Glancing up at Nell, offering her a reassuring smile as she excuses herself, David opens his hands to take the books she offers. “I'll be sure to get them back to you,” the Master tells the Apprentice. Out of any of the Kindred gathered, David knows how much this must kill the Magician; having to leave before her bottomless curiosity is sated.
Feeling Katya's eyes on him, David turns more squarely towards her and nods appreciatively at her explanation. “It makes one wonder, doesn't it. If the Night is so strongly associated with the Underworld, is the Underworld itself the Night? I wonder if the Kindred of the time saw themselves as the Ammit.”
Each night, the Sun God himself stands before Osiris' benign judgment. What sins would the Sun confess to?
“Even Khonsu, the God of the Moon, is usually depicted as mummified. An interesting thing to think about. I think I mentioned this,” David adds after a moment, “but I believe this is where the idiom of 'a heavy heart' originates, at least in meme form. Though in our more modern incarnation, 'heavy' is more grief than it is sin.”
There's a lot to take in, David knows. The Egyptian Pantheon moved and shifted like sand-dunes, dancing along the tides of both social mores and politics. It made some Gods come and go, merge with others or split apart all together. The Libitinarius applauds the solid grasp Katya gained in the short time she had. It took him far, far longer.