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Hotel Scene (Private): When Jay Met Derrick

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  1. #1

    Derrick, having sent the address to the hotel he was staying at as well as the room number, was reading another one of his books. His feet were propped up on the edge of the bed while he sat on the chair. The book he had open at the moment was called A Shot In The Dark by K.A. Stewart. He hummed to himself quietly while he waited.

    At the moment Derrick was wearing a pair of jeans with no socks and a light-weight gray shirt without sleeves. It was fairly standard attire for him when he was relaxing. Those that knew him knew that Derrick found things he liked and stuck with them. Like how that shirt feels and looks? Awesome, buy three of em. What? They were different colors...

    This particular hotel, Double Tree by Hilton, was north of the Rack but still in the Communal Grounds. he felt this wasn't a bad place to stay, decently close to his favorite little tap house. He tapped his fingers over the cover of the book, impatient to get to the good part. For the love of Christ sometimes Stewart could ramble on and on about things that were freaking boring. 'Oh woe is me, I'm trapped in a cabin in the woods with demon-zombie-things outside but instead of trying to escape, I think I'll worry about my pregnant wife instead, who's safe and sound at home with a gun-toting witch that has serious mojo'. Yeah... whiners.

  2. #2

    Jay pulled up to the hotel and parked under a lamp post. At least it's a nice hotel... my bike probably won't get stolen. Dismounting, she looks around and starts toward the entrance as she pulls off her helmet and gloves, tucking the gloves in the helmet. She's still in the black motorcycle boots and jacket, but her jeans are changed and one could assume that her shirt is as well.

    Looking at her phone, Jay wanders into the hotel and up to Derrick's room. She knocks on the door and waits, thinking, At least I'm pretty sure he'll let me stay the night without thinking I'm coming on to him. I really don't want to sleep in the flowerbed tonight.

  3. #3

    Derrick heard the knock and looked up. He tilted his head slowly to the side, as if thinking of something. He then set his book down and stood up. Crossing the room, he grabbed his katar from where he'd left it on the bed and headed for the door. He opened the door with his left hand, his right behind his back to hide the katar from sight. You could never be too careful in a strange town, especially when you were expecting someone.

    Seeing that it was Jay, or atleast looked like her, Derrick smiled slightly.

    "I see the Wolf didn't get lost." He waited expectantly, taking her outfit in with a lofted eyebrow.

  4. #4

    She smirks at that, "And I see the Dragon has claws." She cocks an eyebrow back at him, "What? It's functional when riding a motorcycle."

    Once she's inside, Jay looks around appraisingly, "Looks like you found a nice place for the time being... How long have you actually been in town?"

  5. #5

    Derrick steps back and lets her in, closing the door behind her. There was a sign that said Do Not Disturb hanging off the handle. He locked and bolted the door just in case once she was inside. He then walked over and set the katar he'd been holding on the desk. The inside of the room had been modified a bit. The curtains were all drawn closed and he'd moved the desk in front of the window to help hold them closed. The bed had been stripped and she'd be able to see from here that the bedding was in the bath tub.

    "Not too bad a place. They atleast don't ignore the sign when I hang it on the door." He stretches his hands above his head, popping his back. He then walked back over and slumped down in the chair. His eyes went to Jay again.

    "Oh, not too long. A week or so, if I recall. It's been a bit of a blur here and there. I found a nice apartment I plan to move into, once I talk to the Regeant for Florin. How about you? What've you been up to?" He motioned that she could either sit in the computer chair or on the edge of the bed, her preference.

  6. #6

    Sitting in the computer chair, Jay crosses her legs and leans back with a sigh, glad to let her hair down so to speak. "It's easier to find these days in hotels. Everybody trying to 'go green' and not wash the towels and bedding every day."

    She rubs her face with her hands and shakes her head, "I got in yesterday and met with the Keeper/Seneschal. That was... an odd conversation. Before that, well after you left I hung around and ended up leading the charge against some Brood in Lewiston, nasty fight but ended up okay." A shudder passes through her at the memory, "We interrupted some sort of ritual. I don't know what was going on, but by the time we got there several people had been sacrificed. Managed to save two, they're messed up bad but some Carthians are working with them now."

