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Jose meets with Bailiff Sage (Private)

61 - 64
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  1. #61

    Jos้ listens to Dillon's speech about desired Gangrel composure, conviction, and behavior. He nods at appropriated intervals; trying to overcome the low debauchery laughs from the Exu at the back of his mind remembering him that between this honorable speech and reality itself is the evil and treacherous Orixแ lurking patiently.

    Jos้ helps Dillon with the chair arrangement and then puts back his coat after unrolling the sleeves back to normal. He also notices the Deputy's tools ... the knife specifically grabs his attention as it remembers him Carl Vess murderous blade.

    When his contact is requested Jos้ makes a self-reproving expression.

    "Well, I got no greeting cards with me ..." Jos้ remembers Sidor's providential blank cards "... my number is #-#-#-#-#-#-#-#" spelling the numbers with the typical delay.

    "Herald Villiers also have my contact..."
    The Gangrel completes, subtlely referencing the clan's curse. "... I'm looking forward for this meeting Priscus Connery!"

  2. #62
    Dillon Connery's Avatar

    Onward Christian Soldier

    Regent of Valencia
    Reeve of Sacramento
    Bishop of the Lancea et Sanctum
    Priscus of Clan Gangrel
    Aspect of the Predator

    Sacramento ••••
    Lancea Sanctum •
    Gangrel ••••

    Blush of Life active in public
    AotP disabled in Court


    Dillon whips a very worn, bumped, and dinged iPhone out from his pocket to punch Jos้'s number in as it is given, saving it simply under the letters 'JM'. About the contact cards, he simply smiles a small, lopsided smirk; barely more than a twitch of one side of his mouth. "It's cool, I do."

    Obviously, this isn't a bragging show on his part, Dillon just decides to save Jos้ the trouble of going through the same motions with his own phone in front of everyone. He couldn't be sure, but with the fellow's accent, his English might not be the best, and Dillon figures it would be easier to give him a chance to save the Priscus' number at his leisure. Replacing the phone, Dillon pulls an equally worn and battered black leather wallet from his back pocket, taking out a contact card and offering it to Jos้. On one side is a number, and the other, a stylized drawing of three dog's heads.

    "I'm glad you're eager to get involved, Mister Matias," Dillon says with a nod. "You can contact me anytime if you have questions, or if you need the guidance or assistance of a Deputy. Even if I'm not physically available, I will figure something out."
    Be polite. Be courteous. Show professionalism. And have a plan to kill everyone in the room.

    Blood Potency •••••
    Presence ••• (Disarming)
    Striking •• (Boyish Good looks)

  3. #63

    Jos้ takes Dillon's card and, after a quick view on its info and layout, stores it in the frontal pocket of the shirt. Cool dogs! Gangrel stuff for sure. He thinks totally ignorant of any mythological reference.

    As it seems that Dillon had finished with the furniture, Jos้ makes himself respectable again, inside that tight and cheap stolen suit.

    "Thank you very much Deputy Connery ..." he says feeling honored by the offer "... please make me know when the Domain needs my muscles again." The Gangrel smiles after making his own goodwill offer.

  4. #64
    Dillon Connery's Avatar

    Onward Christian Soldier

    Regent of Valencia
    Reeve of Sacramento
    Bishop of the Lancea et Sanctum
    Priscus of Clan Gangrel
    Aspect of the Predator

    Sacramento ••••
    Lancea Sanctum •
    Gangrel ••••

    Blush of Life active in public
    AotP disabled in Court


    Dillon nods, with a friendly smile of approving gratitude. "Thank you, Mister Matias. I will keep your offer in mind, when the Domain needs another pair of hardworking hands." One might notice he said 'when', not 'if'. There's always something going on in Sacramento...

    He glances over to the quiet Mekhets, Martha ( Chrisie ) and Daniella Sage to see if they had anything else to add.
    Be polite. Be courteous. Show professionalism. And have a plan to kill everyone in the room.

    Blood Potency •••••
    Presence ••• (Disarming)
    Striking •• (Boyish Good looks)

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