Public/Private ●●: A highly fascinating man with a mind I think we all have things to learn from.
Public/Private ●●: A highly fascinating man with a mind I think we all have things to learn from.
Public/Private ●●
I would be lying if I said I admired the Priscus on a personal level. He's the leader of the local coven of pagan Kindred. But of equal importance is the fact that he's the Mekhet Priscus. As far as I know, his tenure as leader of the Shadows has been stable and without major incident. He deserves respect for that, if nothing else.
Public / Private ●: Priscus Baker has made more of an effort to interact at Court, which is good to see. I grow concerned about why he remains so difficult to get in contact with. I have written him on a matter that I thought mattered to him and Clan Mekhet. My letter has gone unanswered. Perhaps he is busy in matters to assist the Domain or correcting the behavior of some members of Clan Mekhet.
Public/Private 2: "I have heard he is the Kindred to go to for occult information. That is about it."
Public/Private ●● There have been some strides from the Priscus in improving his standing, I hope to see the trend continue moving forward.
Public/Private 2: There's been some effort to get the clan back on track from what I've heard. Lets see if it takes and where things go from there, things could profit from him getting more involved again.
Alberts status remains at 1.