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The Thorned Wreath Prepares

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  1. #1
    Peter Baldwin

    This thread is private.

    There was an age-old custom among Knights. Since the nights of Artus le Jumel, cells of the Order's oathsworn members drilled together, trained together, ate together, and fought together. It was the way it always was, and that was old - which meant it was precisely as it ought to be here in Sacramento.

    Sir Baldwin and Lady Knight Saito were to partake in this tradition of training together, and for their purposes, he had booked the same dojo that he had once brought another to. Sir Baldwin awaited Saito there in the empty dojo, examining a practice knife on the wall.

    Undoubtedly, this would be enjoyable.

    After all, you never truly knew someone until you fought them.

  2. #2
    Yog-Sothoth's Avatar

    Victoria Stamford

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    Victoria Stamford

    Yuki was quite familiar with the traditional practices of knights and the close working relationships that cells had, sometimes very close. While she was confident in her ability to work professionally with Sir Baldwin she didn't know just how well they would get along. She didn't have many good experiences with Western Invictus, which was one reason she returned to Sacramento it was a city were results mattered not race.

    The small Asian Kyūketsuki arrived much as she did to previous dojo trips. She wore a white hakamashita with a black hakama over it, the traditional garb for martial arts. As she entered the dojo she stopped at the entrance to the hall and removed her straw zōri and made her way across the dojo in her tabi socks, white socks with the big toe separated so that she could wear them in the zōri. Her oni snarled as always in response to Sir Baldwin wanting to break and crush the other Kyūketsuki and prove her dominance. Utilizing her traditional focused meditation she sealed her oni with mental talismans against such creatures before ensuring that it was chained it in its cave where it belonged.

    Smiling she bowed her head to Sir Baldwin in greeting, her short brown hair slightly obscuring her face as her head tilted. "Konbanwa, Sir Baldwin. I hope that you are well tonight."

  3. #3
    Peter Baldwin

    The Menace felt Saito's arrival before the Knight did, her stronger Beast's promise of nighttime violence causing him to grit his teeth beneath his lips. He didn't know her well, but she wasn't an unknown Beast, and he was expecting the beautiful Asian Kindred's arrival. It helped.

    A bit.

    His Will remained strained as he wrestled his cowardly Beast back into line. For all its bluster, it really did tend to want to run an awful lot.

    In control of himself, the appropriately clad Nosferatu bowed to the Lady. The place was private. They could speak within reason. "Lady Knight Saito, good evening. I am. Thank you for coming. How are you?"

  4. #4
    Yog-Sothoth's Avatar

    Victoria Stamford

    Presence ••
    Adamantine Arrow Status •
    Victoria Stamford

    Righting herself, Yuki stood up strait and still smiling replied. "I am well, thank you for asking. It has been some time since I have sparred with another knight."

    The Daeva paused reminding herself that the impending doom she felt from the other man was his usual...aura.

    "I have been trained in the forms of our order, but I do not use them, preferring instead styles I'm more comfortable with, thus my training is a slightly unorthodox mix that is altered based on need. I hope that this does not offend and we can work well together." Her pleasantries out of the way she looked to the Nosferatu with interest, "What did you have in mind for this evening? Is their a particular style you wish to practice?"

  5. #5
    Peter Baldwin

    "I do not use the standard form, either. Since we're both Knights, I suggest we face off with training weapons, but other than that, fight as we would in reality - either unarmed, armed or in close quarters." He smiled. He was curious what Saito could do, and fighting for real was their best way of determining what roles they would play. "After all, the enemy would not hold back. It is good to prepare as we would in reality."

    The Nosferatu cocked his head slightly to the side, a silent inquiry of her thoughts on the matter.

  6. #6
    Yog-Sothoth's Avatar

    Victoria Stamford

    Presence ••
    Adamantine Arrow Status •
    Victoria Stamford

    Yuki wordlessly nodded her assent to the haunt's statement and turned to walk toward the practice weapon racks. She looked them over as if taking her time to decide just which of the many weapons to use. However, there were only so many things that she could use in practice as some weapons had to be used live. Finally after a few brief seconds she reached out and selected a practice naginata to start with. She also selected two short thin rods or stick about the size of rulers and inserted them into the waist of her hakama

    Than taking a few steps from the rack she gave the weapon a few swings to test its balance and then satisfied with the size and heft she made her way back to Sir Baldwin and waited.

    "I figured that I would first begin at the beginning as it were," she said with a smile indicating her polearm.

  7. #7
    Peter Baldwin

    Sir Baldwin waited patiently, a small smile crossing his face as she selected her weapons. "Very good," he said approvingly with a nod, putting the knife in his belt before honing his power with the Blood and raising his hands before him in a karate stance.

    "I am ready when you are."

    -1V for Vigor.

      when she's ready, Initiative 12
    Date Action Roll Result
    2014-07-15 02:22:22 Sir Baldwin rolls 1 die for initiative 4

  8. #8
    Yog-Sothoth's Avatar

    Victoria Stamford

    Presence ••
    Adamantine Arrow Status •
    Victoria Stamford

    Standing at an appropriate distance Yuki readied her weapon and settled into her stance. She exhaled, emptying her mind of all distractions and when Sir Baldwin indicated he was ready she quickly lashed out taking a step forward. Striking swiftly she sweeps out at the man's feet attempting to trip him and knock him to the ground.

    Initiative 13

    3 successes before defence.

    Baldwin rolls Dex + athletics to contest the trip attempt. His defense does apply to the attack and if he fails the contestation he falls to the ground for 1 bashing.

  9. #9
    Peter Baldwin

    Sir Baldwin drew his knife in a flash, but his legs were deftly swept out from under him, and the Haunt hit the floor hard with a grunt.

    Per Knockdown rules, I lose my action this round as I fall! 1B

    Date Action Roll Result
    2014-07-15 02:40:12 Sir Baldwin rolls 4 to Dex+Ath (10 Again) 1, 5, 5, 7 failure

  10. #10
    Yog-Sothoth's Avatar

    Victoria Stamford

    Presence ••
    Adamantine Arrow Status •
    Victoria Stamford

    Not wasting anytime for her opponent to prepare recover, Yuki brought her weapon down in an overhead strike. However, the blow didn't seem to connect well.

    1 success

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