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Meeting at Capitol Park

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  1. #31
    Mable Wood's Avatar

    Warden of the Sacred Grove
    (girl next door)
    Striking Looks
    Mable Wood


    Mable gives a warm smile, "I'm not all that clever but I also like to investigate stuff. I just get curious. Are you currently investigation anything?"

    "Aww, no webs. I'm kinda disappointed. I wonder if I changed into a spider if I could spin a web?" Mable mused. "That would be pretty cool. But I'm guessing I'd be super squishy and easily killed."

    "We were once one of them, and to some we still are. There are plenty of ummm fangers, and others higher up the food chain then you or I."

  2. #32
    Helen Kingsley's Avatar

    "Being clever helps, it's not a prerequisite. There's enough folks out there who testify to that simply by being around. Getting and staying curious is pretty important and a good place to start from."

    Helen scratches herself behind the ear while she tries to decide how exactly to answer that.

    "Someone's been leaving mutilated bodies in the Industrial District and uses blood to write stuff from the testament of Longinus on walls. We're on it though. I'm currently looking into some folks in the domain I don't know very well, too. But I guess you've picked up on that by now. And I'm investigating covenant history of this place on the side."

    She laughs.

    "Can't help you with that, not my sort of specialty, really. But spider silk ? That's be pretty cool indeed. I'd think if you're not too squicshy now that'd might help you in animal form as well, wouldn't it ? I mean, in relation to 'normal' spiders ?

    Eh, a lot of the stuff we have today makes notions of a food chain pretty relative, don't you think ?"

    Nosferatu Curse: The vibe that that shadow is not doing as a shadow does as soon as you're not looking directly at it.

  3. #33
    Mable Wood's Avatar

    Warden of the Sacred Grove
    (girl next door)
    Striking Looks
    Mable Wood


    "Daaaaamn. I haven't been around that area for a while so I missed out on that action. Have police been involved or are we catching it before they find out?" Mable thought she could offer to use her police contacts if needed, though criminal contacts would probably know more so maybe she wouldn't be helpful. "I wish you luck with that stuff."

    "Ya relatively less squishy then regular spiders. "
    She chuckles. "Food chain is an interesting notion in general."

    "So what would you like to know about me or my covenant?"

  4. #34
    Helen Kingsley's Avatar

    "A fanger who works in the county morgue came to Nox to look for help in keeping the lid on it. So the authorities know, but the bodies have been uglied up by the killer enough to pass it as animal attacks as long as no one looks at all of it too hard. Which so far, nobody has. Still, its about stopping more bodies to pop up." She nods. "Thanks, we'll see how it goes."

    Relatively, eh ?

    "Well, I guess thats a start, although if it works like that, that'd make vampires in cockroach form pretty durable, huh ?

    Interesting notion ? How so ?"

    She looks at her watch.

    "Is there a local flavour of the Circle to speak of ? How do you stand with the other covenants ?"

    Nosferatu Curse: The vibe that that shadow is not doing as a shadow does as soon as you're not looking directly at it.

  5. #35
    Mable Wood's Avatar

    Warden of the Sacred Grove
    (girl next door)
    Striking Looks
    Mable Wood


    "Well, I'll keep my eye out for anything suspicious."

    "Hmm cockroach, think of the laces one could get into and conversations privy to as a cockroach. That is an interesting idea."
    Mable's eyes sparkled at the thoughts.

    "I hadn't really thought too deeply about the food chain...well at least not in a different way. A bear once thought I looked tasty but I over powered it. So that has changed the food chain a bit." She got lost in a thought..."There are other ways to change the food chain like using abilities of different sorts that not even all of our kind have. So it just brings up interesting thoughts."

