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Calling All Haunts, Yet Again

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  1. #61

    "A good idea," Doctor Powell nodded in acceptance of the dual-layered security idea, and her eyes flickered to Brenn for a moment. "It would have to be something innocuous, but meaningful so that it doesn't stick out in conversation. A simple opening statement with an appropriate response.

    "I'm sure between the five of us, we can come up with something."

  2. #62
    Sidor Grigoriev

    "Asking about an author is as good as any. Let us avoid the obvious in-jokes and pick something bland," Sidor said, regarding them as they finally became cohesive. They would take more work- he knew that, his burden would be heavy in all regards, both in Clan and Covenant- but they were not fractured as they had been with Anton at the helm. He knew, too, that the love of their Clan was in some of them, at least. That love was vital- although all feelings for a Vampire were hollow, that passion held a great deal of strength when trained and applied correctly.

    "Let us avoid puns like popular supernatural novels. I suggest something popular, but of no significance to us in any way. Which is why I am not suggesting the book- it must be natural to you more than me. The four of you speaking of minor Russian authors I am fond of would be painfully obvious that it was the hook. Me speaking of an American book in America is much less so."

  3. #63

    "Is everyone familiar with Mark Twain?" Castor looks at each of them. "He is quite a famous author and has written a number of books. His memoirs were recently published. His name could easily be brought up without suspicion." He offers his suggestion simply. It is neither forceful nor weak, simply there for digestion.

  4. #64
    Seryna's Avatar

    Jennifer Hazelton

    "Yes, I am familiar with Mark Twain. I hadn't known about the biography."

    Her hand draws out a smart phone, her thumb moving quickly to access a site.
    web site if any one wants to peer over: [url

    "Perhaps that could be our tag line." She muses. "After keeping us waiting nearly a hundred years... or something to that effect."

    She slipped the smart phone back in a pocket.

  5. #65
    Brenn Lawrence's Avatar


    Brenn snickered a bit, and nodded. "I like that. I think Twain would approve too. Shame he's not with us," she trailed off, her eyes going dim for just a moment. What she wouldn't give to hear his reflections on Kindred politics.

    "Oh, right. Well, are we satisfied with just this? A simple code is easy to remember and use, but incredibly easy to crack, especially if we are being observed by those hidden from natural sight. Perhaps we could incorporate a gesture along with the response? Such as brushing dust off a coat? Raising the eye-brows? Giving a snort before saying it? If it's something small, it might not be registered, but it's something we could look for."

  6. #66

    "Perhaps something that doesn't require a facial tick," Doctor Powell answered, her expression twisting into a brief moment of amusement. The shadowed Haunt could make all the eyebrow twitching movements that he wanted, and they would have no idea. Heck, he could have been sticking out his tongue at the lot of them right now and they would have no idea.

    Her lips pursed tightly, and she just about managed to refrain from laughing at the imagery.

    "The more secure, the better however; you're right," she acknowledged.

  7. #67
    Sidor Grigoriev

    "Something like a small hand gesture might be... more apt, yes," Sidor said, in a perfectly flat voice. He couldn't help but be faintly amused about the idea of making eyebrow gestures beneath his shadows, invisible to all.

    He thought it would make the Harpy laugh if he had told her, and wondered why that thought had shot through his mind. How odd.

    He decided now was not the time to make a detailed internal assessment of his strange responses at the moment, and he shook his head slightly.

    "A wave of the hand, brushing off a coat or simply putting it inside a pocket..."
    Sidor shrugged.

  8. #68

    "Putting your hand in a pocket or pulling something out of a pocket should prove sufficient. And assuming that you do it subtly enough no one should be the wiser."

  9. #69
    Jennifer Hazelton's Avatar
    Seneschal, Baroness Notary, Priscus of Nosferatu
    City Status
    Invictus status
    Presence (Lady)
    Obfuscate 2 Mask of Tranquility
    Jennifer Hazelton

    Nosferatu curse: A voice that withered like a snake sneaking through the grass, plummeted like an old man's nearing his demise


    Jennifer made a few quick entries to her phone; googling 'a', 'author' 'hand gesture'. After a moment of scrolling, she selected a choice and turned it
    outwards to show the assembled group.

    "What about a sign language sign for the letter 'a?' "


    She brushed a hand to smooth her hair; discreetly bringing her hand to her side in an 'a' hand shape.

    "Would something like that be easy enough for us to spot; while harder for others to discern?"
    Nosferatu Curse: Jennifer's voice withers like a snake sneaking through the grass, plummeted like an old man's nearing his demise.

  10. #70
    Brenn Lawrence's Avatar


    "I think the less specific, the better. Perhaps, following Mr. Drakes idea, the greeter could put their hands in their pockets and the one receiving the greeting could take out and check their phone, or check a watch," Brenn offered with a shrug.

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