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(1205) Daniella and Swift

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  1. #1
    Swift's Avatar

    Dr. Swift chuckles. "Indeed. Sadly that means we now must rely on witty repartee and natural charm to begin new conversations. I'm afraid I am woefully behind in both."

    The doctor nods his head in a small bow of respect and greeting. "Madame Au Pair, I assure you the pleasure is mine. While I am not a member of the Invictus myself, out of respect for my thrice great grandsire my fore-bearers have instructed my line in proper etiquette. I understand what it means to be Au Pair, but I must profess I am unfamiliar with the title of Bailiff outside of the Kine usage. Perhaps the former will allow you to indulge my ignorance and provide a description of the latter?"

  2. #2
    Daniella Sage's Avatar

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    Daniella Sage


    “I wouldn’t count out your charm just yet, so far I have found you to be quite charming.” She says, her smile genuine. Not everyone had the charm of a Daeva, but each had it in their own way, “How wonderful they provided you with that training! It sounds like they taught you well.” She says with a nod of her head, it was quite the pleasure to talk with someone already familiar with Invictus manners and etiquette. "Of course! As Bailiff, I act as Deputy Keeper to Mistress Keeper, Herald Villiers. I actively Patrol the Domain and assist new Kindred when I meet them. I go over the Laws of the Domain, the different Zones and answer any questions they may have." she says with a smile and pride in her voice, she enjoyed her duties. "Acting as Bailiff has also given me the chance to reinforce the importance of manners and etiquette, and offer any assistance or teaching one may need." her hope was to address any bad manners before a Kindred made a sometimes fatal error while at Court. "How has Sacramento been treating you?" she asks with interest.
    Presence •••• (Graceful)│Striking Looks •• (Exotic Beauty)│Mask of Tranquility│Blush Active in Public│British Accent│ WP: 4 Vitae 7

  3. #3
    Swift's Avatar

    Another benefit of being in complete control of one's blood flow....I don't blush. Dr. Swift's composure remains intact though his smile grows slightly at the compliment.

    "You are two kind, Madame Au Pair." He nods as she explains her role as Bailiff as well. When she is finished and asks about his experience so far his eyes seem to light up just a touch.

    "Very well, and forgive me for saying so, better than I had initially expected. I have been here for just over 6 months now, but before that I spent a couple years in a nomadic existence. I visited many domains along the Pacific Coast and even stayed a few months in a couple of them. I can honestly say the Sacramento is the most welcoming domains I have encountered and yet it is also one of the better organized and controlled. I may not be a member of the Invictus myself, but I have an immense respect for the order and security they provide for the Domain.

    "I have been looking for a place to actually settle and stay after my wanderings, and I believe I have found it. I cannot tell you how pleased I was to find that the local University is within the communal territory. I have spent many an evening wandering the grounds and reveling in the academic atmosphere. I was, after all, a researcher and teacher in my breathing days. As such, I have an certain degree of respect for anyone charged with education within a society."
    He gives a respectful nod of his head toward the Bailiff with the last remark.

  4. #4
    Daniella Sage's Avatar

    SL •• (Exotic Beauty)
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    Daniella Sage


    When he mentions traveling, “I would love to hear more of your travels sometime! Where are you originally from if you don’t mind my asking.” She says. “I am happy to hear you have found Sacramento to be so welcoming, and have found a place to settle.”

    “What did you teach? I have only had the pleasure of visiting the campus once, but it was a beautiful place. I had hoped to look into attending night classes there, but just haven’t found the time.” She says with a smile. “Besides the University, what else occupies your evenings?”
    Presence •••• (Graceful)│Striking Looks •• (Exotic Beauty)│Mask of Tranquility│Blush Active in Public│British Accent│ WP: 4 Vitae 7

  5. #5
    Swift's Avatar

    "Origins can be such a tricky thing." Dr. Swift replies with a smile. "Most relevant, though, I was educated at Stanford just outside of San Francesco and it was there I ultimately received the Embrace." He pauses for a moment before adding, "Of course I actually first met my Sire in South America."

    "My field of study is archeological anthropology, and the classes I taught fell within that purview. Mostly I taught undergraduate level courses, so subjects typically were along the lines of early history and introductory anthropology. Since then I have focused largely on the history of the Kindred, studying how our history is tied into that of the Kine."

    "Beyond my many nights drowning myself in academia, I have been slowly attempting to become more involved with the Kindred here. I've spent some time getting to know my family." He nods off toward where Pricus Connery is engaged in conversation. "And I've begun a sort of trial membership with the local Circle. Heirophant Silver was kind enough to invite me to participate in their ceremonies. I suppose I should mention that I am more than willing to assist the Domain in any way I can, should something come up that to which my talents are well suited."

  6. #6
    Daniella Sage's Avatar

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    Daniella Sage


    “South America? Was it your studies that brought you there?” she asks, thinking the Domain was filled with well-traveled Kindred. “History is such a fascinating field of study, and while I am no expert on it, I have enjoyed reading about it when I can. How has your study of Kindred history been? We are not really known for keeping records.”

