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2016 Summer Solstice

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  1. #1

    The Circle of the Crone Farm. On the outside a simple and quiet place. Yet the Strawberry moon is out tonight, hanging over the Farm with an ominous dark rose colored glow. For kine it might have represented the harvest of fruit, but for Kindred it represnts a different harvest. Instead of strawberries, it's blood that comes to Katya's mind as she sets up for the evenings' ceremonies and occasionally stares at the crimson colored orb in the sky. Like the previous book club, she's dug out the small torches and set them up to mark the parking area for those who travel by car, which most of them would have to given the Farms' distance from the city. The remaining torches lead off to the small path away from the farm and the greenhouse, five minutes walking distance into an opening with a circle of stones of various sizes and shapes. Most are waist high save for three that are the size of the average human.

    Katya is sure to keep the flames of the torches low lit so as not to set off anyone's unconscious beast. While it would be a night to let the Demon out, the person who does so might not want such a thing to happen and so she tries to be mindful of that, particularly for the family of Shadows. At the moment, Katya is running back and forth from the Farmhouse to the altar, carrying as many hand crafted wooden stools as she can for the guests, not setting them in any particular order. She wears nothing but a loose black robe over herself for now, deciding she will change into her mourning attire once the ceremony is about to start. As she moves from one location to the other, she keeps her eyes and ears out for ( David Silver ) in case he needs any assistance. Each time she heads back to the farmhouse, she eyes the long driveway leading away from the farm, looking for any car lights in the distance to welcome their guests.

    I've only tagged people I think Katya has mentioned the solstice to, but feel free to tag others who might be interested

  2. #2
    David Silver's Avatar
    David Silver

    Circle of the Crone
    Rose Garden

    4 blood


    David arrives first, as is appropriate. He is wearing a bright red Akan robe, traditional garb of the Akan people as they shepherded one life to the next. Tonight is a night for mourning after all. His truck has a sleeping dog in it, tied with a rope to keep it from running.

    "Good evening Katya, thank you for getting things set up."
    David says, and starts moving the stools into a wide circle, just inside the stone circle. He pulls from his bag a small bag of chalk dust, and begins scattering it in two concentric circles, one just a few steps in front of the stools, and the other only a few feet across in the center. The chalk lines are not carefully drawn, indeed the air itself guides them as he loosely drops the chalk. A pair of planted wind devices are placed along the walkway. The blades are sharp and cut through the air with a melodic hiss quality.
    Brass Wind Guardians

    Tonight, under the open sky, the wind would guide them. He watches the smoke from the torches get tossed about by the gentle breezes, and looks up to the numerous stars. Tonight is a good night for the Solstice.
    BP1 | Presence 3-Serene

  3. #3
    Alessandra's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    (Tattooed Beauty)
    Blood Potency(+1)
    First thing you will notice about Ale is the abundance of her tattoos. They go from her face all the way to her feet, and not much is left bare. The second thing? Her strong Italian accent.

    Known as Sofia De Luca

    Gabriel, Ghoul
    Cain, Hell Hound
    Alessandra Scenes
     -1 Vitae Blush of Life, -1 WP


    The decision to attend the Solstice was an easy one, she wanted to support her Cousin. Figuring out just what the hell you wore to something like it was a problem. After some thought, an oversized black sweater and black pants. Colors just weren’t really her.

    She didn’t mind the distance, it gave her a chance to get used to her new car. Well…it wasn’t brand new, but it was new to her. Being low to ground was still weird.

    Once she arrived, she parked in the place allotted and made her way to wherever the torches led. While she wasn’t too happy with the fire, and her Beast was def not impressed, it was small enough that she could handle it.

    The opening and the stones were a sight, reminding her of a time long ago. But it did have a magical feel to it, like faires and wiches would soon dance and sing. She decides to keep that thought to herself, best not offend.

    The presence of David and Katya awakened her Beast, claws extended, stalking its cage. It demanded to be set free, to let it show these weak Kindred who the alpha was. Maybe even shred their skin and dance around the circle wearing it.

    The urge for violence was overcome by her, and she smiles,

    “Good evening.” Says the Italian to David and Katya. A bow of her head in Katyas direction showed respect for her cousins position. But she wasn’t sure how to address either of them.
    Alessandra Antinori │BP 6│Strong Italian Accent

  4. #4
    Vivian York

    Vivian made her way to the Crone Farm as she had a few times. Always a bittersweet journey since Wooding had departed. But now, she was in the company of someone just as wonderful; her Coterie mate, who sat in the passenger seat of her blue Chevy Nova. She parked right next to another beauty of a machine.

