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The gathering of Mekhet and Nosferatu

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  1. #11
    Benedikta Grey's Avatar
    Public: Bayley Smith
    New Identity
    (Bayley Smith)
    (Vampire Couriers)
    (Mask of Tranquility)
    Benedikta Grey


    Benny nodded in agreement with the Seneschal's take on the breaking down of communications, clearly in agreement.

    "If Mr. Godwin did so, I have heard nothing of it, though I did encourage it. Quite heavily, in my opinion," she said, recalling her past conversations with the Invictus Shadow, "Further, I am not privy of any meetings regarding Mr. Godwin's... role in regards to the current troubles of the clan. Given what I've observed, I can only assume it hasn't occurred. Perhaps both of them presume the matter will be forgotten, but Kindred have long memories, as we well know."

    The consideration of Benny's pitch in the Shadows and Haunts cohabitating in the Necropolis surprises the Mekhet Whip. She hadn't expected it would be explored as an option.

    "I agree. Sharing a space would allow for more efficient dispersal of information, as well," Benedikta mused, "And, yes, the development of a vault of sorts can only benefit us collectively... and provide both Clan Mekhet and Clan Nosferatu a means of leverage."

    Benny listened as Jennifer offered a quick overview of her resources and talents.

    "I see. In terms of my own abilities, I share your skillset in regards to computers and technology, as I believe we've already discussed," Benny said, "As you are also aware, I possess a network of allies among Kindred Couriers and sizable financial resources. Moreover, I am educated in matters of the Occult, a capable investigator, and, when necessary, I can involve myself as an agent on the ground. I am capable of moving relatively unseen, breaking and entering, and my Danse has afforded me some time to develop my understanding of people and the social arena."

    Another nod follows as Hazelton affords an alternative. They could build a network of interested parties in both Clans positioned to assist Helen... It was an intriguing thought and one worth exploring given the stagnancy of Clan Mekhet's relations with the Seneschal and her greater Clan.

    "That is certainly a possibility and one we will likely, regrettably, need to explore if we aim to bear any fruit from our negotiations,"
    Benny admitted, "If my kinsmen lack the drive or desire to participate, we are best served proceeding without them."

    It was a harsh truth.

    The coming of the Reeve is noted, with Benny dipping her head in a gesture of respect for the Haunt's place in the Domain.

    "Good evening, Reeve Kingsley,"
    she said.

    Posted ahead of Fast Eddie due to Psychoclown's announcement in Posting Interruptions on Discord.

  2. #12
    Jennifer Hazelton's Avatar
    Seneschal, Baroness Notary, Priscus of Nosferatu
    City Status
    Invictus status
    Presence (Lady)
    Jennifer Hazelton

    Nosferatu curse: A voice that withered like a snake sneaking through the grass, plummeted like an old man's nearing his demise


    Jennifer heard what was said. She had spoken with Mr. Godwin about decorum as well. The Nosferatu makes a show of turning her head and noting that Mr. Godwin and Priscus Baker were not present.
    “Thank you for the information, Whip Grey.”
    Jennifer moved on, having heard the information and not wanting to dwell on someone who was not participating in the Domain.

    Jennifer rose from her seat and gave a slight bow towards Reeve Kingsley. The Reeve had risen in esteem and it needed to be acknowledged.
    “Good evening, Reeve Kingsley. Please have a seat.”
    Jennifer took a seat with lady – like grace. Jennifer looks to Helen.
    “We are discussing what our future looks like in an alliance. Whip Grey and I have shared our skills. We noted that Priscus Baker has not been responding to efforts to coordinate. How would you like the alliance to move forward with actionable plans, Reeve?”

    "I said if a site can be located." Jennifer stated, her eyes moving to Whip Grey. "There were whispers about a different necropolis some time ago. I can no longer remember details. Would we build something new together?
    How would a mutual sharing of the necropolis look, to you?”
    Jennifer posed.
    “I hear your skills and you may have an area cornered on breaking and entering.“

    Nosferatu Curse: Jennifer's voice withers like a snake sneaking through the grass BP 3

  3. #13
    Benedikta Grey's Avatar
    Public: Bayley Smith
    New Identity
    (Bayley Smith)
    (Vampire Couriers)
    (Mask of Tranquility)
    Benedikta Grey


    Benny nodded as the Lady Seneschal thanked her, ending the less pleasant portion of the meeting. The Shadow smiled as the meeting seemed to begin in earnest staying quiet as the Reeve was briefed and for the long pause to follow.

