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The Dance Continues

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  1. #1
    Arturo Garcia

    There were certain delights that simply were for men and did not suit boys. Cigars were such a thing. Arturo had found a nice privately owned establishment in the old core of downtown, hidden down an alley with a roughly hewn entrance in an old building. The entrance betrayed the interior which was a well maintained cigar bar. Four smaller rooms essentially along a thin hallway barely one person wide, with a bar and humidor nested by stairs which led up to the bar from the street. In one of the smaller rooms, the beast waited.

    He had had such a wonderful dance with the wolf in velvet he had made arrangements to meet away from court. While it took away their protections, it also rid them of prying ears. It was a chance to continue their dance, and perhaps understand one another a little better. It always served one well to know the predators which surrounded them.

    Garcia had a selection of cigars already delivered, ready to be cut for when his partner arrived. On the table as well was wonderfully aged spiced rum, paired specifically with the brand of cigar at the recommendation of the house. It was quiet the set up.

    The room they had was small, with a curtained window that looked into the dark street below, the thick wooden walls held sound very well, it seemed privacy was a matter of concern to the clientele. The door was solid, but unlocked.

    Arturo was seated, an ash gray pairing of slacks and jacket (the latter of which was draped on the back of the chair), salmon pink shirt, and brown well polished shoes served as an appropriate uniform for the night. The Lord had arrived a little earlier to ensure things were prepared, it was rude of a host not too, and now simply had to wait.

    Would the wolf dressed in velvet indulge the invitation?

  2. #2
    Arturo Garcia


  3. #3
    Garrett Prosper's Avatar

    Supplicant of Terror
    Garrett Prosper


    If Arturo has been around to see Garrett's face when he received the invite, utter bemusement would be the word. Prosper rubbed his temple as he squinted at his phone, wondering what the hell the Lord was playing at. The confusion annoyed him, knowing that was probably the intended outcome, and he proceeded to fire back a cheerful acceptance to the proposition.

    He decided on the tailored suit he had worn to the Fire and Ice Court hosted by Alessandra. The darker burgundy with the Burberry patterned tie over the black shirt was a colour combination he was fond of when it came to being bold with tact. His moonrise rituals were meticulous, but the German was particular about being exactly on time. No need to give the monster a single bullet.

    The venue was novel. Garrett felt a spark of confidence as he parked his overpriced transportation, knowing a few points in time he had partaken in such experiences with foreign indulgence with the other academics. His head roared as he sensed the predator, needle points and electric nerves racing up his spine as the hostess signalled which room he was expected in.

    Way too small. He's going to try something. Lords don't just casually hang out with Neonate Savages without a title attached or meeting the order of a superior. Conditioning?

    Prosper's lip curled in a defiant snarl as his wrist locked around the door knob.

    What do you have to gain by being here? This is dangerous-

    "Guten Abend, Herr Garcia. You wanted my company this evening?" Painted grin as he stares the other down.

  4. #4
    Arturo Garcia

    ”Mr. Prosper, very punctual, I like that.”

    The Lord stood from his seat, the beast lunging in his chest, clawing and ripping up the still chest, black claws wanting to tear the smaller beast to shreds. It was so small, so weak, waiting to be dominated then devoured by the coiled serpent inside of the Lord’s chest.

    Once standing Arturo extended his right hand, his left open at his side, waiting to see if the Savage had been listening to his last lesson. If so, it would please the member of the Clan of Kings. If the hand as taken, there would be two motions, and release.

    ”Have a seat, with help of the house I have selected a fine pairing.”

    The Ventrue did not sit yet himself, instead reaching for one of the cigars from the box, as well as the cutter. Lining the two up there was a quick and practiced snip. Arturo looked down to Garrett and reached towards him, offering te cigar.

    ”Have you smoked before?” He asked casually.

  5. #5
    Garrett Prosper's Avatar

    Supplicant of Terror
    Garrett Prosper


    Prosper's jaw clenches as he forces down his instincts and engages in their new apparent ritual, though the motions aren't as planned and mechanical as the other.

    His gaze wonders to the alcohol unconsciously as the potent predator hovers over him. The Savage sharply reestablishes eye contact as the Lord presents the cigar, forcing a small chuckle.

    "I have dabbled? Though it-" there's a half-second pause as it dawns on him that there isn't a sliver of the memory left, "-has been a while."

    An intense frustration grips him. The pattern was there—he knew for a fact it had happened. Didn't it? It was in the journal—his best friend had vomited all over one of the professors. Then they all got dragged back for a month to prove he could build a tolerance. The Savage holds it awkwardly, lost in thought.

  6. #6
    Arturo Garcia

    Garcia watched the young looking vampire, their eyes locked as the Savage tried to assure him about his experience with tobacco, and he did manage to come off sounding so confident. However, here it was, the seconds sticking were sticking together, the mind was running. There may be more to Garrett that than Arturo may have measured. With a predators grin he struck the match.

    The beast inside of Arturo coiled back and hissed, the flame was small but was still a flame. If he still had breath it would have been taken away. Maybe that was enough to bring Garrett’s attention to the situation at hand, as he was offered the light so that the cigar could be lit. Once Garrett took the opportunity the Lord would shake the flame out. He stood tall over the Savage as he shifted back to his own seat, and began to sit.

    ”It seems the weather is shifting.” He made note of the fact that rain had finally found its way to Sacramento, dark cloud beginning to pelt the street below, and smacking against the window of their quiet little smoking room.

    ”You interest me, you know that Mr. Prosper? I enjoyed seeing you so boldly take center stage at court. You could have fooled me and claimed to be a Lord. I find that boldness scares this domain, but you, Mr. Prosper? You use that to your advantage.”

