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Purely a social call, surely

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  1. #1
    Jennifer Hazelton's Avatar
    Seneschal, Baroness Notary, Priscus of Nosferatu
    City Status
    Invictus status
    Presence (Lady)
    Obfuscate 2 Mask of Tranquility
    Jennifer Hazelton

    Nosferatu curse: A voice that withered like a snake sneaking through the grass, plummeted like an old man's nearing his demise


    The address that Jennifer texted Jacque led him to a small house. It’s a middle-class neighborhood: the houses are too run-down to be a bland suburbia, but it’s quiet and clean. On the approach, a camera is visible panning over the driveway. Jennifer’s sedan is out of sight, likely in the garage. Another camera peers down onto the front step, motion activated.
    "Hello, Mr. Jack." She greets at the door, still mindful of loose lips at his hour. "Please come in."
    Jennifer is wearing a new modest gown in green. It is high neck, with long sleeves and tailored to touch her ankles. A gold silk scarf has been elaborately pinned to hide the left side of her neck and quite a bit of shoulder. She wears an 1890's pin of green and gold, featuring pearls on the scarf tonight. The design is of a sprig of leaves.

    The home appears to be well furnished. It is furnished in light honey wood tones and subtle light blues and greens. There is a dining room in sight, a long wooden table has been decorated with a green and gold table runner. The dining room is the largest room in the snug house, with a few potted plants lining the far wall. A small camera is visible watching the back door out of the tidy and small kitchen.

    Jennifer leads the way into the main room off of the entry way. There is a window with heavy black out curtains are drawn, concealing the outside. Two small electric lights are set in end tables in the corner of the room, providing just enough light for the snug little room. The sitting area is composed of a leather love seat against the window. Facing the love seat are a pair of dark blue arm chairs in birch veneer. A low coffee table squats in the center. A small glass vase holds a tasteful bouquet of red and white roses.
    Jennifer gestures to the seating arrangements.

    “Please, make yourself comfortable, Seneschal. It has been too long since we have spoken.” Her cursed voice observes.
    “I am sure that there have been many developments in recent nights.”

    Jennifer does not sit as yet, waiting. Things have changed in how they stood in relation to the regard of the Domain.
    Nosferatu Curse: Jennifer's voice withers like a snake sneaking through the grass, plummeted like an old man's nearing his demise.

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  3. #2
    Jacque's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    Mask of Tranquility
    New Identity
    (Alexander Krait)

    Goes by Jack.

    Educated, scholarly, lawyer, scientist.
    Jack's outward demeanor and tone are a baseline of respectful and calculated.

    He actively debates, persuades, negotiates and even at time tries to intimidate, as core skills of any lawyer worth his salt.


    *tap tap tap* His heels clicked on the sidewalk pavement at a leisurely pace. He had researched the area and figured it might draw too much attention to have any of his normal vehicles parked at Hazelton's Haven for any amount of time, so he was dropped off a few blocks out. He wore his leather long coat over a nice suit, adorned with the cuff links and tie bar that she had gifted him not terribly long ago.

    Approaching the door, he flicked a grin at the camera before the door opened. "Good evening," he offered in return- not wishing to offend the Lady by a mundane title but still protecting the First. His eyes traced over the Notary's features, the spell of her beauty only broken by that damned slithering voice. "That looks wonderful on you." He thought briefly about commenting with small talk. Something to the effect of 'that he hoped she didn't just dress up for him'. But, after a moment's consideration... he thought he might hope she did.

    "Far too long," he agreed. "We seem to cross paths very frequently, but rarely get to continue our own conversations." He nodded, "So it seems. Miss Hart's departure came as a surprise," He removed his overcoat and folded it over the arm of the love seat before sitting to that arm's side. "Your family's presence has grown. I'm sure that keeps you rather occupied." He was rather jealous of that fact... or perhaps mournful. So many Ventrue have come and gone from Sacramento and yet he was all that remained constant.

    "Before we get started, Lady Notary," he paused to indeed recognize her station in their world. "There has been, of course, the obvious shift in standing since we last really talked. I'm certain we could very effectively navigate the Danse of respect and decorum with each other through the evening, but given the privacy and locale of this conversation I wonder if you might be interested in relaxing the typical formalities."

