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  1. #41

    "New York originally, now here I am." Jillian replies to the Haunt. "And what about you slick? Whats your story?"

  2. #42
    Phoenix's Avatar

    *Ciara smiles, adjusting the purple corset a little. She addresses Amos first, to let Argent stew a little if nothing else.* It is more appealing than that neon orange they require now. And thank you for the complement, but I think it will be the Deava that shine tonight. Some of them can be very persuasive... *She hazards a quick glance around to see if she could catch sight of the event's hostess, but was sadly disappointed.*

    *Instead she turns to Argent, attempting to give him The Look, but fails as the corners of her mouth perk up in a ever so slightly amused smirk.* Wiggling your fingers at them won't make them magically appear, Mr Argent. Or grow... But I am glad you like it, you seem to have one of the more refined tastes for fashion in the city.
    Amos refrains from staring at Ciara's corset to avoid being inappropriate in court. Still nice outfit. Of course she was probably right about her comment concerning the Daeva.

    " Well, we'll see Senorita Maskelyne. We can make educated guesses on who has the most chances to win but we will now for sure only after the contest ends. So I would not claim defeat in my heart before even trying to claim victory in reality. Just my two cents.

    Still it looks like it's gonna be full house for the game. I never thought it would be so popular. I guess the prize is attracting to many kindred."

    And the crowd just kept getting bigger and bigger. He turns around to face argent, which he hasn't met before and greet him respecfully with a nod from his head. This one seemed like he was somehow powerfull, at least more powerfull than him. Actually that was what his beast was telling him right, feeling somehow afraid of this seemingly more potent predator.

    "And I am Amos Rodriguez, Senor Argent. It's a pleasure to meet you. So tell me Senor Argent, have you participated in such an event before ? I am curious to know how this venery will be conducted as it is my first encounter with such a concept."

  3. #43
    Yog-Sothoth's Avatar

    Victoria Stamford

    Presence ••
    Adamantine Arrow Status •
    Victoria Stamford

    O-Yama smiles slightly as he notices Conner come over, but before he is within earshot he replies to Dirge. "There it no need to give thanks, I have seen firsthand that you are no cripple to be scoffed at milady." He says, his tone lacking no sarcasm, completely serious in its lilt. It was not so much that O-Yama liked the girl, but he had plans within the domain, garnering her favor would only aid him later. "It would indeed be a good thing for one of Ours to win."

    He gives Conner a short bow as he comes close. So the danse continues... "Good eve Conner. I trust that the night has found you well my friend." He pauses, motioning to Dirge with a nod of his head. "Let me introduce you to Dirge, also of my family. Dirge, this is Conner, an old friend who returned to our Lord Clarke's domain a short while ago."

    The Bearer of Lanterns growled slightly beneath the orchid, sake dripping from its curled lips, urging O-Yama to sate his base needs, but he silenced his Oni, it was no time for social missteps. O-Yama had been out of "the game" for far too long due to Horizon, he had time to make up for, even if it was but dust on the winds in the long run.

    "So tell me, do either of you favor anyone over another as a possible winner for this little competition?" He says, tone deadpan and emotionless, cold dead flesh rendering forth no emotion to ride along with his question.

    "It is a pleasure to meet you,"
    Dirge said to Conner as he was introduced. "I'm sorry but I don't know you're last name and it just wouldn't be proper to refer to you by your given name."

    She turned to O-yama and replied, "Who will win? I'm not sure to be honest. I'm sure the pretty artsy ones or those who trained with them will likely come out ahead." Dirge was certain that they would understand what she meant by that coded phrase.

  4. #44

    Leonard "Lenny" Pope


    Going in order of importance Lenny turned to the Reeve. While technically his City Position was more prestigious than Twist's she was generally held in higher regard and was his Priscus as well as the hostess. Again he bowed. "Reeve Culler you flatter me with your memory. I have been away on some business and only recently returned. Imagine my delight and surprise to hear that the Daeva Priscus was having such an event -- I had to attend of course. I hope the evening finds you well?"
    Leonard "Lenny" Pope
    Ob 2 mask of tranquility
    presence 4 "casual confidence"
    Vitae 4

  5. #45
    Michael Hall's Avatar


    Michael shrugs in response to Jillian's question "From Georgia originally. Then went to Tennessee and then Phoenix before finally ending up here. Looks like we were both attracted to the west coast. What brought you here if you don't mind my asking?"

