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(1902) Table Talk with Mr. Prosper

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  1. #1
    Garrett Prosper's Avatar

    Supplicant of Terror
    Garrett Prosper


    The Savage lounges in one of the many chairs arranged around a low, decorated coffee table. He puts away his phone properly once Rebecca Simmons is situated. This will be interesting.

    "Business first: I am going to record a Trivial Boon to Fräulein Priscus Wood for upsetting her at the idea of our Clansmen gathering in close proximity during Court."

    It was subtle. To any non-native speaker, the honourific was simply given to an unmarried woman and as perfectly polite as Frau. However, the new title was a personal joke that the Harpy's Dutch would have some familiarity with. The literal translation was "little-lady", and in modern circles often rejected by today's European woman as condescending.

    "Other than that, I would love to engage in a philosophical question to educate Neonates, such as myself," he gestures to his chest with that familiar smirk and excited spark in his eyes, "Your opinion of Elysium was made a little more clear, gnädige Frau Harpy Simmons. Can you tell me why in further detail why you need to highlight this injustice? Many of the younger are interested in the lesson, due to your initial praise that Status be elevated. I want them to be very, very clear on your stances of such things."

  2. #2
    Rebecca Simmons

    "Why thank you," Rebecca said to the man's compliment as she joined him at the table. It did not surprise her that the first statement was about business. "Is that so? Your boon is duly noted." She would make sure to record it in notebook later. Of course Rebecca did not miss the title upon which he referred to Mable. How interesting that he was almost openly denigrating his own Priscus, though even the Prince had failed to use Mable's Domain title based on her current conduct.

    Rebecca could feel the man's beast; could feel that it was weak and she desired to rip him limb from limb in her lab. But even if he was a Neonate, he was not naive. Rebecca could tell the man was political savvy, especially with his questions. She found it humorous that Garrett would act as if Rebecca had to answer to him. She tilted her head to the side and smiled. "My stance is that while she did violate the law, she is still Priscus of clan Gangrel. Her Majesty was well within her right to strip her of all rights within the Domain, yet she did not. Certainly something to take into consideration." Rebecca wondered how far Garrett would push in such a public forum, so she decided to continue herself. "But since we're talking about lessons, I wonder what made you decide to gather the Gangrel together in such a public space. Such a...direct action could potentially cause the mistake of being misinterpreted as some type of political maneuver. I mean, who would be so bold as to use their Priscus's failing for personal gain so openly." Rebecca's eyes bore into the magnetic man's, but all could be seen on her own was a friendly and polite smile.

  3. #3
    Garrett Prosper's Avatar

    Supplicant of Terror
    Garrett Prosper


    Garrett hummed, clearly enjoying the back and forth. "If Prince Antinori takes offense as well, I will gladly be made an example of. Such is our economy," he shrugs, "How I denoted the Boon is important, gnädige Frau. A slip in my eagerness to converse with my cousins, I do not have any power to call an official meeting. The door was open, anyone was welcome to sit. I would not wall off others from our culture at an Open Court. Placing of seats is interesting, isn't it?" he chuckles at her comment.

    "Priscus Wood wished for us to gather in this area of the floor instead, lest we signal something isolationist. It speaks volumes of her openness to community, of course."

    He blinks in a useless, disarming gesture, resting his hand on his chin as he watches the dangerous, unflappable Officer, "But she's still running for Keeper, is she not? I suppose the breach was not all that terrible. I spoke with Prince Antinori, and clearly she can defend herself when claws are drawn on her person. From what I am seeing from my betters, this lesson is enough for Priscus Mable to not insult Elysium by wishing to be Its dedicated servant."

    He shrugs, "I follow by your example, gnädige Frau Harpy Simmons. I will also be paying you a Boon for you taking the time to educate me, of course. I value your words. Please, change the subject if you feel this is not proper. I will not put words in anyone's mouths and hate to make assumptions before this Savage insults someone."

  4. #4
    Alessandra's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    (Tattooed Beauty)
    Blood Potency(+1)
    First thing you will notice about Ale is the abundance of her tattoos. They go from her face all the way to her feet, and not much is left bare. The second thing? Her strong Italian accent.

