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Sterling Steele

(Under Control) There and back again
Sep 6, 2014 - Sep 20, 2014
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  1. #1
    Asa's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    Mask of Tranquility
    New Identity
    (Clark Miller)
    Prince Asa Clarke

    Mask of Tranquility
    Striking •• Handsome
    Presence ●●●●●
    Need to set these up
    The Prince's Ghoul • Cozette Muriel
    The Prince's Ghoul • Olivette Angeline


    The Hamann-tuned 7 sliced through the night, as Olivette drove Ishani and Asa to the meeting at the Sterling. Although he missed the DB9 at times, he enjoyed being able to relax and talk to Ishani without having to concentrate on driving.

    Asa had dressed in a black suit, and one of several purple shirts he now owned. This would be his first meeting with an Invictus of significance since the passings of Icarus, Davis, and Lioni.

    That's one fine auto

    Description: 6'4, with an invitingly easy charm. Speaks with a slow cadence that borders on a drawl, but without an accent. Subtle hints of wealth in clothing and accouterments.

  2. #2
    Sabri Nidra's Avatar

    Sabri Nidra


    Sabri was new to the city and had used a majority of her wealth in establishing the Dhaka. Fortunately, Lord Advocate Steele had no such limitations and ensured that they travelled to the Sterling in both luxury and safety. If Sabri understood such matters further, she would have appreciated how Steele's ghoul driver and apparent bodyguard, Simon, wove through the streets with relative ease, his gaze unwavering despite the many unknown dangers that could lie in wait.

    Next to the finely dressed ghoul was Steele's apprentice, Miss Althea, looking quite delectable in the front passenger seat. In the back, Sabri sat next to Lord Advocate Steele in relative silence, and she ensured she had dressed the part. Gone were her traditional sari's of garish colours. Instead, she wore a dark grey suit with a navy blue satin scarf that covered her nose and mouth, acting in tone with her purple skin. She also wore matching colour gloves to hide her gnarled hands. She had left her katar in her inner sanctum, its purpose not necessary tonight.

    Sabri looked from the window as the night lit-buildings flowed by, her thoughts turning to the proceedings that lie ahead. She understood her position in it all but this could mean further status within the Invictus, possibly even the domain of Sacramento itself. If anything, it allowed her the chance to inspect the Sterling at work.

    Steele's Mercedes

  3. #3
    Premsyl's Avatar

    The Reeve stands waiting by the entrance to the hotel. The doorman and the valets look at him in a suspicious, uneasy way, but they dare not harass the huge, scary, well-dressed man.

    He waits for the cars bearing Steele and the Prince to arrive, glancing at the watch on his wrist every so often.

    Cameron Levine - BP2 - Ventrue, Invictus

  4. #4
    Ishani's Avatar


    Presence 3
    Striking Looks 4 (graceful, Alluring)
    Mask of Tranquility


    Ishani sits in the back, looking out the window for the most part. She spends a good deal of the drive lost in her own thoughts.

    Finally, coming out of the nightmares in her mind, she turns to Asa.

    "What are we doing again exactly?"
    Presence 3
    Striking Looks (Graceful, Alluring) 4
    Mask of Tranquility

  5. #5
    Asa's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    Mask of Tranquility
    New Identity
    (Clark Miller)
    Prince Asa Clarke

    Mask of Tranquility
    Striking •• Handsome
    Presence ●●●●●
    Need to set these up
    The Prince's Ghoul • Cozette Muriel
    The Prince's Ghoul • Olivette Angeline


    "Madam Nidra said there was an out-of-town Covenant member here that wanted to do business," Asa replied. He watched the lights from outside play on everything they touched through the windows. "You and Arnold are along in case things get fishy, and I didn't want to take a meeting near the haven."

    He gave her a smile, but wondered at the times he had caught her lost in her own thoughts. Perhaps they could go see a show at Ballo Della Notte after this. Asa's eyes easily found the Reeve as they pulled up to the Sterling.
    Description: 6'4, with an invitingly easy charm. Speaks with a slow cadence that borders on a drawl, but without an accent. Subtle hints of wealth in clothing and accouterments.

