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*PM Scene* Jennifer and Dirt Nap

  1. #1
    Dirt Nap's Avatar
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    *PM Scene*
    Jennifer has invited Dirt Nap to her Haven after the dispersal at JC's Haven. She is eager to discuss what went down and wishes to hear his ideas.
    The text reads: Please come by tonight so we can discuss what has changed and what stays the same. My place with the blue curtains

    Jennifer opens the door wearing a dressed down outfit, In her mind, she is mirroring Dirt Nap's own court attire. It is a work casual outfit for her - perfect for sitting and conversing in her Haven. It is in clan colors, as her wardrobe of separates function to always demonstrate who she is.

    "Come in, please." Jennifer invited as she stepped back from the door to allow Dirt Nap entrance. She led the way to the same seating area that they conversed before. She sat and adjusted into a comfortable position in her arm chair, facing Dirt Nap. She looks at him intently, giving him her attention.

    "Last night was an experience,"
    She replied, her tone wry. "- I hadn't expected that you would join us. My sire was familiar with and a practitioner of the Familiar. That is a reason I took care to ensure your identity. It has been floated that this poacher may be a Kindred themselves."

    She leans back slightly, mentioning. "You may have been confused why I wasn't taking charge last night.
    I would be interested in your opinion of the evening. Unpolluted by my own thoughts."

    Dirt Nap accepted the text invitation with a simple, "I'll be there, Ma'am."

    On arrival, he's wearing the same clothes that he had on at J.C.s lair.

    He takes the offered hospitality and listens closely to Jennifer.

    Then he says, "I have a mind to put Quinn in charge of the dragons, ma'am. I think highly of her skills with people. J.C. is a hard case. I don't get where Maeve is coming from at all. The way Quinn handles her just makes me respect her the more for it." He sums up succinctly.

    “Quinn in charge of the Dragons.”
    Jennifer tests it out by speaking it aloud. “I think she’s competent. Honestly, I was biting my tongue last night to see who was going to step up and take command: Mr. Smith or Priscus Quinn. I think Priscus Quinn won out. She also has no problem stating the flaws in a plan. I know why you use her first name, yet for me it feels… it’s an Invictus thing. I shall continue to use the title that she earned.
    I think she’d do well in a leadership position. She is careful with appearances and how she presents herself. She has experience with the First Estate; she won’t embarrass the Order. She could likely teach your new initiates how to conduct themselves to avoid another Horatio. Honestly, I would love to pick her brain about the coterie. I didn’t have the opportunity she had when she was younger. She chose to walk away from the First Estate. Just like my Sire chose to leave the First Estate."

    Jennifer paused for a moment. Considering the implications of his proposed plan.

    "How would that impact your position? I know that you were looking for something underground. Something to get you influence. Would you go back to that sort of research?
    I do like Mr. Smith’s way of thinking, though. Way out there, no one will call the cops if we throw a beat down on a poacher.”
    A shrug. “A sad case for how the underprivileged live.”
    “I was amused by the exchanges between the Mekhet Priscus and Mr. Smith. They clearly both are experienced in different walks of life.

    What did you think of the exchanges? Do they get along with one another when they are with you?”

    She watches Dirt Nap for a moment. Thinking of the reactions from the others when he walked up.
    “I don’t know Maeve. I know that she vanished, and lost her acknowledgement. Put Priscus Durant in a position to have to hound her to be an upstanding citizen of the Domain.” A sniff. “Honestly? I don’t trust that she will still be here next month. If she shows up and does something besides make hilarious remarks, I might actually think of her when she’s not standing directly in front of me.”
    She looks closely at Dirt Nap. “Do you know if she and Priscus Durant get along well?”

    Dirt Nap nods to Jennifer's question about whether installing Quinn Durant as Grand Wyrm would impact him. He doesn't look put off at the prospect at all, in fact he looks quite eager.

    "Yes, Ma'am it surely would." He says slowly. "I only really ever was willing to take on the job because it was better than the alternatives, and for me personally, if the Grand Wyrm was staying out of politics and just laying low, focusing on studying. It was better than having someone using the position for their own political gain and doing it poorly at that."

    Dirt Nap is quiet for a long several minutes.

    "I am not completely sure Priscus Durant had as much choice as it might seem, in leaving the Invictus to join the Dragons. Anyways, I had to be sure she was competent, like you say, and also that she was committed. I am pretty sure now. As sure as can be without actually putting it to the test anyhows. I am convinced with no shadow of a doubt that she is better at the organizing and leading and politics than me though. I am ready to take her lead. The way it works, if I can get her to accept being Sworn, she will call the shots about the house and who is in and such. She wouldn't have the authority to tell anyone what to study or how much. Which to be honest, is all I ever really cared about." He explains.

