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(Night Stalkers) Take Out or Fast Food?

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  1. #51

    The ghoul with the stake in hand screams, evading Nap's claws to the best of his ability. He tries. Hard.

    He simply cannot get entirely out of the way. Blood sprays. Flashes. It's enough to drive him, and Atticus, toward Frenzy.
    Stake 16 (4A, Grappled) - Knife 16 - Dirt Nap 15 (4L) - Elettra Vitale 12 (Grappling) - The Axe Stalker 11 (1L, grappled) - Atticus 10 (2L, grappling) - Thomas 9 (1L)

    Corrections in the state of the scene on consultation with Steven. He is in a grapple with the Axe Stalker, who was not injured by him last round. Alas, the Willpower for Defense rules go both ways. Stake ghoul has Defense 3 (as he is not Pinned) and uses Willpower to raise that to five, negating the right five dice of Dirt Nap's attack. 2A gets through.

    Both Atticus and Dirt Nap are Hungry, and blood is being spilled. Steven and Ruach , please roll Resolve + Composure - 1 once per round before your action each turn until you either fail (in which case you may spend 1 Willpower if you haven't used your Willpower for the turn to use Coil of the Beast to negate a frenzy) or reach 2 successes. Melissa , you must also roll if you have 4 or less Vitae in your system. Please make that clear in your signature.

    Melissa - Elettra is up!

  2. #52
    Elettra Vitale

    Elettra continues to grapple with the ghoul with the stake.

      1 success
    Date Action Roll Result
    2019-02-22 16:26:50 Elettra Vitale rolls 4 to To Not Frenzie (Resolve 3 + Compsure 3 -1) (10 Again, WillPower) 1, 10, 2, 7, 3 1 success

      2 successes
    Date Action Roll Result
    2019-02-22 16:28:33 Elettra Vitale rolls 3 to Grapple (Strength 2 - 1 + All out attack 2) (10 Again) 9, 9, 1 2 successes

  3. #53

    Stake 16 (4A, Grappled) - Knife 16 - Dirt Nap 15 (4L) - Elettra Vitale 12 (Grappling) - The Axe Stalker 11 (1L, grappled) - Atticus 10 (2L5B, grappling, remember wound penalties) - Thomas 9 (1L)

    All Out Attack is not usable in a grapple. As well, Melissa , Elettra should have 5 dice for her Frenzy roll, 8 with a Willpower. Please roll 4 more dice since you paid the Willpower for it.

    Elettra's probably never been in a grapple in her god-damned life. The fact was, the guy she was grappling with was far stronger than her, and her lack of training showed as his strength negated her efforts to hurt him. She was nearly entirely at his mercy. But she was also stopping him from taking out the wounded Dirt Nap, which made her contribution remarkable in the fight. Every few beats she stopped him from getting away was another few beats Dirt Nap had to end this insane ghoul.

    Atticus wrestled with the man with the axe. Strong as hell and very capable in the grapple, he had the fellow on the ropes. This was doubly true, since Thomas had dominated the knife-wielding ghoul from the alley into attacking him. But Atticus's undead body was pushing to its limits. His opponent couldn't bring his axe to bear in such close quarters, but he did manage to snap his forehead into Deputy James's nose with a thunk.

    Cut and bleeding, the Gangrel was in bad shape... but he was in good enough shape to eviscerate this guy...

    Steven - please note if you reflexively heal any damage and recall wound penalties. Atticus is up! Remember the Res + Comp - 1 for Hunger.

    2 sux to damage in grapple
    Date Action Roll Result
    2019-02-22 16:40:58 The Axe Guy rolls 5 to Headbutt (Strength + Brawl - Atticus) (10 Again, WillPower) 9, 7, 8, 1, 4 2 successes

  4. #54
    Atticus James

    Reflexive Healing -1 blood
      2 successes, No Frenzy
    Date Action Roll Result
    2019-02-22 17:11:24 Atticus rolls 4 to Res3 + Comp2 - 1 (10 Again) 2, 5, 2, 10, 8 2 successes
      2 successes
    Date Action Roll Result
    2019-02-22 17:15:07 Atticus rolls 7 to Fangs out. STR4+Brawl3 (10 Again) 10, 1, 4, 3, 5, 8, 2, 2 2 successes
      3 successes
    Date Action Roll Result
    2019-02-22 17:15:30 Atticus rolls 7 to Fangs out. STR4+Brawl3 (10 Again) 10, 10, 5, 3, 7, 10, 2, 2, 5, 5 3 successes

    Atticus laughs with maniacal wrath as the headbutt connects to the bridge of his nose. As the nose splats it immediately knits itself back together. As Atticus laughs his fangs extend to their full length and he dives into the man's soft tissue fangs first.

    Cross, please make any necessary subtractions from my success

  5. #55
    Thomas Boyle

    Now, that was rewarding!

    Wanting more, Thomas straightens out his clothing and heads to the side of the building, where Atticus and the Axe Stalker do battle.

    Also, wouldn't it be hee-larious if the Axeman and the Knifeman killed one another?

