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Running a small errand (Neville)

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  1. #1
    Helen Kingsley's Avatar

    Taking extra care to choose the right outfit, Neville picks a straight black suit with silver Invictus cufflinks. Another time he would think about overt uses of symbols and hints, but the time is over, if he wants things done he has to do them himself.

    He arrives at [address] at the appointed time. Knocking on the door.
    The address provided turns out to be an address located near a street junction in a calmer part of town. Close to the barrens, so to speak. Knocking at the door does nothing for a while. After some waiting and another knock, a green '75 Dodge Monaco stops next to him. He recognizes the Reeve behind the wheel, who motions at him.

    "Office is kind of a mess right now, so I thought why not go for something fresh ? Might also help get some orientation in the city, so get in !"

    The Reeve's t-shirt is bright yellow tonight and she appears to be in a good mood. Apart from some clutter on the backseat that he can't quite make out, the only noteworthy thing is a small package on the passenger's seat, that the Reeve is picking up from the seat after she's opened the door for Neville.

    Nosferatu Curse: The vibe that that shadow is not doing as a shadow does as soon as you're not looking directly at it.

  2. #2
    Neville Godwin's Avatar
    Neville Godwin
    Neville Godwin Scenes


    Neville's eyebrow raises as he sees the Reeve pull up in a car. 'That is unexpected,' taking a breathe he regathers himself before sliding into the passenger seat.

    "Orientation around the city would be nice, thank you." Eyeing the package he takes note not to mention it, if it mattered it would come up.
    Obfuscate 2 (Mask of Tranquility)
    BP: 2 Vitae: Willpower:

  3. #3
    Helen Kingsley's Avatar

    "Don't mention it."

    She waits for him to get strapped in and passes him the package. "Have an eye on this, yeah ? Delivery for the last stop at the fringe, some Cannoli for a few friends." She gives him a look that is just a little longer than really necessary, before turning on the turning signal and pulling out into the street. For a while she doesn't say anything, just focusing on the traffic, light as it might be. When she addresses Nevill again, they have already passed a few blocks.

    "So, what's brought you into town ? Been to any domains one shoiuld know before coming here ?"

    Nosferatu Curse: The vibe that that shadow is not doing as a shadow does as soon as you're not looking directly at it.

  4. #4
    Neville Godwin's Avatar
    Neville Godwin
    Neville Godwin Scenes


    Neville accepts the package as he makes himself comfortable in the seat.

    "Came from Denver, recent turmoil and I left. What is it like as reeve of this city?"
    Obfuscate 2 (Mask of Tranquility)
    BP: 2 Vitae: Willpower:

  5. #5
    Helen Kingsley's Avatar

    "Fucking Colorado, it's always the same with that place." she laughs. "Turmoil as in 'my folks got into trouble with other folks and my folks came out second-best' or just some family thing ? I mean, someone pointed you towards this town, right ? I somehow don't see you pin a map of the States on the wall and let some dart decide where to go."

    She shrugs.

    "Eh, it's okay, if I'm not doing the Barney for some greenies, it's the usual stuffs mostly. Poachers, criminals from outside and every now and then some idiot who thinks he can stir up trouble. Investigate, arrest, solve the problem, wait for the next. And sometimes the really weird shit you can't tell folks about because they wouldn't believe you anyway. Denver's as interesting ?" She takes a left and follows the road towards what a sign designates as the I-80. "So what did you do before your new lease on life ? Anything fun or exciting ?"

    Nosferatu Curse: The vibe that that shadow is not doing as a shadow does as soon as you're not looking directly at it.

  6. #6
    Neville Godwin's Avatar
    Neville Godwin
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    "Turmoil as in there was a regime change, that I might have gotten involved in and in the process I drew all the dark impulses from the survivors of the past regime to protect the would be new Prince. in the end I was used as a scapegoat for the mayhem that followed. It was a recommendation of the new Prince there that I came out this way thought I could find a new life."

    Holding on to the package and watching road signs Neville continues to talk.

    "As you might have gathered, Denver...was interesting in the ways of the old proverb. As far as before, I was a minor bureaucrat, just another cog in the machine."
    Obfuscate 2 (Mask of Tranquility)
    BP: 2 Vitae: Willpower:

  7. #7
    Helen Kingsley's Avatar

    "I remember the time when one of my last domains imploded because the Invictus hardliners couped against the moderates and pulled the whole domain into the thing. Not that we others also can't do that, I got kicked out of two domains back in the day when we got a new Prefect who didn't like folks of our persuasion around." She laughs. "Good times. Or at least interesting times, if yopu want."

    She taps a rythm against the steering wheel with her fingers for a bit.

    "Bureaucrat, eh ? Haven't heard that one before. Well, we're not too big on bureaucracy here, so I'm kinda wondering what I can use you for, really. Any stuffs you're particularly good or bad at ?" Helen shrugs. "Gave Denver berth mostly. You ask me, the Midwest is one of the dullest shitholes ConUS has to offer. Ever been to the dives in Fort Collins ?"

    Nosferatu Curse: The vibe that that shadow is not doing as a shadow does as soon as you're not looking directly at it.

  8. #8
    Neville Godwin's Avatar
    Neville Godwin
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    "FoCo was a little north to make a quick trip. been up once or twice, negotiating for the domain."

    He takes a moment to think over his past and the new domain.

    "I could probably do something similar here, though there seem to be some very fractured parts of the city that might need creative wrangling"
    Obfuscate 2 (Mask of Tranquility)
    BP: 2 Vitae: Willpower:

  9. #9
    Helen Kingsley's Avatar

    "Eh, place burns down, everyone would be better off anyway."

    She ponders his reply for a bit.

    "We're pretty hands-on with stuff here. That and population of note being pretty small, there's not much bureaucracy going on here, so I ain't too sure you could make a full-time job out of it.What's fractured parts supposed to mean ?

    Anyway, the fun question is, what hands-on stuff are you good or bad with ? It's not like people pull you over to this side just because you're really good at sorting papers from pile A to pile B and back the whole day, right ?"

    Nosferatu Curse: The vibe that that shadow is not doing as a shadow does as soon as you're not looking directly at it.

  10. #10
    Neville Godwin's Avatar
    Neville Godwin
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    "I can get myself out of a scrap, but don't hire me to be a bouncer. I can get and find information and spread disinformation."

    Thinking over the last few months and the leadership of his clan he holds back on the information, "I only mean that there seem to be some factions within the city that might not be as forthcoming or as completely humbled by her majesty."
    Obfuscate 2 (Mask of Tranquility)
    BP: 2 Vitae: Willpower:

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