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(2107) Formal Court

11 - 20
2107 Kowalsic orbit
Jul 7, 2021 - Jul 30, 2021
Shadows and a Lord
Jul 9, 2021 - Jul 30, 2021
(2107)Dirt Nap, JC, and Edward
Jul 11, 2021 - Jul 30, 2021
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  1. #11
    Seryna's Avatar

    Jennifer Hazelton

    The senior Kowalsic, his Beast marking his age, gives a perfect deep nod to his Priscus. He has earned higher status than Jennifer in the First Estate and they both enjoy having respect in their covenant. Mr. Kowalsic holds rank over his Priscus, being Valued in the First Estate. The Nosferatu elder looks about the room as others enter. His eyes are sharp and he notes anyone who gazes at himself, his childe, or the Priscus he stands with.
    "Priscus, I am glad to see you. I trust all is well?"

    He notes the arrivals, Mr. O'Brien and Mr. Wells given the same impersonal nod.
    As Mr O'Brien nears, he gives a "Good evening."

    The Mekhet priscus is given a deep and respectful nod, nearing a bow.
    Dirt Nap is given a perfect nod for someone acknowledged in Sacramento.

    Bellemy is given this same nod, although he speaks with some thought.
    "Madame Bellemy, your thoughtfulness will be remembered. Please do come call on us when matters settle.".
    He leaves it open when he would be able to receive guests.

    "I do hope you are settled in well."

    Maeve is given a close look before a glance at Jennifer, noting her response. He followed her lead with a neutral nod, his face remaining stern.

    The nosferatu childe Miss Isabella gives deep nods to Mr. O'Brien, Mr. Wells, Dirt Nap and Maeve. Priscus Hazelton is given a curtsey held for a few heartbeats. Mr. Kowalsic smoothly assists her in rising with an offered arm, allowing for her Curse of misshapen back.
    Priscus Durant is given a curtsy just as deep as her own Priscus, though a bit shorter in duration.

    Rising, the childe caught Jennifer's look.
    " Mr. Johnathan Randall Kowalsic, of the line of nosferatu.
    Mr. Kowalsic is valued in Sacramento and honored to be Respected in the first estate.
    May I introduce Mr. Connor O'Brien, who is of the line Nosferatu and a kindred of Quality.
    I am Miss Isabella Kowalsic, still under my sire's Hospitality."

    Simone looks attentive, and she remains slowly circulating. Mr. Wells and mr. O'Brien are given nods. The priscus Hazelton is given a bow.
    The mekhet Priscus is given a bow that is held for a few beats longer.

    The Mekhet resumes showing respect, nodding to Bellemy and Maeve.

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  3. #12
    Mable Wood's Avatar

    Warden of the Sacred Grove
    (girl next door)
    Striking Looks
    Mable Wood


    Mable entered the stairwell. She looked around the room at the gathering. She paused, "Goddess, please bless this gathering. Give those within the strength of spirit to maintain control of their beasts." Her own beast started to scream in her head for blood. "Give me strength over my beast." She pushes the beast down. "Protect the court officials from danger. Help us learn to live and work together. Thank you, Goddess. May your experience serve as a guidance to me and my family."

    She continued down the stairs. Her midnight blue gown opened at the hip as she descended the stairs. Descension. That reminded her on one of the factions. She pulled her mind back to the Court as the unmasked beasts waved over her. She centered her mind and continued to the bottom of the staircase.

    She gave a head bow to Jennifer and Quinn. A smaller nod of greeting to Dirt Nap and Simone. To the others she gives a friendly smile. She looks around making sure she didn't miss anyone.

    She walks up to the group that was forming, "Good evening." She says quietly.

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  5. #13
    Connor OBrien's Avatar

    Striking Looks
    (Boxer's Build)
    (Mask of Tranquility)
    Connor OBrien


    Connor, having now been introduced to the Kowalsics, offers Mr. Kowalsic a small bow rather than a nod; not as deep as the one for their mutual Priscus, though. This is a mixed court, and Court officials took precedence over Covenant ties."Mr. Kowalsic, a pleasure to meet another of the family. How do you find your night?" To Miss Kowalsic, he offers a small nod of the head, acknowledging her presence. "Miss Kowalsic, a pleasure."