    However, not wanting the silence to hang over long, the Shadow would look back to the Jennifer when Kingsley collected her thoughts.

    "Of course, I apologize for my assumption,"
    she said, "And... yes I think building something is possible. A network, if you will, with the membership as a whole contributing to the security of the connections within it, so as to respect the privacy of Havens. Sacramento may not be as ancient as the cities of the Old World, but it has old bones all the same. Given time, I have no doubt that we could collectively carve a space for interconnected Havens and, ideally, communal spaces with which to share insights, store findings, and meet outside of the eyes of the Domain at large... To maintain the leverage I spoke of earlier."

    A smirk crossed her lips.

    "Maybe, I haven't heard of others with the same skillset, but it's not exactly a widely discussed practice,"
    she said, "In any case, we all need to feed. And a lot of Kine don't have good locks."

  4. #14
    Jennifer Hazelton's Avatar
    Seneschal, Baroness Notary, Priscus of Nosferatu
    City Status
    Invictus status
    Presence (Lady)
    Jennifer Hazelton

    Nosferatu curse: A voice that withered like a snake sneaking through the grass, plummeted like an old man's nearing his demise


    “I see Mr. Godwin and Priscus Baker have no interest in this meeting.” Jennifer frowns. This was not good. She was already annoyed with the behavior at the Crone Farm.
    “I continue without entertaining any interest in their opinions moving forward.”

    Jennifer considered. She was thoughtful for a moment. She speaks to the Reeve.
    “I was considering creating an agreement where those who wish to assist the Reeve can share among ourselves. Your thoughts, Reeve?”
    A look to Helen to see if she was going to make her opinion on this known.
    Jennifer turned her attention to Whip Grey.
    “Perhaps we move forward with the concept of a workshop. How much space would we need? Where do you propose we establish this haven?
    I would say that I want to establish what an alliance would look like.

    I would not want to become invested in this venture before we hammer out the agreement on a document that we all sign.”

    Jennifer picked up a piece of paper from the center of the table and wrote. She placed the paper towards Whip Grey’s seat on the table.
    Alliance Guidelines
    1. Support the status of members of the alliance publicly. As part of this, take care in how your actions will affect your standing.
    2. Share information that you discover in a timely manner – no longer than 4 days – with other alliance members. A. Relevant information regarding the Masquerade or stability of the Domain should be forwarded to Gabriel, the Alder Prince’s ghoul and Reeve Helen.
    3. Devote resources to create a network that will learn information. This could compose of cultivating contacts among Kine, creating allies in organizations or one’s own time.
    Nosferatu Curse: Jennifer's voice withers like a snake sneaking through the grass BP 3

  5. #15
    Jennifer Hazelton's Avatar
    Seneschal, Baroness Notary, Priscus of Nosferatu
    City Status
    Invictus status
    Presence (Lady)
    Jennifer Hazelton

    Nosferatu curse: A voice that withered like a snake sneaking through the grass, plummeted like an old man's nearing his demise


    “I see Mr. Godwin and Priscus Baker have no interest in this meeting.” Jennifer frowns. This was not good. She was already annoyed with the behavior at the Crone Farm.
    “I continue without entertaining any interest in their opinions moving forward.”

    Jennifer considered. She was thoughtful for a moment. She speaks to the Reeve.
    “I was considering creating an agreement where those who wish to assist the Reeve can share among ourselves. Your thoughts, Reeve?”
    A look to Helen to see if she was going to make her opinion on this known.
    Jennifer turned her attention to Whip Grey.
    “Perhaps we move forward with the concept of a workshop. How much space would we need? Where do you propose we establish this haven?
    I would say that I want to establish what an alliance would look like.

    I would not want to become invested in this venture before we hammer out the agreement on a document that we all sign.”

