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Come Away with Me, Lucile...

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  1. #31
    Mykel's Avatar

    Ciara Maskelyne

    *He opens her door and helps Martha to the Chapter House door, talking all the while.* There are several driving schools in the area, I'm sure one of them has night classes. As with all things it will be practice that makes perfect. And speaking of practice... *He opens the door, motioning the other Mekhet inside so that he may close and lock the door.* There are several topics I want you to familiarize yourself with. They'll help you in both adapting to modern life and your studies. Follow me to the library, please...

  2. #32
    Martha Villiers's Avatar

    Martha Villiers


    Martha nods, curtsys modestly as she is invited within and follows the request of Max cheerfully and fully, smiling as she hobbles after Max. She takes time to study the layout of the interior of the Chapter House...and where she might spot any fire fighting kit!
    Health: 8 Willpower: 7 Vitae: Safari - -1 Striking Looks +2
    Very English accent. Flaw: Limps badly - most of her left leg is missing. Eidetic Memory, Combat Aware'. Danger Sense. Trained Observer

  3. #33
    Max Heinz's Avatar

    Maximilion "Max" Heinz

    Maximilian "Max" Heinz
    Mask of Tranquility
    Occultation 2
    Auspex 1 (Unflinching Eye)
    Presence 3 (Nonchalant)

    City : 2
    Ordo: 3
    Mekhet: 1


    *Max has her set at one of the tables in the library, then busies himself gathering some "light" reading material. "Light" consisting of several volumes as thick as his wrist. They are dropped on the table with a satisfyingly heavy "thump", Max picking up the first volume and handing it to her, reading the title as he does so.*

    The History and Religion of Ancient Egypt by Dr Zahi Hawass
    . You are a Mekhet; anything you need to know about who we are, what we are, where we came from, and where we're going can be found in there. Just replace the term "God" with "Mekhet" and you'll begin to get the picture.

    Next... A Guide to Ghosts, Specters, and Phantoms: The Definitive Encyclopedia of the Spiritual by Portram Campbell Tobin Yes ghosts exist; and they usually like nothing better than trouble the living. Or unliving, as the case may be...

    Languages of the Occult: Runes, et al by Milo J Thatch.
    English as you and I speak it is less than four hundred years old. Most of what you will be researching, or finding if you're the adventurous type, is going to be in something other than English.

    And finally, Urban Survival by Don Herbert. Too many Kindred see the city as a safe haven from what lies outside in the wilderness. In truth, the city can be even more dangerous than the longest stretch of deserted road between here and New York. Treat it like enemy territory and you'll go a long way towards keeping yourself safe.

    *He smiles, restacking the books before her.* This should give you a good place to start your reading; just remember to not get too lost in thought, or you'll have to spend the day sleep with our "friend" downstairs... Have a good evening, Ms Villiers...

  4. #34
    Martha Villiers's Avatar

    Martha Villiers


    Martha takes the books with a look of avid glee, curtseys and smiles a lot: she is clearly looking forward to this study and listens attentively as you outline the study plan. Martha has learned and sits perched on her hands, having tucked under trim thighs, as she listens;

    "Study! Yes, sir! Thank you! I shall read these carefully...I crave the knowledge they will bestow!"
    Martha enthuses and studies the titles - making a note of them in a small pocket notebook she has tucked away in her coat pocket. Writing carefully in a neat handwriting style...though she seems to be very amused by the ballpoint pen. Nods at the warning of staying up too late. "I shall start with the Urban Survival Guide, sir! Having taken to heart your advice about the threats the city holds that remain presently mysterious...I feel you have included it with great deliberation! Thank you again, Mr Heinz...I look forward to our next meeting and studying with you!" another curtsy to Max, Martha scoops up the books, struggles briefly and momentarily unsteady with the weight, but seems determined to carry the load, dragging her leg, Martha smiles as she happily wanders away to expand her knowledge!
    Health: 8 Willpower: 7 Vitae: Safari - -1 Striking Looks +2
    Very English accent. Flaw: Limps badly - most of her left leg is missing. Eidetic Memory, Combat Aware'. Danger Sense. Trained Observer

  5. #35
    Mykel's Avatar

    Ciara Maskelyne

    End scene

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