    His eye is caught briefly by Priscus Durant as she decends the stairs into Elysium. His eyes give her a brief once over, a move that he hopes she doesn't notice, and he gives her a deep nod of acknowledgement. Dirt Nap, Mr. Wells, and Miss Perez, as well as the blue haired Kindred he doesn't know, all receive a nod of acknowledgement.

    Then another Haunt approaches. This one he is interested in. He gives her a nod in greeting before answering her question greeting. "Hello, Cousin, a pleasure to finally meet you. Mr. Connor O'Brien, at your service. We must find a time to talk outside of court."

    Run! Run! A Predator!
    Connor's beast surges forward, strong enough for him to almost take a step away from the approaching Kindred. Almost. He instead turns on his heels when he hears the Kindred say 'Good Evening. "Ah, good evening, I saw you at court last month, but didn't get the chance to introduce myself. Mr. Connor O'Brien, a pleasure to meet you." He gestures to himself as he makes his own introduction.
    Nosferatu Curse: An Aura of Danger, like the feeling that causes the hair to stand up on the back of your neck.
    The Vanishing:

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  7. #14
    Quinn Durant's Avatar

    Quinn Durant
    (Mask of Tranquility)
    Striking Looks
    (Velvet Rope Jockey)
    Good Breeding
    City Status
    Quinn Durant


    Quinn nodded in acknowledgement of Conner Wells, and a bare hint of a smile, as her eyes moved over him. Taking in his clothing choices with the critical eye of someone making sure standards were met. "Good evening, Mr. Wells." This was court.

    Quinn saw Dirt Nap join the throng of beasts in the bowels of the Nox, and nodded to him in acknowledgement, and a small smile that reached her eyes. It was there and then gone. This was court, but she would honor their covenant tie.

    Quinn noted Bellemy's entrance and gave her a nod of acknowledgement, looking over her shrouded garb, and bracing against her cursed presence. Yeah she felt it, but it wasn't anything she hadn't felt before. It would not deter her from the haunt ultimately.

    Quinn reigned in the beast as it snarled in her chest at seeing Maeve. On the one hand it was good that she was here, on the other, she was salty. She gave the barest nod of acknowledgement. "Good evening, and thank you. I like your suit too. I could never wear that shirt though." There just was not enough boob tape in the world to handle her juggs in soft t-shirt material like that.

    Her Ladyship's knowing smile was returned with one of her own. To the other look, she gave no indication of anything. Jennifer kept her ear to the ground, and she was certain she knew what it meant. There had been no announcement, but she was certain she knew anyway.

    Mr. Kowalsic's beast made Quinn thankful to be a ways away from the gathering Nosferatu, and Quinn also noted how close Simone seem to cling to those two in particular. She was like the tail behind the dog. Quinn kept noticing it, and wondered what the connection there was. Cause there was definitely something.

    Then Mable rescues Quinn from her suspicions by distracting the Mehket with her gorgeous dress. It reminded Quinn of the night sky just before it went full dark. Like an expensive sapphire. It struck her that Mable and herself were the only two of a different ethnicity than white in the court, it made her smile ever so slightly. She gave Mable a nod of acknowledgement and a little wink for that outfit. Lovely.

    Quinn took a moment to take in Mr. O'Brien's outfit. Admiring his suit and accoutrements. Quite fine indeed. She failed to notice his elevator eyes, but even if she had she wouldn't hold it against him. So to speak.

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  9. #15
    Conner Wells's Avatar
    Blood & Faith
    (Mask of Tranquility)
    Eidectic Memory
    Conner Wells
    PRP Stats

    HP: 0/7 [7 Bash]
    WP: 0/2
    Vitae: 2/6

    Equipment: Reinforced Jacket, Broadsword, Messenger Bag (flashlight, pen, notepad, binoculars, duct tape), Phone, Wallet ($50 cash)
    Combat Stats

    Def: 3 (Dex; Tonfa +1)
    Armor: 1/0 (Reinforced Clothing)
    Initiative: 4
    Speed: 9


    The halls of Elysium begin to fill up, and the whisper of Conner's Beast quickly becomes a rumble. But this was no longer a Kindred fresh to the perils of the Eternal Court, and Conner eagerly buffers his baser instincts. Time to earn your keep, Conner. Time to show them you belong here. Quinn's greeting does a great deal to boost his confidence. For perhaps the first time, he feels he's off on the right foot.

    He returns the brief nod from Dirt Nap, who he remembers conversing with Simone during last Court. He wasn't a Shadow, but perhaps they shared some other tie?