    Jennifer picked up a piece of paper from the center of the table and wrote. She placed the paper towards Whip Grey’s seat on the table.
    Alliance Guidelines
    1. Support the status of members of the alliance publicly. As part of this, take care in how your actions will affect your standing.
    2. Share information that you discover in a timely manner – no longer than 4 days – with other alliance members. A. Relevant information regarding the Masquerade or stability of the Domain should be forwarded to Gabriel, the Alder Prince’s ghoul and Reeve Helen.
    3. Devote resources to create a network that will learn information. This could compose of cultivating contacts among Kine, creating allies in organizations or one’s own time.
    Nosferatu Curse: Jennifer's voice withers like a snake sneaking through the grass BP 3

  6. #16
    Helen Kingsley's Avatar
    Helen Kingsley


    "With reduced personnel I see."

    Helen picks the seat closest to the three that are already there.

    "Different Necropolis ?" Makes her think of those westerns, just without gunmen and with more Necropolises. Or whatever that plural is. After Benny's explanation, she ponders what she's heard for a bit. "So basically a sidejob network for stuffs that aren't important enough for domain central but mostly centered on stuffs that concern the folks who are in that network, at this point Sacramento Haunts plus whoever gets in on the agreement ? I mean, generally, folks ain't too communicative lately. Last mail I sent, response was pretty... limited. And that's being generous.

    Looking at the numbers here, I think starting small would be enough. Some communal space, as well as that works with the sort of folks in town, maybe some place in case people don't make it home in time."
    Hey, go big or go home, she also knows that. Still... She decides not to comment on Benny's statement about things away from the eyes of the domain. "Now this is where things get a little muddled for me." Helen scratches her head. "So we're using the group that deals with stuff outside the general domain public for that office of Reeve stuff or we're opening the whole thing for folks for that communicative purpose too ? That sounds like mixing up two pretty different things. Unless I missed something ? I mean, looking at things, most folks in this room do kinda have an interest to work somewhat closer together. So the interesting point is how open is that agreement for late arrivals or generally how public is it for people to know about in the first place."

    As is, she skims the things that Jennifer has written down as well as that's possible from where she's sitting. Interesting stuff...

    Nosferatu Curse: The vibe that that shadow is not doing as a shadow does as soon as you're not looking directly at it.

  7. #17
    Jennifer Hazelton's Avatar
    Seneschal, Baroness Notary, Priscus of Nosferatu
    City Status
    Invictus status
    Presence (Lady)
    Jennifer Hazelton

    Nosferatu curse: A voice that withered like a snake sneaking through the grass, plummeted like an old man's nearing his demise


    "What have you done with the fact that Kindred have not given you sufficient response? It seems that it's time for a response.
    I see no reason to open an area that we maintain to others who cannot respond to a simple letter or maintain sufficient information flow."
    Jennifer replied while looking at Helen.
    "You want to open this agreement to Kindred who are not here? Whom do you have in mind?"

    "Fast Eddie, are you going to be a part of this organization? I would like to hear your ideas."
    The Nosferatu glanced towards Helen.
    Nosferatu Curse: Jennifer's voice withers like a snake sneaking through the grass BP 3

  8. #18
    Benedikta Grey's Avatar
    Public: Bayley Smith
    New Identity
    (Bayley Smith)
    (Vampire Couriers)
    (Mask of Tranquility)
    Benedikta Grey


    "It's quite disappointing," the Whip of Shadows says both Reeve and Seneschal note the absence of her Clan's other representatives, "I bear no pleasure in having my reputation tarnished by their inaction. Yet, as we share the same Clan, the association is inevitable. If I am to be candid, I have considered returning to my nomadic roots given what I've... experienced of the local Mekhet. However, I'd prefer to see if there is opportunity before making the decision to cut ties."

    She then pondered the leader of the Haunt's questions.

    "Somewhere out of the way, I think,"
    she mused, "Perhaps disused utility tunnels or an old warehouse which won't draw too many eyes and is capable of proper security coverage. I don't think we will need a ton of space to start, but it'd be worth looking into something we can expand into as the alliance and its provisions evolve, especially if we go with the route of collecting data and research."

    Then the Reeve spoke.

