The aspects of her Curse that would alarm the Kine have been hidden by gluing a flesh-colored scarf over the neck and shoulder. A high - neck custom close fitting head piece was worn to hide her neck and shoulder from view during quick, athletic movements.
The Nosferatu had taken time to research the method of Filipino Martial Arts from September. This included personal practice in the movements that were taught to Jennifer by her instructor. She now felt confident to try to follow through with practice with a partner. Perhaps a partner that she did not need to obscure her Nosferatu strength. Jennifer and Liam were in a large, private area in the Haven to practice the Filipino Martial Art.
2 successes
3 successes
As the Kindred and Ghoul moved through the movements, Jennifer discovered that the practice had improved her ability in the martial art. She could reliably capture an opponent’s arm or weapon. Perhaps this would help her be an unpredictable opponent in a physical confrontation. She could only continue to practice and made a plan to seek out skilled opponents.