    Bellemy's entrance almost shakes his newfound confidence. He remembers her from his first Court, but something about actually paying attention to her bring her monstrous appearance into focus. Why does she belong here? She's...What exactly was she? Beast and Man wrestled with how to articulate the apprehension/confusion born from the Haunt. Like a train wreck: terrible but you can't look away. There was even a kind of appreciation for her inhuman appearance; an unconventional beauty.

    Speaking of...Maeve's entrance truly catches Conner's attention. But not in the same train wreck kind of way. He'd wanted more time before their next encounter; more time to get to used to...whatever they were now. But the more he takes in the flowing azure curls and aloof, fluid strides, the more he becomes grateful that he was in the one place Quinn couldn't read his mind. What would she think if she knew? Or would she even care?
    Maeve compliments his suit, and Conner's first spoken words of the evening leave his lips with a fraction of a grateful smile. "Thank you." SHIT! Was that too much?

    Eager to turn his attention to literally anything but the amazonian Shadow, he catches the smile from Mable. He remembers she also was in conversation with Simone. Ms. Perez casts a wide web of connections. Quinn certainly seemed familiar with her. Or maybe it was just the dress.

    PRP Stats: In Minisheet

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  11. #16
    Alessandra's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    (Tattooed Beauty)
    Blood Potency(+1)
    First thing you will notice about Ale is the abundance of her tattoos. They go from her face all the way to her feet, and not much is left bare. The second thing? Her strong Italian accent.

    Known as Sofia De Luca

    Gabriel, Ghoul
    Cain, Hell Hound
    Alessandra Scenes
     -1 Vitae Blush of Life, -1 WP


    The night had arrived. There had been extra planning and security, which no one would notice. These things were best left unnoticed by all not involved. Strings pulled behind the scenes, pawns moved into place.

    Whatever Twist had needed, she got. Ale saw to that.

    Her dress for the evening was something in gold. Tailored for her, something she was beginning to enjoy. Hair and makeup left simple, why complicate a beautiful dress?

    Once Twist was ready, Ale gave the nod to Gabriel to open the doors to let them enter.

    The Prince would enter with the Archon. It was to be an exciting evening.

    Pausing once she stepped into Elysium, she looks around, allowing her Beast to express its rage and anger in her head. Demand the flesh of the weaker ones, rend it from the bones and display it. It also gave her time to see who was there. There was still time before the doors would close of course. Nods were offered to the various Priscus, the nod to Jennifer a bit shallower, given her position within the Invictus.

    But Ale does not approach the gathered just yet. She remains in her place, overlooking the room, someone would have to approach if they wished to speak with her. Twist was of course, welcome to join the gathering if she wished. The Savage just wanted to wait. Wait until the perfect time. When the balls would be set into motion.
    Alessandra Antinori │BP 6│Strong Italian Accent

  12. #17
    JC Smith's Avatar

    Attribute (Presence)
    (Quiet listener)
    Aspect of the Predator
    Mask of Tranquility
    JC Smith

    Cacophony Whisperer


    JC desperately wished that court this court wasn’t mandatory. It had taken him two weeks to fight his way back out of his depression and regain some semblance of mental fortitude. And now this night of anger came along, threatening to suck him dry. The Beast demanded his attention and will to repress, the false courtesy of court required he play along in this culture of predation, and even though he had stemmed the fear that came from his blood he still had to deal with the all to mundane and human anxiety that always plagued him. He wished he could just skip the whole thing. Not risk the chance that he’d end up back in the hole he’d just crawled out of.

    But tonight was mandatory. So here he was on the steps, driving back ideas of murder and having to constantly measure his thoughts.

    Flex, relax. Here we go.

    He bowed low to the Prince. There was no sign of Twist or the Seneschal, so he moved on to recognizing Jennifer and Quinn, the two Priscii, with a deep incline of the head. He gave a short nod and smile to Mable, both as cousin and leader of the Crone, even if only by default. The same nod without the smile was given to the ‘high’ (and only) priest of the Lance, again by default but still technically a covenant leader since no one from the faceless crowd had the courage to come forward.

