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Laws and Expectations

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  1. #71
    Mable Wood's Avatar

    Warden of the Sacred Grove
    (girl next door)
    Striking Looks
    Mable Wood


    Mable was feeling a bit defeated. She wondered why she even wanted to try with this job. It was as she feared, a power position with no power. She was just a puppet, nothing more.

    She slowed her racing mind before speaking, "Your Grace, Madcap has a naturally loud voice so I didn't realize it had gone beyond what he could handle. I also trusted that the Herald would maintain a professional atmosphere and deescalate the situation. I was wrong in both thoughts. I also was unsure as to why the questioning was going on during court. As the Herald speaks for you when you are not there, I had to assume that he was pressing the questions on your behalf. Again, I am guessing that I was wrong with that thinking."

    "I seem to be wrong on many accounts. I thought that if a situation was calmed easily it should be done. I used the term formal complaints because that is the jargon of my job. I will not use it again as it seems to not be a thing here." Mable took in a slow breath and let it out.

    "Madcap told me after, he felt like he couldn't remove himself safely at that point. I believe him on that, I understand the feeling and the situation. As I said, I told him next time to disengage sooner and walk away even if in a conversation with a court official. As for the united front, I will provide that next time or simply walk away quietly. Is that a permissible thing to do, to walk away quietly?"

    "Herald, while I should be aware of how you meant it, even though I can not read minds. You should have been aware of how your words looked. I gave you an out to offer a boon to Madcap instead of me. I said very simply that I could not accept boons for doing my job from anyone because they look like a bribe. I stand by that. Even when Madcap offered a boon to me as an apology I didn't accept it because it could be seen as a bribe. Now this may mean that I am not looking at boons correctly. And I freely admit I don't get them. I have lived away from others for far too long to understand them, but I am learning. Also, yes I had planned all along to go back and discuss the behavior with Madcap. You needed to trust me when I said I would take it into consideration. But again you pressed too hard. You pushed me onto the defensive. I am not trying to be disrespectful to you right now, I know it may seem that way, but I'm not. I just want you to understand that perhaps pushing others to be defensive is not going to get the questions answered. You made me look like I was a child who didn't deserve this position." Mable stopped she just stopped. No one was going to understand in here.

    "Your Grace, I do have a question about using the meeting rooms. You have said in the past the was absolutely no using meeting rooms during court. Has that rule now change?"

    Mable was now quiet and would take whatever punishment that was coming her way. After all that was all she knew here was punishment for speaking.

  2. #72
    Jacque's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    Mask of Tranquility
    New Identity
    (Alexander Krait)

    Goes by Jack.

    Educated, scholarly, lawyer, scientist.
    Jack's outward demeanor and tone are a baseline of respectful and calculated.

    He actively debates, persuades, negotiates and even at time tries to intimidate, as core skills of any lawyer worth his salt.


    "I underestimated how resistant he would be to deescalation, or how much anger he was holding on to regarding what I saw as a trivial matter." He turns to Mable, "That is why I offered the boon. For that fault, that miscalculation. However, I held on to a professional tone and discussion for the entirety of that conversation. I think it was that passiveness that sparked his outrage. Perhaps he thought that I would engage him in the same manner that I engaged my cousin." He shrugged, "I did not."

    "You need to stop looking at matters as black and white; right and wrong, Keeper. Nothing is ever so simple." He chuckled, "I was outraged at the implication and attack on my integrity and I'm certain that was clear before I left. You need to understand the reason for that." He expression turns stoic, "Due to the instability it can cause, it is treasonous for a Herald to use Her Majesty's voice for personal gains or ambitions. I was very particular in my wording and the discretion I used because I was in the middle of this situation. It is also why I offered the boon to you without argument, and stating it was specifically for my participation in the matter to settle my end so you could uphold the same decorum with the other. I wanted no implication that I was above the expectations, no ability for that to be twisted and yet that gesture too was twisted and manipulated to the same end."

    "Simply put, a perceived stain on my integrity can end my Danse. I don't get second or third chances." He tilts his at Mable's question, "That is a great question that needs clarification."

    Blood Hunt:

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  4. #73
    Alessandra's Avatar
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    First thing you will notice about Ale is the abundance of her tattoos. They go from her face all the way to her feet, and not much is left bare. The second thing? Her strong Italian accent.

    Known as Sofia De Luca

    Gabriel, Ghoul
    Cain, Hell Hound
    Alessandra Scenes
     -1 Vitae Blush of Life, -1 WP


    Nodding, “That’s right, he does speak for me when I’m not there. But not all the time. I’m sure he has his own matters to attend to.” She says with a smile. “I’m not going to say you were wrong, because it sounds like mistakes were made by everyone that night. And without us having talked, you didn’t know my expectations. So we’ll take it and learn from it.” All they could do.