    Blood Hunt:

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  5. #3
    Jennifer Hazelton's Avatar
    Seneschal, Baroness Notary, Priscus of Nosferatu
    City Status
    Invictus status
    Presence (Lady)
    Obfuscate 2 Mask of Tranquility
    Jennifer Hazelton

    Nosferatu curse: A voice that withered like a snake sneaking through the grass, plummeted like an old man's nearing his demise


    "Thank you," She accepts the compliment gracefully.
    "In truth, I had some discussion with the tailor you mentioned on recent turns in fashion. I had to line up a few pieces." The scholar gave a shrug, a 'who knew?' gesture. She followed fashion as a means of displaying fine quality craftmanship of her dresses, gowns and suits. It had been a few minutes since she dressed with an eye towards new fashion. Yet with stepping out more often, it wasn't a bad idea not to stick out.

    "You look quite dashing yourself." She commented, always sincere. Her dark eyes had clocked Mr. Jack - the way her mind seemed to refer to him, even as she properly corrected with his new title - at the door. The Nosferatu recognized the gift that she had given him. The brunette allowed a small smile at the sight.
    She had been noting the expensive watches, the small but important details in his ensembles at Court over the last few months. Now she enjoyed taking in the subtle details without the clashing and uncertainty of other Beasts asserting themselves, as they tended to do at Court.
    The Nosferatu wasn't pulled by the appearances of many. Jennifer still recalled the Daeva a decade past who had whispered to a mutual acquaintance about Jennifer's Curse - curse shaming her, but obliquely and through someone who couldn't swear who it had been said to. Clever and insulating herself from blowback. The woman had been the perfect picture of a Daeva, paling beside only the apex Daeva herself: The Alder Duchess Twist, Priscus of the Daeva even then. Although the Alder Duchesses' position in the Invictus had been different. That had reminded her that the most beautiful could be as nasty as any. She had become wary of the handsome men and beguiling women who complimented her.

    Jack did catch her eye, likely because she respected him on an intellectual level. She recognized his maneuvers. The recent corrections at Court towards the variety of slights that unfolded solidified that he always seemed astute and accurate in his perceptions.

    Jennifer recognized the proposal to relax formalities and gave a slight nod to the Lord. In truth, she was relieved.
    "I think that is an excellent idea, Seneschal Jack." A sincere smile touched her lips. "I thank you for suggesting it."

    Jennifer takes a seat in the arm chair, the one with the back to the front door. She waits for Jack to situate himself before continuing.
    "You have the right of it. We pass on by one another, called by one duty to the next." She agreed with the Priscus of Lords. With the sift in standing addressed and agreed upon, her words come freely. Just as they had in their meetings in months past. At the mention of Alice, she let her expression show her pang of loss. The trust between Jack and herself had grown, that she did not counterfeit emotion that was false. Jennifer did feel the absence of Alice.

    "Yes, it did. She gave me every courtesy at informing me, yet no chance to change her mind. She always knew her own mind."
    Jennifer moves along to the growing family. "Indeed, more Nosferatu have come to the Crucible that is Sacramento. With recent familial disappointments, I welcome fresh blood. I have spoken with Madame Bellemy. She struck me with her intelligence."
    She transitioned to his own Family. "Mr. Milton Northbridge of your Family and I had the opportunity to exchange a few words at Court a bit ago. He is most respectful."
    Dark eyes regarding Jack, curious if he would tease out more information.

    "How are you doing?" She spoke truly, relying on her wish to adhere to truth and honesty. In this question there was sincerity.
    Nosferatu Curse: Jennifer's voice withers like a snake sneaking through the grass, plummeted like an old man's nearing his demise.

  6. #4
    Jacque's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    Mask of Tranquility
    New Identity
    (Alexander Krait)

    Goes by Jack.

    Educated, scholarly, lawyer, scientist.
    Jack's outward demeanor and tone are a baseline of respectful and calculated.

    He actively debates, persuades, negotiates and even at time tries to intimidate, as core skills of any lawyer worth his salt.


    The Lord smiled with her acceptance. He wasn't sure that she'd be so agreeable with the proposal. He had hoped, but there were certain things he knew she enjoyed. One of which was reveling in her hard-earned title of function. "Excellent," he responded. "Thank you for hosting me to your lovely Haven, Jennifer."

    "It is a frustrating paradox, really. An eternity of time before us, but stretched so thin we can still barely make the time." He shrugged at his own revelation, "Whatever needs to be done to keep the pillars strong, I suppose."

