The Nox Populi is an upscale experience that will take Sacramento nightlife to a whole new level.
In the heart of downtown Sacramento there is a place of intrigue, excitement and entertainment. The modern flare of this venue is host to exclusive parties. The seduction of this establishment may take you away as you drink, dance and socialize. There are private services available upon request. The best DJ’s in town are in line to play a wide variety of music. Some of you may dine…as long as you have your VIP pass.
However the Kindred arrive they are discreetly met and led to the back of the club. The space downstairs is decorated in dark, rich woods and expensive furniture. There's a coat room that will also hold one's 'unmentionables'; namely, weapons, at the foot of the stairs. There are also private areas, dark, and furnished with soft couches, as well as meeting rooms with conference tables and chairs, and an area with several televisions. The Court area is decorated with long black and brown silken drapes cascading from floor to ceiling. Draped in elegant bunches and gathered into valances across door frames and between supporting pillars; the lighting is intentionally low, but without the pulse of the music from above, the place has the feel of a sepulchre.
The common area circles the Court proper, and it becomes apparent that this is not decorated for a single evening. Small symbols note areas for Kindred only that branch off of the Commons, which will be necessary once those Kine privileged enough to see behind the Masquerade filter in: ghouls, herd members, or even devotees. The furniture setting is familiar now: a set of elegant chairs, all dark wood and red leather, arranged in a circle. The baroque lighting leaves the corners of the Elysium commons in deep shadow.
Another evening; another Danse. For some it will their first, for some it shall be their last. After all, this is the Prince's Elysium, and subject to the Laws of the Domain.
Eternal Court is open once more...
Please remember that Predator's Taint is in effect and role-play is expected, or rolls will be asked for!
This is a great place to get Acknowledged
Eternal Court is not a singular event. Always open and in constant motion, a compression of the comings and goings of Kindred within Elysium throughout the nights. As such, Eternal Court is also never truly empty; this can include 'faceless masses' of Kindred beneath notice, ghouls, herd members, devotees, or even officials in their offices.