  6. #6
    Ishani's Avatar


    Presence 3
    Striking Looks 4 (graceful, Alluring)
    Mask of Tranquility


    Ishani frowns. "I see. Probably a good idea. Who knows what an out of town individual will think they can get away with."

    She waits until the car is stopped and gives Asa the sign to hold so she can get out of the car first. If there is an ambush of some sort waiting for them, she and Culler could deal with it, without their Prince ever being harmed.
    Presence 3
    Striking Looks (Graceful, Alluring) 4
    Mask of Tranquility

  7. #7
    DaevaDude's Avatar


    Steele is immaculately dressed in a charcoal gray suit, pale blue shirt, a tie with geometric patterns in silver, navy and gray and prefectly shined, black leather shoes. Sabri has noted that in addition to a commanding presence, he is classically handsome. His hair - brown, with just a bit of gray at the temples - is perfect, his features chiseled, his eyes so dark a brown as to be almost black. What she's also noticed is that he is very difficult to read. She has no idea what he is thinking about as they drive to meet the Prince. His only notable pieces of jewelry are a watch and the gold ring embossed with the symbol of the Invictus which he wears on his right hand. He is just under 6'4" tall with a well-muscled (but not musclebound) build and speaks with the sort of accent one associates with an exclusive eastern university such as Yale or Harvard.

    Walter Steele. BP 4, Presence 4, SL 4 (classically handsome)

    His apprentice, Althea, is also striking, with an exotic sort of beauty - her features a mix of African with a bit of Native American - and exceptional taste in clothing. She is dressed in a grey jacket and skirt the same color as Steele's suit, blood-red heels and blouse and a double strand of black pearls. Her long black hair is braided into numerous thin, tight braids, each ending in a small garnet, the entire bunch tied back with a band of small garnets. The tied-back braids hang down to the middle of her back. Althea manages to appear professional, fashionable and sexy all at the same time. She is 5'8' in heels, with an athletic build. Her voice is smooth in the manner one associates with a professional vocalist.

    Althea Monroe. BP 2, SL 4 (impeccably dressed, poised, exotic beauty)

  8. #8
    Premsyl's Avatar

    Arnold starts moving as soon as he sees the Prince's car. He steps forward to the curb, so that he can be among the first to receive them - signaling the valets and the doorman to stand back. Keeping a constant weather eye on his surroundings and the people around them he walks over to stand by Prince Clarke's car door, waiting until Ishani gets out of the car and walks around to his side before opening the door, so that Asa is flanked completely by bodyguards. Once Ishani is in place beside him he opens the car door so that Prince Asa Clarke can get out.
    Cameron Levine - BP2 - Ventrue, Invictus

  9. #9
    Ishani's Avatar


    Presence 3
    Striking Looks 4 (graceful, Alluring)
    Mask of Tranquility


    Ishani had chosen to wear what she called her "Invictus" attire this evening. It was elegent and professional, but very uncomfortable and she probably would ruin the dress should she actually have to fight in it. She didn't really care though. She could always purchase another one and what was one simple dress conpared to the life of her Prince.

    She stood beside the Reeve and waited for Asa to exit the car.

    Presence 3
    Striking Looks (Graceful, Alluring) 4
    Mask of Tranquility

  10. #10
    Asa's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    Mask of Tranquility
    New Identity
    (Clark Miller)
    Prince Asa Clarke

    Mask of Tranquility
    Striking •• Handsome
    Presence ●●●●●
    Need to set these up
    The Prince's Ghoul • Cozette Muriel
    The Prince's Ghoul • Olivette Angeline


    Asa closed his eyes and focused on business, rather than black silk sliding along long legs as Ishani got out of the car. He would actually consider skipping the meeting, or arriving late, if he wasn't worried that she would beat him senseless if she had to re-dress.

    He picked up the small box emblazoned with a Maltese Cross and slipped it into his pocket before exiting the car. It was difficult to not look around, but doing so would have cast aspersions upon both Culler and Ishani, and implied less than absolute trust.

    Asa motioned for Olivette to valet and rejoin them as he headed into the Sterling.
    Description: 6'4, with an invitingly easy charm. Speaks with a slow cadence that borders on a drawl, but without an accent. Subtle hints of wealth in clothing and accouterments.

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