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No Surrender

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  1. #1
    Dale Hunt's Avatar

    Dale Hunt


    Dale leaned against a large oak tree, the same tree where he had carved his message into a couple nights before. The Rahu's outfit consisted of a pair of cargo pants, and that was pretty much it. His three tattoos were visible; one over his heart, the other on his left shoulder and one across his back. His bare chest also sported a large number of scars, which the Blood Talon bore with pride. Each told a story of its own, from the years of conflict he had survived this far. Claw marks that had branded his flesh, both from battles past and great deeds of Renown.

    In that warm, quiet evening in July, the Rahu waited for his brothers and sister to join him at the Tur. That night they would celebrate being the chosen of Fenris-Ur, they would bask in each other's glory and howl at the moon together. They would share war stories, maybe even a drink or two. Together they would howl in unison, loud enough that the Pure across the river would hear them. And in that bone-chilling howl, the Anshega would hear the message loud and clear.

    We are here, and we will not surrender.

    There was also one order of tribal business that needed to be addressed that evening. Nieves, the young Rahu he had met many months before at this very park, wanted to be Suthar Anzuth. The question remained; would she pass the test? Would she prove to be strong of both body and will? Would she press on, even against overwhelming odds? Would she offer no surrender?

    Only she could answer those questions, and prove herself to be worthy of Destroyer Wolf's blessing.

  2. #2
    Swift's Avatar

    Skaald enters the park with a quiet intensity. The night seems to be pregnant with possibility; with whispers of glories past and promises of glories to come. And, of course, the potential for one to earn herself glory this night, to write her own story - so long as she has the strength and the will to claim what is her right. Tonight would be the first chapter of that story.

    Skaald glances up at the sky and his eyes catch the light of the moon and the stars for a brief moment. His nostrils flair as he catches the scent of Uratha. Glancing at the tree the summons had been carved into he smiles savagely at Dale. Pack. Family. Brother. Though I am his omega, tonight is about Tribe. Tonight we weigh ourselves solely by Glory.

    Skaald does not have as many scars to wear as Dale, but he is no stranger to Glory. He strides over to the other Uratha. "Brother. Our Mother watches this night. Let us not disappoint her."

  3. #3

    Alejandra strode into the park with a more sure attitude than she might otherwise have possessed, when meeting the other Uratha. But this was different. This was an important gathering, a momentous moment. She had not touched base nearly enough with the other Blood Talons since arriving in Sacramento a few months prior- and to do so this evening, when Nieves wished to join then, made it all the more important.

    Each step was sure and measured as she approached Dale and Skaald, and she raised a bare, scarred arm to each in greeting.

    "How are the two of you tonight?"

  4. #4
    Ryan Deshane

    The WHAP WHAP WHAP WHAP WHAP of the motorcycle rang in Digger's arrival as he pulls into The Tur. He parks his bike, kicking down the stand and stepping off.

    He walks over to the People, lighting a cigarette as he does, "Sup Fuckers." Digger says. "The new blood here yet?" He asks through the cig in his teeth.

  5. #5
    John Holt's Avatar
    John Holt
    John "Chaplain" Holt
    Ithaeur, Blood Talons

    Presence 3 (Devout)
    Glory 3, Wisdom 3, Purity 2, Honour 2, Cunning 1
    Trained Observer
    Auspice Blessing (Occult)
    Status (Police) 1
    Status (Clerical Standing) 2

    Size: 6
    Health: 9

    Size: 7
    Health: 11

    Size: 6
    Health: 8


    Arriving merely seconds after his Alpha, John parked his truck near to Digger's bike and followed closely behind. Tonight was about ritual and so John wore his priestly garb of black with dogcollar on display. However, his sleeves were rolled up to his elbows, exposing the scars that earnt him his place within the Tribe of his calling.

    John couldn't help but roll his eyes at Digger's course entrance.

    "Good evening, all. May Luna bless us this evening with a new Tribe member."

  6. #6
    Dale Hunt's Avatar

    Dale Hunt


    Dale nodded at each Talon respectively, pleased to see that everyone got his message. As he stood there, the Rahu couldn't help but recall his old pack, memories of which made him feel a mixture of anger and despair. Pushing the thoughts away, he took a few steps towards the group of gathered Uratha.

    "Thanks for coming y'all," said Dale, finally offering the group a smile. "Tonight, Mother Luna will be watching us, but she's not the only one." He paused for a moment, glancing up at the moon for a moment.

    "This new blood, Nieves Werra of the Sworn, wishes to call herself Suthar Anzuth," said the Rahu as he returned his attention to the Uratha around him. "Fenris-Ur will be watching, for she will be tested." Dropping into a more casual tone, Dale looked around at each Talon, meeting their eyes respectively.

    "I am of the opinion that each one of us comes up with the test," he stated as he continued speaking about the subject. "As many before her, she shall be tested in mind, body and soul. Before she can gain Destroyer Wolf's blessing, she must prove herself worthy of such." There was another pause. "Once she passes these tests, we can decide on her final trial."

  7. #7
    Swift's Avatar

    Skaald nods in greeting to each as they arrive. He listens intently to Dale's thoughts and nods. "Any initiation into the tribe should be done officially. Do we have a ritemaster capable of performing an initiation? If not I can look into what it would take to put together an appropriate initiation."

  8. #8

    To Skaald's question, Alejandra shook her head slightly. While she had been making attempts to better her ability in that area, she was not capable of performing an initiation. Such studies did not come to her, in the smooth and seamless way that they seemed to come to her Beta. But it was something to amount to-

    And something to consider more at another time.

    She jerked her head up sharply in a: "Hey," motion when Digger and John arrived, before concentrating on Dale's words.

    "The idea is sound, I think," Alejandra answered, before adding a more thoughtful: "I do not know Nieves very well, but I did not see our brands on her. Has she tasted Glory yet?" she asked.

  9. #9
    Ryan Deshane

    "Don't look at me, I'm no ritualist." Digger says and takes a smoke off his cigarette.

    "She's got the right of it." Giving a nod to Alejandra, "I wanna size this pup up before I decide if she gets tested at all..."

  10. #10
    Dale Hunt's Avatar

    Dale Hunt


    Dale nodded in agreement with Skaald's words. "Certainly, a proper Initiation Rite should be conducted if she passes our tests," he said in response to the Cahalith's words. "I'm not a ritualist myself, so I'd appreciate it if you can look into it." He gave him a nod with those words, turning his attention to Alejandra.

    "She has not tasted Glory as far as I'm aware," said the Rahu in response to her question. "That, should be her first test. If she wants to stand amongst the Suthar Anzuth, she must bear our brands on her flesh." The Rahu gave the Irraka a nod, which was accompanied by a quick smile.

    "If you wanna decide whether she's ready for testing, I can give her a call," said Dale as he turned to his Alpha. "I could tell her to meet us here since we are all here now." He awaited for a response, sticking a hand in one of his pockets and feeling around for the cheap "pay-as-you-go" cell phone he had in there.

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