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(2209) Victuals and Vines

21 - 30
Sep 22, 2022 : (2209) Autumn Coronation
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  1. #21
    Anatole's Avatar
    Mantle (Autumn)
    (Shadows, heat and ringing metal)
    New Identity
    (Anatole Kolowksi)
    Strong Back

    A shorter, barrel chested man with a thick beard.

    A 'dwarf' with burned, scorched, and scarred skin.



    Anatole nods along as Circe speaks, her voluble voice loud with surprise.

    "Oh I'd say all three! Movie night... Projector... Sonnie... Simple food... A place to be ourselves. Yes, something to be looked into there. So I guess that is settled!"

    An eyebrow is arched as Jasper confesses.

    "And here was me thinking you were one of those rare Lost who are, shall we say, like Rip Van Winkel. Out of their time by a long way. It can happen."

    He lapsed into silence as the conversation turned onto sharing of contacts. Anatole was not without his own networks and resources, but they ran in a completely different direction than Circe's - and apparently Jasper's as well.

  2. #22
    Circe's Avatar
    Scene Stats
    Striking Looks
    Mantle Dry Heat

    Merit-Striking Looks (exotic)

    Her skin turns a slate-blue and her hair bone white. The whites of her eyes are blood red, the irises are purple with cat-slit black pupils. The helix of her ears elongate out 2" inches ending in a tip. Her features sharpen and her figure has an unnatural, inhuman litheness that can be intellectually disturbing.


    Her skin brings to mind Mediterranean, Middle Eastern, or Asian races, though her high cheek bones and sharp facial structure don't match. Most assume she is of mixed ancestry given the pale blonde hair. Alias Mary Maniscalo.


    "Okay, I can scrounge that up fer sure," Circe agrees with Anatole. "Sonnie will be happy ta gather snacks. Not just bananas, she love sher sugar, oh ho ho ho!"

    Circe gives Jasper a look of horror, before her mouth clicks shut as his joke. "Ooooh, good one," she gives him a thumbs up. As for fencing stuff?

    Sure she could help. She'd have her own fun? "Well, I think Home Depot has plenty of good fences. Wire, wood, vinyl. Plastic, but that is bad really." She smirks at him before holding up a hand, "I can help ya find somebody ta launder stuff, no worries. Watches, gems, wallets, silver bards, miniguns, totally help with that. Be happy ta help a fellow freeholder."

    Jasper and Anatole are treated to a odd happy noise being made by the Iron Spear's leader in Sacramento. The affection Circe gives him? Oh, the puppy is happy with the attention. "Good boy, a grand Squire you are, good cute boy!"
    Fairest: Larcenist | WYRD 2| Mantle: Dry Desert Heat |Health: 8 | Willpower: 5 | Glamour: 7

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  4. #23
    Jasper's Avatar
    (Farmboy Charm)
    Striking Looks
    (Ruggedly Handsome)
    (Lean and wiry)
    Hidden Life

    The real side of Jasper looks very similar, tall and lanky with a lithe build. The glaring difference is his head: a large shaggy head of what looks like an Irish Wolfhound rests on his shoulders. A pair of expressive green eyes and alert ears give him an alert and kind look to his features. He still has that same rugged good looks about him, despite the blocky canid snout he has. His leather jacket looks very well made and hangs on his lanky form almost like a second skin, the furred interior looking soft and blacker than the night.

    The light floral scent of honeysuckle with the slight tang of musk beneath it, like a good sweat earned after a roll beneath the sheets.
    Jasper Scenes
     Beast's Keen Senses (Catch met)
     Beast's Keen Senses (Catch met), Armor of the Element's Fury (Catch met)



    The giant beast grins and nods and chuckles. "You'd think that, yeah.. Especially with my upbringin'.. Very rural part of the Emerald Isle. Hell, I was a shepherd for a time," he says.

    "Cool. Cool. We definitely will keep you in touch for that.. A good fence is hard to find and maintain after all," he says with a grin.

    His ears perk up at that sound from the Crimson Queen and he grins as he watches her with Squire. The pup wiggles to get to her touches, leaning up to lick at her fingers as Jasper watches.

    "Oh, you're the one that has that obstacle course thing, right? Strikers or something like that? We'd like to get a chance to use it someday, if possible. Looks like a good place to practice our art."
    Beast: Coyote | Wyrd 3 | SL2 (Ruggedly Handsome) | Mantle: Floral Musk | Giant | Thick Irish Accent

  5. #24
    Saber Sloth's Avatar

    0 Scenes

    5 days left

  6. #25
    Mara's Avatar


    Mara is about 5’10” and skinny. She has big dark eyes, a wide face and a crazy smile. Her hair is copper blonde and curly, and usually unkempt. She's always wearing a purple hoodie. Her general hygiene is not the greatest, and she's most often covered in bruises and various injuries.

    Her Mien reveals a sickly skin covered in terrible scars that will never fade. Most notably are her wicked sharp teeth that protrude from her terrible smile.



    Mara returns after touching the Wyrdstone. She kicks Jasper's boot "There. I did it. What did I miss? You guys kiss yet?"
    Mara, Ogre: Gristlegrinder. Courtless.