    She follows his gaze, “I had the chance to go on a patrol with Deputy Connery, and found his company to be quite enjoyable.” She nods when he mentions the Circle, “How are you finding the Circle? I certainly wish you luck with your membership.” She says, sincere in her words. She didn’t really understand the Circle, but to each their own. "Have you gotten a chance to get out and visit the various Elysias?" she asks.

    “Thank you for offering to assist the Domain! It is always nice to know that there are fellow Kindred who willing to help and I will certainly keep you in mind.” She says with a smile, her tone genuine. While it was not her place to assign Kindred to patrols, she could certainly let Martha or one of the deputies know they had someone willing.
    Presence •••• (Graceful)│Striking Looks •• (Exotic Beauty)│Mask of Tranquility│Blush Active in Public│British Accent│ WP: 4 Vitae 7

  7. #7
    Swift's Avatar

    Dr. Swift nods to the questions. "Yes, I was in South America on a dig study of pre-Columbian American civilizations. The dig was shut down for reasons that were more excuse than legitimate immediately after we discovered some unusual things. To make a rather long story short, I was unsatisfied and the man that would be my Sire offered a more complete explanation."

    Swift pauses, clearly selecting his words carefully. "My study of Kindred history grew out of that experience. Of course, the lack of written records and the...delicacy of some of the older accounts makes this difficult. But nothing worth studying is easy. I am particularly interested in the possibility of pre-Columbian American Kindred. Some accounts indicate that there was no Kindred presence in the Americas before the first Europeans arrived shortly after the colonists, but I am not so certain."

    "The local Circle has been welcoming and I already find myself benefiting from their wisdom. Indeed, if it were not for the challenges put forth by the Hierophant, I do not know that I would be present tonight. As may be obvious by the fact that it has taken six months to meet yourself, I am not precisely one to attend every social gathering. Thus, it is my goal to become more active in our social arenas."

    Dr. Swift smiles. "Though I may need to work on losing the professor's tendency to ramble. I do sound like I am lecturing all the time, don't I? Perhaps you could tell me about the various Elysia our city has to offer. Obviously I know of the Avalon here, and I briefly visited Ember when I was acknowledged, but that is all I know."

  8. #8
    Daniella Sage's Avatar

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    Daniella Sage


    “What makes you not so certain? It is a very interesting idea, and I would be interested to know the answer myself. But like you said, with the lack of record keeping on our part, it cannot be an easy task. I have studied a bit of history myself back home, and I would love to hear about what you have been studying!” she said as her mind goes over what he has said, and she cannot help but wonder about it.

    “I am glad you have decided to become more social! I would be more than happy to help you in any way that I can to achieve that.” And when he mentions sounding like he was lecturing, she smiles, “I don't think you sound like you are lecturing, though I may not be the right one to ask because I enjoy learning, and what you have been telling me about is very interesting!”

    “I would be more than happy to! The Domain has four Elysia, which are Avalon, Ballo Della Notte, Club Ember and Reverence. The Ballo Della Notte is a beautiful old theater that has been renovated and is something one must see in person to appreciate. It does offer shows, and while I have not had the honor of attending one yet, I hear they are wonderful. The other, Reverence, is a nightclub, and it caters more towards the goth crowd. Though there is another nightclub that is popular, The Lily, and while it is not one of the Elysia, it is a nice place. It is more of an upscale cigar and cocktail club, built inside an old bank. If you decide you wish to visit some of these places, and want company, I would be more than happy to show them to you.”
    Presence •••• (Graceful)│Striking Looks •• (Exotic Beauty)│Mask of Tranquility│Blush Active in Public│British Accent│ WP: 4 Vitae 7

  9. #9
    Swift's Avatar

    "I have seen two of them, and have yet to visit the others, then. And a theater! The clubs are fairly expected, but a theater sounds wonderful! I may have to take you up on the offer, especially if you yourself have not yet attended a show." The doctor is clearly pleased.

    "As for why I doubt the claim that the European Kindred were the first in the Americas, there are several pieces of evidence. Sadly, as is nearly always the case, they are mostly anecdotal. Stories of native burial ground curses with a decidedly Vampiric twist occasionally surface, and some native stories of night horrors sound like they may be of Kindred. And then one must consider the relatively brief but obviously blood Aztec culture and wonder at the source of these blood thirsty gods. There is some logic to the argument of an Old World origin for Kindred, beyond simple Eurocentric bias, but for me at least it seems to neat."

  10. #10
    Daniella Sage's Avatar

    SL •• (Exotic Beauty)
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    Daniella Sage


    A quick nod of her head, “That would be wonderful! Do you enjoy the theater?” she asks.

    “Interesting points, I had not really given much thought to the Aztec culture. But it does make you wonder what would cause a culture to become so blood thirsty? If I remember correctly, they had many gods.” She says with a thoughtful expression on her face. “I have only read about them, and haven’t spent much time studying their culture, though I just might have to now. Could you recommend any good books to read on the subject?” she asks, wondering if the subject would prove as interesting to read.
    Presence •••• (Graceful)│Striking Looks •• (Exotic Beauty)│Mask of Tranquility│Blush Active in Public│British Accent│ WP: 4 Vitae 7

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