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Foraging Trip

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  1. #91
    Enzo's Avatar



    Enzo turns to Xerxia and a small smile comes across his lips as he makes no point of hiding what he is doing as he looks her over from head to toe. "My story?" He seems to grow quiet for a moment, contemplating the answer, and finishing his inspection of her... assets, before nodding once and continuing.

    "Used to be a Spring courtier, then I realised that not everything in life is a game to play on others." He says, and then his tone raises just a hair, loud enough for Alice to hear him. "Especially not playing mindgames with someone who genuinely cared about you." He says, winking at Xerxia with a mischievious smile.

    "Aside from that, I want to protect those I care for. Theres alot of shit out there that's messed up, I'm just doing my part to make sure the 'hold isn't getting damaged be it. Enzo di Veyron," He says, taking her hand and giving a small peck to the back of it. As he does so, his Mantle simmers just a touch, a passionate heat flaring.

  2. #92
    Sam Barkley's Avatar

    Sam Barkley


    "Yeh don't have another Hunter yet, far as I've heard," Sam tells King Rust. "'An the 'hold ain't seen one as good as me in many a year. Its a position that demands an independent, resourceful sort," The Wizened lowers his voice as he admits, "Its why I think Harry put me there. To keep me from the other Summers as much as possible while still bein' useful. Cuz I don't belong among yeh, an' I never have. But I'll defend this Freehold, even as it falls apart around me. I can never be Hunter again- that's fer a Summer. Nay, there's a special position fer one such as me among yers." He grins at Rust. "Sun's Shadow. Tha's me. I keep the vigil in the dark places. Reward with me with such, an' I'll do the Hunter's job as long as yeh have need of me. An' to boot, I offer yeh use of me bar to hold meetin's an' such, so long as one of Summer's will serve as me bouncer each season, as Fu does now. It don't have to change- Fu's doin' a fine job. But if he wants out, another should replace him." He continues to scramble up and through Rock City as he waits for Summer's Sovereign to consider his offer.

  3. #93
    Phoenix's Avatar

    Kathleen feels a bit nervous when she approaches the rock formation. Not what she expected, though the place looked beautifull. Well, no time to get worried unnecessarly. She takes a long breath, gathers her strength, take her backpack filled with equipment and prepares herself for the road ahead.

    She remains silent and listens to what the others have to say, maybe she'll get good advice doing so.

  4. #94

    Rick pauses mid-step as he hears Enzo's raised voice ring out, turning to fix the Fairest with a contemptuous look. Some things simply crossed a line. Petty cruelty was something he'd never had much of a stomach for. "For someone who claims to care for her...that was awfully cruel. And I've never abandoned the woman I care about for weeks or months at a time." A remark about how he seemed so heartbroken over Alice, given the way he was brazenly ogling Xerxia, was briefly considered but ultimately dismissed. Autumn's Legate maintained his gaze for another beat, then turned and continued making his way into the caverns.

  5. #95
    Enzo's Avatar



    Enzo turns to look at Rick, not missing a beat nor hesitating in the delivery of his reply. "For all your skill at observance you do seem to have trouble hearing my friend. I said cared, past-tense buddy. Try paying more attention next time you're wanting to but in on someone else's conversation and try to deride them for events they had no control over. Sound good? Thanks." He says, turning back to Xerxia, not giving Rick even the time of day to allow a response.

  6. #96
    Nightfall's Avatar

    Striking Looks
    (Bed Head)
    (Polychromatic, Treasured)


    Treasured Polychromatic

    Sometimes, you don't have to wonder long.

    At Enzo's words, Nightfall turned, focusing on the other Fairest. His eyes widened a bit at Rick's words, and then narrowed at Enzo's reply.

    To everything there is a Season, and he had waited for it to turn.

    he asked Enzo softly. "Because when Erica tried to get in my pants, she bragged about fucking you the day before and tried to goad me into 'measuring up'. So talking about 'caring' and 'mindgames' when you were fucking Erica behind Alice's back is hard to swallow. If anyone owes anything, you owe Alice an apology."

    Nightfall looked around, laughing softly. If Enzo thought he could do whatever he wanted because he was surrounded by the Summer Court...

    "God knows you aren't man enough for it, the way you've been talking bullshit, so I won't try to force one out of you... but I promise you this: talk to or about her again like that, and I'll cut your fucking ears off."

  7. #97
    Enzo's Avatar



    Enzo looks at Nightfall, turns back from Xerxia. "You're right, I did fuck Erica, but I wasn't with Alice at the time when it happened. I have nothing to apologise for, the only time I even so much as touched another woman was when Alice told me she wanted space. I still cared about her but I respected that she was confused and didn't know what she wanted. If she thinks she deserves an apology, then I'm fucking sorry."

    Enzo spares a glance at Alice, to see where she stood on the matter of him apologising or not. "Frankly man, I could care less what she does. Yeah, I fucked around, when I was single. She fucked around on me while I was stuck in the hedge. I understand why, I dont begrudge her it, its how she acted afterwards that pissed me off." He shakes his head, his mantle simmering. "Like I said though, I dont care what she does nowadays, and I'm happy for her, you're a good dude. Treat her right." He says, turning to head towards the rocks so they could begins this thing. "You wanna cut my ears off, fucking do it."

    If Nightfall wanted to take his ears, he was welcome to do so, Enzo didn't care at this point. Anyone who can see Enzo's face as he walks away can see a mixture of sadness and anger, his mantle fizzing and popping from his passionate heat.

  8. #98
    Forn Clakes's Avatar

    Can Enzo make a Manipulation + Subterfuge roll against a contested Wits + Subterfuge or Empathy roll from those listening

  9. #99
    Enzo's Avatar




  10. #100

    1 Success

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