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(Dropping Bodies) Connecting the Dots

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  1. #21
    Jennifer Hazelton's Avatar
    Seneschal, Baroness Notary, Priscus of Nosferatu
    City Status
    Invictus status
    Presence (Lady)
    Obfuscate 2 Mask of Tranquility
    Jennifer Hazelton

    Nosferatu curse: A voice that withered like a snake sneaking through the grass, plummeted like an old man's nearing his demise


    "Oh excuse me, I misspoke and said Priscus Wood. I meant Priscus Durant. Apologies. Trying to summarize that all, I suppose."
    Jennifer gave the fellow priscus a deep nod befitting her position.
    Her dark eyes meet Mr. Heinrich's and she gives a slight nod, indicating that she was actively listening to him. However, she did not want to cut into Priscus Durant's response.
    The Nosferatu glances to Priscus Durant and Mr. Smith.
    Nosferatu Curse: Jennifer's voice withers like a snake sneaking through the grass, plummeted like an old man's nearing his demise.

  2. #22
    Quinn Durant's Avatar

    Quinn Durant
    (Mask of Tranquility)
    Striking Looks
    (Velvet Rope Jockey)
    Good Breeding
    City Status
    Quinn Durant


    Quinn grinned at J.C and nodded a bit to his request of having her gather the information for them and take point on it. Again she was struck with how well they worked together. In her estimation they seemed to be good at balancing each other's talents. She listened to the accounts and different opinions, some of their skills being brought to light by Edward and Jennifer made the shadow nod slightly. It was as she expected. Listening to the account that Miss Kowalsic put forward seemed more like her own experiences. Especially the one with the eyes being there too. A poacher alongside the Jackal. How fucking poetic. One bottom feeder right alongside the other.

    Quinn gave a nod of acknowledgement to Miss Kowalsic. "It is both concerning, yet validating to hear of such a similar account as my own. I used an Uber to lose the two legged follower, but a very intrepid mouse was above my private haven the next evening, trying to find a way in, and also trying to see if anyone was there. I gave it nothing and it left defeated. When I set my trap I also saw the Kindred you mention. I figured they were taking care of a body dump. I mean it is a perfect place in the city for such things. Poacher...." That one word Quinn loaded with venom. "So I guess that begs the question are the poachers helping the Jackal? Is this some illegal symbiotic relationship? If so that would change your theory Mr. Smith that the Jackal is tracking Kindred. That would mean it's attracted by the act of a Kindred feeding on the victim. Linking somehow to the victim through mystical means. The act of feeding on the human, draws the Jackal out."

    Quinn then moved on to Alexander Moore. "Mr. Moore, thank you so much for coming. Your expertise in the medical field makes you a natural fit to look over the crime scene photo's and pour over the Coroner's reports and see if you can glean any information for us. If you would be so kind..." Quinn moved over to the long table where the files Miss Kowalsic brought sat neatly. She also escorted the Ghoul over to the wall right behind where Mr. Moore would be working to begin marking the map with incidences of the Jackal. Her instructions to the ghoul were short and to the point.

    Quinn took over a seat next to Mr. Moore on the long table, being considerate to make sure he had room to move as he needed. She opened her lap top, and pulled up the document she had brought and began typing furiously, to update the document with Miss Kowalsic's account, including information for the poacher, and who's account also included the poacher. Quinn let her head fall back, and addressed the ghoul again. "Make sure to pin on the map sites where the poacher has been seen as well please, use a different pin color, and write notes in the map margins for a key. I will want photographs of this work when complete for the record, as well as copies of all of these reports taken via cell phone, and sent via email to myself so all of this goes into the Master Document for Seneschal Hart, and our official court record of the incident. Quinn made a note to buy a large file cabinet for the Chapter House, and for Seneschal Hart. If they were to keep the court incidents records, then they would need such equipment.