    "Hmm... all the more reason for a means to generate information beyond the general Domain?"
    she asked. "Also, I'm just gonna address the elephant in the room before we go forward, Reeve Kingsley. You and me. Are we good? Or do we have more to discuss on that front?"

    As she asks for clarity, Benedikta considers for a moment longer before replying.

    "I think it'd be less of a space for the general Domain. Keeping it controlled going forward is the best route, I think. Given the absence of my own Priscus, I think it'd be an association of those who have been vetted by Seneschal Hazelton in her role as the Priscus of Clan Nosferatu. This removes Clan Mekhet as a whole from the equation and allows your family as a whole to include those who can be trusted to safeguard what is shared within the alliance," she mused, "Naturally, as Reeve, there would need to be special provisions, I think. It would fall within your responsibilities to utilize this information in your own task of defending the Domain while simultaneously serving to elevate and secure the social standing of those who have contributed to the network

  9. #19
    Helen Kingsley's Avatar
    Helen Kingsley


    "Seems to be. Which one is the fun question, though. Most of those folks can't really be grabbed by status a lot, if they don't react to that kind of stuff, how likely is it they will do so to more of the same and if they have a reason to go incommunicado that they're not telling, getting to them won't be easy in the first place. I'll let them know how I like their participation, that's for sure." Some how she doesn't think doubling down hard on these guys will solve the problem in a place like this.

    She shrugs. "Noone in particular, it might be an option that's on the table in case some worthwhile addition comes along."

    "We had anything to discuss, this wouldn't be the place for it, but I don't really see an elephant in the room. I don't hold grudges over chickenshit." The Reeve replies. "We're good."

    Following Benny's elaborations, she doesn#t reply yet, looking from one of the present persons to the other.

    Nosferatu Curse: The vibe that that shadow is not doing as a shadow does as soon as you're not looking directly at it.

  10. #20
    Jennifer Hazelton's Avatar
    Seneschal, Baroness Notary, Priscus of Nosferatu
    City Status
    Invictus status
    Presence (Lady)
    Jennifer Hazelton

    Nosferatu curse: A voice that withered like a snake sneaking through the grass, plummeted like an old man's nearing his demise


    Jennifer considers for a few moments in silence. She thinks over what both Kindred have stated and what they have posed.

    "I know that others of good repute such as Priscus Jack have made observations on Priscus Baker before. His lack of participation in the past has been noted. It is unfortunate that a Kindred with so little skill remains Priscus," Jennifer shrugs slightly. "- yet that is the situation. You can operate on your own and others will note you for your own actions. I shall do so." Jennifer states to Priscus Grey.

    "I wish to discuss our decision to work together in a formal agreement before devoting more resources into finding a location and outfitting it to meet our needs. I believe that we need to agree in how the three of us will treat one another in terms of roles, what we want this agreement to be and if we plan to bring in others. Do we intend not to mention this to others or will we declare this agreement?"
    Jennifer gave the Reeve a flat look.

    "Everyone is affected by how others view them. Even if they do not base their actions by it, it will - and should - affect them. It will affect how others see them. If people have failed to follow your directions, you need to address this." Jennifer is firm.
    Otherwise, there is no reason to follow your directives. They should be eager to assist you, as having you praise them is a wonderful boon.
    There is no reason for them to be out of communication with the exception if they are hiding to preserve their Danse." Jennifer states.

    "We have resolved the reason for this meeting. We know that there will be no alliance between Clan Mekhet and Clan Nosferatu, as the majority of Clan Mekhet has no ability to do what they say that they will. I will move forward with the idea that the four of us in this room wish to have a desire to form an information gathering organization. I will maintain my assertion that I will protect the status of those in this room, with the exception that if you scratch the Alder Prince or my Clan, or if you make an unwise decision that I cannot condone, such as something that shows disrespect without a justified reason.
    Let us conclude the meeting and think on what we have said.

    I wish to meet soon to form the idea on what we need and want we want to do moving forward. Thank you all for coming and upholding our decision to meet to decide on an alliance."
    Nosferatu Curse: Jennifer's voice withers like a snake sneaking through the grass BP 3

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