    Thomas spends his turn moving to the side, near Atticus and Axe Stalker

  6. #56

    Stake 16 (4A, Grappled) - Knife 16 - Dirt Nap 15 (4L) - Elettra Vitale 12 (Grappling) - The Axe Stalker 11 (4L, grappled) - Atticus 10 (2L3B, grappling, remember wound penalty of -1) - Thomas 9 (1L)

    Atticus's Beast surged, but the Dragon held the leash, and his fangs rent neck and shoulder with vicious, cruel bites. Even though he was injured, he was more than strong enough to punish this mere mortal for fucking with him. However, as his teeth pulled out, he noticed something.

    This ghoul was healing. He would not go gently into that good night, even as his friend stabbed him in the back and undid the work that his pouring of Vitae into his wounds was trying to do.

    Meanwhile, at the front, the stalker with the stake put all his might into throwing Elettra Vitale off him, turning his attention back to the wounded Dirt Nap.

    Ruach , you may spend 1 Vitae reflexively before the end of the last round to heal 1L if you wish, since you have not spent Vitae yet. Or not. Whatever works for you. Dirt Nap is up!

  7. #57

    Stake 16 (4A) - Knife 16 - Dirt Nap 15 (4L) - Elettra Vitale 12 - The Axe Stalker 11 (4L, grappled) - Atticus 10 (2L3B, grappling) - Thomas 9 (1L)

    Atticus's Beast surged, but the Dragon held the leash, and his fangs rent neck and shoulder with vicious, cruel bites. Even though he was injured, he was more than strong enough to punish this mere mortal for fucking with him. However, as his teeth pulled out, he noticed something.

    This ghoul was healing. He would not go gently into that good night, even as his friend stabbed him in the back and undid the work that his pouring of Vitae into his wounds was trying to do.

    Meanwhile, at the front, the stalker with the stake put all his might into throwing Elettra Vitale off him, turning his attention back to the wounded Dirt Nap.

    Ruach , you may spend 1 Vitae reflexively before the end of the last round to heal 1L if you wish, since you have not spent Vitae yet. Or not. Whatever works for you. Dirt Nap is up!

      rolls, stake escapes grapple, knife stabs his friend in the back
    Date Action Roll Result
    2019-02-22 17:52:27 The Stake Stalker rolls 6 to Escape! (10 Again, WillPower) 1, 2, 8, 1, 5, 9 2 successes
    2019-02-22 17:51:47 The Knife Stalker rolls 4 to Str + Weaponry + 1L - Axe Guy (10 Again) 5, 1, 5, 8 1 success

  8. #58
    Dirt Nap's Avatar

    New Identity Clayton Jordan Carter
    Obfuscate 2 Mask of Tranquility
    Occultation (Vampire)
    Dirt Nap

    (Coil of Terror and heal 1 L)Vitae 1 Willpower Spent

    Dirt Nap snarls as his resolve fails to resist hunger frenzy, using his Dragon discipline to shut the frenzy down before it can start. He heals reflexively and claws again at the ghoul!

    Date Action Roll Result
    2019-02-22 18:17:15 Dirt Nap rolls 6 to vs Hunger frenzy (Resolve 4 + Composure 3 - 1 ) (10 Again) 2, 7, 6, 2, 4, 4 failure

    3 successes
    Date Action Roll Result
    2019-02-22 18:22:14 Dirt Nap rolls 10 to hit the staker with claws (Str 3 + Brawling 5 + Specialty Claws 1 + Claws of the Wild +1) (10 Again) 1, 7, 5, 9, 2, 9, 4, 6, 8, 4 3 successes

  9. #59
    Elettra Vitale

    Elettra continues to grapple with the ghoul with the stake. Chuckling, "Hey, Dirt Nap if we survive this you owe me a drink"

      2 successes
    Date Action Roll Result
    2019-02-22 19:55:02 Elettra Vitale rolls 5 to Not Frenzie (Resolve 3 + Compsure 3 -1) (10 Again) 10, 7, 10, 3, 7, 7, 2 2 successes

      2 successes
    Date Action Roll Result
    2019-02-22 19:55:44 Elettra Vitale rolls 4 to Grapple (Strength 2 - 1) (10 Again, WillPower) 1, 1, 10, 9, 7 2 successes

  10. #60

    Stake 16 (6A) - Knife 16 - Dirt Nap 15 (3L) - Elettra Vitale 12 - The Axe Stalker 11 (4L) - Atticus 10 (2L3B) - Thomas 9 (1L)

    Unfortunately, Elettra had put in supernatural effort and thrown caution to the wind in her last grab. This time, she didn't use Blood or go all out. She just tried hard, but that wasn't enough. The stake-wielding ghoul sidestepped her attempt to grab him - and meandered right into Dirt Nap's claws, which pierced his lung and left this sorry creature gasping for air, on death's door...

    ...things weren't going much better on the side. Realizing far too late that the monster before him was a brutal, efficient grappler that was tearing his throat apart, the man wielding the axe broke free of the clinch, hoping to bring his big axe to bear once more --

      1 sux to escape atty's grapple
    Date Action Roll Result
    2019-02-22 20:14:37 Axe Stalker rolls 5 to Escape! (10 Again, WillPower) 3, 4, 9, 3, 5 1 success

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