She half-shrugs. "Not any better, but I can speak."
She watches the small creature, letting the high Speech come through to her.
2024-10-06 18:24:31
Phoenyx rolls 7 to Spirit Tongue - Gno4 + Spirit 1 + HS2 (10 Again)
3, 9, 1, 6, 7, 4, 8
2 successes
"Hello," she says to the Spirit. "Did you collapse the bank?"
Active spells: 4/7 (Monthly rit Cloaked Unseen Shield Pot5, Monthly rit Cloaked Supernal Vision Pot 6, Paths of Power Pot 4, Spirit Tongue Pot 2) -1 for future casts.
Defence: 2
Armour: 5
Willpower: 2/3
Mana: 6/6
Gear: small backpack containing - Smartphone, Pistol (Beretta M92, +2 lethal), pair of sheathed daggers (one standard, one in Phoenyx's magical tool), purse (gun permit, driver's license, bank card, $42)