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(1502) Angel & Julian

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  1. #1
    Angel Ducard

    As my dignified friend ( Julian Durand ) approaches I stand and smile to him. "Good evening Whip Durand." I say to him, I grow tired of waiting. In that one word, he should know that tonight is the night. "You look rather dapper this evening, how does it find you?" I ask pleasantly.

    Returning to my seat I gesture for my partner to sit down. I again return my legs to there cross, slowly, as I watch around the room.
    "New arrivals tonight, it does not sound as if any are ours as of yet. But we shall see. What do you think of the room, and those in it?" I ask with interest, yes I am indeed sizing you up my Whip, let us see how you will be wielded.

  2. #2
    Cameron's Avatar

    Surprise lit a fire behind his dull green eyes, but to his credit the Haunt didn't falter. "Thank you, Priscus Ducard. Quite well, all things considered" he remarked with a smile and a playful shrug. "That is a beautiful dress, if you don't mind me saying."

    Julian took the offered seat, letting himself relax as his dread gaze surveyed those who had arrived. A few familiar faces he thought, as he returned the polite wave to Jenny Hunter . He took a moment, taking in the room and its arrivals before turning his mind to the question itself.

    "I find the atmosphere quite interesting. It has a psuedo-gothic feel, I think, quite fitting. Reminds me of..." he gestured with his right hand slightly, searching for the name - but he couldn't find it "..those vampire movies, there were a string of them about a decade ago, the name escapes me."

    "As for the people? I don't believe I know any of them well enough to really comment, but... Mr Roth and Ms Hunter, over there..." he said, gesturing towards the pair "struck me as very grounded, down to earth people, if that makes sense. But that was just the vibe I got."

    "I got the impression that Ms Villiers" this time gesturing towards the women with the prosthetic leg "was quite familiar with the domain, I gather she is a long-time resident?"

    "The only other person here whose name I know is Mr Baker, the man in the blue-grey suit over there. We met briefly the other evening, he seems to be a new arrival. Beyond that, I recognize a few faces here and there from previous Courts."

    "and your thoughts, if I may ask?" he added cheerfully as he concluded his report, of sorts. The usual easy smile sat on his features, but the fire had remained lit behind his eyes. Had she spoken to Lord Baldwin, or was she planning to simply declare herself here and now? He hoped it was the former, but she had his support in any case. In for a penny, in for a pound.

  3. #3
    Vivian York

    When Vivian came upon them, her eyes affixed on the Haunt’s dress momentarily. Tailored and gathered in the perfect spots. “I adore the dress, Angel.” Grinning ear to ear. "Stunning, fashionable and easy to bleach the blood out o

    The Daeva leaned in slightly, gently adding. “I do hope I’m not interrupting.” Half turning to the other Nosferatu that certainly was not comfortable to be around. Her hand stretched forward to greet him.

    Maybe he’ll have a nice personality. Or pecks…

  4. #4
    Velma's Avatar

    Blood Potency
    Presence: Bewitching ●●●●●
    Striking Looks: Tempting ●●●●
    Distinct Voice: Honeyed ●●●●
    Velma Star


    ”Good evening! I hope you don’t mind!” Velma says in way of greeting as she approaches the trio.

    ”Miss York!” The songstress smiles politely.

    ”Been a while?!” Velma withdraws a small e-cigarette and pulls, taking a moment to savor it and finally expeling a gout of smoke that roils and revolves around itself, intent on remaining for a moment longer and then dissipating. In the air there was the distinctive smell of clover…
    Velma Star*

  5. #5
    Angel Ducard

    I listen to my oh so courtly whip as he provides me his feelings on both the decor and some of the people. He most certainly has a way with words, I wonder how he is with his hands...

    "Indeed, the scuddlebutt about the domain is that Ms. Villiers seems to be well liked, and recently returned.* As for the others..."

    It seems we are being joined...

    "Viv!" I say giving her a smile and that half hug that women give each other. I normally loathe such cliches, but to check the fabric on her dress... worth it. "You are one to talk, you must introduce me to your tailor. Dear god woman, I wish I could pull that off but the foundation I would need... Ugh."

    I move to introductions now, "Vivian York, allow me to introduce you to the new Whip of Clan Nosferatu Julian Durand. A dear friend of mine." I turn to Julian now, "Julian," I cup my hand to my mouth and stage whisper to Vivian, "I get to call him that..." back to my normal tone, "Meet Vivian York, a up and comer of Clan Daeva." I flatter, I know that, but flattering a Daeva can never hurt.

    We are joined by Another beautiful face and frame. This city must have some kind of curse on it that requires beautiful people to come here. After all, I’m here. "Not at all. Welcome. Please allow me to introduce myself. Angel Ducard, Priscus of Clan Nosferatu." A smile crosses my lips. My declaration of position came with not a pause or preamble, just confidence. I have made it known. "And my Clan's Whip, Julian Durand." I gesture to Julian and then extend my hand to the mesmerizing lady. "And you are?"