    He hesitates when Jennifer asks him about how other people get along, as if she respected his view on interpersonal relationships, which strikes him as unwise if she does and wise if she just wants to know how he feels.

    "Well Ma'am, I am the last one to think I understand another person's feelings." Dirt Nap qualifies.

    "I'd say Maeve is rightly fond of her Priscus, as much like a jealous lover as anything, if she pays attention to anyone else." He says. "I tend to think she was only there the other night to make sure no one hurt or disrespected her Priscus."

    "As to J.C. to be honest I don't believe he himself knows his full feelings towards a lot of people and things. It seems almost like he has to take a vote any specific moment. I believe he is real fond of me, for example, and would move heaven and earth to help me. And at the same time, I don't turn my back on him, ever. I expect it's similar between him and Priscus Durant, only maybe without the fondness parts."

    "Doing poorly at that?" She inquired. "Who was your last Grand Wyrm?"
    She was silent for a few beats of a mortal's heart. Considering the impact of his plan. Weighing his words.

    "Are you alright with not understanding the drives and motivations?" Jennifer cracked a grin. "Sorry, I am peppering you with questions tonight." A rare admission of an apology. A sincere one.
    Jennifer considered what her friend was saying.
    "I feel that the Priscus is capable of holding her own. She was doing fine conversing with Mr. Smith before Maeve showed. I can't really remember Maeve saying a thing."

    That sparks something in the back of Jennifer's mind. A memory, yet not a prominent one. A quiet, nagging one.

    "My mentor was Lady Notary Micha Chappelle, a Mekhet. An Alucinor."
    She pauses to see if this has an impact with him. "She was adept at conversing with someone, mentioning topics and just watching them. She seemed to get something out of it."
    "I'm sure that Maeve pays attention to others." Jennifer muses. Thinking back over when she had seen Maeve. At Court, mostly.
    "I saw her talking to Mable. I believe the last memory I have of Maeve, she and Mable were embarassing Priscus Durant at Court."

    Jennifer tilted her head as she processed what he said about J.C. Dark brown eyes regard him, unblinking.

    I'm truly not sure about J.C., however. He did take risks placing the alert in the Elysium and calling the group together. He seems like he's trying to guide the investigation. Is that leadership?"
    She ponders.

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  3. #2
    Dirt Nap's Avatar
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    "You likely as not remember Horatio." Dirt Nap says soberly. "Before him was Lina Moretti. I wouldn't mention her by name around The Prince."

    Dirt Nap chuckles. "I tend to think I am interested in facts, and what I think of someones motivations and feelings is not generally in the fact bucket, more of an opinion, in my opinion anyways. I don't just not trust my own ideas of a fella's motivations; I don't put a lot of weight in his own idea of what his motivations or feelings are neither. People do things all the time, telling themself they know the reason why, when they don't."

    "I try to pay attention to what people do for actual, and whether they do it often, and in the same way. I don't so much worry about what I think the reason is or what they think the reason is neither."

    "J.C. is a good example. He does different things, and gives different reasons." Dirt Nap says. "All I really know about him for sure is that he's not predictable."

    "Maeve, so far doesn't do anything but talk loud. Even when she's laying low, she does it in a way that's sure to get attention. My only prediction for Maeve is, she's liable to make a fuss."

    "Priscus Durant...has had a pattern of taking an interest in people, and not leaving them any worse off for it. That's harder than it looks. I try to do the same, with mixed to worse results."

    "Horatio." Jennifer's face darkens. "Yes, I remember him. He was going to help me improve my ability with the Family Mekhet gift before he took off. Or was he called back?" She questioned. "That is a goal that I have been trying to achieve for quite a bit of time."

    Regarding Dirt Nap's response, she advises."Motivations are good indicators of a Kindred. I don't want to say 'character'. We all have Beasts, any of us could frenzy and do something that we normally never would consider."

    "I strive to nurture my humanity, because I see that as beneficial both to myself, and the Domain if I can conduct myself accordingly. I think it’s good to know the motivations of your close allies."

    "Mr. Smith was extended a stay by Horatio, wasn't he? I am curious about who you don't put weight in his own idea of what his motivations are. We may be deluding ourselves: I can agree with that. I might say that being conscientious and mindful of my status in Academic circles is advantageous to my Covenant, and I am doing my part. When it just may be me being greedy and wanting to stay abreast of new developments in Academics."

