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(1504) Consilium II: Births

101 - 110
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  1. #101

    So Zilker was the non-committing sort. No worries.

    "Um. Sure thing mate." Striker wanted an answer, but knew he wasn't in a position to push for one. He was just glad Zilker hadn't asked him to leave already.

    "I'm sorta worried about lotsa stuff at the moment, but sure, I'll wait ay." he said with a nod as he turned back to rejoin his cabal.

    Striker heads back to his table here.

  2. #102
    Aurora's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    Madison Cross
    (Sleeper ID)

    Dedicated Magical Tool

    Multicolored copper bracelet with intricate loops winding around her right wrist.

    The sweet, fragrant smells of roses mixed with lilacs emanate from her as she casts magic. The scent intensifies, bordering on intoxicating, when Life magic is cast. When Aurora casts Vulgar magic, the scent takes a nasty turn, to the putrid, nauseating odor of a rotting corpse. The stronger the magic, the more those around want to retch at the smell.
    Monthly Spells

    Monthly spells done on character sheet.

    Pulse of the Living World[POT 6]
    Organic Resilience[POT 6]
    (PrP Treasure Hunt)

    Active Spells: 1/6
    [Detect Substance]Bone
    Personal Spells: 2/3


    Faye had found an empty table to sit at. Both Pepper and Mace were part of the Council, so it left her alone to observe. But she hadn’t seen Mace, and it was cause for worry and concern. Maybe we’d flag Pepper down after the meeting and ask about her. Then again, she could always send Mace a quick text asking if everything was ok.

    She was still debating sending a text when the meeting seemed to begin. Then quickly end as unrest settled in again. Between Star’s outburst, Avis sudden decision regarding Striker and Einstein accusing Avis of invading her mind.

    There was a heavy sigh as she puts an elbow on the table to rest her hand in. The council retreated to the back and Faye lifted her coffee to her lips.

    An eyebrow was raised as Einstein suddenly appeared, shouted something, then left.

    Her free hand moved up to her forehead to rub it, a headache was quickly setting in. Now, why in the hell did she decide to settle here?!

  3. #103
    Star's Avatar
    (News Media)
    New Identity
    (Jack Hoyle)

    The Mirage: Star appears translucent with overlapping and slightly offset images of himself in different identities/disguises.


    Being first out of recess felt a lot like going on stage.

    Maybe a little shuffle, a moonwalk? Nah. He slid over to where he'd seen Einstein sitting -- who could miss it with the hat -- and eased into the chair.

    Don't wave audience, yo.
    Nimbus in MiniSheet 2. Cloaked spells, no overt magical res. Scrut for deets.
    '...Watch With Glittering Eyes...'
    - Roald Dahl

  4. #104

    July stood up and walked over to the drink table again. During the commotion he had finished his coffee and needed a new one. He fixed himself one, black as usual, and stood drinking it at the drink table.

  5. #105
    Avis's Avatar

    Vulgar: Color drains from the immediate area and depth perception becomes temporarily skewed, everything seeming to draw in uncomfortably close, making rooms smaller and all but distant objects seem in reach.
    Vice: Color drains from Avis and her facial features seem indistinct and grainy, as though her identity is growing less defined.
    Virtue: Colors appear more vibrant and everything seems to become grander in scale.


    Behind Star came Avis, her eyes fixed in a flat stare in the direction of her chair. With no Ceremony she sank back into it and her gaze stared off into the distance. Her legs crossed as an afterthought, but otherwise she remained motionless. Waiting.
    "Aw-Vee". Pres 2 (Moody). Mastigos, Adamantine Arrow. Trace of a Cajun accent.
    Defense: 8. 3 cloaked spells. Phone (pot 6), Belt (pot 5), Self (pot 2 +3) Spell tolerance: 1/3, Accumulation: 3/7

  6. #106
    Pepper's Avatar
    Presence 3: Subdued
    Frozen moment before plummeting


    Pepper seems to be caught in a moment just before plummeting
    Awakened Status

    Consillium 2
    Silver Ladder 2
    Acanthus 2
    Mortal Status


    Entertainment 1

    Entertainment 1
    Scene Info


    8/11 Standard
    -1 Magic and Coffee

    5 Standard

    7 Full


    Pepper followed the two former members of the Veiled Threats, then blinked slightly at Star's presence at the table. Although she'd been suspicious when Star had been the one to announce Einstein leaving... Well, it figured.

