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Second meeting at Capitol Park

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  1. #11
    Adeline Martin's Avatar

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    She laughed with delight at Helen’s take and grinned. “Almost. I use other people’s money, not my own. I get 20% of the overall investment for making the deal a reality and walk away. Even on a modest project I make quite a bit of money.” She shrugged. “I am necessary because most of the wealthiest people are also incredibly skeptical and paranoid of startups, but they trust Venture Capitalists with a good reputation to make them money.” It was a self fulfilling prophecy if she ever saw one.

    “I don’t know Padre as well as you do. Do you really think that’s it? Or more that because there isn’t a larger church in the area, he is able to dial back the bullshit and actually stick to the spiritual matter of it all instead of being insufferable zealots who wanna poke their nose into how you conduct every bit of your lifestyle?” She was willing to bet money he was the former rather than the latter.

    “The reputation is quite scandalous, but I suppose it takes all kinds. Someone with a lot of knowledge or education into native religious practices and beliefs would be valuable to them I wager.” Even if they weren’t total freaks, which is what the Lancea teaches they are, why most domains don’t allow them due to their disturbing practice of blood magic. “I could see Baker as a scholarly field researcher and to be quite knowledgeable in the Occult.

    She didn’t directly state that Bellemy and herself were Carthian, but implied it. With the upper crust folks naming her position Reeve, you would think that nomenclature itself would be something they would attack immediately. It implied a lot of things. “If they were, I would say that I could understand the appeal. Having a voice isn’t something that I’ve ever felt I really had. Here in Sacramento, there are some things that should be changed. The status quo is okay, but it is bubble wrapped in so much paranoia that it pinches a bit. Especially when it comes to our living and dating matters.” She paused for a moment to let that sink in. Living meaning haven, dating of course meaning herd numbers.
    “Those particular office policies don’t exist elsewhere as long as you are a positive addition to your workgroup and society”

  2. #12
    Helen Kingsley's Avatar

    "So you're just good at making money or you also got some knowledge of pharmacology ? Sounds a little like it's whatever, as long as there's money in it and you're only necessary because 20 % deduction is better than 100 %. Whatever happened to investing some effort in doing homework ? Man, now I want the 70s back."

    A frustrated snort escapes her nose.

    "It might be. I mean that guy is approachable, down to earth and sort of likable, but then, that's literally his job. Who knows what he's like off the clock, if he ever is." She chuckles. "Not having some more militant bosses interfere with his shit might help though. A little, that is. But then, you ever been part of some congregation with those little old ladies who just latch onto things and get involved, whether you want or not ? Laypeople can be a pest too.

    I guess, he gives off that sort of vibe, doesn't he ? But I've never been too close to that sort of church, so Im not going to pry too much if I don't have to."

    She leans back with her arms crossed in front of her chest.

    "Eh, I've seen weirder, but then, looking at who we're talking about, is it that big a surprise ? The appeal depends on the reach that you expect your voice to have. Some folks come to us with a pretty overblown expectation of what they can influence. They're gone pretty fast most of the time.

    Anything else apart from making money you're good at or motivated with ?"

    Nosferatu Curse: The vibe that that shadow is not doing as a shadow does as soon as you're not looking directly at it.

  3. #13
    Adeline Martin's Avatar

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    Adeline Martin


    “If it were that easy, everyone would do it. I have an MBA for starters. I work for myself, but also consult for firms that allow me to work on a contract basis. It’s a bit problematic to meet the typical 9-5 schedule.” She said with a little shrug.

    “I see your point. I do concur that I don’t believe the Padre is ever ‘off’ so to speak. That kind of calling is all consuming.” She said it with a thoughtful tone.

    Adeline chuckled. “Some of the wildest people wear a conservative face.” Though imagining Baker chanting and dancing around naked was not something she wanted to think too much about either…

    “I am no revolutionary, yet even admitting to confidants who share a sense of what-could-be is a luxury most do not have. Change is not always possible, but the open sharing of ideas amongst the like minded is. To exercise open discussion is a fair thing indeed, and certainly a reach from where we are, is it not?”