    Known as Sofia De Luca

    Gabriel, Ghoul
    Cain, Hell Hound
    Alessandra Scenes
     -1 Vitae Blush of Life, -1 WP


    The Savage makes her way over to the Harpy and her Cousin. Her Beast enraged in her head at the presence of the weaker Beasts. A hand reaches down and rests on Cain's head as she soothed her inner Beast.

    A smile appears, "Good evening Madam Harpy Simmons," a nod to the Ventrue, "And good evening to you as well Mr Prosper." a smile to him. "Priscus Simmons, I wish to introduce you to Mr Garcia, a recent arrival in the Domain. He happens to be a Cousin of yours and a Lance." was she sorry for interrupting? Not in the slightest. Cain sat, his eyes watching the exchange.
    Alessandra Antinori │BP 6│Strong Italian Accent

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  6. #5
    Rebecca Simmons

    Rebecca smiled wide, "Oh, eagerness is nothing to apologize for Mr. Prosper. Sometimes bold action can actually lead to new and fresh discussion of the old, though I guess I am usually more a fan of subtlety." Was she complimenting him or chastising him? Who even knew.

    "I have found Priscus Wood to be quite open and a fan of community. I wonder if you are also a fan of openness and community?" The fact they were having such a public discussion made the man's answer to openness quite clear, but she decided to ask anyway to hear his reply.

    Then he shifted the conversation to the topic of Keeper. "While Her Majesty was merciful, as was clear from both my announcement and Sheriff Moretti, a breach is still a breach. So, a willingness to seek the position does not mean Her Majesty shall grant it to her. But couldn't it be said that one way to prove your loyalty and regain lost respect would be to become Her Majesty's dedicated servant? Since it seems you do not approve, is there someone else you think might be more suited for the role?"

    Rebecca's friendly and polite smile remained firm and clear for the Gangrel before her. "Oh no offense has been taken at all Meneer Prosper," she said, slipping out a Dutch title to corroborate the fact she was not insulted. "In fact I find your boldness quite refreshing. I just wanted to make sure someone with so much potential didn't accidentally become misunderstood because of that same boldness." She said, pausing for a moment, her smile still on her lips. "And I will gladly accept your offered boon. A Trivial one, I imagine?" She would accept the offer, but she wouldn't try to overcharge him for it.

    The Alessandra approached. Rebecca loved the woman's presence, though she hated the fear her beast caused Rebecca's Catalyst. It was a reminder that deep inside them was a darkness that neither of them could ever trust in the other. "Good evening, Your Majesty," she said, offering her a deep bow. It didn't matter that they had just had their own discussion, the Prince still deserved continuing respect. She then followed the Prince's words and looked to the captivating and rugged man that followed her. With a renewed smile she said, "Good evening Mr. Garcia. I'm so glad to see the arrival of more family. We are truly fortunate. As Her Majesty has stated, I am Madam Harpy Rebecca Simmons, Priscus of Clan Ventrue." There had been a brief moment when Rebecca had been all that remained of their Clan in the city, so she enjoyed seeing their renewed growth.

  7. #6
    Garrett Prosper's Avatar

    Supplicant of Terror
    Garrett Prosper


    Garrett grins viciously, giving a verbal confirmation of the Boon before standing to properly acknowledge the Prince.

    "Your presence is a pleasure as always, gnädige Frau Prince Antinori." To add the Invictus honourific hurt the language in his head, but dropping it after publicly throwing it around with the Harpy might have sent the wrong message. "We were just discussing the importance of Elysium and their Keepers. A conversation I am eager to continue once we are all properly processed, I dare not interrupt," he chuckles quietly.

    "Welcome to Sacramento, Herr Garcia." The Savage returns to his perch, watching the trio closely with sharp focus in his gaze. Particular attentions were given to the newest handsome Lord, a small smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth.