    She'd fully left the post. She sat back in the seat she'd previously been in.

  7. #107
    Truce's Avatar

    Presence •• (Bookish)

    Fair-skinned and thin, Truce does not appear to get out much, choosing instead to pursue more studious endeavors. He appears as a typical college student, wearing button up shirts, slacks, and a sports coat at times. His hair is dark brown and wavy, his eyes hazel.

    Spell List

    Spiders: EGuard(3P,self)


    Whatever conclusions the Council has come to during its recess they seem to return to a seemingly calmer forum. Truce heads back to his provisional seat at the table. His eyes look about the room attentively, searching for a specific absentee before giving up. It seems none of the remaining Councilors are ready to speak up just yet as they await the Hierarch to call the Consilium back to session.

  8. #108

    “Alright,” Aquinas says as the remaining councilors take their seats, he last to return to the table. “Allow me to make a few other announcements since we're running short on time. The Charter and Lex Magica that you all have in your hands are enacted in full and will be how our Concilium runs. Through the crucible that reality brings, we will be able to further grow our Charters and Lex Magica to be something that serves us.”

    Steely eyes rove the whole of the Consilium, searching out the extreme reactions.

    “Secondly, Magus Striker, your trial is set for six months form now. Factotum Pepper ( RebornSeas ) will be Prosecution while Factotum Ermon ( Matamune ) will be Defense. You have this time to put together your cases.”

    Another pause, “My own announcements from my office have been done. But, again, if you feel as though you would make a fine candidate for Sentinel or Herald, see me or Crowley.” A beat, “Is there anything any of our cabals would like to announce at this time before we finish?”

  9. #109
    Miach's Avatar



    When the Councilors trickled in, and then Hierarch Aquinas too the spotlight, Miach took his head away from the Charter he was perusing, wondering what would be said. Bureaucratic stuff. Nothing about the coordinated action against the Banishers, or something of the like. Hopefully the Cabals would deliver the information, because it was all that mattered to the Acanthus.

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  11. #110
    Emrys's Avatar



    Emrys took in a deep breathe as the Heirarch spoke, wondering how much of the earlier conversation was still relevant. There was a chance he'd make an ass out of himself, but it was worth saying something in the Enchanter's mind.

    "Um, quick question!" Emrys called out as he scanned the Council. "Why is there still need of a trial? Striker rather publicly announced his guilt just a bit ago and Councilor Avis voiced her desire to drop the charges against Striker. Even without the Councilor's desire to drop the charges the Lex states that if the accused pleads guilty we move straight to the penalty stage and consult the Tetragrammaton. Per the Illumination on the Precept of Hubris, magical assault has a base punishment of a Minor Reprimand. Given the events took place here myself or Pepper can Postcog what happened and replay it through a Telepathy spell to the others."

    "So why despite the clear protocols of the Lex and the desires of those involved do we need to beat this dead horse for six more months?" He paused for a moment and shrugged. "I'm not trying to be difficult or get my cabalmate off light, but I can't be the only one sick of seeing Striker's name plastered across the agenda for his latest missteps. We can close this tonight within the full legal authority of your Lex, so why do Pepper and Ermon need to waste time and resources putting cases together for a case we all already know the answer to when we can find the truth and put this never ending distraction to rest? Aren't there more important issues then bureaucracy to be discussing? Like, I don't know, the Awakening causing drugs or the university full of people that want to destroy us?"

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