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  1. #11
    Conner Wells's Avatar
    Blood & Faith
    (Mask of Tranquility)
    Eidectic Memory
    Conner Wells
    PRP Stats

    HP: 0/7 [7 Bash]
    WP: 0/2
    Vitae: 2/6

    Equipment: Reinforced Jacket, Broadsword, Messenger Bag (flashlight, pen, notepad, binoculars, duct tape), Phone, Wallet ($50 cash)
    Combat Stats

    Def: 3 (Dex; Tonfa +1)
    Armor: 1/0 (Reinforced Clothing)
    Initiative: 4
    Speed: 9


    Conner appreciates Milton's willingness to take direction in regards to the Shadow's expertise. "Thankfully..." He says with a smile. "...that address would only be necessary if I was of the Monachal Creed. I'm Westminster Creed, so simple address will suffice. Think of it as the difference between Catholic and Protestant religious backgrounds." He wonders for a moment how his approach will go for the Domain's future; would the departure from expected ritual create enemies? A thought for another time. "And in this case, we would be the ambushers. So less to worry about there."

    Conner understands where Quinn is coming from: she's Reeve now, she has to look at all the angles. And, if I'm to consider being a Whip in Clan Mekhet, I have to maneuver those angles. "As Ms. Kingsley suggests, we have no reason to believe that Mr. Jacobs is aware of your position in Court or at the very least what you look like in-person. If we play that close to the chest, we can present you as a powerful ally or someone not to piss off." Turning knowledge into power: the Mekhet stock in trade. "And as far as him being responsible for the killings, any information we can gather will only help us. If he turns out to be responsible, we have an easy win. If he isn't, then we have all the tools here to at least make sure he's more agreeable to the Domain in the future." He studies his Priscus' reaction, hoping he's covering his bases.

    Ms. Kingsley's apology is noted, and he gives the Haunt a short look but otherwise leaves the matter be. "I'll be offering Mr. Jacobs the side seat here..." He gestures to the table seat closest to the wall on the right side. This left Mr. Jcaobs with only once escape route: back out the door where he came. "I'll be taking the seat across from him, leaving a seat for Reeve Durant and her laptop. Ms. Kinglsey could move from the table to the kitchen to discourage him from leaving once he's sat down, and I doubt he'll try turning invisible at point blank range." Unless he's desperate. Or an idiot.

    PRP Stats: In Minisheet

  2. #12
    Milton's Avatar

    Time is Money
    Status, Allies
    (City Hall)
    Status, Allies
    Bureaucratic Navigator


    Quinn's approach seems a little...brusque. But who is Milton to correct the Reeve of Sacramento? Accordingly, he does not add his voice to the exchange just yet. Besides, Helen and Conner provide sufficient context.

    The Lord catches Kingsley's glance. Is she afraid he might harm poor Mr. Jacobs? Not an unfounded worry. He offers her a smug, little smile.

    "I don't think there's cause for...physical harm," he says. Yet. "But, if he's been...indulging in public, he's already broken the laws of the domain. His cooperation may be the only thing standing between himself and..." He trails off. A glance at Quinn. "It is up to us to help him help himself," there's a note of sarcasm in his voice.

    "I concur that he likely has no clue about domain politics or personages of note. He is isolated, uneducated. From what we've learned, he barely understands his...condition." He'd returned to his workplace for Christ's sake. And attacked his colleagues on the factory floor.

    A nod to Conner, "Very good." He steps across the room and and grabs the seat from the desk. Positions it against the wall; behind, and to the left, of Conner's seat at the table. "I'll be here. If he starts to become resistant. Or shows any signs that he is withholding information or lying, I will intervene to nip the problem in the bud."

    He can feel it. In the Blood. The will to command. The prospect of bending Jacobs to his whim thrills him. Milton is ready.
    Health: Vitae: WP: BP: 1

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  4. #13
    Helen Kingsley's Avatar

    Westminster. No surprises there so far, but then, it did seem obvious. Now its fact, for what that's worth. Agreeable to the domain, eh... Now where has she heard that before ? Anyways, the plan sounds sound, mostly. They'll see how well it'll turn out soon enough !

    "Can do. Want me to remain in plain sight until then ?"

    Yeah, that smug expression on Milton tells her all she needs to know. Thus, she focuses back on the works in front of her.

    "Who says I'm talking physical harm here ?" After whats been going on just now, she forces herself to not add the expletive that's already more than willing and able to get out there and see whats the worst it can do... Another time. "Just don't get too excited and nip that bud prematurely. Might do more bad than good." And as she does everytime she meets folks that eager to fuck with people's minds, she really wonders how costly or complicated it would be to get someone to give those smug fucks a good tall glass of their own medicine...

