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(Kingmaker) The Danse Macabre

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  1. #11
    Rebecca Simmons

    As Ale and Vivian entered Rebecca had to steel her Catalyst against the wave of fear. As usual it was a mini battle that she raged alone, but she would not let her Catalyst win tonight, not on such a night as this. With a smile she approached the three of them so they could continue their conspiracy.

    Turning to Twist and Ale she smiled and said, "Well of course, the three of you look absolutely stunning. They would be fools if they didn't turn and gaze in admiration." At her second statement Rebecca replied, "I've paid a sizable donation in order to get us an audience with the Senator. That should help us get our foot in the door there."

  2. #12

    Anna Cunningham awaited, off to the side, a polite smile on her face as she caught Rebecca Simmons's eye. Plainly, she was waiting aside for a polite moment to introduce herself and to do her job; but she did not wish to interrupt the conversation with the group. When the generous donor was ready, she now knew where to find her help for the night.

    And with the amount that Rebecca had donated? She deserved only the best.

  3. #13
    Vivian York

    Vivian had taken some time to adjust to the women in the car, or at least whose Beasts she could feel. Watching the night lights buzz by in the limo was an immense help and it was calming since it was familiar. Even as they had arrived, she felt calm and confident.

    "We all look absolutely dazzling." The Daeva said in true form to her Clan, her hands modeling around the ladies.

    "I think the main detail was taken care of by yours truly here." Palming a hand to Rebecca and then adjusting her glove.

    Her eyes looked toward what they were about to experience. She was eager to see what this gala had to offer, not to mention the other details that they were written previously regarding. "Shall we?" Nodding toward the concierge and the entrance.

  4. #14

  5. #15

    Let's keep this plot moving. If 48 hours have passed on someone's turn, please post on.

    "Doctor Simmons?"

    Anna Cunningham had apparently felt she had given an appropriate length of time for them to get their bearings.

    "It's such a pleasure to meet you, ma'am, and your friends. My name is Anna Cunningham. I'll be your concierge for the evening."

    She offered a professional handshake to the scientist first, then to each of her friends.

    "How can I help you all tonight?"

  6. #16
    Alessandra's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    (Tattooed Beauty)
    Blood Potency(+1)
    First thing you will notice about Ale is the abundance of her tattoos. They go from her face all the way to her feet, and not much is left bare. The second thing? Her strong Italian accent.

    Known as Sofia De Luca

    Gabriel, Ghoul
    Cain, Hell Hound
    Alessandra Scenes
     -1 Vitae Blush of Life, -1 WP


    Ale watches the woman approach and address Rebecca. Anna Cunningham, a personal assistant of sorts for the night. Fun.

    She accepts the handshake when it comes around to her, and smiles,

    "Pleased to meet you Ms Cunningham, I'm Ms. De Luca."
    greets the Italian in a friendly tone.
    Alessandra Antinori │BP 6│Strong Italian Accent

  7. #17
    Rebecca Simmons

    Before Rebecca could reply to Vivian, Anna approached Rebecca. With a wide smile she extended a hand. "Ms. Cunningham. A pleasure to meet you as well, and so wonderful to be able to put a face to the voice." When she asked her question Rebecca obliged. "I'd like to know what the schedule is for the evening? We're very excited to meet Senator Hart."

    Sorry for the delay.

  8. #18
    Vivian York

    Vivian extended a gloved hand and smiled. "Thank you Ms. Cunningham." When in Rome.... "Could you also tell us what she's wearing tonight? I am dying to know." The Daeva played off the need to find out the fashion for anyone that evening.

    "And, if you could please, who in your opinion here tonight holds he best dressed title for the evening?" She let her wild eyes look about to see who Anna may indicate.

  9. #19

    "Ms. De Luca, and ma'am," she said to Vivian, who had not elected to provide her name, "Thank you for coming. It's such a pleasure. I should say, I'm no fashion expert, but I think the Gucci models have that title. Especially Holly Helmsley. She's absolutely stunning, and the gold dress you'll see tonight is just a sight to behold. As for Senator Hart, she'll be wearing a classic black dress -- her signature look, of course."

    Assuming, you know, that Vivian paid attention to politician's fashion. Hart wasn't young. She dressed to impress in a business-like way, a scion of California politics decades in the making. Turning her attention back to her patron, the concierge Cunningham replied to the Doctor. "Well, for the first hour is cocktails, then a dinner hour, of course. I would expect a couple of speeches between dinner and dessert, and then we'll be opening the floor to private donors meeting with the Senator and, of course, performances. The runway show. Dances. Musicians. I heard Maroon 5 may be making a special guest appearance." That last was said in a whisper, mock-conspiratorially. "I mustn't keep you. The cocktail hour is such a great social mixer, and no doubt there will be plenty of people who would be so excited to meet you all."

    With the amount of money Rebecca had thrown at this? They'd probably be stars of the show, if they wanted to be.

  10. #20
    Rebecca Simmons

    Rebecca turned her head to look towards the model Anna referenced. "Quite right Ms. Cunningham, she is absolutely stunning." As she ran through the schedule Rebecca smiled and nodded along. "Wonderful, thank you so much for all your help. I'm certainly looking forward to the runway show and the musicians, and of course meeting Senator Hart." With that done Rebecca began looking around for her first social target during the cocktail hour.

    With mingling during cokctails can we roll Man + social to kind of streamline things?

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