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Around the Grand Wyrm's Table

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  1. #1
    Lina Moretti

    "Is that right?" Lina's eyebrows popped; her face demonstrated that she was clearly pleasantly surprised. A smile crossed her face.

    "Supplicant Madcap, it's a right pleasure." She offered a hand for a firm shake. "Welcome to Sacramento. Your area of study is one we all have experience in. The Beast is a common subject of study in our Chapter, one that I suspect at least some of our scholars are looking into even further. You've come at a good time. The Invictus and the Ordo Dracul enjoy excellent working relations, and our Chapter continues to grow. Where have you come from?"

  2. #2
    Madcap's Avatar



    Madcap listens to the lively Grand Wyrm. The woman nearly looked like the kine, a sharp contrast to his own demeanor. At times, Madcap forgot to blink and at others his chest sat still, as he only truly breathed to speak.

    Moretti's cordial gesture was noted, prompting the Gangrel to grant a brief, if firm handshake.

    The Bruja's brows perked up slightly as the Sheriff spoke of the covenant's good relationship with the First Estate.

    "Note the case in a lot places," he says, "Makes you wonder."

    However, the thought was left incomplete. Madcap was rough, but he wasn't an idiot. The Invictus ran Sacramento and you'd best believe at least one or two would be listening in. If things went well, maybe he'd put his thoughts out there for the Grand Wyrm in a more private setting. Far away from power hungry Kindred holding on to waning values.

    "Good to hear I won't be lone-wolfing it," he continues. The studies of the Beast were already dangerous enough, that difficulty only increased when you lacked a support system. "Came from Sante Fe last, roamed around for a few years before getting there, and spent time in Pheonix, though most of that was a long sleep, if you catch my meaning. Before that, I was pretty nomadic. Kinda the way of the bloodline."

    The second statement lacked the underlying subtleties of his words on the Invictus and inbetween them had been some significant pause. However, unlike the thoughtfulness for which Dirt Nap was known, Madcap's silence was alert and sure, like a cougar at rest. The man before them lacked much in the way of a desire to imitate the kine. This was a proud monster.

  3. #3
    Lina Moretti

    The thought about the alliance between the Order and the First Estate was left unfinished, but he wasn't the first to think such things. The fact was this: so long as the Invictus was willing to bear the burden of governance, the Dragons enjoyed the benefits of supporting them in that task.

    "Where diplomacy and mutual interest align, all manner of friendships can grow," the Grand Wyrm said idly. She didn't get into it any more than that. There was a place for Order business. "Let's talk privately later. I'll get you up to speed on recent happenings so you can settle in. I'll need your number, for sure."

    The Scribe contemplated the room idly as he spoke, gritting her teeth beneath her lips against the throes of the Beast as anxiety spiked and rage simmered. She dragged her eyes back to him, a strong Lick of powerful Blood, who had gone through Torpor and come out the other side still quite mighty, indeed.

    "You'd be the first of your Line I've met, but I'm sure you'll be pleased to know that your Clan is numerous in our Covenant. Dirt Nap, here; my Deputy, Atticus James; and a third gentleman by the name of Garrett Prosper. We'll have to get the band together and have a chat. What brings you here, of all places?"

  4. #4
    Dirt Nap's Avatar

    New Identity Clayton Jordan Carter
    Obfuscate 2 Mask of Tranquility
    Occultation (Vampire)
    Dirt Nap


    Dirt Nap nods, his eyes not dropping though, maintaining visual awareness of Madcap's location and doings without any break.

    "Good to see you, Madcap." he says. He lets the Grand Wyrm, Lina Moretti direct the conversation and ask the questions, though he listens and watches alertly.

  5. #5
    Madcap's Avatar



    Madcap only manages a half-shrug as Moretti closes the discussion on the local chapter's relations with the Invictus. Wasn't his place to say much right now seeing as he just arrived. Covenants varied from region to region and not every member of the Invictus that Madcap had met were complete shitbags, but many were elitist. Time would tell where the First Estate of Sacramento fell on his radar.

    At the Grand Wyrm's casual request, the Bruja dug absently in his pockets, fishing out an old receipt and a pen. After scrawling his contact details on the back, he'd hand it out to her, taking hers in turn if it was provided.

    "Works for me," he offers, "I ain't got shit to do except for the whole acknowledgement bit, so you just let me know a time and place. It's your turf."

    "I believe it," he offers as Lina confirms him to be her first encounter with the Bruja, "My brothers run a few nomadic chapters, but they don't really venture up this north that often. Thing is, they've been this way as long as me. It wouldn't feel right to ride under one of them. That and Carlos left me to do my own thing once I woke up. His way of apologizing, I guess."

    "We'll see how we click then," he'd offer at the affirmation of a large Gangrel presence in the Order, "We Savages are a varied bunch. Some ignore their instincts, others try to be 'noble beasts.' I ain't either. Came to terms with what I am a long time ago. No sense in hiding it."

    Finally there was the real question. Why Sacramento?

