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New Beginnings

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  1. #1
    Emily Makerith's Avatar
    (Clubs, Street)
    Striking Looks
    (Makerith Motors)
    Emily Makerith

    Emily Makerith Scenes

    Emily has several tattoos:
    - a sleeve of vines and flowers starting on her right shoulder and ending at her wrist
    - a collection of stars on her left wrist, tapering up her arm
    - flowers on her right foot around her ankle
    - A crescent moon on her left shoulderblade


    Makerith Motors is a refurbished garage of whitewashed brick taking up a large part of a block in East Sacramento. The blue shuttered doors are still open and the light from the workshop spills out in to the darkness of the early winter's evening and across small parking lot out front. Two repaired cars are for sale in the lot - a simple sedan and a VW bug.

    Inside, the electric-Blue Mustang is on the ramps. Workbenches and racks of tools, a wall of spray paints and heavy-duty equipment it propped on the back wall. The right is taken up by an office and waiting room, with some stairs leating to an apartment above.

    The Stereo is playing 80's rock and a pair of legs can be seen from out under the engine, covered in stained pink overalls andbattered boots. Emily rolls out form under her car and picks up her beer. The others would be here soon, but her apartment would quickly get crowded if all four others showed up.

    She drained the last of the bottle and set it next to two other empty bottles, finishing the cigarette sitting in the tray before rolling back under the Mustang. Hopefully she could get her tinkering finished before the others arrived.

    Derek Johnston Tristan Riverstep Bleeds Well Elizabeth Wade - As promised, here is the open scene to discuss Pack forming!
    Ithaeur Iron Master, Primal Urge 2

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  3. #2
    Bleeds Well's Avatar
    Oath Enforcer
    Primal Urge
    Danger Sense
    Fast Reflexes
    Fleet of Foot
    Bleeds Well

    Trained Observer - 2

    Anonymity - 2
    Scene Stats


    Bleeds Well slides into Makarith motors like a knife into a sheathe; like he belonged here and found comfort. Bleeds has changed and showered recently. Wearing a fresh pair of black jeans, black t-shirt, and matching black combat boots, he could be heading into combat or to a shoe gaze concert.

    Spotting the familiar sight of Emily's legs sticking out from under an engine he walks over, scooping up her empties he taps a boot with one of the bottles. "Hey fam. It's just me." Straightening, he deposits the empties with a small army of fallen soldiers in the big bin, the familiar tinkle of glass on glass reverberating around the garage. He sets down his duffle and pulls a case of Chocolate Mustache from Urban Roots from the bag. Grabbing a pair he opens the bottles and replaces Emily's empty.

    Leaning back against the workbench and takes a swing himself, his attention focused towards the open doors.

    "Quite a crew of motor heads that have gathered in Sacramento. Guess ol' Dom Torretto was right along."

    PU: 4

  4. #3
    Derek Johnston's Avatar
    Primal Urge
    Derek Johnston

    Bald, thickly bearded and burly looking man in jeans and a leather jacket.
    Derek Johnston Scenes


    There's a rumble of a car pulling up outside of the white brick building before the engine is cut. The Elodoth pauses in his car for a moment, looking at himself in the mirror and reaching up to smooth his mustache under thumb and forefinger before tracing his fingers down through his beard, making sure everything's in place. A bit of vanity, sure, but everyone's entitled to it sometime. He climbs out of the Dodge Charger in a pair of jeans, dark work boots and a dark t-shirt. He glances around before heading towards the sounds of voices just inside.

    He pauses just inside to look around and take a sniff of that familiar scent of a well-used and well-cared for garage. It also brings him the scent of the other two here and he looks towards them but doesn't approach, yet. He's got a plastic bag held in one hand that clinks with moving glass within.
    Elodoth Iron Master, Primal Urge 3

  5. #4
    Elizabeth Wade's Avatar
    Game Stats Tracker
    (Prima Ballerina)
    Striking Looks
    Primal Urge
    Elizabeth Wade
    Game Stats Tracker


    Elizabeth pulled up in her showstopper, the rumble having announced itself somewhere down the block. Not exactly a subtle choice of vehicle. She wore no makeup, her hair looked freshly blow dried, I mean, you can always tell by the flyaways. She wore a pair of black velvet pants with a satin trim and a black satin spaghetti strap top. Winter in California was a joke.

    She had a bottle of Triple Eight Blueberry Vodka. Something very different and not well known, but also not something ridiculously expensive so that if Emily and the others liked it, they could afford their own anytime they wanted it.

    She cut the engine and headed over, glancing at Derek lingering in the doorway, she gave him a smile and a wave.

    She approached Emily first and handed her the bottle. "A little something for hosting our little soirree here!" She said with a grin, and turned to Bleeds Well. "Hey, nice to see you again!"

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  7. #5
    Emily Makerith's Avatar
    (Clubs, Street)
    Striking Looks
    (Makerith Motors)
    Emily Makerith

    Emily Makerith Scenes

    Emily has several tattoos:
    - a sleeve of vines and flowers starting on her right shoulder and ending at her wrist
    - a collection of stars on her left wrist, tapering up her arm
    - flowers on her right foot around her ankle
    - A crescent moon on her left shoulderblade


    There's a jerk of surprise when the foot is tapped, but settles when the voic eis heard. "Oh, hey buddy. Find youself a seat. Be out in a sec."

    There's the sound of a socket clicking and a small grunt as the Iron Master tweaks several nuts under the car. "So, how're you doing? How long have you been back in town?"

