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(Sac Noir) Praise thy info dumps!

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  1. #1
    Josephine Sterling's Avatar


    Perhaps it was because the passage of ages had dilated the Lady's sense of time, or perhaps some event had arisen which kept her away from the Mortuary house, yet the fact remained that when Josephine finally arrived it could hardly be described as presently. Nonetheless, arrive she did, in a black pant suit that set the pale flesh of her hands, neck, and head into stark contrast. In the right light those porcelain appendages almost seemed to float disembodied and independently from each other. It was with such an appendage that she knocked upon the back door of the Cedar Fields Funeral Home. A strange place for a Kindred to work, yet for those that did not choose to use the gifts of their blood, an income had to be earned in some way. Perhaps David was one such Kindred. It would be interesting to meet one so humane. It seemed that the Domain was in short supply of them.

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  3. #2

    A strange sort of stillness surrounds the graveyards and Funeral Homes of the world. Even in the center of bustling cities everything seems to hush around them. Perhaps, in a way the world offers its own respects to the dead and dying. At its front, Cedar Fields presents a serene face to the world. The winding paths and well-tended landscapes occlude security fixtures like CCTV from sticking out like sore thumbs.

    Around back, it is a far more solemn and professional affair.

    The exterior door to the staff and embalming chambers is simple and sturdy. Josephine's quick, succinct rap rings out against the sterile surfaces. Called, the Mortician approaches with a clear visor pushed up above his head and protective smocks making him seem like a ghost wafting through the dark.

    David pauses and takes in a breath, an attempt to prepare himself for the assault upon his senses Her Lordly Beast will present. Metal clicks and David, so attired, is presented with the Ventrue Priscus with David's Beast having the first say. It beys in his blood yearning to leap upon the stark woman and rend her limb by limb, to splatter black and white with red, viscus blood and gray ash.

    The Shadow holds his beast, bringing it to heel as he glances downward in those, short tense moments. “Priscus. I'm glad you made it. Please come in.” Stepping aside, David invites the woman inside closing the door behind her.

  4. #3
    Josephine Sterling's Avatar


    "Josephine will suffice," the Ventrue corrected, though not unkindly, as she stepped within the house of the dead. The Kindred's lack of apparent demonic aspects didn't surprise her, as she knew that his blood could hide such well, as did most half educated licks, but she did enjoy not having to resist some embarrassing display of her own weakness, both physical and mental. Regardless, such was not an issue and so brought her mind to bear on more important matters.

    "I greatly appreciate your willingness to speak with me, Priscus Regan. I'm afraid that are in very real need of your expertise," she divested to him, voice hushed though no less certain. "Khan is a fearsome adversary to have, largely because we do not know exactly what she is, never mind how to go about dealing with her. Nevertheless, I shall do what I can to inform you of what we already know. Please feel free to ask questions, though it might help if I speak my piece first," she suggested as they either walked or stood.

    "Now then, what I know is that she is a being of great age, not unlike us. However, unlike us she can walk in the sun. Beyond that she hails upon the religion of Egypt, worshiping Isis and Osiris in particular. She possesses the ability to turn flesh into gold, a process I believe to be metaphysically vampiric in nature, and beyond that her flesh is remarkable similar to precious metals in the right light. She has moved to this city to set up a court, and she is constructing new buildings and developments in the city, the most notable being a bank with a mostly sunken pyramid in front of it. She also owns a security force which identifies itself as Mamluk security, and I'm sure I have no need of informing you the implications inherent in that name. That said, she also possesses the influence of several other mortal tools, the foremost among them being Mehmet Khan, a criminal with a minor organization. Oh, and there is a cripple which attends her, one she calls her sadikh.

    "All that said, are there any conclusions which you are able to draw, or must I be more thorough in some area?"
    the sanctified scholar queried, sable brows lifting in question toward the Dragon.

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  6. #4

    Through the small hallways that empty out into stark, clean white tile and the bodies of the dead, David turns an attentive ear towards Josephine. His movements are subtle, a hand to the back of his neck and a silent invitation for Josephine to take a seat if she wishes, are the only movements that stand out. What Josephine relates is quite a lot to take in and while David draws the shroud up over his client, he begins to parse things out.

    “It is not uncommon for those who follow Kemetic Orthodoxy to follow Isis and Osiris, though the Goddess Isis doesn't factor into my normal worship.” It lingers instead in the background through proxies and the worship of sons. David moves about the room deftly, collecting coptic jars decorated with the various aspects of the Four Sons of Horus. “At least, given the desire for balance in Egyptian thinking.” A balance David has been denied.

    Josephine's belief that she has no need in reminding what the word Mamluk means in this case, is not ill-founded. David nods faintly at the statement, understanding limning his features.

    The last of the ceramic jars is set down with a dull thunk on a nearby table, David looks down in thought before he starts to pull off his smocks. “Your mention of gold,” David murmurs as he throws the blue near-paper away, “is interesting, as well as your mention of her skin. To you,” the Shadow asks, looking towards Josephine, “what does Gold look like?”