    Wriggling, trying to get comfortable, Jay sighs and pulls a large dagger from a sheathe at the small of her back and sets it on the desk. "Damned thing keeps bugging me. The sheath ripped and I need to find somebody better at leatherworking to fix it."

  7. #7

    "I swear, every time I turn around those damned Brood won't lay off the rituals. You'd think by now they'd have read enough Call of Cthulhu to figure out elaborate rituals will never go off. The Theory Of The Convergence Of Supernatural Energies proves itself every single time. And of course, the theory of Jay Always Stumbles Across The Trouble holds up rather well too." Derrick chuckled and put his feet back up on the edge of the bed.

    "Ah, so you met our lovely Seneschal/Keeper/Grand Wyrm/Lemonade-Pusher/Hottie. Yeah, weird would be a way to describe that one. But dang if she's not got fabulous... theories." Derrick wiggled his eyebrows at Jay. Derrick had never been the type to hold back among his own kind, and Jay had been a friend for awhile.

    "So tell me about yours. I managed to unfortunately make her stutter so bad we had to reschedule the conversation. Twice."

  8. #8

    Jay grins and laughs, "Hey, the theory about me always running across trouble hasn't always panned out. Besides, I was ordered there. Turns out it was some kind of test for me. I managed to keep our folks alive, took one hell of a beating but managed to walk out alive. Not like the attack you were there for, where I got to be carried out on Vard's shoulders. I apparently impressed the big kahuna on this one and landed a Knighthood." She shrugs, embarrassed, "But Vard's got Montana covered pretty well, not much out there anyway in terms of our kind, so I thought I'd come see what you were up to."

    She snorts at the commentary about the 'theories' of the Seneschal, "Yeah, I noticed. Nice costume, though I always preferred Batgirl as a character... or the Huntress. Both have better stories than Zatanna in my opinion." Jay considers a moment, "I think I threw her. From the first statement out of her mouth she was stuttering. I noticed her sort of staring at me oddly a few times, like she was checking out my legs and eyes... and hair. I'm used to people being weirded out by the hair, but not my legs and eyes. Wanted to talk about my boots, my bike, and my trip here, and then she asked me if she could see my bike."

  9. #9

    "All riiiiight Jay." Derrick reached out and offered the newly-minted Knight a fist bumb.

    "I knew it wouldn't be forever until you earned that. It was long, long overdue. I was starting to think I'd have to mention to Vard that we were in need of more Knights before he'd get around to it. Though do I call you Sir or maybe Dame?" He grinned and fluttered his eyelash at her playfully.

    "Nah, in all seriousness, you deserve it. As for costumes, I could see you as a Huntress. But I dunno, I'm still a fan of Power Girl. And to be fair, I like the smaller-name heroes like The Question and Zatanna more. Justice League Unlimited and all that, you know." When Jay relayed her experiences with Martha, his jaw dropped open.

    "Oh my god... it makes so much more sense now... She's not into me because she's a lesbian!" He slapped his forehead as if it should have been obvious.

    "I mean come on, the signs were totally all there. And then she starts oogling you." He waved his hand dismissively.

    "Not that you don't have great legs and your eyes are pretty cool. But still. Seriously? First cute girl I meet here that doesn't make me think she's going to bite my... er... head off and she bats for the other team? My freaking luck."

  10. #10

    She accepts the fist bump but shakes her head, "You and I both know I'm not that spectacular when it comes to fighting yet. But I guess that's not the only thing they look for in a knight. They said something about leadership abilities and the ability to work with all sorts of different people, all that jazz."

    Jay snorts at the Power Girl comment, "come on, what guy wouldn't like a superhero whose symbol is her breasts? I'll admit that there's some cool stories there in Justice League, but the old stuff is still good too." At the mention of Derrick's theory about Martha, though, her jaw drops, "oh no... oh HELL no... I really hope you're wrong because if you're right I gave her the WRONG impression. I was trying to be friendly!" She seems rather flustered herself, "You... just because someone isn't... flirting back... doesn't mean they're batting for the other team." Jay has the appearance that she'd blush if she could, "Oh man... she... she sighed while I was talking and had her chin in her hands kinda... gazing at me..." She looks almost panicked.

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