    Rolling our from under the car, Emily's hair is under a black headband and her face smeared with oil and grease. She spots the fresh beer and smiles appreciatively. "Thanks man." Looking up, she sees Derek hanging back and Elizabeth charging towards her with that implacible Storm Lord essence. The Crescent looks up (and up) her long dancer's legs before taking the bottle with a smile. "Oooh. Thanks! I love blueberry!"

    Emily waves Derek over. "Come on in. Don't be shy. Fuck knows I'm not." She looked around the gathered wolves. "Like, I dunno if Tristan will be alnog, but feel free to grab yourselves a beer or whatever. You all find the place okay?"
    Ithaeur Iron Master, Primal Urge 2

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  9. #6
    Tristan Riverstep's Avatar
    Hear Me Roar
    Direction Sense
    (Always Know North)
    Primal Urge
    Tristan Riverstep
    Combat Stats

    Defense: 2 (Wits)
    Unarmed Strike: 4


    The scratchy sound of rubber on concrete hits the ears of those gathered as Tristan pulls into the driveway of Makerith Motors on his dirt bike. He's dressed casual in a t-shirt and jeans with weathered hiking boots hitting the driveway as he slings a backpack around his shoulder and approaches the doors. Yep. This looks like the right place.

    And the gang is all here! Tristan beams a smile at the lot of those gathered, any vehicle envy he might've had gone when in the company of friends; and possibly a new Pack. "Thanks for setting this up, Emily." He pulls out of the backpack a six-pack of White Claw and sets it to the side. "Looks like between the five of us, we've got plenty of beverage options." He gives Bleeds and Elizabeth cordial waves and even gives Derek a friendly shoulder tap.

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  11. #7
    Cyan Deacon's Avatar

    Attribute (Presence)
    Animal Magnetism
    Danger Sense
    Direction Sense
    Tolerance for Biology
    Cyan Deacon


    Cyan themself had walked the whole way here. While they had a phone, and were grateful to Granny to sending them this way, it was still a thing they preferred to do over taking a vehicle. "Hmmm... where did they say this was again? Where did... ah! This must be the place." They muttered softly to themself as they walked into the garage. They were wearing a rather plain grey t-shirt and a simple pair of shorts. The sneakers that were worn looked about as worn as one might expect.

    "Hello?" They called out as they approached.
    Health 7, Willpower 6, Essence 7

  12. #8
    Derek Johnston's Avatar
    Primal Urge
    Derek Johnston

    Bald, thickly bearded and burly looking man in jeans and a leather jacket.
    Derek Johnston Scenes


    Derek seems to shake himself out of a bit of a reverie as Emily calls out to him and he chuckles. "Nah. Not shy either.. Just was just kinda thinking about stuff there for a moment," he says, coming into the garage after giving a nod to Tristan and that shoulder tap.

    He glances first at Elizabeth and waves back to her before he comes over and sets down the bag he's carrying. He pulls out one sizeable dark bottle with no label on it, stoppered with a cork and sets that down on the work bench he's parked himself at. Two six packs of bottles follow next; one of Guinness and the other a set of Peace Tree Blond Ale. He sets them down near the unlabeled bottle and snags himself one of the Peace Trees.

    He looks over to Bleeds Well and lifts his bottle in greeting before twisting open the top and looking over as Cyan comes in. "Uh.. Hello?"
    Elodoth Iron Master, Primal Urge 3

  13. #9
    Bleeds Well's Avatar
    Oath Enforcer
    Primal Urge
    Danger Sense
    Fast Reflexes
    Fleet of Foot
    Bleeds Well

    Trained Observer - 2

    Anonymity - 2
    Scene Stats


    Bleeds Well seems content for a moment, after the welcome from Emily and the gathering of People all seems... hopeful. Those rare moments are ones to be cherished... Then a Storm Lord opens her mouth. C'mon give her a chance, and try not to punch or choke anyone on your first gathering. '"Sure. You too."

    Derek gets his bottle salute returned in kind.

    The Rahu sips his beer while he finds what used to be his 'usual' spot in the garage. Leaning against a work bench his eyes roam over a number of tools hanging from the peg board, some of which he'd made himself in the forge out back. He pulls his attention back to the group as yet another fresh young pup joins them.

    Old habits and instinct rumble up as a growl begins in his chest, but he quickly cuts himself off. New Year, New Me. There is a creak from the workbench as Bleeds shifts his weight. "Welcome, if were you looking for the local People Meeting People meet up, you found us. I'm called Bleeds Well, what's your name pup?"

    PU: 4

  14. #10
    Cyan Deacon's Avatar

    Attribute (Presence)
    Animal Magnetism
    Danger Sense
    Direction Sense
    Tolerance for Biology
    Cyan Deacon


    A slight look of curiosity crossed their face as they looked at the Person who briefly growled. Interesting, were they a Pack Leader or merely someone who was even quicker to anger than those of their People? The Half Moon nodded as they looked to Rahu with a calm smile that almost seemed distant. They moved to look for a place to sit before deciding to not bother trying to challenge any form of hierarchy and just choosing to sit on the floor. "Bleeds Well, fitting name. Mine perhaps isn't so much so, being Cyan Deacon. It's a wonder to meet you, Bleeds Well. Perhaps it might be too forward for me to ask outright here, but are you by chance the Leader of this group of People in the People Meeting People meet up?"
    Health 7, Willpower 6, Essence 7

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