    "That's great to hear, truly. I almost feel sorry for Ms Durant with her lot of neonates." He shook his head, "Combined with the former Priscus' record, it doesn't bode well for her. I look forward to getting to know Madame Bellemy. What about the other one? Miss Kingsley was it?"

    He chuckled, "Ah yes, Mister Northbridge. I think he has some interest in the First Estate, and would require minimal grooming for success." He glanced off, reflecting for a moment, "He does remind me of myself when I first came to the Domain, however. I took the time to meet with the various covenants and learn before the First Estate provided a path to my own future. He hinted at an interest to be as prudent, even though he leaned towards the unconquered."

    "I'm doing well," he smiled at her interest. "I find myself having to shift from simply ferreting information from social gatherings to actively engaging and getting to know each denizen." A pause with a dulled smile, "A laborious task, but necessary. I'm simply thankful to have built strong relationships with quality Kindred before my ascension. The ass kissers do come out of the woodwork it seems."

    "How about yourself? What has been keeping you busy these nights?",
    he inquired with equal curiosity.

    "Speaking of partnerships, I do believe I have some good news on a very old effort of ours..." He trailed off to tease the Nos.

    Blood Hunt:

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  8. #5
    Jennifer Hazelton's Avatar
    Seneschal, Baroness Notary, Priscus of Nosferatu
    City Status
    Invictus status
    Presence (Lady)
    Obfuscate 2 Mask of Tranquility
    Jennifer Hazelton

    Nosferatu curse: A voice that withered like a snake sneaking through the grass, plummeted like an old man's nearing his demise


    "It is one of the things I enjoy most," Jennifer replies to Jack. "- the time to learn what we wish. Yet social obligations have been pressing."
    "I do believe that Priscus Durant's path is not made any easier by some of the choices of her Clan.
    Yes, Madame Bellemy and Madame Kingsley. I do need to make the time to get to know the both of them on a more personal level."

    Dark brown eyes regard Jack with curiousity. "I believe Mr. Northbridge would make a fine addition to the First Estate, judging by what I have seen. I had not heard that you were curious to meet with various Covenants before making the correct choice."

    She nods slightly "I am pleased that you are doing well. I imagine you will have dozens of invitations clouding your social calendar. As for myself, I find myself listening to my allies and trying new things. I was most curious by what Mr. Clay confided about Mr. Kowalsic. It was difficult not to involve myself, yet I didn't want to crowd Mr. Heinrich.
    Personally, Mr. Kowalsic no longer enjoys my full support, and I hope he rectifies his downward trajectory. Nobody seems to be talking about the departure of Madame Black or Mr. Heinrich."

    Or no one was talking about it in front of her.
    "I have been going out to keep myself current. I have found an interesting man that I am dating." She confided. "Chris. We met last Halloween during my social ventures."

    "Oh, is this so? I am glad one of us is making progress. Mr. Quilz did stump my efforts by leaving. Do tell." Her dark eyes sparkled with interest. Perhaps a bit of envy, but for Jack, it was easier to squash.
    Nosferatu Curse: Jennifer's voice withers like a snake sneaking through the grass, plummeted like an old man's nearing his demise.

  9. #6
    Jacque's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    Mask of Tranquility
    New Identity
    (Alexander Krait)

    Goes by Jack.

    Educated, scholarly, lawyer, scientist.
    Jack's outward demeanor and tone are a baseline of respectful and calculated.

    He actively debates, persuades, negotiates and even at time tries to intimidate, as core skills of any lawyer worth his salt.


    "Indeed," he considered the recent events. "A negative spotlight has been placed on them, and it will be interesting to see how Priscus Durant handles when her underlings continue to not respond to the normal discouragements."

    "I agree, from a cursory look. We'll see how he continues to conduct himself," He chuckled at her remark, "Well yes, it was before your return to the Domain. Being unaligned presented a unique opportunity to explore and understand without the typical biases. I was able to meet with all, save the Carthians." His hand flicked gently, showing his palm, "I had actually arrived in Sacramento quite intent on joining the Ordo Dracul."