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  4. #23
    Seryna's Avatar

    Jennifer Hazelton

    "I see." Simone stated to JC, nodding as she considered the information. "Thank you, Priscus." She nods deeply to her Priscus in respect as Priscus Durant joins the meeting and distributes the documents. Simone takes one immediately and sits facing where Alexander is standing. She notes his position and gives him a small nod.
    The Mekhet studies the sheet for some time, glancing around to the speakers when information is disclosed. As Priscus Durant finished speaking, the Mekhet notes.
    "I have been moving between bars in the downtown area. I have not seen this grey - eyed Poacher there or at the businesses where some homeless congregate out of."
    JC would remember that Simone's drop spot and possible back up Haven, the store front at 212 Sycamore, was in that area.
    "It's possible the Poacher and the Jackal might be symbiotic. What would the Poacher get- hidden from the Court officials? Maybe if we hadn't been hunting the Jackal, we wouldn't have found her. She seems to hang where Priscus Durant saw her and the Barrens.
    Yeah, getting an idea on the about the Coroner's report would be great. Should we be sharing our skills?"
    The Mekhet gives a questioning look to her Priscus.

    The Coroner's report information: Edited to add this is general information gleaned from reading the reports, and that the coroner had not writen anything that indicates that they know about vampires, or bite marks.
    In the report, the that lividity of the bodies suggests that the bodies had been in their position fairly soon after death. No open wounds were found to explain the blood loss. No blood on scene. More importantly, when the Kindred scan for mention of something that hints the Masquerade is threatened, the reader sees nothing about bite marks or a presence of a Kindred. In basic terms -no bite marks were found on the bodies. Readers note
    • Body found at cemetary- A blonde hair was found. Police cordoned off the area due to the timely report. Police inyerviwed the witness who found the body. Then the police interviewed a local college student. James reports seeing the victim walk by him, but did not see any one else. College student, James Henrickson, was ruled out as he was seen on a ATM camera a few blocks away at estimated time of death.
    • The body at the bar has the bartender give a description of the concerned patron who reported the drunk guy in the bathroom. This gave the police an accurate time for when the victim was alive. The man reporting it was dark haired with facial hair, unknown name.

    Miss. Kowalsic looks interested as she attentively looks at each speaker, making notes on what was shared with the group.
    "Has anyone else noticed any one following them? Or nosing around their Havens?" To Priscus Durant, she states. "I did not notice any one following me once I reached my Haven. "
    "If police allies are necessary or if a ... mistake... needs covering in the trap, let me know quickly and I will see to it." She assures, looking at Priscus Durant and JC as she says this.
    "Once we move past the information sharing stage, I am curious if we have a plan for spotting the Jackal. I assume Auspex or tracking."

    Mr. Green follows Priscus Durant's direction to the letter, marking the Jackal in red pins and the grey - eyed Poacher in black pins. A key was written in large print and placed near the map for some to survey, and a smaller key in the corner of the map.
    Last edited by Seryna; Mar 29th, 2021 at 08:27 PM.  Reason for Edit: Clarifying that the coroner did not write the phrase that was easy to mistake for the coroner being a Masquerade breach

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  6. #24
    JC Smith's Avatar

    Attribute (Presence)
    (Quiet listener)
    Aspect of the Predator
    Mask of Tranquility
    JC Smith

    Cacophony Whisperer


    Alright,” JC said, almost more to himself than the other Kindred present. It was tough sometimes to keep his thoughts straight. Tougher when he had to fight back the urge to rip “So no other information, right?” The looked from one person to the next, wanting to try and get at least a onverbal assent from each. And if he didn’t he would rip out their throats give an encouraging look for the to speak up now.

    Flex, relax. One thing at a time. Think of one thing at a time. He paused, trying to sort it all in his head.

    “We have two traps to lay and one breach to remedy.”

    “First there’s the Jackal. We know how to lure it. That means we just have to keep it from escaping.” Still fast, still stealthy, still shapeshifty. “We need a spot that’s small, enclosed, with limited exits.” A shudder went through his mind as he realized how closely that described the restroom where Richard Harper died “Anyone in the group would need to be alert, with Auspex being preferable,” he acknowledged to Miss Kowalsic “fast, or combat capable. Someone familiar with… other things beyond vampires would be helpful too. Or if it can be pacified and interrogated those skills would be helpful too. But,” he stated “myth knowledge and interrogation is secondary. Our objective is to stop this thing first. Find out more only if its safe.” Shot first… ask questions later. Not a good thought that it was him now having to suggest it.

