Cassandra finally woke up with a silent scream. She had only a vague awareness that she'd been asleep longer than a night or two but other than that she had no exact sense as to the time it had been. One of her lungs was still damaged and 3 of her ribs on the right side as well as the bones in her left leg.

She remembered a light changing. then bright white around her. The sound of tires screeching and the engine of a large vehicle. She could recall with some clarity the pain of something very large and fast moving slamming into her and pushing her along in it's path before everything went black.

Feeling around herself she felt what felt like corrigated metal and concrete partly filled with somewhat stagnant water but it was too dark to actually see. grasping the rises and dips in the metal she yanked and tugged herself out of what she slowly drug herself from the drainage pipe. She probably owed that she woke up at all to whatever drunken bastard was of more of a mind to stuff and stash her body there than call the cops or somehow report the crime.

then again...

maybe they did......

maybe it would cause her problems in the future.