    “Yes. I am fair in a scrap. Looking to improve in that area actually. I am good far afield as well. I can survive where others would fail. I’ve had to learn such things being nomadic for quite some time now.” She chuckled a little. “I enjoy hunting for anything, really.”

  4. #14
    Helen Kingsley's Avatar

    "Eh, night shifts pay extra, one of the good things when you're not on a percentage. MBA's not bad for that I guess."

    Helen nods to support her point, but also in reply to Adeline's statement regarding Conner.

    "Or some of the most depraved." Not that that excludes Adeline's point. "Indeed. Fun is what can come of it once those ideas take on a life of their own, especially when it goes against the rest of the folks. But in general, thats right of course, being open with others is a perk not everyone can afford. I mean, it assumes a level of trust thats not easy to come by these nights.

    Nomad, eh ? Is it still as fucked up as it used to be ?"
    Helen gives Adeline a once-over. "Any particular field or sort of violence you're trained in ? Depending on that, what you're willing to trade and if you want a job, I might be able to show youa few things, if you want."

    Nosferatu Curse: The vibe that that shadow is not doing as a shadow does as soon as you're not looking directly at it.

  5. #15
    Adeline Martin's Avatar

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    Adeline Martin


    She nodded to show she was actively listening and agreed with Helen on the business. Adeline was secretly pleased she didn't name drop her school either. No need to verify the pretentious side side of things. Most clans had some set ideas on the Ventrue being pompous asses anyway.

    She grinned at the depraved part and nodded. "Ohh yeah." But didn't elaborate further on that score. Not exactly friendly chit chat fodder to discuss the fringier aspects of their society. She made finger guns jokingly at Helen on the second part. "That's it exactly." She paused a moment looking thoughtful at the next question.

    "Yes, it is. Everyone is out for your skin because they know no one will care if you go missing from the club. It will simply be assumed that you completed your business early, and left. Then you have to practically sell your soul or barely come out ahead with some places just to allow you shuffle around some papers for a few months. Though I did have one special talent to offer that was well recieved, but it made me feel like a circus poodle." She paused for a second and smiled ruefully. "I can perform music live. I am a decent pianist and singer. Normally though I would just sing, but luckily for me a lot of of our workgroup heads enjoy the novelty of live entertainment. Especially the older set."

    She nodded. "Hand to hand. The up close and personal kind. Weapons are flashy, loud, and illegal. Though I would like to find my way around those too, for now a down and dirty street fight is basically what you see me do. I do have a few specialties, but they are not something I could unveil here, and I would only use in a situation where intimidation and backing them down would be the best course. I can be very scary without anything raising eyebrows in public." She tilted her head. "A job? Really? What did you have in mind?" She winked. "I'll be your huckleberry!" She chuckled a little at the western reference.

  6. #16
    Helen Kingsley's Avatar

    "Well, that's why friends are so important, or at least people who qualify under the relaxed stadards we have for that. Or the extended standards. Can be tough shit, but I've always liked the part where I can just tell folks to fuck off, pack my things and leave. There's enough people who confine themselves to one place these days. Sure, it's dangerous as fuck, but travelling's half the fun, especially if you don't need to build that sort of huge profitable empire most folks assume is the norm, because it's the norm for them."

    Hell, who knows who of the folks in town right now will still even be alive in 10 to 20 years ?

    "Fair enough. You got any particular martial art you're trained in, or you just hit people until they stop moving ? Always nice to see some of the moves other people have. But yeah, I could show you a few tricks, I guess." She shoots Adeline a glance. "Easy there, lunger... I'm basically gauging interest for joining my gang of folks to fuck shit up if necessary. How're you with investigative work, shadowing, that sort of stuff ?"

    Yeah true, she doesn't even sopund like Michael Biehn, nor does she try to, but she got that reference. Hooray for reruns !

    Nosferatu Curse: The vibe that that shadow is not doing as a shadow does as soon as you're not looking directly at it.