    "Whatever business that was, I was not included on how that was or will be concluded." A frown pulled at the corner of his lips, "My personal grievance involved his childe, who had chose to pay more respect to Priscus Durant than to myself. The gap in that detail was quite noticeable to me, but I held my tongue for her offense out of some respect for her Sire." He shrugged, considering what his options were, "I could have sent her back to him that very moment, but I chose instead to write a letter to him later, to which he made no effort to respond until we crossed paths at Her Grace's formal court. I was quite annoyed that he maneuvered a private matter back into the public spotlight because the timing had bad optics for me where I had done him a courtesy in avoiding that for him." He paused for a moment before elaborating, "You see, when I wrote the letter I had no idea I would be the Seneschal soon after, and with me correcting others publicly it could very easily appear as if I were leveraging my position to gain prestation. I've seen the type, and do not wish for anything to misrepresent me as such."

    "There's not much to say really, I saw it all happen just the same as you. With Edward remaining in Sacramento I imagine anyone interested would be having conversations away from prying ears." He looked with disdain, "I knew how smart Ms Black was. There was something very uncharacteristic about her many mistakes during manumission. Given how Mister Heinrich conducted himself with his own errors, I believe he failed her and the First Estate at the task of properly guiding her. She spent so much of her life as a ghoul serving the Unconquered. She wanted to finally be accepted at the table, but he ruined it... and ruined her... then turned his back on it himself. He has cost me much with his failures, and abandoned all pretense of loyalty in refusing the Oath. I don't know that I could trust or forgive him."

    He smiled, glad to change the subject, "Playing with our food, are we?" he joked, "Please, do tell if you're so inclined. What draws you to this... Chris?"

    "I believe the Prince has had a change of heart following the incident with Mister Heinrich. Seeing a perfect example of how the Oaths can effectively reveal Kindred not worthy of trust or influence has made her reconsider its value in swearing in new members of Her Court." He chuckled, adding, "Per our last conversation, I was going to follow up with her to gauge her reasons for not employing the Oaths to her benefit, but I was relieved when she shared she had already reconsidered. I believe she'll be reaching out to you once she's closer to selecting a new Reeve for the Domain."

    Blood Hunt:

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  11. #7
    Jennifer Hazelton's Avatar
    Seneschal, Baroness Notary, Priscus of Nosferatu
    City Status
    Invictus status
    Presence (Lady)
    Obfuscate 2 Mask of Tranquility
    Jennifer Hazelton

    Nosferatu curse: A voice that withered like a snake sneaking through the grass, plummeted like an old man's nearing his demise


    "Too true. I keep thinking Miss. Maeve has some plan going on in that head of hers. Then again..." Jennifer purposely did not offer the blue - haired Mekhet much respect in referencing her.
    "True. Quite a few candidates looked like ideal Kindred of Qaulity in the past." And look how many had lasted.
    "I do apologize for the childe of my Family. She looks so good on paper, but one you let them get out and start socializing, they pick up bad habits." She shook her head. Disappointment was across her face.
    "I am certainly going to meet with Miss. Kowalsic privately and see where she is at regarding Manumission. I would like to see her cleanly cleaved of him before the hammer falls."
    Jennifer shared. "The Nosferatu are meeting presently as a Family. If he doesn't take one of the new ones' heads off during the meeting, I will speak to him afterwards and offer some advice."

    Advice of not continuing to piss off the two most powerful Kindred in the Domain. This experience would not be pleasant for Mr. Kowalsic. He would always be her Sire and their actions would be reflected on one another in some way. Yet perhaps she could be salvaged. Jennifer mused.
    "I would think that other Kindred have observed you long enough to know you are not the type to maneuver leverage over petty matters." The intelligent ones. Yet some might try and use any angle. Jennifer considered a short list for a moment. Making a note to consider all avenues of countermeasures, should that be necessary.

    Jennifer considers what Jack has shared with a somber expression.
    "I considered her to be intelligent. She could have made a real go of it..." Jennifer was still a bit miffed that she didn't know why the Ventrue had left. Left without fulfilling her presentation, as well.
    "I wonder if Mr. Heinrich and Ms. Black were too hasty to complete Manumission. It was mentioned during our first meeting to go over the Blood Oaths. I cautioned against a short Manumission. Hastiness leads to mistakes."

    "Mr. Heinrich wasted my time a second night when he decided to call her Grace, Duchess Twist, Priscus of the Daeva, Judex and Hound, and I together to witness yet another debacle. I don't understand his intentions, and that concerns me."