    "Yet knowing what one's motivations are is important. Like your motivations. I would think I knew them, before your departure and return." A big pause there. Things had changed.

    "Unpredictable is not exactly a selling point. I am trying to get to know Mr. Smith myself. I heard from the grapevine that he weighed in on my political standing with my Family, favorably. Obviously, thats a good thing. I like my standing. Yet what is the motivation? To encourage a potential alliance, or to make me look more favorably on him?" She proposed what she had been thinking.

    "Maeve is interesting. She says things that often are not wrong. Impolite, or just not appropriate for the setting. Yet it could be a very astute way of seeing things or a keen perception of Kindred condition."

    "Personally, I want to see that redirected. Before she ends up pissing someone off and she gets a permanent 'heads up'. I don't know her motivation for the way she behaves. Yet I feel like she and Priscus Durant have a good rapport, from how they behave at the gathering for the Jackal that we had the other night. Yet Maeve is making life more difficult for Priscus Durant. " A pause, for this was something that bothered her. "I am curious in who she takes an interest in. I know you also enjoy Madame Mable's company. Although -- mixed to worse results?" She raised an eyebrow at Dirt Nap.

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  5. #3
    Dirt Nap's Avatar
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    Dirt Nap chuckles. "Me too, Ma'am. I wouldn't mind learning the Auspex still, even though my reasons for needing to were just a backup plan to needing someone who was up to the job to lead the Dragons. Now I believe I got that, without having to spend my time learning something I don't strickly need for anything else that's high on my list."

    Dirt Nap nods. "I don't doubt the usefulness of knowing a person's motivations, Ma'am. I only doubt whether I really ever would know it, even if someone told it to me. I mostly can be sure of what I see and hear someone do or say. The rest...I tend to not put too much stock in, begging your pardon, Ma'am. I understand my opinion on it is not real popular or something anyone else I know agrees with. To be honest, it starts with myself, not having no trust for everyone else. I try not to give myself much credit for having good intentions, and just to look honestly at what I actually do, and what amount of good or harm comes from it."

    Dirt Nap shakes his head slightly, for him a rather emphatic sign of incomprehension. "I don't mean to think badly of J.C. just to try to keep mindful of the facts, which to me is, what all he says isn't so far the best way to predict what he ends up doing."

    Dirt Nap chuckles softly, "As for me, Ma'am. I never was as pure or innocent in my motives inside as people seemed to want to give me credit for, but as far as I can tell, I am still on the same track as far as what I do and say. I always knew it would take some serious stubbornness to stay on the track I wanted, not to give in to...some things I always knew would get stronger and stronger trying to pull me off the track. Well, that's happening somewhat to me now, and I expect it will only get bumpier for me as I go along. I plan to stay on track all the same though."

    Dirt Nap listens quietly to what Jennifer has to say about Maeve. "I don't know here, really. So far, I don't recall her saying anything out loud that wasn't already generally known, just that most know it won't be helpful to say it out loud." He says with some apparent distaste. Dirt Nap obviously respects a show of Composure and some awareness of the effects of saying something more than the idea of saying something out loud just because it happens to be true.

    Dirt Nap chuckles again, low and soft. "Well now you gone and showed me out to be a hypocrite, Ma'am. Mable and Maeve both have a habit of saying things at times and places they oughtn't; and why to I tend to like Mable for it, and not feel as kindly towards Maeve for it?" He says with another, good natured chuckle.

    "I suppose I do put some weight on what I think people have for a motive after all. I have never believed Mable meant any harm or disrespect by her mistakes. In the short time I have been around Maeve, it feels like it comes from a lack of respect that just happens to pop out, with her not being able to totally hide it."

    “I understand not trusting what Kindred say. Most Kindred lie. Its how most function. I always try to tell the truth in the spirit of the matter, because I could be dismissed from my position if I was revealed to be duplicitous or untrustworthy."

    "Yet I am not saying ask Kindred their motivations. I am intending to convey how I was taught by my sire – studying a Kindred’s body language, past acts and expressions to determine their emotions. I attempt to gauge a Kindred’s emotions fairly often.” She confided. “I find it assists me in determining if I am being lied to."

    "Now on the matter of Mr. Smith – he doesn’t confide much. He talks, he has conversations. Yet is he sharing worthwhile information? Or attempting to build rapport with allies? I’m unsure.” She admits.