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  9. #7
    Arturo Garcia

    The beast grew bold as it slithered up and around his spine, wary of the monster beside him but sensing those beneath it, gasping and sinking obsidian claws against the inside of the quiet chest, mashing its muzzles as it tried to rip itself out and take advantage of those smaller and weaker than it. Arturo’s eyes narrowed as the two came to face with the beasts, eyeing them up, something that likely seemed innocuous between monsters as they all knew the struggle. The ventrue managed to maintain composure and posture as he strode along with the prince and her companion. Listening as they approached it seemed as though matters of court appointments were the matter of discussion still, as he had caught snippets of their exchange before.

    The Harpy caught his attention first, and his eyes drifted to her, a small grin on his face as was customary when meeting and greeting new people, especially those with title. He took her in. She at least carried herself like a proper ventrue, from the shoulders, to the voice, and more importantly her dealings with the boy. He gave her a nod, ”A pleasure, I am glad to see we are well represented.” He had met his fair share of ventrue who were never worthy of the clans blood, degenerates and cravens who wasted their nights. It was a relief to know that at least amongst his clan he could find reprieve, as he had worries about his covenants position.

    The younger looking one however...He very much interested Arturo. The grin, the body language, the tone, the speech, the entire package with a neat little bow on top. Based on conversation he had heard he was able to piece together he was not of the clan of kings. Beyond that he was literally playing in the middle of court, dropping bait and willing to pounce. An eager attitude to try and grate and force the mistake, which he was watching for. He kept his eyes on the younger looking male. His grin faded as he examined him, and while his eyes did not linger they were not secret about assessing him.

    Give him nothing.

    ”Mr. Prosper.” And with that he attention shifted back to the priscus, his smile returning, giving the cat in front him only the most basic greeting. With no more than a passing greeting from the Prince if the young looking man wanted more, he would have to come to Arturo to ask. Never give anything for free, always set terms.

    ”I have recently landed in Sacramento, and it has entranced me you could say. I did not think I would find a place I cared to settle in while travelling, but it seems the call of home just isn’t strong enough to pull me back, which is why I am here tonight.” He wasn’t about to squat or poach, that was dangerous, stupid, and most importantly undignified. So here he was, in the final phases of planting his roots for the time.

  10. #8
    Alessandra's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    (Tattooed Beauty)
    Blood Potency(+1)
    First thing you will notice about Ale is the abundance of her tattoos. They go from her face all the way to her feet, and not much is left bare. The second thing? Her strong Italian accent.

    Known as Sofia De Luca

    Gabriel, Ghoul
    Cain, Hell Hound
    Alessandra Scenes
     -1 Vitae Blush of Life, -1 WP


    A smile and nod was offered to Garrett, who she found pleasant.

    As Rebecca and Arturo began talking, she waited for a lull before speaking, "If you'll please excuse me." she had done her part. "It was a pleasure to meet you Mr Garcia, I look forward to talking more." and she will step away, Cain at her side.

    Ale returns to the main thread
    Alessandra Antinori │BP 6│Strong Italian Accent

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  12. #9
    Rebecca Simmons

    Rebecca looked over the man before her, her impenetrable mask of friendliness holding firm and strong. "Thank you, I appreciate hearing that," she said to his comment about the family having well representation.

    Then Ale made her leave. She offered her another bow of her head before the woman left. "Good evening Your Majesty."

    Then her attention was drawn back to Garrett. "Mr. Prosper," she said with a friendly smile. "I would love to continue our conversation another time, but if you'll please excuse me, Mr. Garcia's need for acknowledgement must, of course, come first." She offered him a nod of her head, then stepped forward a little before looking to Arturo and saying, "if you'll please follow me," before walking to a separate part of Court.

    Rebecca and Arturo continue here.

  13. #10
    Garrett Prosper's Avatar

    Supplicant of Terror
    Garrett Prosper


    Garrett's eyes track Dirt Nap as his cousin moves to join him. He gestures to one of the comfortable seats as a spectator to the drama, rather than getting swept up in the massive clump of predators smelling blood on the water,

    "Good choice," he chuckles at the fellow Dragon. "How have you been, Herr Clay?"

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