Brenn listened intently to her companions tales, nodding absently at certain points, and than sat back in her chair and steepled her fingers.
"Now that the conch has been passed around in full, I suppose that I must submit to one of my favorite pastimes and talk about myself," the young Haunt joked, sharing a self deprecating, and equally disgusting, smile with the three Daeva. "I'll keep it short and savory, never fear, I've had lots of practice telling this particular tale." She sat upright and cast out a hand, drawing the attention of her compatriots. "Not long ago, I, too, dwelled in the City of Fallen Angels, know to some as Southland, and La-la-Land to others. I was born, raised, and embraced there, and it wasn't until I had seen the nights through the shroud of our condition that my love of the city diminished. It didn't disappear, not entirely, but it was then that I saw how much sway our Kind have in LA and how much strife they created. The Covenants in the city were horrendous in their constant power-plays, their wars over ideology, and above all, their territorial vying. Many parts of the city, places that the Kine considered peaceful, were war-zones for our kind, and it was even worse in the gang-controlled streets. Ash doesn't draw as much attention as a corpse, after all." A short bark of a laugh punctuated the statement, and a gleam entered her eyes as she continued.
"It wasn't that way everywhere, and certainly not all Kindred were power hungry monsters, but I was repulsed by what was happening over all, disgusted by the injustice rampant in the city, and enraged by the blindness which infested so many. I wasn't just an observer, there was a time when I pawn, much the same way Mr. Rayner was, and that was how I came to see so much. Or, perhaps, how I saw very little," Brenn intoned, her voice suddenly going soft. "Time does strange things to the memory, and I did retreat for a time to collect my thoughts, to collect myself, allowing time to continue flowing by like water around a limpet clinging to pitted river-stone. Either way, I struck out at what I believed to be harmful and corrupt, and wrote both slanderous, and perhaps enlightening gossip about many Kindred of the city. It was effective, just as it was stupid. I was forced to leave the city, lest I became another bit of ash embedded in a car tire, and not knowing where else to go, I came here. I've resided in this Domain for around half a year, preaching of non-Covenant involvement in the same breath that I used to speak of my concerns for Freedom, and Service to the Domain. I believe in serving the domain, serving it's residents, and improving it just as I protect it, and I see the Movement as a way to achieve these concepts. I don't expect everyone to agree with those ideas, as they are a personal standard, but the Movement does seek to ensure a voice for everyone, equality under the laws, protection for the downtrodden, and a drive for improvement does it not? There is obviously much that I have to learn," she finished, slumping back into her chair.