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(Medicine Man) Soul Food

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  1. #1

    Nona sits at a patio table at the Green Eats Cafe facing McKinley park in East Sacramento. It just after the lunch rush hour and 'Walking in a Winter Wonderland' plays over the speakers on the patio. The poor Apostate suffers a freezing cold Sacramento winter day of about 70 degrees. Squirrels engage in furious battles of oratory and bushy tail swishing over the morsels left by humans across the street in the park as birds chirp on light pools and power lines, plotting which cars they will despoil next.

    The waitress has just placed Nona's order before her, a very Californian lunch. An omelet made from organic soy chorizo, chopped winter greens, eggs from free-range chickens and cheese from imported Bolivian cows.

    @Rosaceae @Jaling @Jerry12345

  2. #2

      Pulse of the Living World, Organic Resilience - 1 success each
    Date Action Roll Result
    2013-12-03 00:43:02 Nona rolls 5 to Pulse of the Living World improvised (10 Again) 3, 9, 5, 6, 1 1 success
    2013-12-03 00:42:50 Nona rolls 5 to Organic Resilience improvised (10 Again) 6, 2, 5, 1, 9 1 success

    Nona poked and prodded at the omelet with her fork, she had felt a little embarrassed at asking the waitress what exactly chorizo was and when she found out it was just sausage, she ignored the look she got from the woman. Sometimes it seemed people were just morally opposed to people asking about stuff they didn't know, it felt so backwards to her. Cutting a small piece with the fork, she tries it.

    It's okay. She can't tell any difference from regular examples in the cheese or the eggs and she has no frame of reference for the meat. Kind of wishing she had just ordered Biscuits and Gravy (and the policy that had served her well for a lot of her life was to order something new whenever she could) she cups her hands around her coffee for warmth and looks around Cafe.

  3. #3

      Third Eye 3 suxx, Incognito Presence 4 suxx
    Date Action Roll Result
    2013-12-03 12:46:19 Kalemleah rolls 6 to Third Eye (Mind+Gno+HS+Foc) (10 Again) 9, 3, 2, 10, 5, 5, 8 3 successes

    Watching the others parading around in jackets made Kalemleah feel warm, warmer than he already was. Realizing it could look odd to the locals if he didn't he wore a pair of loose khakis, a black polo and a windbreaker as he strolled the sidewalk wondering where he should head for lunch today. Something perked his interest as his sight picked up a woman sitting out in the open with active magic.

    Curious he wandered past her to a table in a blind spot preferably before taking a seat. Lunch would have to wait as he might not be served while keeping his magic up, but still he needed to keep an eye on her until he could make sure she wasn't going to do something public. All he could think was that he hoped she didn't know his school of magic and that her eyes would pass over him unnoticed.

  4. #4

      Perception 1 success
    Date Action Roll Result
    2013-12-03 14:11:23 Nona rolls 3 to Perception - 4 (10 Again) 8, 7, 7 1 success

    "So what do you think of Chorizo?" Nona asks, seemingly to the empty air. She then turns around a little in her seat and looks at the Practitioner. "Hello, I'm Nona. You are?"

  5. #5

    When she spoke Kalemleah looked to see if there was anyone else she could be talking to, but when his attention was on her once more, so was her's on him. This caused him a moment's hesitation as he checked to make sure his veil was still securely in place. Not only was it still secure, it was decently woven as well. Tilting his head with a ponderous look he smiled, "Hello Nona. I thought for sure your name would be Hawk, 'cause your eyesight is just as sharp. Mind if I join you to discuss...Chorizo?" The last word was said uncertainly, clearly not familiar with the term.

  6. #6

    Theophrastus was starving! He hadn't had anything for breakfast and missed his launch break because had work to finish on the lab. The Green Eats Coffee was close enough to work, even though he didn't cared about organic food. He was wearing, a simple t-shirt, and a brown jacket that seemed to keep him from the cold well enough. When he sat down he noticed how uncomfortable his new magic toll could be to carry around, the bone carved wand stung him on the thigh, making the mage stand up for a second to adjust it on his pocket. He realized that he was "blind", he avoided using magic when working, but you could never be too careful.

    Date Action Roll Result
    2013-12-04 07:07:43 [03] Theophrastus rolls 1 to cast Dark Matter (10 Again) 10, 6 1 success

    He tried to get a waitress attention while spell unraveled over his eyes, he noticed two other individuals with active magic on them. "Wow, this city is really full of mages, you just bump on them on the street."

  7. #7

    Spotting a new customer, a young woman who looks like she stepped off a Rosie the Riviter poster, walks out onto the patio with a menu in hand. "Good afternoon! Welcome to the Green Eats." she says placing it before Theophrastus. "Our drinks of the day are an iced green tea lemonade and a Javanese coffee bean brew. Today's specials are the Country Omelet and the tuna caprese melt. I can get you something to drink while you mull over the menu?" she asks pleasantly.

    While the waitress is talking to Theophrastus a group of five women walk in off the street, through the patio and into the cafe. For those in the habit of eves dropping their is chortling about someone's nephew.

  8. #8

    Theophrastus receives the menu and quickly starts to look for the thing that wold get faster to his table.

    "Good afternoon. I would like a organic whole grain blueberry muffin and that omelet. Could you bring the the muffin and an coke as soon as possible please? I'm quite hungry"

    Just like and ocean as QUITE some water!

  9. #9

    "Normally I'd appreciate the complement." Nona says, smiling. "I don't know who trained you, but I'm not in the habit of trusting people who I catch spying on me who avoid telling me who they are with them." She keeps sitting there, quite composed considering the situation, when she notices another spell being cast nearby. She glances over and waves at it's owner, a silent invitation to join the little forming group.

  10. #10

    "Hun..?" The necromancer looks behind him for a second, making sure the woman was talking to him. "The mage community seems to be quite sociable around here. That, or I'm about to be killed by some seer."

    He stood up and walked over to the table with the hands casually inside his pockets.

    "Hey there. I guess we all "know each other.""

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