    "Part wanderlust, part curiosity, and part utility I suppose," he'd say, "Spent a lot of time in Arizona and New Mexico. Guess you could say I wanted to see what another place had to offer. Then there's the family's rep. Made things a little hard even when I wasn't rolling with them. Lots of folks seem to think bloodlines are rigidly organized and I'm sure some of them are, but not the Bruja. When a few folks in Santa Fe heard a Bruja had settled down there, they decided the actions of greater line was partly my fault. Probably because I was one of the first, I guess. Or maybe it just felt better to give something they feared a face. I dunno. Either way, they really started to annoy me. Tried to make things difficult. So I decided 'fuck it' and headed out for better pastures that weren't grazed by a bunch of feeble idiots. Plus I heard the Prince here ain't afraid to bloody up and I like a Kindred that knows when action is necessary."

  6. Likes Ruach liked this post
  7. #6
    Lina Moretti

    The Grand Wyrm listened far more than she spoke, taking in his story, of his past, of the variation among Savages, of the tumultuous path that led him here. "You've come to a place that doesn't think well of outside threats, so I suspect you'll find yourself quite safe from any pursuit here."

    She paused, contemplating asking him further questions, but concluding that they could wait. He needed to be Acknowledged before they could go any further. When she was done, she gave a nod across the way, to a wholesome-looking woman, but her face did not suggest that she was particularly impressed.

    "At any rate, I can tell you that your Clan's current Priscus is Mable Wood, over yonder. She's with the Circle of the Crone and should see you welcome. Once you are Acknowledged, however, you are welcome to come to see me and we'll discuss your rights to feed in my regency to the southeast, Florin." The Regent flashed him a polite smile. "I make a practice of providing for my Chapter, and so you will find yourself welcome under my Hospitality. Did you have any questions before you get yourself Acknowledged, or shall I introduce you?"

  8. #7
    Dirt Nap's Avatar

    New Identity Clayton Jordan Carter
    Obfuscate 2 Mask of Tranquility
    Occultation (Vampire)
    Dirt Nap


    Dirt Nap listens carefully, present, but not interjecting himself between the new Dragon and the Grand Wyrm. He watches the interaction intently.

  9. #8
    Madcap's Avatar



    "Oh I ain't worried about it," Madcap offered, his expression shifting on the side of nonchalant, "Like I said, I don't roll with the Bruja direct anymore, but left 'em on good terms. Family's family. As for the... esteemed Kindred in Santa Fe, I don't think they'll bother me. Most of them were just trying to look good for the Court in Albuquerque so I doubt they got much pull this far north."

    'Esteemed' was naturally spoken with a heavy air of sarcasm. It was clear that Madcap didn't think highly of at least some of the Kindred in Santa Fe, but in truth that was putting it generously. He thought nothing of them.

    The Bruja would follow the Grand Wyrm's gaze and note her less-than-thrilled expression. For a moment, it caused Madcap some concern, with lingering worry over the untold state of Clan Gangrel. However, then a glint of cunning hit the man's intense features. Considering Lina's words for a moment, the Bruja didn't avert his eyes from Mable Wood.

    Instead, he smirked.

    After some pause, he'd glance back to the little Sheriff.

    "Buttering me up already, Moretti?" he joked as she spoke of the possibility of granting him the right to feed within Florin. It was a risk, but the Sheriff didn't seem like a stiff. Perhaps, she'd allow the lapse in etiquette.

    Then the brief shake of his head, "Nah, let's just get to it. Sooner I get acknowledged the sooner we can see to other things."

  10. Likes Ruach liked this post
  11. #9
    Lina Moretti

    "What can I say? Every Supplicant earns their keep in the Work, Madcap, so I make sure you're taken care of. When you're not having to worry about the necessities, it means you have more time to do what we do best." She grinned. It was as fair as she could make it. Contribute? Reap the rewards and be taken care of. Don't? End up without. Like every other Dragon before him to cross into her Regency, Madcap would learn the benefits of the system called reciprocity.

    Rising from her chair and closing up her book with a blasphemous fold of a corner, the Sheriff smiled at the silent ginger next to her. "Dirt Nap, you will see Madcap to Florin later, won't you?"

    A question that wasn't really one. Someone would need to see the new arrival to their territory and show them around. That was an appropriate duty for him.

    "Let's get you introduced to Mable Wood."

    Lina returns to the main thread.

  12. #10
    Madcap's Avatar



    Madcap's smirk broke into a small smile as Lina took the humor in stride.

    Yep, not a stiff. Good.

    Madcap watches as the short, athletic woman rises from her spot. It'd be a lie to say Madcap didn't note Lina's significant beauty, but he was subtle about it. For a Savage. Simply put, the Bruja's eyes lingered only for a moment before he averted them, taking the Grand Wyrm's request to Dirt Nap as an excuse to look away and finally engage the silent watcher.

    "Looking forward to it, Nap," he said, "Talk soon, yeah?"

    It was clear from her actions that Moretti wanted to get his acknowledgement out of the way quickly. He wasn't going to keep her waiting, as it seemed their desires were the same. Madcap wanted to see his acknowledgment efficiently.

    Thus, with a parting nod to the red maned Supplicant, Madcap followed the Grand Wyrm.

    Madcap returns to the main thread

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