    “Then we have the poacher. If they have something to do with the Jackal we need to know. Unfortunately, they may be harder to trap. Those going after the poacher… obfuscation would be probably be extremely helpful.” Along with every other skill that it took to track and subdue a Kindred but being able to hide the Beast was the limiting factor in this case.

    ““Finally… there’s the coroner, Even if they haven't breached the Masquerade, we need to make sure and even if it’s not the case, the evidence is pretty close in its own right. Police contacts would be helpful for suppressing evidence, medical expertise for examining the body, and people skills for talking to the coroner.” Honestly, he was pretty sure Alexander and Milton could probably handle it themselves if they needed to.

    “Keeping in mind this meeting,” he looked around the room to everyone “was meant as information gathering and planning session. Don’t feel like you have to volunteer if you’re not comfortable with taking things further.” Whether it be reluctance to fight or to share what skills they possessed, the teams needed people who wanted to be on them. “Though it would be helpful, I’m grateful for all the information everyone has been able to bring to the table already.” Nice words but even JC doubted many would take his offer. Anyone who did would be walking away from a rather large portion of the the domain's important leaders and accepting the political fall out for it.

    “I’ll be in the group going after the Jackal,” he said, finishing up “I have combat training, some skill at Celerity, non-supernatural training at taking in details, as well as being alright at staying unseen and tracking.” He considered saying he’d go to the coroner’s office as well but they had his description so that knocked that idea out of the water.
    Last edited by Seryna; Mar 29th, 2021 at 08:24 PM.  Reason for Edit: ST did not clarify something was not written in report, editing the post to avoid further confusion

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  8. #25
    Mable Wood's Avatar

    Warden of the Sacred Grove
    (girl next door)
    Striking Looks
    Mable Wood


    Mable listened to everyone. "I don't think my descriptions will help since I gave the police the cemetery description." She has been validated by the other stories.

    "I will lay it on the line what I have to offer. I am a fighter. I understand and know about myths and other supernatural things. I have a strong connection with the public services including the police. I also have worked closely with town hall. I have some interesting investigation skills."

    "I have not been followed to my havens that I know of. However, I'd like to remind everyone of some gangrel special effects such as shape shifting... including changing into a vaper like fog." She takes a deep breath and lets it out. "If this is the case...only flame will effect them." Maybe she shouldn't tell the trick but danger to the domain is more important.

    "I will be on whichever team I am needed. They need to be stopped." She used to hit first ask questions later. Time to get back to that mentality.

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  10. #26
    Alexander Moore's Avatar

    Mask of Tranquility
    Alexander Moore


    Alexander stood above the growing crowd of Kindred finding their seats, beginning to feel foolish as the difference in height became even more pronounced. Sitting down now after saying he would stand would be strange, not to mention the seats were too small for him. So he remained standing, bending when he needed to look at papers being passed around or to better listen in on the Kindred speaking.

    The plain man’s plan was fine, a Mr Northbridge, it was all that could be done really, unless there was some way to accurately track the creature. It left many particulars out in the air, but everyone in the room knew how best they could fulfill those points. Alexander’s expertise in medicine would help understand the creature and the way it fed, though it was unlikely he would find anything conclusive without the help of an expert on such wounds or the understanding of what could make them.

    As Jennifer spoke Alexander grimaced, his thoughts going back to his old hunts. When he hunted Kine he always went for the homeless and drunkards, and while he always made sure they were fine after feeding he never bothered to follow up. How many weak and sleepy people had he left to die at the hands of some creature? No matter now, beyond a chance to avenge them. Alexander was surprised to learn Jennifer knew some Auspex, and likely some knowledge of other Disciplines outside the Clan.

    Turning his attention to Mr. Heinrich he was surprised to hear that he was willing to fight, his appearance and speech not giving away his ability it seemed. He shouldn’t have underestimated any one Kindred, yet here he was.