    He was starting to feel tired already and didn’t move to engage just yet. He was going to have to pace himself because even those with Masked beasts he felt the urge to attack and drain of blood as prey.
    Presence (Quiet Listener) 1 / BP1 / Mask of Tranquility

  13. #18
    Dirt Nap's Avatar
    New Identity Clayton Jordan Carter
    Obfuscate 2 Mask of Tranquility
    Occultation (Vampire)
    Dirt Nap
    Dirt Nap Scenes


    Dirt Nap notes Bellemy's entrance and direct route to presumed safety under her Priscus's wing. He returns her respectful nod. Her manners are top notch, except maybe announcing to Court that she's taking and following advice from Mister Kowalsic.

    Maeve enters then, and the way she's dressed is...striking, and kind of typical for her, looking like it's halfway towards fitting in but really screaming 'look at me'. Not that it's any hardship to look neither, she wears it pretty well after all. He returns her acknowledgement, more in the line of showing her he notices her, since that seems to be what she wants more than anything.

    Dirt Nap watches his friend, the Lady Hazelton, Priscus of the Clan Nosferatu and Notary. He's pretty sure she might put those things in a different order. She does like to putting things and people in the right order. Right now, she's directing with her looks and nods as sharp and clear as a matriarchal mare nipping at the stragglers and snarling at the colt that get too far ahead, putting things in order like. Mister OBrien seems to be a peck up in the order. All the new acknowledges seem to move a bunch up in a clump, too. Even Maeve gets a titch more respect, for some reason. As does Quinn Durant, while he moves down a notch in balance, as he planned. It shows that his move from Grand Wyrm to mere Scholar of the Dragons is more of a thing than the steady rank of friend, to the public at Court at least. Shows the Lady Hazelton is a professional, keeping track of everyone's ranks here at Court and in the Domain, whilst keeping close to the vest any personal feelings she might have towards any of them, for the most part. There are some little tells sometimes, how she's at least a little fond of him, and more than a little disdainful of Mister Kowalsic, for example.

    Dirt Nap nods, contentedly. With leadership of the Dragons in good hands, he is finally freed up to focus on his studies, well first there is at least one more practicality to take care of, now that he's mastered the learning aid of a perfect recall, he's needful to master some practical ability, and then, at last he can get back to his passion, the Coils. He's got some theories that maybe he's barked a little bit down the wrong path, and a little change of which Coil might best serve his ultimate goals, that being, to be the man he aims to be.

    Mable's in and right off praying. That's new. And almost a certain just a true wanting to bless, whereas anybody else, he'd figure it a show like the prayer was trying to be said as on official seeming declaration of which religion is the official one at Court over the other Covenants that do some praying. Sincere or not, he can't imagine the attending Lancea Sanctum types much appreciate the look and sound of it. Could be though, they are all caught up in the spirit of Ecumenism, but they'd be the first he'd ever met if they were. Hardly anyone would credit just good will and care impulsively busting out in the moment over some kind of calculated move at a mandatory Court sure to have more people than any regular one.

    Dirt Nap nods back to Mable, smiling somewhat in a show of support that is probably not wise but what a friend is bound to do, his move bein' as much calculated to show everyone he's not backing out of being a friend no matter what else it means. To those keeping score, likely everyone but maybe Mable, he's showing that the Dragons, at least aren't threatened or resentful of a sincere prayer for their well being.

    He sees Connor OBrien return his nod back to him with no interest but paid in full nonetheless, and notices despite the man giving off a palpable sense of danger himself, he starts a little at Mable's approach. Dirt Nap himself never forgets the power and age of his friend, Mable, having seen her drive another kindred to frenzy and death just by fluttering on by outside a window once.

    Quinn Durant chooses to favor him with a little smile after a proper nod, and he represses a shiver. He can't say quite what it means, and that's a titch of worry. She doesn't quite summon him to her side though, no doubt her Clan will be taking most of her effort and attention at Court, so as long as he doesn't do or say anything to embarrass the Dragons, he should be alright on his own. He keeps a wary eye on her, bein' attentive to any little signal from his Grand Wyrm, ready to obey right off without hesitating.

    Dirt Nap catches the respect and maybe just a little interest in the nod from Conner Wells, back to him from his nod to the man on coming into Court. Just when Dirt Nap is thinking he might just sashay on over and start a conversation with the man, Dirt Nap sees some obvious interest towards Maeve, and thinks twice about stirring things up joining the two of them. Better to let the two of them be, for now. Another time, he might just talk with Conner Wells just the two of them, not private, never at Court, but when he's too not distracted at least.