    This was new for her. Attempting to keep her temper in check and be more agreeable. She has hopes that it helps her connect with others.

    A hand waves dismissively, “There is nothing wrong with the term, I just found it amusing, I’ve never heard it used. And again, no one was in the right that evening.” They needed to move on.

    “Anyone can walk away from any situation quietly. I can’t say how it will be perceived, as it depends on the situation.”
    Why wouldn’t someone be allowed to walk away? “Some might take it as an offense, while some will shrug and move on. You really need to gauge the person in question and if walking away is the only reasonable solution.” Like walking away and ignoring her or Twist wasn’t going to end well. But that she figured went without saying.

    “Boons have a time and place. Throwing them at an uncomfortable situation seems a bit much to me. I tend to only accept them in the gravest of circumstances. As I don’t get my feelings hurt every ten minutes.” Which seems to be the thing lately. “I see Boons as being acceptable for a social fa paux, not using the correct title, that type of thing. But it seems Kindred here are happy to throw them around for someone saying their feelings got hurt. Which I just don’t understand.” Fucking babies. “How were you pushed to be defensive? I believe it’s good for Herald Jack to know just what caused that, then it can be avoided in the future.” Knowing what was sensitive to each could prove valuable.

    “Meeting rooms can be used to try and deescalate a situation. But they are not to be used for official business, such as Clan or Covenant business. But I am pretty sure I said no official business in the meeting rooms during Court.” Pretty sure.

    She listens as Jack speaks. Noting the difference in what was said on his part.

    “Oh, no one is above the expectations or Laws. I apply them equally to each Kindred. But that being said, disrespect of my officers is not to be tolerated.” No.

    “Despite the meaning behind words, they have an impact on us all. Keeper Wood, it sounds like you meant no ill will in what you said, but others could have interpreted it very differently. So we need to be careful in how we word things.” There was no ill will in her voice.

    “But Herald Jack, I think it’s best if you keep a distance from Mr Madcap. I understand what you were trying to do, but it seems clear, he wants no part of it at this time.”
    Just keep them apart.

    “If someone wishes to use the room to resolve a matter, that’s fine. But no Clan or Covenant business during Court. Wait until after Court to schedule time for that.”
    Alessandra Antinori │BP 6│Strong Italian Accent

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  6. #74
    Mable Wood's Avatar

    Warden of the Sacred Grove
    (girl next door)
    Striking Looks
    Mable Wood


    Wait...no one is yelling at her. And they heard her. Did she actually get words out correctly enough?

    She reaches a hand out for Jack to shake. "I believe we have reach an agreement of sorts. I suggest we get together in a none business manner and get to know each other better and work out details of working together."

    "Thank you, Your Grace. and Thank you for clarifying the use of meeting rooms during court."

    Mable kept her words short and sweet.

  7. #75
    Jacque's Avatar
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    Mask of Tranquility
    New Identity
    (Alexander Krait)

    Goes by Jack.

    Educated, scholarly, lawyer, scientist.
    Jack's outward demeanor and tone are a baseline of respectful and calculated.

    He actively debates, persuades, negotiates and even at time tries to intimidate, as core skills of any lawyer worth his salt.


    Jacque grinned, somewhat hopeful the end of the disagreement was near, "I would truly enjoy that. To my point, however, if you wouldn't mind aiding in correcting that implication in any future public rumblings I would be content to consider this issue resolved." He reached out most of the way with the condition laid out, watching her body language to know whether or not to complete the gesture.

    Turning back to Alessandra, "Your courts are traditionally very engaging social events with nearly no ability to hold a private conversation. When these parties are pulled to the side will there be any privacy afforded to them and if so, will that mean that you will tolerate other small social groups to use meeting rooms for such private affairs during your court? I am merely concerned for consistent interpretations of this instruction."

    Blood Hunt:

  8. #76
    Alessandra's Avatar
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    (Tattooed Beauty)
    Blood Potency(+1)
    First thing you will notice about Ale is the abundance of her tattoos. They go from her face all the way to her feet, and not much is left bare. The second thing? Her strong Italian accent.

    Known as Sofia De Luca

    Gabriel, Ghoul
    Cain, Hell Hound
    Alessandra Scenes
     -1 Vitae Blush of Life, -1 WP


    Well, this was a step. Progress. Hearing Mable offer to get to know Jack better was great. She worried that none in the Domain had taken that step with him.

    Smiling with a nod of head, “I think that would be great. Herald Jack has an eye for art, so maybe you can both find some art for Court.”

    The smile was then offered to Mable directly, “I’m glad I was able to clear it up and that you asked.” This was good. Ale had managed to express her displeasure without anger. Maybe there was hope for her. But, one step at a time.

