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(Truth from Dreams) Nature's bounty

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  1. #1
    Animus's Avatar



    Animus settles down on the floor with his back to the wall, making himself as comfortable as possible. Restlessness sets in almost immediately; the need to shift around, to move. He clamps down on it, letting his eyes drift closed and focusing on his remaining senses.

    Soft music, the softer hiss of air conditioning. Mechanical sources, that couldn't hold his attention for long. The musty smell of a room long disused is likewise passed over, in short order. The Thyrsus' attention soon moves inward, mind and body slowly relaxing. The cool hardness from wall and floor. The soft, steady rhythms of breath and pulse. This made him more at home, allowed his consciousness to begin to drift, but it still wasn't quite enough. Too centralized, too familiar.

    His focus broadens outward once again, this time along the lines of his sense of the living. Tiny flames warming everything around them, even in the midst of humanity's obsession with substituting its own designs for those of the natural world. Leo, Kite, Ariadne. The fluffy bundle of fur Kite had introduced as Shelly. Innumerable insects that no building ever entirely rid itself of. At the edge of range, birds overhead, the occasional fast-moving spark that could only be from passengers in a car. The soft blanket of grass, and the occasional tree.

    Finally his mind lets go, taking with it the press of life as it breaks away entirely from the external environment. Awareness comes slowly, details which are first inchoate gradually gaining focus and sharpness. He walks barefoot down a path, dirt shifting and packing under bare feet and oozing between toes. The occasional sharp throb of stepping on a root provides definition: the craggy trunks of trees surrounding him, scattered sunlight filtering through the branches of a deep forest. The rich scents of pine cones and decomposing leaves.

    Sounds, too. Bird calls, high over head. Rustlings in the underbrush, signaling movement. Low growls, of one pack animal warning off a rival, or attempting to goad potential prey into flight. In the far distance, a chitter of pain cut off by its owner's death.

    The Shaman travels ever onward, in constant vigilance. For all of nature's beauty, she did not tolerate the slightest bit of carelessness.

      5 suxx in 15 minutes
    Date Action Roll Result
    2014-06-06 17:21:19 Animus rolls 10 to Wits + Comp + 2 (10 Again) 8, 9, 6, 10, 9, 5, 2, 4, 6, 8, 3 5 successes


  2. #2

    Letting go was easy. The moorings of reality with its hurry-up-and-wait, its technology, its denials and its obsessions were cast off as soon as the Thyrsus concentrated. All he had to do was drift away on the steady thrum of his heartbeat, his breathing, and the world's rhythm itself.

    Sandy mud, caught between moist and dry, felt good between his toes. Unlike the so-called reality, this felt real.

    The trees towered around him, ancient and knowing. They have been here long before man and will be here long after Man is gone as well. Each one stood sentry around him almost confronting him with their silent judgment.

    One lone bird, a Green Jay, with it's blue cowl and it's vibrant green-yellow wings landed near to Animus as he walked along the path. It tilted its head from one end to another and looked to have an intelligence and a wisdom all of its own. Keeping only a few feet ahead, it seemed to attempt to guide the Elder Thyrsus deeper into the forest, where the shadows darkened and the sun was nowhere to be seen. The Green Jay became the only splotch of color.

    Here, in the darkness, Animus knows he is walking on top of ground up bone-meal.

    The sounds of animals and packs disappeared as he traveled deeper into the forest.

    Just within Animus' senses was a babbling brook, water tumbling over rocks and dancing with air.

    He was confronted with a choice, continue into the darkness -- one that promised terrible things -- or retreat to the promise of water.

    Make another Meditation Roll, please

  3. #3
    roadnottaken's Avatar

    Moros, Adamantine Arrow

    The Shaman cringes under that silent judgment, feeling small and helpless. Doubts creep into his mind, along with half-formed flickers of memories yet out of reach. Self-doubt creeps up on him, but the jay's presence goads him on.

    Eventually darkness closes in. Fear begins to gnaw at him, slowing his pace. The sounds of water impinge as if called into being by his growing hesitation, and a parched throat likewise makes itself felt. He could almost taste the cold, clear liquid washing down his gullet. Surely slaking his thirst would provide far more comfort than whatever might lie in those dark depths?

    One step, two. The Thyrsus is not even aware of the beginnings of retreat until the alarm-bell calls of the green jay bring him back to himself. At once he halts, kneeling to scrape some of the new soil into his hands. Dry, gritty. And what it represented ...

    But death had its place, too, in the cycles, and he would face his own if need be. Better to be a sword shattered in the defense of those worthy, than one warped and pitted, left to corrode worthlessly. Making eye contact with the bird, he stands, forcing himself to take one step, then another, leaving the promise of comfort and safety further behind.

      8 suxx running tally
    Date Action Roll Result
    2014-06-07 18:41:08 Animus rolls 10 to Wits + Comp + 2 (10 Again) 5, 5, 2, 8, 4, 3, 6, 8, 10, 7, 7 3 successes

  4. #4

    Stifling darkness surrounded Animus; living almost breathing darkness that extinguished even the ambient light. The bones that littered the ground were sharp, digging into the soles of Animus' bare feet in some attempt at revenge.