    "Anyway, the Circle. Well, I believe all the factions should be allowed to practice their own variations. With that in mind I have been studying all the different myths and practices of all the different crone factions. That way I can help each individual on their own path. I also open up some of my celebrations and rituals to the whole domain. I try to vary it each year to give everyone a flavor of what we are about. I believe that knowledge is the best way to dispel any myths or wrong impressions or a group. The more secrecy the more there is to misunderstand. I try to be as transparent as possible."

    "As for other covenants, I believe that each covenant has value and everyone should go on the path which makes the most sense for them. I know I struggle with titles and invictus things in general but that is why being invictus would never work for me. But if that's the thing they need to do to feel good about themselves then so be it, I will try and comply with their rules. I do have an alliance of sorts with the Lancea. I know that sounds weird but just because we practice different things does not mean we can't be in agreement about generalities. The Ordo. I am more then willing to work with them. Again, I don't agree with everything they do and I have lost some good friends to the group and others have been hurt by some within the order. But there can be bad apples within any group. And then there is your group. Again, I have no issues with the group or the beliefs, I almost became one myself. But at the time, the Crone just called to me as my path. I have know some radicals who made it more difficult for your group, but both you and Bellemy are good people."

    "I wouldn't mind an agreement between you folks and my own."

  6. #36
    Helen Kingsley's Avatar

    "Sounds fair. You want or need another pair of eyes or hands on one of your routes, let me know."

    Because why not, might get in handy too to get a few glimpses of the outdoors around the city, too... Sh laughs at the sight of Mable taking a liking to the cockroach idea.

    "That's the point I guess, still, people adapt. I mean, sure, there's quite some vampires out there who could probably break me in half pretty easily... But even a hunter with a bottle of gas and a lighter only needs to get lucky once, so the outcome is far from set in stone. Most of the time when folks think of a food chain, it's either overgeneralized enough to have little actual value or its so detailed its way too complicated to use in ways that make sense. But then, at least it keeps people on their mental toes, then."

    She nods along as she processes what Mable tells so far.

    "So basically you work through bits and bobs of most factions you know to give some impression of the available variety... What faction do you belong to ?"

    Mable's relationship to the Invictus is no surprise really. The bit with the Lancea does, but then, Helen's had some strange bedfellows in the figurative sense herself to make sure she didn't have to have those in some more literal senses of the word. Still, she keeps her opinion on the Invictus and what stuff makes them feel good about themselves for herself for now. Although, taking into account some things she noticed, it might be a nice idea to unleash some fuckery on people next time the opportunity presents itself... Just for fun and to se how they react to it.

    "Yeah, it seems we as a group don't have the best reputation in this city from what I heard and how people have more or less kept a close eye on us. Sounded like there were some pretty eccentric people around back in the day. Which ones did you have to do with ?"

    Helen ponders Mabel's last statement for a bit.

    "An agreement ? Like what ?"

    Nosferatu Curse: The vibe that that shadow is not doing as a shadow does as soon as you're not looking directly at it.

  7. #37
    Mable Wood's Avatar

    Warden of the Sacred Grove
    (girl next door)
    Striking Looks
    Mable Wood


    Mable gives a nod in agreement about adapting. "Well, my faction is called People of the land. My basic belief is that god is female, ummm like mother nature. She exists in all from the trees to the animals. My people tend to prefer open spaces, though I prefer the forests."

    "Wow, they were here such a short time I'm not sure I can remember their names. But I do remember they were entertaining. I tend to just let others be who they are as long as they aren't trying to actively harm me."

    "An agreement to respect each other. To share ideas without pre-judgement. To work together when it makes sense to. That sort of thing. I think it helps to set-up boundaries and agreements to work together instead of against."
    She tilts her head, "Does that make sense? I may be simplifying it but a unification of clans and covenants can only make us stronger as a whole."

  8. #38
    Helen Kingsley's Avatar

    "I see. Got any other noteworthy factions in general, then ?"

    People of the Land. Sounds like some sort of Amish or Mennonite subgroup, but then, judging by what Helen's heard so far, it very well might be, looked at from the right angle and squinting a little. God existing in everything, she's pretty sure there's some smart word for that, yet it escapes her at the time.