    Priscus Durant’s theory on the relationship between the two creatures was interesting, so much so that Alexander was caught off guard by her greeting. “Thank you Priscus Durant, though I will likely require an expert on autopsy or the occult to truly glean anything useful from these reports” He followed her to the table and the reports upon it, peering down at them as he began to pull them open and read their contents.

    Alexander notices Simone’s placement, and her small nod, which returns after a short pause.

    The Coroner’s Report didn’t give him much to go on, he would likely have to get a more detailed report or see the bodies in person to try and understand.

    He shook his head when Miss Kowalsic asked if anyone had noticed any stalkers, he hadn’t seen any, hopefully they didn’t exist and he hadn’t merely missed them.

    He was glad that someone was taking the situation so well in hand, though Mr Smith seemed to be rather tense throughout his speech. Alexander nodded along with the plan, though it still felt like there was too little happening in regards to hierarchy and delegation. “Once I am able to examine the body I will likely require someone more versed in that type of investigation, I am more used to healing the living than performing autopsies on the dead.” Understanding the human body could only get you so far, sometimes you needed another perspective.

    He had initially seen Miss Mable as clumsy after seeing her blunder towards the Prince during his first Court, but now he was forced to look upon her in a different light. Earnest, skilled and strong, she might be the key to figuring out exactly what was going on if her expertise in the occult was to be believed. Perhaps they would have to work together on investigating the bodies.
    Curse: Incredibly tall and emaciated, their skin is stretched over their large and bulky frame, with long limbs and a strangely shaped head.

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  12. #27
    Milton's Avatar

    Time is Money
    Status, Allies
    (City Hall)
    Status, Allies
    Bureaucratic Navigator


    There is a lot of detail to process, but Milton is more than up to the task. As he listens, he pulls a little notepad from his pocket, along with a fine looking pen, and begins to scratch away. The notes he takes are elliptical, so abbreviated that they would mean nothing should the paper fall into the wrong hands. But enough to jog his memory later.

    The most important thing is that his own role is becoming more defined: interfacing with the Kine as needed, and repairing any apparent breach that is exposed along the way. This is firmly within his wheelhouse. It's his apparent partner that makes him a tad nervous. Bland, brown eyes find Alexander. He studies the giant Haunt for a moment, dispassionate as always. The Nosferatu's expertise is much needed, but his appearance will make things difficult. The wheels turn in Milton's head.

    Finally: "Yes, Priscus Hazelton, I'm happy to engage with any Kine that may need...amelioration. I will do what I can to give them peace of mind." A fitting euphemism, given that Milton will likely take the offending piece of mind and leave them with something much less bothersome.

    "Regarding the coroner, perhaps I should find a chance to speak with them first...in private," he glances at Alexander, "to prepare the way for Mr. Moore. I am sure I can make a convincing case that we should be allowed access to the bodies. If they are a city employee, I can likely find out their details, including home address..." He trails off, leaving the rest to the imaginations of his fellow Kindred.

    Yes, a chat with the coroner in an intimate setting. A little prep work, to make Alexander's appearance more palatable. And then the good Dr. Moore and Milton can pay a visit to the medical facility to see what's what.
    Health: Vitae: WP: BP: 1

  13. #28
    Edward Heinrich's Avatar

    Edward Heinrich

    Daeva Vice: Wrath
    Edward Heinrich Scenes


    Attentive eyes on a relaxed Edward flicked between speakers. Beyond his sense of duty to the Domain, he personally wanted the Jackal stopped. Edward fed on a stable group of people, more or less, and he felt protective of them.

    Mable's information on the Gangrel was interesting. He would have to remember it.

    "If Mr. Moore and Mr. Northbridge will have me, I believe my presence, while not required, could be helpful should certain eventualities come to pass. As per Priscus Durant's account, we are not the only ones gathering information." It was not impossible for the pair to receive a dangerous visit from those they're investigating and neither had reported combat ability.