    While he spoke Arturo was taking his own cigar, cutting the end, and chomping on it. He took another moment to frighten his beast with another match as it squealed for him to please stop. It was a moment where Arturo felt he had complete control. He lit the end and took in the smoke and let it mingle in his mouth, before exhaling through the nose, and waving the second match out.

    ”Your performance at court, it earned my respect. I very much wanted to see what you were like outside of the protections of Elysium. I feel my time is well worth it. So tell me, what are your ambitions in the Domain?”

    More smoke through the nose.

  7. #7
    Garrett Prosper's Avatar

    Supplicant of Terror
    Garrett Prosper


    Garrett's lip twitches into a fanged smirk as he suppresses a snarl with the other man hovering over him with a flame.


    The Savage reflexively inhales as if it were a cigarette and immediately regrets the decision as the Vitae forcing his lungs into action make his entire chest cavity convulse in an old echo of choking. Despite the need being long dead, the Beast scratches at the sudden unwelcome heat and ash. It's more of a twitch and a grunt as the smoke curls around his lips and the rest is ejected through his nose. He has to laugh at himself, taking the cigar from his lips and chuckling into his fist.

    There's a razor edge to the humour as the frustration is not alleviated.

    "How appropriate for our broody natures," the man says, watching Arturo closely as he mimics the proper method, "And I am so very humbled you noticed that the Ventrue here do not know how to assert themselves when faced with a challenge beyond a tie selection."

    He winks, "Ambitions? To put it simply, I am never satisfied with mediocrity. You find me novel? What a pity that you have been surrounded by such boring Kindred."

  8. #8
    Arturo Garcia

    ”It did sadden me that there was no one to answer your claim to the middle of the room. I see your fellow clanmates generally preferred to stalk the edges of the room or follow heel to others.”

    There was a soft chuckle from the Lord as he saw the initial struggle of the Savage, and noticed how quickly he picked it up from his own actions. Practiced to a point, maybe there was some fog, he would draw that out as time went on, they had nothing but time.

    ”I am sure that the Peerage of Sacramento will soon learn the importance of being both seen and heard. Meager existence does not seem to be the desire of those I have met, but we will see if there is more than meets the eyes. As for you Mr. Prosper, your defiance of mediocrity, would you color yourself a member of the Invictus?”

    The smoke had a sweetness to it, thick and strong mixed with the pungent and bitter smoke. Like a raging pull he pushed the smoke out of his nostrils, his eyes resting on the younger looking kindred as they enjoyed their time, the silence between their words emphasised with a prattling rain hitting the curtained window in the room.

    ”Excitement has many faces. I am just not so used to such a plethora of opinions. Where I come from there is one predominant philosophy.”

  9. #9
    Garrett Prosper's Avatar

    Supplicant of Terror
    Garrett Prosper


    Prosper watched the smoke begin to haze the room, focusing on the sounds as his restless instincts of flight fought with the man's aggressive nature. "Stalk. That is an interesting word. It can mean a lot of things depending on the context, but the main focus is deadly pride and focus, is it not?

    As for Atticus James, he was making sure Herr Exilbrist did not dig a deeper grave for the Lance. Her Majesty was quite cordial, as was my Priscus.
    And you went out of your way to enjoy Herr Clay's company. Certainly not to protect the Harpy from a beastly Savage." He takes a moment to carefully draw in the smoke, getting a taste for it like sampling a drink.

    "...There is something to be said about the echo chamber," he shrugs, "Sacramento offers a very strange dynamic where I can see pieces fluctuating in ways that normally are not possible in other Domains. I can challenge, push for better, make changes. Funny you should mention the First Estate—I am more interested in evolving than hoarding power."

    He rests his temple against his fingers as he regards the equally bold Ventrue, "Were you made by your country, then? Or did you find the Lancea et Sanctum by your own instinct?"

  10. #10
    Arturo Garcia

    ”It is a word that serves many purposes. I would use it more in the sense of a hyena than lion in this case.” The smoke invaded his mouth once more as he played off what Garrett had contributed.

    He listened to each and every word that the velvet wolf dropped, knowing he wasn’t able to let anything simply slip by. Prosper was someone who would surprise you, catch you off guard, so you must always remain prepared.

    ”Protect anyone? Far from my intention, I was not going to allow Dirt Nap, and yourself to own the center stage of court. You know that nothing is free in Kindred society. Look how it has turned out for you though, you have learned how to shake a hand, and smoke a cigar. Perhaps you should just call me Padre.”

    Chuckles followed the last statement, as he listened to the statement on Sacramento - an opinion he fully agreed with. He even smirked at the snide comment, he loved the passive aggression. Then came the statement on evolution.

    ”Mr. Prosper, don’t tell me that, we were getting along so well. You know the Church’s view on evolution.”

    The comment was in jest, but Prosper was a smart enough boy to know that the Lord’s mind was not as dull as others. Not a Lance, nor Invictus, the Crone was a hilarious image, and if he was a Carthian he was the worst Arturo had met. Process of elimination.

    ”I found myself amongst the Church before I even knew what the Church really was. I was still blind you could say. Once my eyes were opened, though, the choice was clear. Both as part of my personal philosophy and not being an idiot. Where I am from the Lance dominates, the Invictus functions but pays a tithe, and The Movement is in good standing. Others though? Not so welcome.”

    He gave the lesson with a smile, and beyond the serpent in his chest which wanted to rip the young looking boy apart, Arturo was quite amiable.

    ”I do not often share details of my danse. You earned that courtesy.” He was willing to continue if the Gangrel had question, Arturo believed in rewarding good behavior.

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