    Smirking to Jack, “Well, in the future, if bribes become a thing, talk to me first. I can give you run down on them and how to best make them work.” There was then a laugh. But his point to Mable was a good one, she had started any discord with that.

    Shaking her head, “I cannot and will not guarantee any privacy at Court. It’s a public gathering for us, and as such, there are no private areas. So if privacy is wanted, then I recommend coming in after Court. The lack of privacy ensures that if things go off the rails, plenty will know and can intervene. So no, there will be privacy. Pulling a disruptive Kindred into a meeting room brings down the tensions in the room. And while people can listen, they cannot add their spin to the matter. Which as we’ve seen, is just as destructive.” Cause people seemed hell bent on stirring whatever pot they could. “The instruction is simple, no Covenant or Clan meetings during Court, and meetings rooms are to be used to deescalate situations between people. And if a Priscus or the Seneschal wishes to use one to Acknowledge someone, then they can. Sometimes it’s easier for new faces with less around. But if others cannot understand that, I can talk to them.”
    Alessandra Antinori │BP 6│Strong Italian Accent

  9. #77
    Mable Wood's Avatar

    Warden of the Sacred Grove
    (girl next door)
    Striking Looks
    Mable Wood


    Mable nodded, "Any grumblers send them to me. And we can discuss later how we will get along."

    "Ok back to the laws and rules?"
    Mable asked.

  10. #78
    Jacque's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    Mask of Tranquility
    New Identity
    (Alexander Krait)

    Goes by Jack.

    Educated, scholarly, lawyer, scientist.
    Jack's outward demeanor and tone are a baseline of respectful and calculated.

    He actively debates, persuades, negotiates and even at time tries to intimidate, as core skills of any lawyer worth his salt.


    Jacque completes the handshake, happy to get the Keeper on the same page with intent and expectations.

    Tapping down the bullets of the Elysium Laws, "Is it Her Majesty's wish to bar new arrivals from Formal court? There is also the matter of an expectation of timeliness in arrival for your Formal court."

    After hearing the answers, "Her Majesty's wish to disallow leaving and returning to Court seems reasonable and makes security significantly more manageable."

    "Regarding security and exemptions you may wish to specifically outline who is exempt from what Laws. That way there is no confusion and no misinformation spread about such privilege." He pauses a moment to allow for the discussion to flow.

    Referencing this post and this wiki page.

    Blood Hunt:

  11. #79
    Alessandra's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    (Tattooed Beauty)
    Blood Potency(+1)
    First thing you will notice about Ale is the abundance of her tattoos. They go from her face all the way to her feet, and not much is left bare. The second thing? Her strong Italian accent.

    Known as Sofia De Luca

    Gabriel, Ghoul
    Cain, Hell Hound
    Alessandra Scenes
     -1 Vitae Blush of Life, -1 WP


    Seemed that matter was settled. Or it appeared that way.

    Looking back to Jack, she was eager to hear the rest. And get Mable’s input, as it was concerning Elysium.

    Shaking her head, “Not at all. Courts have always been an excellent place to get Acknowledgement and meet others. I would always encourage it. Ah yes, timeliness.” This was important, “I’ll be placing a time for the doors to be closed. Unless someone has reached out to the Keeper, or myself, once the doors are closed, they are closed. Though Court Officers are welcome to arrive if the doors are closed, I would still encourage them to arrive on time. But sometimes when dealing with Domain business, we can lose track of time. I just ask them to reach out if they are running late.” Because manners and respect.

    Nodding, “Yes, that one is self-explanatory.” Not that it had ever come up. But, you never know these nights.

    Leaning back, “I’ve only had the exemptions come up once, with Seneschal York. But she checked with me. The Sheriff is allowed to be armed in Court, as is Archon Twist and myself. If the deputies wish to be armed, they need to reach out to me for permission. Should I make an exception, I’ll make sure to reach out to you Keeper Wood so you’re aware and not caught off guard.”
    Alessandra Antinori │BP 6│Strong Italian Accent

  12. #80
    Mable Wood's Avatar

    Warden of the Sacred Grove
    (girl next door)
    Striking Looks
    Mable Wood


    Mable had questions, she didn't want to ask for fear they would seem to be argumentative. But now was the time for questions.

    "Are the closed door times for every court or just formal courts? Once doors are closed perhaps you can have the guard call for me if someone wishes to seek entry. That way I could keep track and see what's up? Also, I would say that all of us court officials should have to abide by the same closed door rules. Set the example for the others. I believe strongly in a court setting the example of proper behavior. That is how I learned when I first arrived was by watching the court officials as to what was acceptable behavior."

    "My next question is about exceptions. I get exceptions with weapons and using gifts for certain court officials, that's for safety and we need to assure that in Elysium. However, what other rules do you wish to give court officials exemptions from? I am only seeking understanding. Basically, I guess I am agreeing with the Herald about clarity for the exemptions."

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