    “There’s nothing wrong with being stubborn, Dirt Nap. Many things that we do require us to have the fortitude to fight through opposition or adversity."

    She notes his distaste for what Maeve has been saying.

    “I think being able to hold oneself accountable is important. Yet its very possible that she is young, or from a Domain where individuality is praised. Yet judging by the Prince’s comments, I don’t think Maeve or Conner made good impressions. My greater concern is for Priscus Durant."

    "I’m unsure if they are aware they could have derailed Priscus Durant’s efforts to earn a city position. If she is seen as unable to control her wayward family members, it could go badly for her.”

  6. #4
    Dirt Nap's Avatar
    New Identity Clayton Jordan Carter
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    Occultation (Vampire)
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    Dirt Nap nods. "I don't really have much experience with Clan functions. Even here, in the Prince's Domain where everything is pretty solid, the Clan, my Clan is pretty much just everyone going it solo. I don't even know, does she have a Whip? That's who should be taking them to the woodshed for a lesson." He says quietly.

    "My clan though...we go our own way. I offer my help to J.C. and Mable both, mostly a spot of advice here or there. They might take it, usually not. " He says. "I have a thought sometimes, the Prince takes it as a point of pride in our Clan, none of us needing 'babysitting', per se."

    Dirt Nap shrugs slightly. "None of us have got banished or dead. None of us are exactly thriving at Court neither."

    “Your clan should have a Whip.” Jennifer pointed out. “Someone who keeps the Family in line, keeps every one on the same page. With your Priscus as Prince of a City, I imagine someone who cares about the Family ought to have stepped up as soon as Prince Alessandra took the throne.” She raised an eyebrow.
    “No one is Whip? Sounds like perhaps you are doing the job. Take the position.” Jennifer stated, matter of fact. “Its not as much of an improvement as Priscus as far as city positions. Yet it helps the Family."

    "I’m putting the question to my Family at our next meeting to choose a Whip. I am charging them to meet one another over the month of July. Sort it out among themselves."

    "Then when we have the Family meet in August, those who feel worthy will volunteer. The Family will question them. Just as Priscus Grigoriev and the Family did when I first came here. The Nosferatu of Sacramento keep our Traditions alive.”

    "The Prince named Mable the Whip." Dirt Nap explains.

    Jennifer tilted her head at Dirt Nap for a moment, as she processed. "So is Mable fulfilling the duties as Whip?"

    Dirt Nap says, "Nope. But then...all things considered. I don't know as anyone else could do better. Whip can't start calling meetings or telling people what to do without showing disrespect."

    "Well, all of the things that the clan needs done. For example, my family would keep a running tally of who's contributing to the Necropolis, and if they need aid. Who's needing to be tutored in anything. Assistance in meeting their personal goals..." Jennifer named off matter of fact. "I was a whip for a few months, several years ago. The Prince doesn't need to tell what needs to be done. I would think the Family would know what they want?'

    "A lot of it is keeping people in line, a bit like the party line. Make sure everyone is on the same page. No one is going to embarrass anyone."

    Dirt Nap nods. "I don't blame her. I do believe the Prince would name someone else as Priscus, if she felt confidence someone else was up to it." He says.

    "Do you?" Jennifer appears surprised. " In my experience, the Priscus is the best embodiment of the family. Alder Duchess Twist, priscus of the Daeva, Judex, hound and Archon, for example. Her grace is the embodiment of the Daeva. I can't remember another priscus, and that's from 2011. She wouldn't step aside for Edward."

    "I don't expect her Grace, the Prince, to step aside.
    Why would she?" Jennifer looks perplexed. " It sounds like the Whip needs to become more assertive. In my opinion."

    Dirt Nap seems to think about what Jennifer has said for a minute, and then nods. "Yup. I imagine you're right 'bout that. The Prince is the best embodiment of our Clan around, alright. That ain't about to change." He says thoughtfully. "I ought not to assume that Mable hasn't been workin' on J.C. neither. Good chance, I just don't know what I'm talkin' 'bout."

    Jennifer nods. " It's hard to keep up on everything. Perhaps Mable is doing her duties.
    Seems like the easiest way would be to meet with Mabel and JC and check in."

    Dirt Nap nods thoughtfully. "I appreciate the thought, Ma'am." He says softly. "Are things going good with your Clan? It seemed to get a whole string of new members recent-like."

