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An evening of Discovery

Week I Week II Week III Week IV
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  1. #11

    "I have great appreciation for art. I feel that it is some way for us to keep the Man alive within us." A term that was passable for upholding the Masquerade. Anyone overhearing would likely assume she meant 'the Man' in power dynamics, and not refer to the Man and the Beast that Kindred wrestle with on a nightly basis.
    "I know recent music."

    A small smile as she wondered if Marcus, or anyone, knew what music she listened to when she was alive. Would it surprise them? I think that it would. Jennifer thought.
    "I do not know what assumptions others have made about me."
    Jennifer states conversationally. "I was not given a classical fine arts education. All that I know, I negotiated for myself after joining the Yacht club. I have been able to hire instructors, which has been helpful. I have hired an instructor in the way of Fillipino Martial Arts.
    I do not know Poetry beyond the basics known in culture in the Western United States. I do have some favorites as well - I like Georgia O'Keefe. That was who was featured in the gallery these last months. I am now changing the paintings. I will look into displaying Hunter S. Thompson. Did you have a favorite piece in his collection?

    My godfather's decision made things more difficult. You know how society works, if he had been a member than I would have a certain standing. I had to seek out a mentor and then work to impress the mentors. I was very pleased to have impressed a group who were superb. I worked with a room mate to shore up one another's weaknesses."
    Room mate was an awkward substitute for coterie mate, yet perhaps it would get across.
    "I did make mistakes. I had an opportunity to learn from a teacher who was going to become disabled. I left Sacramento and went to learn from her for a period of months. Returning meant that I had to eat crow for not upholding responsibilities. I find that pursuing my role in the Yacht club to be very important, even if the pursuit causes me issues."

    Jennifer looks at Marcus for a moment. That sounded genuine. Could Mr. Roman be trusted?
    "I thank you. That is a compliment that I appreciate a great deal. You have noticed what I mean to convey."

    "I agree with you on a well armed society. I have some frustration with some members of our community who state thier Family name or natural inclination and decline to learn. I have found that Benny seems to be very sensible. Ah, I wonder if you have heard any rumors of late regarding Benny?"
    Jennifer looks Mr. Roman over closely.
    "I want to be clear that I do not think that Benny has committed any wrongdoing. However, past events have me wondering if someone is trying to make her life more difficult."
    Nosferatu Curse: Jennifer's voice withers like a snake sneaking through the grass BP 3

  2. #12
    Marcus Roman's Avatar
    Marcus Roman


    As the pair stroll down a paved path, trees line the quiet river. You hear it flow along the banks, every so often a barge passes in the night and a horn sounds in the distance. Otherwise, quiet and still and vast. Eventually the trail winds up into a wooded area. Evergreen oaks provide shade in the day and homes for birds to sleep in at night, somewhere in the distance an owl hoots.

    The Roman nods in agreement as she mentions keeping the Man alive.

    "What's your favorite song?"
    He asks curiously as he buys a little time to think about his favorite Hunter S. Thompson painted media before pulling out his phone and looking it up. "This one in particular given how his life ended. A foreshadowing birthed into memento mori, something quite rare. He would create gunshot art, carefully placing cans of paint that he would then fire at with live ammunition until he got the desired look."

    Marcus listens on as he gets more of her history with a nod as he picks up on room mate while carefully ignoring the snakes slithering over the sound waves as best he could. As she speaks of the value of her covenant being worth a struggle he gives her an understanding look. "Things of great worth often require struggle to obtain. I can relate as well, my father was a difficult man as well. Whole family was, few of them had any interest in building something...worthwhile. Very much a survive on scraps, then live like kings when a job lands, then back to the madness again."

    Then Jennifer looks at Marcus, and he in this moment perhaps boldly, makes eye contact with her. Just for the briefest of moments, because he was in fact genuine in what he said. As she thanks him for his compliment, the gangrel says "You convey it well, and I am happy to have avoided any ominousness myself." A smile.

    As the conversation turns back to society, and a member in it Marcus says "I hope it doesn't offend you Jenna but I don't really spread rumors that I hear or what people tell me. Makes me uncomfortable. If it were a matter of safety, or something necessary I would tell you immediately but Benny has good intentions. Nothing devious that I've heard about. If it helps I haven't heard about her from anyone in particular...if someones working against her I will keep an ear out though. Let you know if I hear anything nefarious... though I suppose if you, specifically you, were to strongly request me to tell you her plans as I know them...I would."
    Aspect of the Predator

    BP: 3

  3. #13

    Jennifer turns her head for a moment. She observes the land that they were moving through. Her brown eyes were interested in the night animals. The Nosferatu remains respectful, careful to not turn her back to Mr. Roman. Her interest was not hidden away. Jennifer turns her head back towards Mr. Roman.
    “The one that I listened to most often was Beastie Boys, "Sabotage.” Jennifer states, simple and honest.
    “Audioslave Like a Stone was a close second.”
    “What about your favorite song?” Jennifer inquired.

    Jennifer takes a minute to look at the display on Mr. Roman’s phone. She is thoughtful.
    “That is an interesting concept. I have never heard of an artist using that technique.”
    Her eyes were drawn to another painting depicted and she stated “Hunter Thompson for sheriff.' That is very intriguing imagery. Does he make great use of symbolism?”