    But, what of they? Who were the people who now littered the ground? Were they sung about the world over for their noble Sacrifice? Or, were they simply, the dead who have passed into obscurity, shattered and forgotten in a lonely forest.

    Groping forward, Animus finds a vine-covered wall, slick with wetness. At first, the scent was familiar – water, damp foliage. But, as he traveled up the wall, the unmistakable tang of iron and rust stole in like a thief. The liquid oozed over his hands and the vines began to throb in a familiar rhythm.

    The bird looked on impassively, seeming to glow from its own luminescence.

    It judged his choices and his actions in equal measure, wondering if he will overcome a fear he has forgotten the name of and to find what he has come to find.

    Another Meditation Roll please, gain 2 more successes and Animus passes through the Threshold into his own Onieros. Please Spend 1 Mana as he does so

  5. #5
    roadnottaken's Avatar

    Moros, Adamantine Arrow

    The pain hardly bothered him. If the dead wished their revenge on the living, let them have it. And if the numerous and growing cuts turned each step into an arduous limp, so be it. Perhaps he even deserved it.

    Vines, plant life. A welcome change, even if he half-expected thorns to sprout, and exact a toll of their own as he climbs.

    Perhaps that would've been kinder. The darkness scratches at primal half-memories. Blood spilling across paws. A wolf tearing a swath of destruction, heedless of friend and foe. Darkness and silence broken by thunder, and lightning searing through flesh, senses shattered by pain.

    Date Action Roll Result
    2014-06-10 22:57:06 Animus rolls 7 to Res + Comp (10 Again) 5, 4, 4, 3, 2, 9, 6 1 success

    He freezes in pain, shock; maintaining a helpless death-grip on the vines despite the sense of strangling innocents, perhaps friends. Panic is battled back and the Thyrsus stubbornly reserves his climb. He'd felt the plant life; it couldn't have become human veins.


      -1 mana; 13 suxx tally
    Date Action Roll Result
    2014-06-10 22:58:01 Animus rolls 10 to Wits + Comp + 2 (10 Again) 8, 10, 3, 10, 2, 2, 2, 5, 3, 2, 8, 9 5 successes

    Whatever the wavering doubts pulling at him, he fights onward, leaving behind one mental barrier to forge his way into the unknown.

  6. #6

    Animus emerges from the sewers. His fingers groping and then pushing a man-hole cover aside, exiting into a sun-drenched world. Everything was familiar and yet, the battered memories of the Thyrsus couldn't truly pin-point just what was so familiar about it. Behind him was a neighbor, though Animus couldn't see his face as he watered his shrubbery.

    Down the street, children were playing but their voices were hazy and indistinct.

    Birds chirped and a tree swayed in the gentle-breezes of Sacramento.

    The only thing Animus knew, was that home was just in front of him. It was a lovely home and content in its privacy even with a wrap-around deck. The steps were worn, but white, and the lawn was manicured. The front door was open and invited the Thyrsus to enter.

    Mint hit the back of Animus' throat.

  7. #7
    roadnottaken's Avatar

    Moros, Adamantine Arrow


    The Shaman drifts forward, dream-like, opening his senses. The scent of mint tickles the edge of memory, but nothing truly surfaces. Hardly surprising.

    He's barely aware of passing through the door, lost in wonder at a sense of peace he had never once felt since regaining self-awareness.

  8. #8


    Memories so pungent that it didn't need the conscious mind to remember it. These familiar feelings engraved themselves in the soul. The House feels familiar. Wooden stairs, carvings, the familiar tang of mint lingering in the air beckoned him ever forward. Ribbons of light tumbled through the windows and far off, a verdant green-house lurked in the backyard, visible from the kitchen.

    In the drawing room, Animus is immediately aware of another, familiar presence.

    But, disappointment came to him (Why?) when he saw the figure sitting in a chair in the drawing room. It was Animus but it wasn't Animus. The man was less than a man and more an animal. Tufted ears perked at the direction Animus came from, predatory eyes snapped to him and a growl was his greeting. His Daimon had claws and his clothes were little more than tattered remains that couldn't be called clothes anymore.

    “You show your face,” Animus tells Animus in the gravelly near growl that characterized his voice, “Denier

  9. #9
    Animus's Avatar



    Animus pads inside, one hand tracing uncertainly along the walls as he walks. If he could touch it, it was real, right? Eyes flicker around the house, but it is as much touch and smell that cement it in his mind.

    And then, he's confronted with ... himself? Aggression, the hunt ... was this what he was becoming? Or ... did he not remember because this other had lived it? Mind reeling, the Thyrsus is caught completely off balance. "I ... wait, what? Denier, of ..." He shakes his head, hopelessly tied in knots of confusion. "What are you?"

  10. #10

    While Animus was reeling, his Daimon was perfectly centered. They were mirrors of one another but sometimes, looking into a mirror was a difficult thing. “I am you,” the Wolfimus replied his voice a growling snarl, “I am your soul's reflection. You have Denied the part of you that makes you, you: your Humanity.”

    Wolfimus pauses for a long time, his eyes narrowing at himself.

    “I am the result.”

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