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  8. #5
    Jennifer Hazelton's Avatar
    Seneschal, Baroness Notary, Priscus of Nosferatu
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    Obfuscate 2 Mask of Tranquility
    Jennifer Hazelton

    Nosferatu curse: A voice that withered like a snake sneaking through the grass, plummeted like an old man's nearing his demise


    "Things are going well for the Nosferatu." Jennifer straightened, a feeling of pride forming. "I think that we are going to work well together. Mr. Moore has become more involved with the Domain. I had a good talk with Madame Bellemy and am curious where she is going to put her energies. Mr. O'brien is appearing to be very similiar to myself - family oriented. The two of us are both members of the Invictus. I am planning on taking an interest in guiding him in our shared Covenant.

    Madame Kingsley made some very good points in our Family Meeting. I need to sit down with her one on one and see what she is interested in. I get the sense there is a clever mind, there."

    Again, the paranoid voice whispered that sometimes, the most promising and dynamic Kindred seemed to be called to other Domains.
    "Sacramento is a crucible." She shared her opinion. Some could withstand the pressures. Some simply needed to move on. She would never consider Alice as sucumbing to any pressure. Jennifer took a moment to hope that Alice had come to a good place, a place where she would thrive.

    "I encouraged the Family to seek out any information they need, or to tutor one another. That is something that I find my mind returning to - the drive to keep studying. To learn."
    Jennifer considered her own drive and motivation as she looked over to Dirt Nap. She really couldn't pinpoint a reason for it.
    Nosferatu Curse: Jennifer's voice withers like a snake sneaking through the grass, plummeted like an old man's nearing his demise.

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  10. #6
    Dirt Nap's Avatar
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    Dirt Nap listens and nods when Jennifer describes the state of her Clan. "Glad to hear it, Ma'am." He says sincerely. With a Clan suddenly large with new arrivals, it was good for everyone to have someone as steady and capable of handling them as the Lady Hazelton.

    "Puts me to mind of some things I intend on learning in my own Clan. It's been taking longer than I thought it would to be ready for it, some other things I thought I'd have more time for kind of came on up to be more urgent like." He explains.

    Dirt Nap looks at Jennifer and pauses, as if deciding. He'd told the Prince as he felt was only right, her being responsible for the Domain and all, but he hadn't told anyone just out of plain friendship. But that wouldn't likely be a quick conversation, neither.

    Probably best to let the Lady Hazelton decide for herself, as she'd be the best one to manage her time, not him trying to do it for her.

    "Ma'am, it's been a pleasure as always and mightly interestin' and educational getting to speak freely with you here. It is a privilege, and I appreciate it." Dirt Nap says.

    "I don't want to presume on your time. There is a thing I think it right to fill you in one, maybe why I seem different since I got back, and a bit of why I had to leave in the first place." Dirt Nap offers. "I believe, as a true friend, I ought to let you know. I think it might be something for another evening though, unless you want me to cover it all tonight."

    He doesn't check a time piece, but it does seem like it's been a while, and the dawn could be right around the corner.

    Entirely up to you whether you want to close this scene, get it into continuity, and do another one later, or continue this one! Either way, this has been a great scene, thank you!

  11. #7
    Jennifer Hazelton's Avatar
    Seneschal, Baroness Notary, Priscus of Nosferatu
    City Status
    Invictus status
    Presence (Lady)
    Obfuscate 2 Mask of Tranquility
    Jennifer Hazelton

    Nosferatu curse: A voice that withered like a snake sneaking through the grass, plummeted like an old man's nearing his demise


    "Urgent like." Jennifer muses. "Yes, I am now considering taking some mentoring from more martial characters. As the investigation has made me wonder what will be needed to contain it." She confides. "I enjoy speaking with you, Dirt Nap. I have trusted you with information I haven't shared, and I appreciate you caring for it.
    You have made me rather curious... shall we get together after Court next month?"
    Jennifer suggests.

    I am happy with closing the scene to get to continuity. Thank you for the wonderful scene.
    Nosferatu Curse: Jennifer's voice withers like a snake sneaking through the grass, plummeted like an old man's nearing his demise.

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  13. #8
    Dirt Nap's Avatar
    New Identity Clayton Jordan Carter
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    Dirt Nap nods, both at the reminder that the Lady Hazelton has confided in him, trusted him, and at the suggestion that they adjourn for the night, to agree to meet up in the future.

    "It's a pleasure, Ma'am." Dirt Nap says softly, "And an honor."

    With that, he rises, preparing to leave.

    Okay! Closing the scene now, and looking forward to the next one! Thank you for the fun and exciting scene!

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