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Walking Shadows

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  1. #31
    Jaqen's Avatar

    Katsuro Tomori

    Korvins Majesty trailed into the bar with them, and thus everyone kept staring at him, though he did notice on their walk there was less of a crowd following them or stopping about...and he was somewhat more annoyed that he was at a bar instead of studying mortals emotional reactions than he was earlier, less invested in the chase, as it were...He allowed the power to slip away, and slowly watched the bars reaction. Ana he was happy to note finally seemed to catch onto the game, and David had taken initiative in pulling out her chair. Korvin decided to sit opposite Ana, and took off his hat, setting it next to him on the table.

    "I'm new to town, actually. It's always good to meet new people though. He said with an easy going smile.
    Katsuro Tomori Presence 1 (Reserved) H:7 V:5 (Blush) W:6 French Japanese English

  2. #32

    Mentally, David chastised himself for jumping to conclusions. Did Ana pick up on their breadcrumbs earlier? With how well she segued into their current conversation from the one at the movie theater, it was hard to tell. That thought was a poor salve to the understanding that beautiful people did not talk to people like him without an ulterior motive. The Shadow didn't think Ana would ever tell one way or the other.

    Taking the remaining chair, outside of their direct line of sight, David offered, “I've been here around six months now.” Though the Mortician, unsurprisingly, did not share in the enthusiasm Korvin held in meeting new people. Meeting new people, for David Regan, was one of the most difficult things in existence. “Just in time to miss the Polar Vortex.”

    Looking around the dingy bar, from its yellowing posters to the rough-and-tumble regulars, David seemed exceedingly out of place. These places he knew and knew of, but did not know how to become part of them. David shakes his head asking Ana,“Follow any political line?”

  3. #33
    Princess's Avatar

    "I was just talking to my friend about it actually. She was excited with the prospect of teaching me more. Being new to the area, I was not sure how things worked around here. You said you'd met her before, Korvin?" Ana's response is careful and quiet, and her pronunciation precise. And she hopes she need not name any names lest her allusion to his dragon remark require more blatant explanations; She really likes this shirt.

  4. #34
    Jaqen's Avatar

    Katsuro Tomori

    Korvin turned one of the gemmed rings on his fingers around and back absentmindedly as he thought if he'd mentioned meeting anyone to Ana. When he concluded he hadn't, he assumed it was more double speak which was all well and good but he wasn't sure what for....Who could the two have possibly both met...He wasn't sure what covenant the girl was allied with but he was certain he'd only met a handful of Kindred thus far...the most obvious choice was the Grand Wyrm, given she served many other functions within the Domain...and teaching...teaching was definitely up the right field for that.

    If Korvins hunch was right, he wasn't sure what the Grand Wyrm saw in the woman before him just yet. She hadn't seemed all that interesting apart from that brief period when they first met, and now that her Majesty had faded she seemed less so for anything more than a bit of fun, which again Korvin was all about but didn't seem like much to mold as far as the Ordo was concerned...Then again, the Angustri made it a point to be pretty much exactly that in the eyes of ninety percent of the people they meet. Perhaps the woman was many layered, like a cake or whatever.

    Realizing he might've paused a bit to long in his introspection he finally spoke. "Really? How interesting. Perhaps one day soon we'll have to compare notes..." While the start of the sentence was obviously filled with curiosity his words seemed to trail off as though only half interested in academic veracity in regards to Ana, which seemed about right to the Shadow. Korv could think of worse partners to 'study' after all...or study with, whichever. His mind trailed off to his studies which he'd missed out on due to the now faded brilliance of the woman in front of him and a singularly peculiar thought dawned on him that he could in fact just keep an ear on those in the bar for a similar effect. Activating his Auspex he began to attempt listening to various conversations around the room searching for the one that seemed like he could garner the most information from in his pursuit of the soul.

       Dropping some eaves
    Date Action Roll Result
    2014-02-17 09:40:21 Korvin Angustri rolls 5 to Wits+Composuer (10 Again) 7, 4, 6, 2, 9 1 success
    Katsuro Tomori Presence 1 (Reserved) H:7 V:5 (Blush) W:6 French Japanese English

  5. #35

    The Shadow was about to comment on their shared acquaintance, but his thought is cut short.

    A chirping sound, quick and pointed alerts David to a received message. His first hunch, as he looks at the screen, proves correct: Cedar Fields. It was a request that he come in to attend to a Guest with a tight-deadline. It was a rare occurrence, but sometimes it couldn't be avoided. Slipping the phone back into the confines of his jacket he stands explaining, “Looks like I'm being called into work.”

    Offering his hand again to Ana, David apologizes, “I'm sorry that I can't stay any longer. I hope to see you again.” Turning his head, “Korvin. Please,” he asks of both Vampires, “excuse me?”

    After he gains their permission to leave the table, David heads off into the night. He'd have to get his bike first and so heads back towards the Movie Theater first.

  6. #36
    Princess's Avatar

    Silence speaks louder than words...~

    "Good night, David," answers Ana as she accepts his offered hand gently for a brief moment, and her eyes follow him out the door before she turns her full attention onto the most interesting other person in the bar.

    "So tell me, Korvin, what has fascinated you lately?" she asks in her signature form of phrasing which might have straddled the possibilities of poetry or a limited English-vocabulary depending upon how generous her audience was at the time. "What has been keeping your interest in the passing nights?"

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