    Jennifer confided.
    "Playing can be fun,"
    She replied with a grin. "There's an energy about him. He's sincere in how he conducts himself. I found myself thinking about him throughout the evening, just reaching out to comment on trivial every day matters. We have had to set up ground rules regarding boundaries. I trust him." Her look became more wry as she met Jack's eyes.
    "You might enjoy an evening of conversation with him. He enjoys reading on a variety of subjects."

    "This is a relief."
    Jennifer admitted when he shared the Prince had changed her mind.
    "I hadn't wanted to push the issue, although it had been on the back of my mind since you and I discussed it. Selecting a Reeve..." Jennifer looked thoughtful.

    "Have you spoken to Priscus Durant about her thoughts on the Reeve position? I was a part of the recent planning session regarding the 'Jackal' as Priscus Durant refers to it. I held myself from taking any leadership over the group, beyond offering advice. It was a bit difficult, yet I wanted to watch Mr. Smith and Priscus Durant to see how they conducted the investigation. They are attempting to share leadership of the investigation, it would appear. I do think that Mr. Smith had good ideas and perspective.
    Yet for leadership skills, I put my word behind Priscus Durant, for as much as I know so far.

    Regarding her Grace, the Prince: I want to see her served well, and to the best of their ability.
    I have been enjoying a few nights out with Her Grace. She's quite an interesting conversationalist."
    Nosferatu Curse: Jennifer's voice withers like a snake sneaking through the grass, plummeted like an old man's nearing his demise.

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  13. #8
    Jacque's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    Mask of Tranquility
    New Identity
    (Alexander Krait)

    Goes by Jack.

    Educated, scholarly, lawyer, scientist.
    Jack's outward demeanor and tone are a baseline of respectful and calculated.

    He actively debates, persuades, negotiates and even at time tries to intimidate, as core skills of any lawyer worth his salt.


    "Of course there is a plan," he affirmed with confidence, "There's always a plan. The question is: Is it a good plan?" he grinned with mischief.

    He raised a hand to dismiss the apology, "No need to apologize for Mister Kowalsic's failures. As much as we like to avoid such situations, they aren't exactly uncommon. I had expected better, but nevertheless they both have something to learn from the experience. They simply both need to take ownership of their parts leading to the mistake."

    "I'm sure most that matter have, but we live in a society of undying politics." If assumptions were to be made, he would not opt to be on the defensive. He didn't need to be: not now. "I'd prefer to avoid being angered by such exaggerated projections."

    Oh Mister Heinrich... He looked at Jennifer quizzically, "Surely he gave some kind of reason or purpose for a meeting between the three of you?"

    "Oh, well that certainly is something to explore," a flash of his teeth in his widened grin, "It has be a few years since I last felt that divine spark. I'm excited for you to explore it further" He mirrored her wry banter, "Careful what you wish for, you might just find yourself with a third wheel if he's an excellent conversationalist." He chuckled to himself as he mused about his own social ventures, "I took a girl out with her friends a little while back," he shook his head with an overture of mirth, "It was like taking a toddler to her first real birthday party. Her poor friends kept trying to get her to open up and share more details about herself. Leave it to some humans to somehow bore a corpse."

    "No, but she did speak to me about it," he winked, signalling he was just being facetious in his answer. "Unfortunately, I don't know which way the Prince will go with her decision or who she's even debating. I believe Miss Durant could do it, but would make a valuable deputy if it ends up not being her. She has some opportunities that would serve her well to round out, but overall nothing that would be exceedingly detrimental to the role." He shrugged before adding, "If the Prince does decide to ask me for my opinion on the matter I will provide it, but I don't believe she will."

    "What is your view of Mister Smith beyond that singular collaboration?" he inquired.

    He nodded, "She is surprisingly smart for the stereotypes that reflect her family," he paused before adding, "It can work against you if you approach with certain assumptions. She and I spent quite a few nights together talking about her passion for art and other interests. I rather enjoyed it before everything became so busy. I'm happy to hear she's continuing to be social in some regard. When the Laws changed to forbid approaching her I feared that would be the end of others getting to know her in the same way."

