How long had she been away now? Time had really lost its meaning when traveling with her mentor, not to surprising though given that she never grasped even a fragment of the things that they had done or that he had made her do alone for that matter either.

Walking up the old familiar path to the only place she had ever called her own home, yes she had lived with her family but that was never really her own, nor would it ever be. Slowly approaching the door, not sure what to expect, what people might have done since she was last here, gulping as she knocks on the door to no avail, waiting for a bit before walking over to her old hiding spot for the key, dropping her backpack with a deep breath as she jumps up grabbing a branch, swinging back and forth to gather some momentum before throwing herself up into the tree and digging her arm inside the small hole inside of it, and removing the false bottom to take out the little wooden flower underneath, opening it up and grabbing the key before putting everything back and getting back down.

Heading on over to the door to insert the key with a swift turn, standing still for a moment, taking a deep breath before pushing the door open only to cough as the dust hits her, the place clearly looking as if no one had been here for years, walking through the workshop as the old markings covering the place comes into light before her eyes, a click on the light switch, and a couple of seconds later the light illuminating the room as a smile shines upon her face.

Walking on up to the top floor to walk through the place, looking in each cabinet and drawer finding everything pretty much where she had left it with only dust being the new ally, luckily with no people here so did it mean that the dust was not the worst it could have been at least.

Cracking her neck, walking into the bedroom and starting to sort all of her laundry, prioritizing the bed clothes, throwing in her first load, grabbing the mattress and getting it outside with a few whacks to make sure to get any dust or pollen that it might have attracted out, opening each and every window everywhere, digging through her cleaning cabinets and starting to get over the place top to bottom, as new loads gets thrown into the machine, hanging up her laundry to dry in the warm summer sun, and running around until the sun sets, and rises again no clear sign of getting done in place as the day slowly passes through until nightfall once again falls upon her before collapsing down on the couch, exhausted, barely able to think but with a warm bowl of soup before her, thank the fates for cans and powder that did not get bad, and the fireplace outside to boil water with, not that she didn´t have more modern conveniences but fire was a trusted ally that had just always made things feel better.

Starting the TV and putting on some strange new movie or perhaps a show on Disney+, not being really awake enough to figure the difference, taking a slice of a banana and eating it with the soup as the movie begins to play, getting no more than a few minutes in before falling to the side sound asleep before her head hits the couch, leaving the soup and banana half eaten upon the table.