  6. #6
    Cameron's Avatar

    "A pleasure, Ms York. " remarked the Haunt cheerfully, meeting her outstretched hand with his own firm, but careful grip. He'd listened to the exchange with an earnest smile on his lips. Friends. He envied them that.

    But his Beast roared inwardly, particularly as it met a rival as the second Daeva approached. He was surrounded by women who could only be called gorgeous, people who'd put supermodels to shame. Yet, for that brief moment, all he wanted was to paint the walls with their blood. But only for a moment - the tension relaxed and he regained his composure, having shown no outward sign beyond a clenched jaw.

    Muscles relaxed. He was content to let Angel continue with the introductions, bowing his head respectfully towards the yet unnamed kindred as he was introduced as Clan Whip. It was novel, really. He wasn't sure where the sudden surge of ambition which had left him in support of Angel had come from. But the position, the title, the authority it conveyed - it felt natural, and right. Perhaps a remnant of his Blood, and the heritage he'd spurned.

  7. #7
    Vivian York

    The Daeva tried not to smirk as a description was mentioned, she had no comment on it for she didn’t even know the woman that well.

    “Angel, dahling.” Returning the faux cordial hug. All to familiar with those from Europe. “Tailor…” Vivian chuckled. “Well, this particular number was a random purchase from the last Domain.” Pressing her finger to her lips a moment, she tapped a couple times. “You know, instead of foundation, at least on the more exposed places, have you thought to try that airbrush tanning spray? Maybe the professional sort. The stuff at the drug stores may not last as long.” It was a random thought she’d had the other day, she thought she may as well suggest it.

    Jokingly scoffing, Youget to call him Julian?” Shaking her head, grinning to the Haunt’s Whip. “How would you prefer to be addressed?”

    “Good evening, and not at all. This is Lady Star.” Indicating her former Priscus to the two Haunts and stepping round to open the small conversational group. “It has, it has. Although, I thought I saw you at the last Official gathering. How was your journey?”

  8. #8
    Velma's Avatar

    Blood Potency
    Presence: Bewitching ●●●●●
    Striking Looks: Tempting ●●●●
    Distinct Voice: Honeyed ●●●●
    Velma Star


    "My journey? Long, boring and uneventful..." Velma shrugs dismissing the subject.

    The songstress raises an eyebrow for the briefest of moments when the greyscale woman introduces herself.

    A thought seems to surface from amongst a sea of cogitations.

    The King is dead! Long live the King!!

    ”Priscus of clan Nosferatu?” She asks as if caught unaware.

    “Congratulations then! And Whip as well! You both have a heavy burden to carry…” Velma offers a polite smile to Angel and to Julian as well and she quietly tips her head in a respectful nod.

    ”I was somewhat well acquainted with the previous two Prisci of your clan, their work was never finished but I’m sure you will be able to continue and give meaning to their efforts and to what they begun...” The Succubus' eyes meet Vivian's as if her cousin was privy to whatever she was about to share.
    Velma Star*

  9. #9
    Juan Cordoba

    The Priscus of Daeva approaches with Edith Evans following. "Good evening, please pardon my intrusion, ladies and gentlemen."

    Casting a glance to Velma, "Lady Star, as always good to see you."

    Cordoba looked upon the smoldering gray scaled Haunt with a pleasant smile, "Priscus Ducard, is it?" he inquired politely. "I have seen you around. Forgive me, I have not had the opportunity to speak with you prior. Congratulations on your newly acquired status." Despite wearing a Mask, a slight shiver flew across his spine as he turned to the man radiating an aura of predatory dread. "I have not had the pleasure to meet you. I am Juan Cordoba, Priscus of Daeva."

    Finally to Vivian, "Miss York, this is Miss Edith Evans." Looking back to Edith, "Miss Evans, this is Miss Vivian York ." Looking to the assembly, "If I may steal Miss York away for just a moment to properly introduce them to each other."

  10. #10
    Angel Ducard

    I smile at my oh so stoic Whip. Can’t make a bad impression when he doesn't speak. Maybe he is overcome by the sex that is dripping around him.

    “I tried spray tan, it really only works for a night. But if the occasion is right, and the dress,” I again scope out the dress of my friend Vivian, “it would be worth the time and trouble.”

    As Viv introduces the sexpot, I give a small smile. When she congratulates Julian and I, I show just a bit bigger smile. “Why thank you Lady Star, welcome back to the Domain by the by. If you have time I would love to pick your brain about my predecessors, Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it. I quote.

    More noise hits me from two more sources that drive into my brain. I pause and breath… controlling my intentions. “It is indeed Priscus Cordoba. It is a pleasure to meet you. As you are also a Priscus, I would value a conversation when you have the time.” I get a little devilish as he asks if he can steal Vivian, "Oh I suppose you may, but bring her back in one piece if you can..." It is a sly look I give, but it is followed with a playful smile.

    I give a nod to Miss Edith Evans as well. “Good evening. Welcome to the Domain.”

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