      Egyptology! 3 Successes!
    Date Action Roll Result
    2015-03-17 15:16:15 David Regan rolls 7 to Intelligence + Academics + Egyptology Spec (10 Again) 7, 7, 10, 8, 3, 5, 4, 9 3 successes

  7. #5
    Josephine Sterling's Avatar


    "What does gold look like to me?" Josephine repreated back, a long blink signifying just what she thought of the question. "I'm not sure I understand your question. Are you wondering how I might mix such a color upon a palette or are you referring to whether or not I have beheld the mineral from the earth, commonly measured in carats. If the latter, then yes, I have beheld, and held, most every alloy of gold created by God."

  8. #6

    "I see." Slowly, David shakes his head and folds himself down on a stool. It's a circular, plush thing that's been well used, but it might need a bit more oil to it. “Gold, for the Egyptians is quite literally Sunlight.” David allows that statement to come to fruition within the analytical mind of the Ventrue, “As such, it was considered the skin of God, more specifically Ra. Given that gold never diminishes and retains it's gleaming qualities, this was an easy conclusion.”

    With this thought on the table, the Shadow thinks out loud, “While for the most part, Gold was reserved for the semi-deified Pharaoh and other Egyptian Elite, it figures especially in funerary goods: masks, jewelry, and more. That said, her ability to turn flesh into gold doesn't seem to fit, yet. However, this brings me to the next question, or thought, perhaps she is building a tomb for herself?”

    Crossing his leg with deliberate slowness, ankle to knee, David casts his glance towards the Ventrue Priscus. His thoughts seem to be his own as he asks, “What, exactly do we know of Khan's aims? What exactly is her threat to us? I ask, because we can posit there are others of the Night Society living in this City – what makes Khan especially different and dangerous?”

  9. #7
    Josephine Sterling's Avatar


    "I did mention the pyramid, didn't I?" Josephine phrased rhetorically. "Such is also powerful sun imagery, the sides of the pyramid embodying the rays of light the pharaoh would ascend to reach the afterlife, no? If she's building a tomb, then I'm sure that's where she would lie. And such is a very troubling affair, to have such a powerful creature make Sacramento her bed upon which she dozes away different parts of the ages. She spoke of setting up her court, after all, and this would indicate that even if she is establishing a tomb to lie in, she is not intending to lie there forever. Furthermore, she has entered this city as a colonizing force. She's come, subverted the local government, begun building her infrastructure, which includes deep inroads into the economy, as she has set up a merchant bank, and into the influx of travelers with her hotel, not to mention her other projects. In short, she is claiming the city, changing the city, and giving no thought to those that already dwell here.

    "In short, she is colonizing us. Trust me, I would know. The people of my living heritage made a practice of it for nigh on two centuries. Those of my cursed blood for a millennia,"
    the Sanctified scholar explained archly.

  10. #8

    Long moments after Jospehine finishes, David is silent. It isn't that he doesn't have anything to say, quite the contrary, but it is best to simply listen. A connection is made, and on his stool, David draws up the heel of his palm to hold up his chin. Only one other group potentially has individuals who might be turned to such a purpose. Only one other group might have the tools necessary to leverage against Khan.

    “Tell me,” David says quietly, “do you know of The Society of Penelope?”

  11. #9
    Josephine Sterling's Avatar


    "Actually," Josephine answered, head cocking to the side, "the Society of Penelope happens to be an enemy of Khan. They've attempted to steal her artifacts of power, and have once, I believe, but they've also lost people to her. There was a storage facility she had guarded with, according to a guard, 'strange shadowy' birds that the Society had been reconnoitering before Khan's men drove them off. I do not know if they've done aught else since then, of course."

  12. #10

    A new piece of information is beset against another, “The Society of Penelope attacked one of the Order's interests here in this city, trying to do much the same as they did with Khan. Your description of Khan strikes me as very similar to the Society's methodology.” The Mortician is rather succinct in his briefing.

    “It seems the Society is, too, led by some shadowy figure of unknown provenance by the name of Ehtar. This man has not shied away from making other enemies of his ilk.” The idea he has percolates in the recesses of David's mind as he concludes, “I've asked my Whip to infiltrate the Society with a false artifact of power.”

    Humane is a funny word. David still cleaves to notions of – some would say – Kine notions of Right and Wrong. The Mortician holds romantic ideals that other, far more Jaded Kindred, would scoff at. However, the Grand Wyrm and Priscus has become far more Pragmatic than he was when he was a skittish man lurking outside of the Avalon Night Club.

    Turning his attention up towards the Ventrue Priscus the Mekhet Priscus sets his idea into tangible sound and syllable, “What if we set the Society upon Khan, weakening them both and allowing us to either subvert or remove them both?”

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