    "To my thinking, there is no more obvious place for the enemy to lay their own trap. With Mr. Moore's desire for the assistance of occult expertise and in the interest of even further security, perhaps Ms. Wood's addition would be wise?" He looked between Mable, Milton, and Alexander. "Naturally, I would follow both of your directions." He said in theory to both Alexander and Milton, but Edward's eyes lasted longer on Milton who struck Edward as the more pragmatic thinker of the two.

    "Further," Edward turned to JC, "when the time for subjugation arrives, should you desire it, Mr. Smith, I will join you in the vanguard." It had been a long time since Edward had fought in a group, and he was looking forward to it.

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  15. #29
    Jennifer Hazelton's Avatar
    Seneschal, Baroness Notary, Priscus of Nosferatu
    City Status
    Invictus status
    Presence (Lady)
    Obfuscate 2 Mask of Tranquility
    Jennifer Hazelton

    Nosferatu curse: A voice that withered like a snake sneaking through the grass, plummeted like an old man's nearing his demise


    Jennifer inclined her head to Edward, stating. “Very well, Mr. Heinrich. Being flexible will suit our plan well.”
    She listened to the Mekhet Priscus.
    With Celerity, the family members of Mekhet could be devastating foes. She recalled one of her sponsors of Triumvir – Reeve Conner Greyson. He commanded respect not only for his keen sight, but for the swift way he could dismantle foes. The fact he occasionally stood around, Cloaked, and listening to folks who didn’t watch their mouths – and un – Cloaked when they were looking for him in his office was hilarious. Did she miss being the Reeve’s assistant? A hand touched the Reeve’s gift that she had brought, the expensive electronice device, taking it out to make some notes.
    Her stylus moved with the practice of a computer expert, making short hand notes even as she listened. Her dark eyes watched JC closely as he spoke. She nodded as he broke down the issues in a way that made sense to her.
    P: grey eyed in Bar / at t loc
    S, W, H, H

    M, N, W? H?
    She glanced at the notes and mentioned. “I have occult knowledge, Obfuscate and some Auspex, so I could be with the trap. I have only rudimentary offense, however. I can detect the creature, attempt to puzzle what it is, or follow it unseen. I… would have interrogation abilities.”

    She had honed the abilities attributed to the Nosferatu for a reason. Even as she worked to be seen as a proper Invictus Lady, who likely hadn’t worked out a greatest fear to traumatize someone.
    "We seem to have a shortage of members of the team on the trap.”

    Jennifer glanced to Mable and then moved closer to Alexander, asking quietly. “May I? I am looking for the cemetery information.” She glanced through the papers, noting. “I don’t have the experience with this medical jargon. I think what Miss Mable is saying is that the police would have her statement, yet I have a pile of autopsy paperwork here.”
    She set the autopsy paperwork next to Alexander and picked up the next pile, handwritten notes in calligraphy, scanning. Her experience with police crime scenes would make her more useful on the police files.
    “So, you copied the police files.” She stated to Miss Kowalsic. It meant that the names of the police compromised were not made available to the team. Smart, and irritating. She took a few minutes to study the paperwork.
    1 success

    “Alright so it looks like we don’t have any mortal witnesses. The college student at the cemetery only saw the victim when he was alive.”
    She set half the notes – the part she had already read – back on the table for anyone else to survey.

    She felt the presence of the Giant Alexander, close and showing his allegiance. He was smart. Jennifer did love when Family was clever. The Nosferatu listened to his words closely, nodding slightly as he spoke.
    When Milton mentioned going without Alexander, she smiled. It was a slow, deliberate smile and she turned her head and back to look to Alexander standing so close to her. She met his eyes, and it was deliberate. She said nothing on the remarks, leaving Alexander to make his own decision. As Edward mentioned going with the Coroner’s office, her stylus moves quickly to amend her abbreviations of names.