    Blood Hunt:

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  15. #9
    Jennifer Hazelton's Avatar
    Seneschal, Baroness Notary, Priscus of Nosferatu
    City Status
    Invictus status
    Presence (Lady)
    Obfuscate 2 Mask of Tranquility
    Jennifer Hazelton

    Nosferatu curse: A voice that withered like a snake sneaking through the grass, plummeted like an old man's nearing his demise


    Jennifer gave a sincere laugh at Jack's mischief.
    "Is it a good plan?" She squints with mischief, shaking her head as she enjoys the joke. "I can't imagine what was in her head. Beyond misplaced bravado."
    As he mentioned Mr. Kowalsic, she nodded slightly in agreement.
    "Lets just hope the lesson was heard and absorbed by the others in attendance."
    As he mentioned most that matter, she evaluated the short list who might have the teeth to play, politically.
    "If he looked over from his talk with Madame Mable, Edward may smirk, or grimance, and do not a thing. In my opinion."
    That could be so much fun to play with, in turn.
    "Oh yes, he wanted to waste our valuable time at another Blood Oath. The same exact sort, of course. To assure us that he won't reveal any Invictus matters or secrets. Yet he seemed to think it was some sort of ala cart menu, where he could dictate to me the Oath that he would swear to."
    She smiles, showing teeth and her mirth.

    "Apparently, he became a little cross when I insisted the Oath have that same bit he refused to in the Ceremony. Not like he shared with us any reason for his refusal."
    She shared her opinion on that waste of time in the Ceremony.
    After the sour note of Edward's antics, she genuinely smiled at the conversation about exploring the divine spark.

    "It is an enjoyable experience. I haven't entertained any romance in nearly a decade... just too much work to do for the Invictus. You understand the extreme dedication that the Oaths take.
    Yet, Chris is... refreshingly sincere, well read and very gregarious. A third wheel?"
    She grins impishly.

    "Why not join us some evening? It could be a wonderful night. Certainly different than most of the evenings at Court." Now she was teasing. "Perhaps you invite someone that you get along with to join you. A true double date."

    The bit about a first real birthday party was troubling. She hoped that wasn't on the horizon with Chris. Yet they have had a few firsts, and they had gone swimmingly.

    She grins as he plays with his answer regarding the Reeve position.
    "Ah, true." She responds to not knowing who the Prince would choose with her choice. "Well, I don't rightly know the man." She reponded to his inquiry after Mr. Smith.
    "We had a nice enough talk the other night. I didn't come away with any true sense of him. He seems curious in discussing different Covenants, yet not making committments."
    "I agree. I do hate sterotypes regarding the Families. I have the hope that I can engage her Grace, the Prince, more. I am sure that there are many avenues that are a delight to discuss with her Grace."
    Nosferatu Curse: Jennifer's voice withers like a snake sneaking through the grass, plummeted like an old man's nearing his demise.

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  17. #10
    Jacque's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    Mask of Tranquility
    New Identity
    (Alexander Krait)

    Goes by Jack.

    Educated, scholarly, lawyer, scientist.
    Jack's outward demeanor and tone are a baseline of respectful and calculated.

    He actively debates, persuades, negotiates and even at time tries to intimidate, as core skills of any lawyer worth his salt.


    "If I can be forthright, I feel like his exit was all too easy for someone who likely reaped the benefits of our beloved covenant." He mused for a moment before adding, "However, Judex Twist possesses a wisdom on how to run things here that I am also confident in. I cannot claim to know any better... but still the feeling remains and I can't shake it. Even this demonstration had a purpose to preserve the sanctity of our Secrets and it was left unfulfilled with only bitter annoyance in its wake." He looks distant in thought, eyes drifting off to the side, "Where are there any consequences for Mister Heinrich's conduct?"

    "Yes, the work leaves little room for anything else," he nodded, understanding his own plight in that regard. Endless books, tomes and records with just as many dead ends- the knowledge written and rewritten over and over again obfuscating secrets wished to remain so. Pursuing contacts, allies and influence to break through the locked doors for new leads only to shift forward in the slightest increments. No, there was no time for a romance, "I wouldn't mind joining you, but unfortunately I wouldn't have the faintest on who I'd bring along. We'll see if that changes." His thoughts still drifting on the work, he asked, "Have you made any further progress with your studies?"

    "Have you had any revelations yet about Her Grace in your nights out with her?" The Lord inquired, "I had the pleasure of meeting with Priscus Durant. She is surprisingly impressive and professional when she's not having to corral her neonates. I imagine she'll prove herself to have a strong presence if she can manage a way to command the respect of her underlings." A few months in the barrens is usually a step in the right direction.

    Blood Hunt:

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