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Light and Darkness

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  1. #21
    Tracy Burns's Avatar


    Tracy studied the card for a few seconds, a slight curiosity growing in her emerald green eyes. She tilted her head slightly to one side, looking at the card intensely before looking up at David. "I am no expert on such things," she said to the Grand Wyrm. "However, if I were to guess, I'd say that the Knight of Swords represents duty and an inclination for martial matters." The Gangrel offered a slight shrug after giving her response. Perhaps she was interpreting the card a bit too literally, but if the Knight of Swords was meant to represent her in some way, her interpretation did make some sense, did it not?

  2. #22

    While he speaks, David shuffles through the deck. “The Knight of Swords signifies great bravery, the Crimson chose well in choosing you.” The quiet sound of cards sliding across cards pauses as The Star is removed and settled near the Knight. “You can see that in the Knight's eyes as he rushes into battle; that fierce warrior's bearing. Your bravery is your strength. Still,” David warns, “rushing in is sometimes rash and sometimes not the wisest choice. Balancing the heat action with calmer council will be your greatest challenge.”

    David then taps his card, drawing attention to it, “My Fate, the Star. Though distant and reticent, the Star still burns with an intense heat.” The very card to illustrate the Grand Wyrm's quiet intensity. “The Star understands their own desires and thus savors them.”

    Settling the rest of the stack aside, David says, “Each card has its own promises and its own warnings. It is important to understand our card and how that relates to ourselves. They offer us, yourself, and potential Mentors a direction of where you may head.”

  3. #23

    Eva nodded, her eyes remaining on the Course of Light and Darkness before her. "I will," she replied, keeping it short so as to not miss the end of the course and the selection of the Card. So it was that Tracy Burns' fate was that of the Knight of Swords - indeed, it was an auspicious, daring card for one who was of the Crimson. As David lectured, the King of Rods silently listened, mental calculus flowing through her mind as she determined what it might mean for the Gangrel, and for the local Academy.

    By the looks of it, they were well balanced here in this room.

    Fingertips found fingertips before her stomach.

  4. #24
    Tracy Burns's Avatar


    Tracy listened attentively to David's words, nodding along as he spoke of the meaning of her card. "There is a fine line between bravery and foolishness," said the petite Gangrel in response, taking what the Grand Wyrm had said to heart. "This is something I will keep in mind." After all, the Rampant Dragon's bravery had paid off in many occasions, but she had also been fortunate to not meet her final death in many of those. She was impulsive at times, relying solely on her instincts and emotions. Part of that was due to her blood, being the local Alpha of the Savages.

    However, the feisty little Dragon had been learning to find a balance. It was one of the many reasons why she had chosen her preferred field of study. Being able to tame her own Beast and not fall prey to its urges had come in quite handy. But if she was going to be successful in her duties, she would need to think about things logically before rushing in to save the day.

    "This has been most informative," she offered to David, a smile painted across her lips.

  5. #25
    Hildegarde Bingen's Avatar
    Hildegarde Bingen,
    The Liberated Puppet
    Scene Info

    Skeleton Keys: Closet

    Blood Potency 3
    Current Vitae: 4/11
    Willpower: 1/4
    Health: [][][][][][][]

    Skeleton Keys: Cotouri

    Blood Potency 3
    Current Vitae: 6/11
    Willpower: 3/4
    Health: [_][_][_][_][_][_][_][_][_]
    Resilience Active

    Theatre Night

    Blood Potency 3
    Current Vitae: 10/11
    Willpower: 4/4
    Health: [][][][][][][]
    BLUSH Active


    "Yes." The Lord raised a finger to her lips. For silence. For warning. For contemplation. Her eyes were on the cards too.
    Blood Potency 3|Vitae 11/1|Willpower 4/4|Health 7/7| Doll Face

  6. #26

    “If you have any questions,” invited of the whole of the room, “then please feel free to ask.” David's dull-brown eyes track the Castellan and the new Supplicant in turn. Whatever he is thinking is hidden behind a miasma of pure banality. “Or,” A nod towards the others in the room, “if you'd like to share your experience with the Fates, please feel free.”

    David then crosses his legs, ankle to knee, and looks towards Hildegarde, “Castellan, are you still working on the Valencia Grimoire?”

  7. #27

    For her part, Eva remained silent to allow the reading to finish and to pay attention. They'd covered their topic, and the lecture continued. She had no questions - save for one.

    What on earth was this Valencia Grimoire about?

    It didn't need to be asked, not yet, but a look of interest crossed the stunning Daeva's features at the mention of the thing.

  8. #28
    Hildegarde Bingen's Avatar
    Hildegarde Bingen,
    The Liberated Puppet
    Scene Info

    Skeleton Keys: Closet

    Blood Potency 3
    Current Vitae: 4/11
    Willpower: 1/4
    Health: [][][][][][][]

    Skeleton Keys: Cotouri

    Blood Potency 3
    Current Vitae: 6/11
    Willpower: 3/4
    Health: [_][_][_][_][_][_][_][_][_]
    Resilience Active

    Theatre Night

    Blood Potency 3
    Current Vitae: 10/11
    Willpower: 4/4
    Health: [][][][][][][]
    BLUSH Active


    "Hmm? Oh yes. Perhaps." The Castellan blinked and bit her lower lip suggestively. Walking briskly, she returned to her table and ran a hand over the maps and documents that lay there. Turning back to the group slowly, she continued:

    "I thought it high time to re-evaluate our findings. Especially now that the question of... jurisdiction... has been opened with the suppression of the Regencies. If we do indeed have a Wyrm Nest than we must act quickly and lay our claim. Before the Circle has a sudden flash of insight... or the Unconquered secure it as a bargaining chip."
    Blood Potency 3|Vitae 11/1|Willpower 4/4|Health 7/7| Doll Face

  9. #29
    Tracy Burns's Avatar


    "Thank you," offered Tracy to the Grand Wyrm. For the time being, she had no further questions. The course had been quite informative, and she had some thinking to do on her own.

    When David mentioned the Valencia Grimoire, the petite Gangrel quirked an eyebrow in curiosity. She turned her attention to the Castellan when she spoke further on the subject. A Wyrm Nest? That was certainly something they would need to get their hands on before anyone else. "If you require any assistance," she said to the Ventrue with a slight nod. "Do let me know."

  10. #30

    “Indeed,” David agrees easily with Hildegarde then cryptically mentioning, “things have been a bit hectic.” Turning towards Eva, “Supplicant, I'd like you to take a look and to investigate it. Much of the legwork Castellan Bingen and I have already done.” And just like that, Eva is given an assignment.

    “Last Spring, then-Castellan Raluca came across a Grimoire masquerading as a table-top wargame. However, the grimoire is replete with occult lore including a partial printing of a book – The Blue Book of Thomas Crabbe – thought to have been lost to the ages and bound in what seems to be a strange substance.”

    Looking towards Hildegarde with a nod then back to Eva, “Clues to the Grimoire's origin, itself thought to be 'cursed,' reside in a piece of property just outside of the Valencia Regency. Now that, that Regency is within the Communal Zone – I'd like for you to investigate it. It very well may be a Wyrm's Nest and if it is, we must secure it. Ask Initiate Villiers to accompany you and any other new member of our Academy

    “Castellan? Do you have any details to add from your re-evaluation?”

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