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  8. #26
    Anatole's Avatar
    Mantle (Autumn)
    (Shadows, heat and ringing metal)
    New Identity
    (Anatole Kolowksi)
    Strong Back

    A shorter, barrel chested man with a thick beard.

    A 'dwarf' with burned, scorched, and scarred skin.



    The burned dwarf grunts with respect when Jasper reveals a little of his past.

    "No mean feat that. And it shows strength of character that you can recall such things. Once I was the shadowy power broker for a family of rich brats. As near as I can tell, the Fetch still is. But it isn't me. The money's there for now but I'm not sure how many little scandals it would take to deplete the family funds..."

    The Wizened said that with a certain... pleasure.

    Anatole blew out his moustaches when the Ogre returned.

    "Miss anything? Oh not much. Just preparations for a movie night - to which your Motley has been most assuredly invited, and introducing a puppy... oh and there have been some jokes as well! No kissing I am afraid."

    Secretly, the Wizened wasn't.

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  10. #27
    Saber Sloth's Avatar

    0 Scenes

    3 days left!

  11. #28
    Circe's Avatar
    Scene Stats
    Striking Looks
    Mantle Dry Heat

    Merit-Striking Looks (exotic)

    Her skin turns a slate-blue and her hair bone white. The whites of her eyes are blood red, the irises are purple with cat-slit black pupils. The helix of her ears elongate out 2" inches ending in a tip. Her features sharpen and her figure has an unnatural, inhuman litheness that can be intellectually disturbing.


    Her skin brings to mind Mediterranean, Middle Eastern, or Asian races, though her high cheek bones and sharp facial structure don't match. Most assume she is of mixed ancestry given the pale blonde hair. Alias Mary Maniscalo.


    The blue Fairest is smiling proudly, given she is corrupting Jasper with puns. "Best fences are reliable, solid, and don't make tons of noise ta attract attention. Maybe some barbs too," she jests.

    When Anatole mentions blackmail and money, "Laundering would be something ta keep in mind if ya do go fer the funds," she advises him quickly. No shame or guilt.

    As for the Crimson Court's physical realm? She is distracted by the cute puppy. Happy wiggles gets happy pats and cooing. Circe is bent over to play with the puppy still in the pocket. "Oooo, such a good lil' squire! Huh?" Then looks up at Jasper. "Oh, yeah. Yeah, it can be used fer that but mostly Lazer Tag. Since paintball ain't," she giggles possibly due to puppy tongue or Summer sadism, "Child safe enough. Cute puuuuppy, I mean I , so cute, get the insurance aspect there. Courtiers don't fight me in it no more," she assures him whilst getting the best scratchies spot in the puppy's opinion, "All vs me, and I kept winning."

    As for Mara's question, "Well Mars, ta set yer bar, ya missed," she holds up her right hand, left still on puppy, so she can count it off: "Right, the one and two Anatole said. Three I'd call PUN-ishing the world. Remember, pun is the least sadistic fun ya can have ta make folks suffering a pun time. Also, theoretical power armor. Ya missed seeing that Mara. Oooh, hey," she gives the puppy a little pat to stand up and turn to Mara.

    She'd a question. Circe has her hands in motion as she talks: "Two questions? One, do ya like Mars Bars? That'd be very fun if ya do. Two, uuuuh, huh? what was going ta ask ya? Hmmm?"
    Fairest: Larcenist | WYRD 2| Mantle: Dry Desert Heat |Health: 8 | Willpower: 5 | Glamour: 7

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  13. #29
    Jasper's Avatar
    (Farmboy Charm)
    Striking Looks
    (Ruggedly Handsome)
    (Lean and wiry)
    Hidden Life

    The real side of Jasper looks very similar, tall and lanky with a lithe build. The glaring difference is his head: a large shaggy head of what looks like an Irish Wolfhound rests on his shoulders. A pair of expressive green eyes and alert ears give him an alert and kind look to his features. He still has that same rugged good looks about him, despite the blocky canid snout he has. His leather jacket looks very well made and hangs on his lanky form almost like a second skin, the furred interior looking soft and blacker than the night.

    The light floral scent of honeysuckle with the slight tang of musk beneath it, like a good sweat earned after a roll beneath the sheets.
    Jasper Scenes
     Beast's Keen Senses (Catch met)
     Beast's Keen Senses (Catch met), Armor of the Element's Fury (Catch met)



    Jasper grunts slightly at the kick to his boot and turns to Mara, sticking his tongue out at the Ogre in a quick raspberry. When he turns, the hand that he had down at Squire and helping pet and scratch at the pup with a thumb bumps against Circe's hand for a brief moment before pulling his hand back.

    "Oh, I don't mean actual art.. We're free-runners, the three of us, and that place of yours looks like it'd be fun to go running around for a bit." he says as he looks down at the Fairest bending over before him, watching her with an easy grin on his canid snout. "I canna' speak for anyone else, but I'd be up for a scrap sometime, if you wanna."
    Beast: Coyote | Wyrd 3 | SL2 (Ruggedly Handsome) | Mantle: Floral Musk | Giant | Thick Irish Accent

  14. #30
    Saber Sloth's Avatar

    0 Scenes

    1 day left! Get your last posts in! Then we're on to Status!

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