    What does one wear to a Solstice gathering? IF you aren’t of that religion, it wouldn’t seem to matter but the Daeva blood demanded she make an effort to try and belong, or just be off in her wardrobe enough to be noticed. So faux looking animal print it was that evening, with black an elbow glove on one arm and short matching glove on the other. It was solstice and the Mother probably didn’t care if she showed up naked… although someone may prefer that.

    She had parked the car and stepped lightly through the grass so as not to let her heels sink in. The Mekhet was probably not far behind as she began her greetings for the evening.

    “Hello Katya, Silver and Ale! What a wonderful evening. I thank you for the invitation. Is there anything I can do to assist?”

    “Oh and not to side step the evenings festivities, but whoever is driving the Torino outside… nice ride.”

  5. #5

    "Good evening David, of course I'm happy to help." she says with a slight bow. "If there's anything specific you need from me, let me know, I'm just going to head back to change real quick." SHe says after dropping off a stool and heading back to the farmhouse, stopping in her tracks when she sees ale heading her way. Katya's fingers also lock up in an effort to unleash her claws on her Cousin, but recognizing the tattooed beauty makes it easy for Katya to recognize Ale as family and not an enemy. "Hello Ale, thank you so much for coming. I'm happy you'll be joining us this evening." she gestures to the stools being placed in a circle, "please have a seat, I'll be right back."

    She waits for Ale to say anything she might need to Katya before heading back to the farm. The sight of Vivian sets Katya off again, this time forcing her lip to curl back. If she transformed now, she could catch the Succubi on all fours before she had teh chance to get in her car. However, the sight of David with her helps sober Katya's demon and by the time she reaches them she smiles and says, "Good evening. Thank you both so much for coming" her eyes shift to Vivian's attire, the animal print drawing a smile to her face. "I like your ensemble this evening Vivian."

    When Vivian offers to Assist Katya turns her head to the farmhouse. "Actually, if you could help me with the last of the stools that'd be lovely, I still have to change. " she waits to see if Vivian or David will agree to her offer before leaving back to the house.

  6. #6
    David Silver's Avatar
    David Silver

    Circle of the Crone
    Rose Garden

    4 blood


    David takes note of the black sweater and pants of Alessandra as he approaches her, his beast hissing to purge the heretic, and let her blood be the sacrifice. Instead david smiles, "I am glad you were able to come Alessandra. Be welcome here tonight. The night promises to be a good one." He does not hide the fact that his chest is half-bared by his garmet.

    Seeing Vivian and the Priscus approach, David waves them over. "Vivian, be welcome here tonight. I am glad you could make it ." He says, even as his beast demands more murder, more blood. The crone must be sated. But he pushes those thoughts aside. He looks at her leopard print, a flicker of hope that it is a real animal's skin, before common sense strikes, and he recognizes the truth of it. Still, the representation of a killed prey is appropriate.

    David thinks on the book club held just a few weeks ago, and the initial stiff and formal reception he gave them. Tonight is not such a night. On the summer solstice we are all weak, and all one slip away from death. There is no title that can protect from the Crone's attention, nothing but the true self of who you are that can stay her disappointment.
    BP1 | Presence 3-Serene

  7. #7
    Victoria Stamford's Avatar

    Lady Reeve Stamford
    Lady Reeve Stamford

    Presence ••• (Dominant)
    Striking Looks •••• (Intense Gaze, Stunning)
    BP •••
    Status (Invictus): ••
    Status (Domain): ••••


    Victoria arrived soon after the other cars disgorged their contents. Her driver parked the sleek and modern Rolls near the vintage vehicles, a stark contrast between new sleek elegance and classic muscle.

    Upon exiting the vehicle she took a moment to admire the vehicles and realized more kindred in the domain had a penchant for classic cars than she realized. However, it could just be an anomaly she supposed.

    After she was finished she made her way following the torches while keeping her inner wasp pacified enough to allow her to walk unimpeded. Her black shoes were practical and not the high heels she was usually seen in so it took minimal effort to navigate the path. And in keeping with the theme, she wore a simple black dress topped off with a small stylish, black hat pinned in her long brown hair with a thin fishnet material that came down over her eyes but did not obscure her face from view.

    She arrived shortly in the clearing with the others, her servant dressed in a black suit and mask kept out near the torches and little distance away from the Victoria and the others. The gorgeous woman fought with the urge to crush and scatter the other kindred gathered before her as a suitable gritty offering to their dark gods.

    "Good evening, I hope that I'm not too early." Victoria began with a pleasant smile.

  8. #8
    Alessandra's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    (Tattooed Beauty)
    Blood Potency(+1)
    First thing you will notice about Ale is the abundance of her tattoos. They go from her face all the way to her feet, and not much is left bare. The second thing? Her strong Italian accent.