    Jennifer inclined her head in a slow nod to show that she was actively listening as he speaks about his Family. “I have seen that among some of my extended Family.” She confided. “It can be hard to get away from.” Jennifer glanced towards Mr. Roman, considering. Although a follow up question would be best served someplace where one could speak freely without the need to uphold the Masquerade.
    “I appreciate that, Marcus.” It was the honest truth.
    “I do not get offended by honesty unless it is delivered in a rude manner. This is not. If you have no interest in the social maneuvers, I can respect that.”
    Jennifer had heard Mr. Roman’s message. Although it would need to be a strong need for her to take up on the strong suggestion.
    Nosferatu Curse: Jennifer's voice withers like a snake sneaking through the grass BP 3

  4. #14
    Marcus Roman's Avatar
    Marcus Roman


    Marcus is a well composed man, unflappable even. As the words 'Beastie Boys, Sabotage" exits Jennas mouth and slithers its way into his mind the combination of the two things makes the Roman stop in his tracks. "Jenna..." His face not unlike watching a computer reboot. "I love the Beastie Boys. Sabotage is great, I listened to it a lot on the ride from Nevada. As soon as the opening chord starts up the bikes going 110 through the desert. A few others too, Intergalactic, Brass Monkey, So Whatch'a Want...Ah...ahem." He stops rambling. "I mean, uh...yeah they're great." The Savage finds his feet and continues the stroll through the park, ever so slightly embarrassed but also very pleased with the evening.

    "My favorite song? Oh that's so difficult. It changes as time goes on of course you can in fact listen a song to death..."
    He said half sarcastically then continued "...but I have a few that always circle around. Most recently, I've been listening to a lot of Ex Deo. Probably their song The Roman. They're a Canadian metal band that sings about Rome so it tickles my fancy. Before that it was Bowie's Space Oddity so I guess I have wide swings..." A raccoon holding an old apple core peers down at both of them from one of the many trees lining the path, Marcus gives it a wave as it scurries further up the oak.

    As Jenna continues on about the artwork "Hunter does make a lot of use of symbolism and he was magnificently political and a total failure at it but in a way that is somewhat...storied. He actually ran for the office of sheriff, I think that's an original poster from the campaign. More known for his gonzo journalism and ability to withstand more drugs than an elephant but his artwork is so strange and I love it." Marcus said the last part with a chuckle before growing a little more serious as the conversation moved forward.

    "Hard to get away from indeed, but I am trying. Some day, I hope you'll get to see how hard I work to stay out of trouble here. I think it's a great city with a lot of potential." City, Domain, tomato, tomahto.

    As she lets him off the hook for his honesty Marcus replies "Good, and I appreciate that." His words echoing hers earlier in a playful but appreciative tone. The Savage had grown more relaxed as the conversation went on, clearly enjoying himself other than having to ignore the occasional slither. Marcus walked on quietly considering something for a few moments before speaking again.

    "It's not that I don't have interest, it's that I have philosophy. Plead and plot and plan and pounce all you like, but power doesn't care about any of that. Power cares about the time you put in, become the apex of society and everything else falls in line. If it does not then you aren't as high up the ladder as you may think...but all it takes to get there is time working on becoming stronger. Not all the social games. By remaining neutral, and honest I find people will either shy away or open up. If they shy away they aren't my problem, I'll probably hear about them eventually anyway given the gossips. If they open up I can actually know if they're worthwhile without a single plot. In the meanwhile time passes, and should I reach the height of my goals I will already know who is worthwhile and who isn't. It's just honesty and the fortitude to keep marching year after year. Find what you're good at, make that your job and put in your time. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk."
    Marcus stopped what was perhaps the longest spoken thought of his since coming to the Domain with a curious look on his face clearly wondering if he had talked too much or if Jenna thought it worthy conversation.
    Aspect of the Predator

    BP: 3

  5. #15

    The expressions of Marcus Roman were noted. Jennifer was a little surprised. With a moment of reflection, Mr. Roman’s reaction could be expected. Jennifer did listen to Vivaldi and classical music and this could be what had been observed by others in the Domain.
    “Not what you were expecting.” Jennifer observed, honest and to the point. She did not lie, and she was interested in the conversation on music.
    “The opening chords hit just right. That song is going to remain one of my favorites. I understand what you are saying. As new artists or groups form, different sounds come out. Many new sounds are embraced as a new favorite song.

    “I have never heard of Ex Deo. I will have to go purchase some music and see what it is all about. Perhaps it is time for another gathering where we can listen to one another’s favorite songs.”
    Jennifer states. “I hosted one a few months ago and my cousin and Rose attended.
    A total failure at it is intriguing. I will need to see what can be located. Perhaps there will be a piece that speaks to me.”

    The art on display mattered a great deal to Jennifer.

    Jennifer paused in walking to glance towards Mr. Roman. She was very curious on his statement. She resumed walking and looked around. She took a minute in silence.
    “I understand, Marcus. Such matters are deeply ingrained in a person.”
    “I do not find issue with such philosophy on it’s face. There are some in the city who seem utterly oblivious to what social matters are occurring, even in formal events that they attend. That is a situation that suggests one does not care about being relevant in society.
    I support honesty. I subscribe to a philosophy of honesty for myself. I do not lie.”
    Nosferatu Curse: Jennifer's voice withers like a snake sneaking through the grass BP 3

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