwise you risk observer bias. I wouldn’t want you to lose a friend simply because he and I didn’t get along at our first meeting.”

    The worm seemed to twist and shrink as he folded his arms across his chest. His rat eyes seemed to dart here and there over her face, never quite looking her straight in the eye.

    “We all run schemes Miss Tatiana; though I prefer to call them plans. They’re only a detriment if they hurt the survival of the whole.” The fact was she was scheming. If not against him, then it was for him. He wondered if her plans would thrust her into situations she was not prepared for as his had.
    Mask of Tranquility
    Curse - Looking at Kenneth you feel disgust, as if you saw a lowly yet dangerous vermin.

  9. #8

    "I only ever asked for this meeting, because I want to envoke a bit of transparancy, my priscus. If you wish for me to keep my plans to myself in the future, under those guidelines you have presented me with, I will... And should I obtain knowledge at the meeting that I deem important to share with the clan, I will..."

    She seemed to collect her thoughts and looked at Gilroy, with a face of utter... Nothing...

    "Thank you for your time, my priscus. I will see myself out.."

    If she isn't stopped, Tatiana will leave.

  10. #9
    Kenneth Gilroy's Avatar
    (Disgusting Vermin)
    Status (Lancea)
    Status (Academia)
    Emotional Detachment
    (Mask of Tranquility)
    Kenneth Gilroy
    Nosferatu Lancea Sanctum

    Allies 1 (Academia)
    Allies 1 (City Hall)
    Allies 2 (Public Works)
    Contacts 1 (Academia)

    Presence 2
    Mask of Tranquility
    Status 1 (Covenant - Lancea Sanctum)
    Status 2 (Academia - Research Fellow)
    Allies 1 (Academia)
    Allies 1 (City Hall)
    Allies 2 (Public Works)
    Contacts 1 (Academia)
    Emotional Detachment 1


    "Miss Tatiana; stop," the worm hissed before she could leave (though his nose and Beast were less than grateful for that) "You are being passive-aggressive and I will not tolerate it." For the first time in their conversation, his tone became slightly angry. It was an infantile, futile sound.

    "If you have a problem with me or what I've said, you will tell me. However, first you will learn to listen." He slithered and coiled himself onto one of the benches.

    "I did not say you should keep your plans from me. I said you did not need my permission." If she couldn't see the difference, she'd have to learn.

    "You act as if I should admire you for your brilliance and foresight. As if I should trust your insight and judgement. Despite sending a Masquerade breaching message when you arrived. Despite the fact that I already consider Luca to be someone that should be watched. Despite the fact that your stated rock solid trust in the man makes you very likely to be biased in any report you make. Either your friendship will blind you or you will look any sign that he is an enemy and bias too far to that side and see a threat where there is none. You say you want what is best for the family. Again, despite the fact that you left New York where the Clan needed help already." The anger receded slightly but his voice still had a buzz to it like hornet.

    "Yet when I give you the benefit of the doubt, say that I do trust your judgement, encourage you to be active in even recruiting Luca despite my dislike for him... you take offense. Don't deny it, please. I've seen people hide their disgust for me too many times before." Anytime anyone looked upon Kenneth with anything other than a sneer, he knew they were hiding their true emotion. "So tell me, Miss Tatiana, why is giving you the responsibility over you plan so offensive?"
    Mask of Tranquility
    Curse - Looking at Kenneth you feel disgust, as if you saw a lowly yet dangerous vermin.

  11. #10

    The second the worm hisses at her, she spins right around and looks at him, this time with a hint of fear. She is silent as he lectures her.
    Her voice is a mere whisper. "Forgive me, my Priscus... I meant no offense... Please.. Forgive my insolence.. It's our second meeting and my passive-aggressive demeanor has no merit.. I have fed on animals since I arrived and.. It's not doing anything positive for me, other than keeping me afloat.. It's no excuse for my lack of respect and I beg your forgiveness.. It will not happen again.."
    Her beast was now in near full flight mode - the Regent of the Underworld had just put her in her place, and the closest thing to describe her emotions, was that of a young child, scolded by a harsh teacher. Had she been human, she would most likely have had tears in her eyes out of fear and embarrasment.

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