The Seneschal focused on the important matters that were occurring, such as the Alder Prince’s correction of Priscus Carmen’s behavior. Jennifer kept her eyes on the Prince for a long beat. Jennifer lowered her head in respect to the Alder Prince. She looks at the Alder Prince’s face. Jennifer was curious what the prime predator was feeling. That tone had Jennifer on alert. As alert as she was to the Prince’s powerful gaze and her command to the Daeva, Jennifer acknowledged other movements and conversations as predators swirled around one another.
Jennifer regarded the speakers who refer to Invictus Domains, composed and lady – like in comportment. Dark brown eyes look to the Ventrue Priscus, making an answering nod to Priscus Jack. As others speak and make their decisions, the Nosferatu observes the Priscus of Lords. As he addresses her question of Priscus Baker, a minute nod is given in response. That reasoning was sound.
That response from Priscus Jack hemmed up the situation perfectly. Anything that Jennifer would say was laid to rest. Jennifer has no desire to speak only to hear her own voice. Jennifer lets the topic rest.
Priscus Baker's response earned a nod of acknowledgement from Jennifer, to show that she had heard Priscus Baker and respected his opinion. This was not a way to needle the Mekhet Priscus, as all had thier own opinion. Another Kindred makes an issue with Verity known, and Jennifer ignores this. It was not her business until recording of a boon was brought to her. The new Daeva recieved a curious gaze. The gaze stretches as Jennifer evaluates Julliette Allard. Ms. Allard had not been the one to attract attention and was going to be tied to the behavior of her Priscus.
“Mr. Roman. If you wish to converse on ideas, I would be glad to do so another time. I am curious where your interests lie.” Jennifer states, her brown eyes meeting Marcus’ for a moment. There is a slight nod to the Gangrel in recognition for the respect that Mr. Roman shows to her. Respect shown should be met with the same acknowledgement, and Jennifer did so to the letter of propriety.
Ms. Grey steps towards her and Jennifer gave a short nod of acknowledgement. “Yes, that is something that I would be interested in. I shall be able to meet with you at the beginning of next month.”
Brown eyes move to the new Kindred who steps closer to where she stood with Priscus Jack. She observes the request of Priscus Jack, noting the composure of the new Kindred.
Pressing matters were addressed, Jennifer’s whole attention returned to Verity being called by the Alder Prince.