    She opens another file and notes a cover name for those who claim the skill, marking who claims Obfuscate, Auspex, occult and combat knowledge. Her eyes pause on A for Auspex. They did not have enough Kindred who knew it. Her lips frown a bit. The dark eyes evaluate Mr. Heinrich once more. It made sense for two combat ready Kindred to accompany those who were not trained in combat.
    Her eyes tick back up to the T section, noting that pulled Kindred from the group.
    "Shall we stage this on two different nights?" She considered.
    Nosferatu Curse: Jennifer's voice withers like a snake sneaking through the grass, plummeted like an old man's nearing his demise.

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  17. #30
    Quinn Durant's Avatar

    Quinn Durant
    (Mask of Tranquility)
    Striking Looks
    (Velvet Rope Jockey)
    Good Breeding
    City Status
    Quinn Durant


    Quinn was in her thoughts as she listened to other Kindred speak. Her fingers tapping quietly over the lap top keyboard, with the efficiency of someone who spent a great amount of time keyboarding. She was taking notes for the official record of course, but she had more tabs than that up. Trying to keep teams straight, and just like Jennifer she frowned. The strongest user of Auspex had to be on the Trap team, not the poaching team. Which meant, the poacher wouldn't have anyone with Auspex on it most likely. Trade offs would have to be made. There was no way around it. Even if she would be willing to teach more Auspex, she could never get them running at that level in time, and to be fair the only level most wanted/needed was Aura Reading.

    Quinn looked up from the keyboard still typing, first addressing the question brought up by Simone about sharing gifts. "Yes Simone, you may share what you have the capability for. I see you as being the best fit for the Poacher as it stands now. Your skills as a Deputy in your last domain will make you an especially effective asset to that team." Yes she made sure to drop that little factoid to give Simone a little boost of confidence. "Our cousin Maeve, provided she is found by then, I will have her with me using Celerity and gifts to stay hidden to keep an extra set of eyes on the Jackal and track it should it try to make a break for it." Quinn did not clarify about Maeve any further.

    "Lady Notary Hazelton, would you like to be on team Trap as our occult expert, key observer, and help with the stealth required to at least help us categorize the Jackal properly? I can say from my own personal experience it is HARD to keep eyes on to properly identify it using Auspex. It's simply that stealthy, and its animal form, it is very small and very very spry. Two eyes with Auspex is better than one in this case." She made her point, and it had been awhile since she worked with the Nosferatu on an operation, and actually looked forward to that.

    "JC is our fighter on the Trap, and has had his own tampering happen to a human, but he can't be the only one..." Which brought Quinn to what she felt was a very tough choice. The two remaining fighters were Mable and Edward. Well...maybe not that difficult. Stop second guessing yourself. This isn't anything new for you. Just do it, you fucking donut.

    "Which brings us to you Ms. Wood. Your occult acumen plants you solidly on Team Trap, and you and JC will make a good team fighting at each other's backs when it comes to subduing that Jackal." She smiled slightly looking between JC and Mable. Truth was she was making damn sure J.C had his back covered in this. No Dirt Nap so we switch out the missing Gangrel.

    "Mr. Heinrich, I personally requested your assistance, I feel your skills would be instrumental in bringing this poacher to heel. Poaching is not something we take lightly, it is an insult to every member of this court. You are quite uniquely qualified for Team Poacher based on your skills to deal with Kine and martial prowess." Based on Quinn and Edwards social outing, Quinn was 100% certain Edward would take to that mission with zeal. It was right up his alley both morally and to do exactly what he wanted to do: serve the domain. You are secretly hoping he thrashes that poacher. 'Beast I am, Lest a Beast I Become.'

    Quinn turned back to Lady Notary Hazelton, and regarded her query about when to make this all go down. "It would be more beneficial to have this happen on separate nights. We would be much more of a force to be reckoned with." She hesitated then and shook her head. "As much as the poacher angers me, the most important target is the Jackal. Though taking down the Jackal successfully may tip off the poacher as they have been seen laying low in the same locales, as indicated on the map behind me." Prioritization is key. Also if they split up the outings that's overwhelming odds on fighters AND stealthy Kindred for BOTH these total pieces of shit. "If we do this the same night, different locations, we could clean sweep our known Domain problems in one go, insure that neither the Jackal nor the Poacher have a shot at a tip off from the other suddenly missing."

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