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Passing Time (Open)

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  1. #1

    A worn, beaten satchel sat slumped in a plush chair in the second floor library. Its cover was open and its contents were piled up neatly on the cherry-wood table in front of it. A moleskine notebook, a pen and a watch all sat at the ready. The watch's constant and affirming ticking kept the time in a way David's heart couldn't any longer.

    David stood at a bookshelf, his nose in a book, and his sleeves rolled up to his elbows. Perhaps, David wanted to see what was written about his 'Family Business' or just wanted to read a bit about a grand-sire he has never met. Never the less, the Mekhet turns away from the bookshelf heading back to his spot at the table, book in hand.

    Many of David's own books, were still lost in the mail and he accepted that they might never arrive. The sight of the Order's extensive library, then, was gratefully welcomed and he felt it was time he became acquainted with it.

    The easy to overlook Mortician, bent slightly to write a note in his notebook with one hand. The other, kept the tome he was reading safe.

  2. #2


  3. #3
    Aileen McFarlane's Avatar

    Aileen McFarlane


    Even though she was making steady progress with the digitalization process, Aοleen still had a lot on her plate in the Library. And that was without counting her own, private researches. When the shy woman entered the Library with her laptop and notebook carefully stored in her backpack, she went straight to the computer terminal without looking around, sure from the silence that no one else had come.

    She logged into the program with her administrator rights, and checked the progress made, and what was left to do. Satisfied with what she saw, the young Mekhet stood, and walked to the shelves that were still to be treated. It was only then that she noticed in a quiet corner of the room that she wasn't alone. She had overlooked the newcomer, Supplicant Regan.

    Now that she had seen him, it was too late to pretend, and she straightened herseld mentally before walking to the man. He had said interesting things before, perhaps they could strike an interesting conversation now. If he was kind enough to gloss over her blunder.

    "Good evening, Supplicant Regan. I'm sorry I didn't salute you sooner, I was... lost in my own thoughts..." she admitted.

  4. #4

    David glanced up from his writing, mid-sentence, and surprise quickly colored his features. He hadn't heard Aileen make her way in, true, though David always operated under the assumption that he was never alone in the quiet places. No, he was perhaps more surprised that Supplicant McFarlane approached him.

    His watch ticked over twice before David straightened up. An open book against his chest and the Mortician a touch self-conscious.

    The book was on Antiquity's Relics.

    “No, no,” David says quickly trying to assuage Aileen's fears, “It's okay.” A hand frees itself enough to ruffle his own hair, though David stops himself and instead uses that hand to offer a nearby seat. “David, please. If you'd like.” If the Mortician noticed a social-blunder, he didn't show any sign of being offended.

    As though suddenly aware of the book against his chest, David closes it and sets it down on the table nearby.

    “The Book Club discussion was a good one,” David ventures, an attempt at making a starting point.

  5. #5
    Aileen McFarlane's Avatar

    Aileen McFarlane


    Glad that David didn't raise any objection toward her behaviour, Aοleen smiled at him at the same time that her small frame visibly relaxed. No one would ever think of her as poised during a social situation, but she was less noticeably tense now. She took the seat gallantly offered with an approving nod, and answered the Mortician. "David, then. But only if you call me Aοleen." did she gratify him.

    Her eyes quickly glanced at the book, and read its topic. She had not digitalized that one yet. When David talked about their former meeting, she nodded with approval.

    "Yes indeed, very much so. We are blessed that our Grand Wyrm is Martha Villiers, and that we count so many extremely bright members in our ranks. And you are yourself a very fine addition, if I dared say so."

  6. #6

    “Aileen,” David repeats softly, half to himself and half to the fellow Mekhet. David always found the constant titles far more formal than he was comfortable. They reminded him of Johan who, never allowed anyone who wasn't his childe to call him 'Johan.' At most, it was always Initiate Fisher.

    David's self-consciousness faded by degrees, his shoulders relaxing and his lips even tugged upwards. A quiet smile in response to the one Aileen offered him. “She's been nothing but generous to me as I settle in to this Domain,” the Mortician says as he takes a seat, “I'm exceedingly thankful and hope I might learn all I can from her.”

    Although, that might sound like an impossibility with how brilliant their Grand Wyrm is.

    Aileen's last comment might have gained a bit of a blush from David. Instead he demurs, “I'm just a Supplicant, really. Just beginning my journey. I just hope that I can keep up with the rest of the Academy.” A beat, “I've just been doing some minor reading,” if one considers Relics from Antiquity light, “getting acquainted with the Library. It's different, but, I think I'm getting it

  7. #7
    Aileen McFarlane's Avatar

    Aileen McFarlane


    "The Library gathered here is indeed something of a pride for our Academy." Aοleen said calmly.

    "I remember when I first stepped into it, and it was intimidating, I have to admit. But that's perhaps because I'm not well-traveled." and she shrugged dismissively.

    Looking again at the book held by the Mortician, she wondered out loud. "Minor reading, you say ?" and she raised a quizzical eyebrow. "Well, I guess it is perhaps so for someone whose interest lies in the Sleep of Ages..." her tone was still light, but there was perhaps the slightest edge to it nonetheless.

  8. #8

    “Oh, I'm not well-traveled either,” David explains, “Minneapolis was the only place I knew before coming here. It was ...tiered.” More like it was a library highly segregated, compartmentalized. The Alchemists made sure that the Pseudo-Psychologists were kept out of the loop. 'Friendly Rivalries,' could be the theme of Minneapolis-St. Paul, though it depended on one's interpretation of the word 'Friendly.'

    David inclined his head towards the aforementioned book, his eyes sliding towards it, an attentive ear towards Aileen. “The Sleep is a bit of the family business,” David explains shyly. “I mean, besides that my sire is a Navigator.” To have a sire who would willingly, continually put himself into the Sleep to find a way forward... “We're both Morticians

    Then it strikes David that Aileen might not know the nickname, adding, “Of the Libitinarius.” He pauses, silences taking the place of 'ums' and 'uhs' -- Johan's work, in truth -- reaching to the book, “So, I'm interested in understanding it. The book is in the hopes that when I make burial goods there's a sense of verisimilitude. Are you?”

  9. #9
    Aileen McFarlane's Avatar

    Aileen McFarlane



    The comment on Minneapolis only drew a polite "Is that so ?" from the Mekhet woman. Aileen's interest visibly grew one step when she heard of David's lineage, though.

    "How interesting !" she said, this time clearly enthusiastic. "I hear that you prepare Kindred who are about to enter the Sleep of Ages, helping them overcome it, is that right ? You are probably among the most knowledgeable of our kind in that respect, I assume ?" she asked, a little bit prying.

  10. #10

    “That's right,” David bashfully confirms. Unlike a few moments before, he didn't stop himself from ruffling his hair this time. “We study the old ways – Egyptian and Roman Traditions – aiming to protect Kindred from the ravages that can be associated with the Sleep. It is important work.” There's a hidden passion for it, although David downplays it, glimmering here and there.

    A break answering Aileen's second question, “Well, I hope to be at least. Though, I know I'm just a journeyman in that respect.”

    The Mortician's curiosity piques again as he turns his gaze towards Aileen, considering. “I'll try to answer any question you might have

    David Regan, a strange vision of the Orphic Figure.


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