    "Guess that depends on what counts as entertaining."

    Somehow, she isn't too convinced these guys had been natural talents at practical comedy, after all.

    "Sort of. I think it depends on what sort of boundaries you want to set, but the rest sounds like common sense unless relations with some of the folks are really up shit creek far enough that stuff like that is needed. What sort of unification do you have in mind, oversimplifyingly spaking ?"

    Nosferatu Curse: The vibe that that shadow is not doing as a shadow does as soon as you're not looking directly at it.

  9. #39
    Mable Wood's Avatar

    Warden of the Sacred Grove
    (girl next door)
    Striking Looks
    Mable Wood


    Mable considers her answer, "Well, the Second Descent are trying to get back to the underworld. Which isn't hell, by the way, it's more based on Mesopotamian myths. When one enters the underworld they are no longer life but death. And in death there is knowledge gained. So this group is looking to descend a second time to gain more enlightenment."

    "Many of they different factions are based off of myths from different cultures. I mean one faction believes they are decedents of Medusa. But no matter where their beliefs lay, most come from a pagan based faith. It's really all very interesting especially as you become more familiar with myths. For example, I like to honor Persephone. She represents agriculture, spring, and new beginnings."

    "I'm afraid I tend to find things entertaining and amusing that the higher ups don't enjoy. I like diversity and enjoy those who don't act like they belong on the set of Mean Girls." Mable shrugs.

    "Well, I wouldn't mind a unification which gives voice to those who are primarily voiceless or those who feel alone? Most covenants and some clans have so few members that they don't have anyone to call on when they need assistance. For example, Gangrel has two members. One is the Prince. I can't call on her if I am having an issue with someone because she needs to remain neutral which basically leaves me alone. I'm Crone, there is now Mr. Baker but that's only two. Invictus has six members and they are almost all also members of the court. The Lancea only has Mr. Wells. Your own covenant is two. See what I'm saying?"

    "I realize that it won't help in all situations. Like I would never expect anyone to risk getting in trouble when I screw up title's in court, but other times. I once was in a battle against the Brood, some bad guys who had hell hounds. One of our past members, Alice Hart was in the battle also, she was blind and another guy said he would protect her. He bailed as soon as the fight began. I was a little ways away and it took me a few beats too long to get to her. I torn two hell hounds into red mist. But she was severely injured. It's situations like that or when we are investigating. Just knowing there is someone you can trust to have your back who won't bail on you when you are in need. "

    Mable smiled, "And maybe to be sure that they won't mean girl you just because they can."

  10. #40
    Helen Kingsley's Avatar

    Pagan myths... Helen isn't too familiar with those. Sure, she's got a few names handy, what she considers the most important and most widely known, but apart from the usual bits and bobs ? Not much she has too much to say on, really. Which is why she takes some mental notes and keeps her trap shut.

    "Like what ?" Not that she doesn't have an idea already, but hey, perhaps some unexpected things are among those too ? "Like those bitchy cherleaders in High School ?" Not that she's ever had anything to do with those, but the concept counts.

    "Hey, Carthians aren't that numerous in here, I know exactly how that is." Not that thats hard, its sort of the covenant's shtick, after all... "Thats difficult, though. Enough people who say they'll protect folks think they'll do that. I mean, they're not even lying, but sometimes it yoiu find out the hard way you don't have the stomach for something. It's like people who say they're willing to die for a cause. They say it, they believe it, but unless they're put on the spot, they'll never know if they have what it takes to go through with it. Oldest conundrum in the book: What does it take to earn somebody's trust ?"

    She chuckles as Mable gos back to Mean Girls.

    "As I said, you want my help, you got it, but that's me, I can't and won't speak for my covenant just like that."

    Nosferatu Curse: The vibe that that shadow is not doing as a shadow does as soon as you're not looking directly at it.

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