    Known as Sofia De Luca

    Gabriel, Ghoul
    Cain, Hell Hound
    Alessandra Scenes
     -1 Vitae Blush of Life, -1 WP


    And then it begins, the arrival of other Beasts.

    First was Vivian. And even though Ale found the woman fun and enticing, her Beast still got a reaction from her own. It was a challenge, and hers wanted to rip the Daeva limb from limb and make her beg for mercy. Still, the Savage smiled,

    “Hi Vivian! And that would be mine, just got it actually.” She didn’t know a lot about cars, but it did look badass.

    So it seemed first names were being used?

    “Thank you for making this an open event Katya.” She answers with a smile. It would be fun to see her Cousins Covenant in action so to speak.

    The smile then turn to David, “I could hardly not come. Learning a little bit more about something I had no knowledge of previous was a good incentive.” She says with a grin.

    And then a stunning woman appears, with a Beast that rivaled her own. It took some doing to get a hold of her Beast as it shrank in fear of the powerful one. It wanted them to run, but Ale held firm.

    There was no denying the stunning beauty and dominate presence this one had.

    “Good evening, I don’t think we’ve met.” Replies the Italian with a smile of her own, “I’m Alessandra, but please call me Ale.” Title was left out, this wasn’t Court, nor would it really matter. She was only a Whip. But she was kinda feeling under-dressed compared to Vivian and Victoria.
    Alessandra Antinori │BP 6│Strong Italian Accent

  9. #9
    Alice Hart's Avatar
    Mask of Tranquility
    Striking Looks
    (Pale Wraith)
    Alice Hart

    Acolyte and Valkyrja of the Circle of the Crone
    Danger Sense ●
    Status; City ●●●, Clan ●●, Cov ●●

    Lyssa Wolfe. Ghoul


    Past her Albinism, Alice is naught but a doll, beautiful in her impossible perfection. Taking on a inescapable sheen of artifice, both movements and manner seem, hollow and fake. She's nothing but a marionette, limbs jerking and twisting as if pulled by invisible strings.

    Marring her unnatural beauty are her eyes, or the lack of them, vacant pits of visceral horror.


    What dose someone wear to a Summer Solstice? Especially if you're kinda dating the Covenant hosting the event....

    Alice knew that it was a memorial, and she'd thought black would be good. Mourning colors, but were they the same for Kindred? Was it even the same for Acolytes?

    Alice was confused and panicking. Her only hope was that any of her unintentional blunders were forgiven.

    Sighing, Alice decided to go with what she knew, and chose a black dress quickly found in her closet, and made her way to the Crone Farm.

    Catching sight of the lit torches, Alice was glad that part of her duties as Keep of the Deep Kingdom had her keep candles throughout the Caldarium lit, dealing with fire every evening...it made her walk up the path easier then it would have been months previous. After the fire, came the sight of the others. The Wraith froze it's icy trail up her spine, none here were family, none here she could trust, she should run and-Alice grabs the tie of her dress, and tries to flatten it as she fights to thaw the Wraith's path.

    "Hello," she greet those present with a too wide smile, after she's freed herself of the ice. Her unreal eyes dart around seeing all those who were here, and those that were not. She finds the stools, and wonders if she should sit, or stand until invited to sit....she settles for drawing closer and awkwardly standing, as she gives a jerking wave.
    Health: | Willpower: | Vitae: | Mimetismo 1: Certain Sounds Active

  10. #10

    Another David pushes along the grasses near to Vivian. Earlier, David wrestled with his beast and its violent protests that demanded reparations paid in blood. For moments measured in eternities, the beast tried to justify the urges; a seduction that falls on deaf ears even as he climbed into the rolling steel coffin that doubles as a car. Needless to say, he was quiet watching the world zoom by on their way to the Farm.

    Trailing behind Vivian, David once again feels his beast stir. Every one that he could see, that he could sense, are weak and because of that weakness it perceives the Shrike hates them all. The Mortician shakes his head and wrestles with it again, a dance of violence performed over and over again for an audience of none. For now, the Shrike remains dashed upon the rocks.

    There's nothing of note to how David dresses, other than noting how plain it is. But, his ever present cuff-links glint off of the light cast off from tiny torches: the Ibis and the Scarab. They are marks of who David is and it seems appropriate to wear them in honor of Ma'at and Kephri. “I'm glad to have come,” David replies genuinely to Katya, offering the Seneschal a bow. “Mr. Silver it's good to see you.

    The Libitinarius' eyes move towards Alessandra , then towards the imperious woman ( @Victoria Stamford ) who arrives and offers them both respectful bows of the head; both demanding respect in their own way. With the wraithly woman's manifestation, David inclines his head again offering her a quiet greeting of “Evening.” A glance at her fingers seems to search for doll joints that aren't there. David isn't sure what to think at not finding them.

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