    Nosferatu Curse: The vibe that that shadow is not doing as a shadow does as soon as you're not looking directly at it.

  5. Likes pisces, BoxingUnicorn liked this post
  6. #14
    Quinn Durant's Avatar

    Quinn Durant
    (Mask of Tranquility)
    Striking Looks
    (Velvet Rope Jockey)
    Good Breeding
    City Status
    Quinn Durant


    Quinn watches the others for a few minutes, listening to all points of view, and expertise in dealing with the mark. She purses her lips for a few moments nodding, as if deciding something.

    To Helen Quinn chuckles softly. "I'm not offended Ms. Kingsley." Almost off handedly.

    She quickly nodded to Conner and Milton, and then Helen.

    "Alright. I'll take you at your word that this guy is clueless. Works for me. You have more experience with him than I do!" And just like that Quinn was on board with their plan.

    She moved into position to answer the door. Leaning against the wall. Nothing much more to do than wait for the mark.

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  8. #15
    Conner Wells's Avatar
    Blood & Faith
    (Mask of Tranquility)
    Eidectic Memory
    Conner Wells
    PRP Stats

    HP: 0/7 [7 Bash]
    WP: 0/2
    Vitae: 2/6

    Equipment: Reinforced Jacket, Broadsword, Messenger Bag (flashlight, pen, notepad, binoculars, duct tape), Phone, Wallet ($50 cash)
    Combat Stats

    Def: 3 (Dex; Tonfa +1)
    Armor: 1/0 (Reinforced Clothing)
    Initiative: 4
    Speed: 9


    Conner's glad the group seems to have reached a consensus. Particularly since this was HIS home. There was still that defensive paranoia one feels about welcoming strangers into a carefully curated space of little secrets and safe spaces. "In plain sight would be excellent, Ms. Kingsley. You'll be our Sanctified bouncer for tonight; remind him that we have a numbers advantage and that it's in his best interests to cooperate." He hopes a little humor will cool any nerves generated by the task at hand. Milton and Helen's tension around the use of mental abilities is interesting to the Shadow, but he tables those thoughts for another day.

    As Quinn gets into position, Conner shares a quick nod with all conspirators before checking his
    phone for the time. "Any minute now..." He takes a seat at the table in front of the shadow-obscured sword on the table, doing his best to look friendly but also not to be messed with, as the meeting time approaches. He sends a quick prayer from his mind upwards. ​Let this work; let us avoid any unnecessary violence. And whatever violence is necessary, let it be swift and painless.

    PRP Stats: In Minisheet

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  10. #16
    Drakken's Avatar

    Shortly after the plan is formed and everyone is in position, there comes a light tapping on the door. The doorway, once opened, is darkened by a man standing roughly 5 foot 10 inches tall. He's feet are bare, and his long, dark, matted hair falls over a baby blue open backed gown. This is definitely who Conner and Helen saw on the roof of Babylon.

    A closer look with better lighting reveals that the man seems to be in his mid 30s. His gaze is hungry, predatory, though he makes no moves to accost anyone. Instead his silently moves into the room, his gait unnatural in that he almost seems to float as he walks. Something about the man is unsettling, though the exact source is difficult to pinpoint. His eyes scan those present, spending extra time on both Conner and Helen. "You both were at Babylon. What the hell do you want?" His voice is rough, like that of a long term smoker; Raspy, airy, almost like a hiss. Despite the aggression in his voice, the man stands still.

    Behind him, from her vantage point at the door, Quinn sees the grip of a pistol poking out from the waistband of his dark-blue drawstring pants. He makes no attempts to reach for it.

  11. Likes BoxingUnicorn, Endymion liked this post
  12. #17
    Milton's Avatar

    Time is Money
    Status, Allies
    (City Hall)
    Status, Allies
    Bureaucratic Navigator

    (Resilience)Vitae 1 Spent

    Jacobs appears and he is looking...rough. Milton reigns in the anger and fear of his beast, pushes past the unsettling something about the man's presence.

    This is a delicate moment and Milton decides to lay out the welcome mat. Prepare the way for Conner's opening gambit.

    "Welcome, Friend. This is Pastor Conner Wells. After your recent encounter, he asked you--and us--here to ensure you are well. We want nothing more than to offer you whatever assistance we can, as you are a Brother to us in the Blood. It is our hope that you will spend a little time with us this evening, so that we can become better acquainted."

    Fast-talk, failure

    Maybe it's the general tension, maybe it's Jacobs' obvious unease, but Milton feels like his attempt to persuade the man has fallen flat...

    Perhaps his companions will have better luck. Just in case he does, Milton wills his Vitae to reinforce his undead flesh.
    Health: Vitae: WP: BP: 1

  13. Likes pisces, BoxingUnicorn liked this post
  14. #18
    Helen Kingsley's Avatar

    Sanctified bouncer, eh ? Well, it's been some time, but she thinks she still has that down... They'll see how that works !