  6. #46
    Ciara Maskelyne's Avatar

    Ciara Maskelyne

    Ciara Maskelyne
    Striking Looks 2 (European Beauty)
    Presence 4 (Magnetic)
    Blood Potency 4


    City 2
    Ventrue ~
    Invictus 1

    Dramatic would be actually letting you see them; and I don't think I'll ever be that depressed... *Her words bite, but the gentle smile and mischief in her eyes let the other Carthian know it's all in fun. While he might have his short comings, she had come to appreciate he was one of the few Kindred in the city that could verbally spar without taking the words personally.*

    And don't worry Mr Rodriguez, I'm not giving up before we've even begun; just sizing up the competition. Which I think I am going to go do a little more of. I'll leave you two silver tongued devils to get acquainted. Good hunting gentlemen... *The Ventrue dips her head to the two men, then moves off in the direction of Twist and those gathered around her. It had been a while since Ciara had spoken to the women, and tonight provided an excellent excuse to do so.*
    Presence 4 (Magnetic) | Striking Looks 2 (European Beauty) | *Speaks with a vaguely Continental European accent*

  7. #47
    Premsyl's Avatar

    As Arnold approached Lenny he noticed Twist doing likewise. He stood by the side as the Daeva spoke to his Priscus, gladly allowing his trusted Viscount and fellow city official to be the first one to address the long-time-gone Kindred.

    "Well, I can only hope your business ventures went well for you. I'm doing well, myself, thank you for asking. Eager to participate in the festivities as presented by our beautiful Good Viscountess."

    He turns to Twist, inclining his head respectfully and bending a little at the waist, giving her tribute in her capacity as his superior in the Invictus, before looking back up at her and smiling.

    "Good evening, Viscountess Twist, I'm looking forward to seeing what you've got in store for us. You always throw the best parties. I didn't get a chance to congratulate you on a beautiful premiere at your theater. I was grateful for the invitation and enjoyed myself very much."
    Cameron Levine - BP2 - Ventrue, Invictus

  8. #48
    Yog-Sothoth's Avatar

    Victoria Stamford

    Presence ••
    Adamantine Arrow Status •
    Victoria Stamford

    "Indeed, though I am surprised not to see Prince Clarke in attendance. If he does compete I imagine he would have to be a favorite, along with yourself and the Judex. Though there are certainly enough wild cards to make it interesting." Was Argent as adept at seduction as he acted like he was, would Dirge's blindness handicap her or could she twist it to her advantage, was Cassandra as promising as she seemed, and what of the Keeper of the Elysium?

    "I must say though, I am surprised he is offering to reinstate one of the banned Covenants, should one of their members win." It seemed...unlike him. He was a man that seemed to try to gain an advantage with every action he took. So what did he stand to gain by dangling that bit of bait?
    Smiling Victoria looked at Wilhelm, "I appreciate the vote of confidence, but competition will be tough here tonight."

    "I agree, it is strange that I don't see him," she said while looking around the room. "But perhaps he wanted to see how others performed instead?"

    After pausing for a moment she continued, "It isn't too surprising. He wouldn't want the Viscountess' event to flop and if he didn't offer the incentive I don't think half of those present would have showed up. He doesn't seem interested in killing off the originations completely at this time either so he has an ulterior motive there."

  9. #49

    Conner to Dirge and O-yama

    "Greyson, My surname is Greyson." Conner says as he looks around.

    Jillian to Michael

    "I am looking for an old friend" Jillian said with the tone of and there will be nothing else said of it."I wonder when this show will be getting on the road... the savage thought allowed becoming impatient.

  10. #50
    Heathcliff Staley's Avatar

    Heathcliff Staley


    Heathcliff listened politely as Michael and Jillian conversed, knowing that every word, every gesture, every expression could teach him who these people really were, and that knowledge was certain to be of use somewhere along the line of eternity. He did snicker at 'In crowd,' that was rather clever.

    "Patience," he urges Jillian, nodding toward Twist, in conversation with Arnold and...is that Lenny Pope? The Seneschal hadn't seen him in quite some time. "That is our hostess, Viscountess Twist. Her presence means we are not far from the start. If you'll excuse me," Heathcliff says, his role as matchmaker over for the moment, since he spies a delicious blonde standing all by her lonesome. That won't do at all.

    "Good evening, Miss Dawes. It's nice to see you again, you look lovely. I trust you are well?"

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