    And then the Prince makes an entrance, with the Archon right there with her too. Even with his Clan Predator Aspect, he isn't blind to the menace and power and just downright spectacle of it, like a pair of mountain lions scattering a pack of coyotes from a kill. Even his defiant Beast is overwhelmed in that moment by a wave of threat and self preservation.

    Dirt Nap bows deeply to the Prince and just a little less to the Archon Twist. He's careful not to make eye contact or in anyway give off the idea that he is trying for their attention. It's obvious they mean business tonight, and he isn't interested in getting in their way at least until their business is finished with.

    And then J.C. comes in. Looking a touch harried and weary. Dirt Nap heads on over towards him, to judge whether he's over his feelings of being used enough for Dirt Nap's talking with him being a help or a hindrance to getting his mind level set.

    "Evenin, J.C." Dirt Nap says with a slight hint of a smile. "Good to see ya."

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  15. #19
    Edward Heinrich's Avatar

    Edward Heinrich

    Daeva Vice: Wrath
    Edward Heinrich Scenes


    The apparent fact: why now?
    Why announce a mandatory court? What had changed? It smelled of politics, and it had Edward on edge. Not that the Beast's thrashing improved matters, Edward knew the exact step of the stairs; it began its protests/provocations by heart. He stifled a grimace as foot hit stair.

    Edward's response to both the situation and his own sour mood was to avoid eye-catching attire and conversation; his disinclination didn't stop him from paying his respects: bows to the Prince and the Archon, then nods to Quinn, Jennifer, and Mr. Kowalsic. A small smile to Mable. Finally, an evaluation of the social circles. No Jack?

    There was the crowd, the terrible and beautiful duo, and then J.C. and Dirt Nap. The two Savages gave Edward pause, if he could just watch them, their actions, where they looked, maybe it would reveal something.

    So he walked over, "good evening. I hope I am not intruding?"

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  17. #20
    Sieb van Zon's Avatar

    Sieb van Zon

    He speaks in a noticeable dutch accent.
    He looks very youthfull.


    Sieb was driving as quickly as he could towards the court, while remaining faithful to the kine laws. Hoping he could arrive on time, sadly though he wasn't yet situated in Sacramento but further outside. So he was a little later then he hoped to be. I can just hope that people don't think I am trying to make myself more important than I am by arriving late.

    At the coat room he gives away his special coat, as always telling the people there to be careful with its little surprises.
    He steels himself and walks in. The prince is already there.
    Don't stay. Run! Grab the guns on your way out! his beasts roars.

    There are a lot of uncloaked beasts here today.
    Sieb breathes a few times and sets up his usual polite smile.
    He wears a fine suit, below it a west in clan colors he has been gifted by Seneschal Jaque.
    Usually he would dismiss simple clothing as a gift, but Jaque offered to help him if he wouldn't have been able to get acknowledged himself, wearing it was Siebs way of showing his gratitude.
    Additionally he wears the ring gifted by Mr O'Brien. He didn't know yet if it is a wise decision to do so, but if the gift was given to him in bad faith, he would find out here.

    Now, it's time for him to greet people.
    He gives the deepest bow into the direction of the Sacramento Prince.

    Afterwards Sieb walks towards the group of people that seem to be exchanging pleasantries.
    First he gives short bows to the prisci of the domain that arrived already, as her Grace and the Seneschal didn't arrive yet.
    He nods towards Lady Notary Hazelton the deepest.
    "Lady Notary Hazelton, it's a pleasure to see you."
    He vagualy remembers some people from last court, but he was too pre-occupied with trying to get acknowledged back then so he has to hope that he get's it right.
    "Priscus Durant", another nod.
    He remembers seeing the Kowalsics and hearing how they have been greeted last time, his last introduction was incomplete, maybe he should introduce himself properly this time.
    "Good Evening Mr. Kowalsic, I am Mister Sieb van Zon of Clan Daeva.", he greets him.
    "Mr O'Brien, I hope your evening is going well?", he says with a very small hint of a nod.
    "Ms. Perez."
    , he tries to remember.
    "Cousin Heinrich, I am glad to see you.", again with a shallow nod.
    "Mr. Nap.", he smiles politely.

    For the rest he just really doesn't know their names.
    So he nods into everyone of their directions, "Good Evening, I am Mister Sieb van Zon."
    In the hopes that some give their name to him in return.

    "I too appologize for intruding"
    Should we open some side threads for socialising in smaller groups? This is quite clunky

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