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  8. #17
    Adeline Martin's Avatar

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    She didn't want to burst Helens bubble to let her know a profitable empire could still be built even on the road. She had an awfully rosy view of basically being the bitch in every court you had to wander through. Some illusions were best unchallenged. She merely smiled and nodded, accepting Helen's point of view as her own. No need to foist her own expereinces on another.

    "Not trained. Had to fight to protect myself so I have a practioner's knowledge of duking it out, with no special training in a martial art. Though I do have an interest in Kung Fu and have sufficent knowledge of fighting currently to pursue that art without doubling down on things that I would need for my other interest." She paused a second. "Krav Maga... but it would take me a bit to be ready for that level of training." She spoke candidly, and very directly.

    She laughed at the last bit. "I am about as stealthy as an elephant. Though I am sure with your help, I could turn that around in no time." She admitted with a smile. "I also don't usually investigate anything, so I am out of my depth there. Though I do have a professional level background in Academics as well as the Occcult. " The latter really came from hard one experience, the former from having the best education money could buy.

  9. #18
    Helen Kingsley's Avatar

    "I see."

    Helen is a little... disappointed ? Adeline's first impression had made her get some higher expectations. Still, it's something she can work with. Or at, depends on how things go, really. "Yeah, I've heard of that, pretty classy stuff, I guess, depending on what specific branch you're into. Kung-Fu I mean. Krav Maga, hm. Mostly saw it marketed to folks as some self-defense program. Or some training mill for pseudo tough guys. But then, you know what you're doing, it's still pretty effective."

    That much is for sure, with the right mindset and training, people can do a lot of bad stuff.

    "Eh, I'm slowly easing into that myself right now. I'm more the anvil type than the hammer type, really." She taps her chin in thought. "Still, I think we can work with that. If you want, I'll put you on speed dial if stuff comes up.

    So, been nomadic all the time or you've been part of some club before ?"

    Nosferatu Curse: The vibe that that shadow is not doing as a shadow does as soon as you're not looking directly at it.

  10. #19
    Adeline Martin's Avatar

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    Adeline nodded with a chuckle. "Yeah, but its really good when turning weapons against someone in direct hand to hand. I am not a huge fan of carrying weapons on my person in states where its not legal." Like California. "Even with my family mojo it can be a shit show." Most cops traveled in pairs on patrol. If you were lucky they were alone. Adeline never trusted to luck. To often that just bred lazyness. "The only other one I think is worth a fuck would be what they teach in the Military. That wouldn't be hard to find a teacher for that one I'd wager. I plan on starting with Kung Fu first, cause like I said, I have what it takes to start while looking for a competent teacher that can train me in the finer bits later on."

    Adeline nodded in understanding. She got what she was putting down. "To be frank, I've only been looking after my own ass for a looong time now. It's a different skill set to try to defend something that's yours. One that I'm aware of now that I'm trying to put down roots. It's a work in progress. Normally I try to talk things down and finesse things so a fight is not necessary." She paused a moment looking thoughtful."Sure thing. I would back you up." She said sincerely with a smile.

    "Pretty much nomadic the whole time. Only once did I settle for any real length of time." She paused a moment with a rueful smile. "Miami. Hot as hell, but the nightlife is unbelievle." She laughed a little bit. "They say New York is the city that never sleeps, but clearly they haven't been to miami."

  11. #20
    Helen Kingsley's Avatar

    "Can be a shit show, but they gotta catch you first and lets be honest, the real shit show is bringing fists to a gunfight. I don't like guns myself, but that's why I have one. Don't give them a reason to look too close and you're good most of the time." Works for her mostly, at least. "Army Combatives ?" she tilts her head and asks to clarify. "Yeah, I guess, building up the basics wouldn't be bad for all that. Talking folks down is great and all, but there's always some kind of asshole who just has to prove how tough he is and refuses to back down.

    Alright, we have a deal, then. Good to have you aboard."

    She laughs as Adeline goes over Miami.

    "Closest I've come to that is Vegas. Or if you want to see cities that sleep all the time, the Mid West is great for that. Place feels like a senior's home, really."

    Nosferatu Curse: The vibe that that shadow is not doing as a shadow does as soon as you're not looking directly at it.

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