    As instructed, Helen positions herself in the kitchen, not directly at the door or in the way, but close enough to be there with a few quick steps. She's left her stuff with the bag and leans against the wall, unarmed, arms crossed in front of her chest, her back flat against the wall to give Jacobs at least the option of accepting she's not hiding a weapon behind her back. She gives him a short once-over as he enters and holds his gaze as he takes his time to look her over.

    Yup, is him !

    As she has been at Babylon, she feels directly addressed by Jacobs. Still, as Milton tries to blow sugar up the guy's ass, she's unsure if that will do the job. She's conflicted for a moment. Pipe in and go off the rails ? Or shut the fuck up and see where it goes ? But then, in the long run, its always better to ask for forgiveness than to ask for permission. She pushes herself off the wall while she decides where she ought to take this without grabbing all of that spotlight...

    "We want your help, son. Someone's killing people in the Industrial District, leaves their mutilated bodies for the police to find and uses the Holy Scripture of Saint Longinus to vandalize walls. If it's not stopped, it'll draw the bad sort of attention to the district. Snoops... Feds... Hunters. The sort of people who ruin everyone's party, fangers and folks alike. We don't want them in town, you don't want them on your doorstep. We help you, you help us, they stay out of town, everybody wins."

    Everybody wants to be a winner, right ? She struggles a bit before finishing her little speech. Oh, this will surely trouble her for some time to come...

    "In the name of Longinus, see the light and help us."

    5 successes

    Nosferatu Curse: The vibe that that shadow is not doing as a shadow does as soon as you're not looking directly at it.

  15. Likes Endymion, pisces, BoxingUnicorn liked this post
  16. #19
    Quinn Durant's Avatar

    Quinn Durant
    (Mask of Tranquility)
    Striking Looks
    (Velvet Rope Jockey)
    Good Breeding
    City Status
    Quinn Durant


    The guy had almost a foot on Quinn, but standing behind him, she noted the weapon and kept an eye on his body language, cause if he tried to pull that on Helen and the others, he was in for a big surprise by just how fast Quinn could move. For the moment he seemed completely enamored with the other three. That actually worked in her favor as her beast was masked. The urge to attack this mewling thing was strong, but Quinn was the master of the beast. Not the other way around.

    Milton's fast talking fell flat, but Helen's words were stronger, and she was almost sure she would hold him back with them before he did anything stupid. Nothing was absolutely certain, but if Quinn was a betting woman, her money was on Helen. She held her tongue for now, just watching and waiting. After all she was here as backup and potentially a witness to testimony of more unrest.

  17. Likes BoxingUnicorn, Endymion liked this post
  18. #20
    Conner Wells's Avatar
    Blood & Faith
    (Mask of Tranquility)
    Eidectic Memory
    Conner Wells
    PRP Stats

    HP: 0/7 [7 Bash]
    WP: 0/2
    Vitae: 2/6

    Equipment: Reinforced Jacket, Broadsword, Messenger Bag (flashlight, pen, notepad, binoculars, duct tape), Phone, Wallet ($50 cash)
    Combat Stats

    Def: 3 (Dex; Tonfa +1)
    Armor: 1/0 (Reinforced Clothing)
    Initiative: 4
    Speed: 9


    Almost immediately tensions are high, as Conner guessed they would be. But, thank God, everyone was at least in a good position. He lets the rest of the party say their peace, though that initially seems to backfire. Damn Milton! Of all the times for a Ventrue to put his foot in his mouth. Though Conner chalks it up to nerves, at least part of him does.

    Then Helen...actually puts her heart into it. Conner is actually impressed at the Haunt's strength of will (or perhaps deceptive talent). With Quinn securely at Mr. Jacob's back and preventing any exit, Conner nods to Helen as a show of gratitude.
    Credit where credit is due, even in deception. "She's right, Mr. Jacobs. These threats are very real to us, and now to you as you join us in our condition. Even if you don't claim membership amongst the Sanctified, there is someone who does and is abusing that knowledge. Any knowledge you have about these killings will go a long way in removing this threat."

    1 success

    Conner stands from his chair and holds the Vitae Reliquary notebook out to Mr. Jacobs, a reassuring smile born from the security of his comrades and the surety he felt now as the Lancea's leader in the Domain. "As promised, Mr. Jacobs: blood to quench your thirst. Just touch this to your lips and you'll feel more refreshed. And, should your information prove useful, consider this the first of many grateful gestures." There is a smoldering hunger in Conner's belly as he stretches this life-giving trinket out. Could this be the first acolyte of the Lancea in Sacramento?

    PRP Stats: In Minisheet

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