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Horizon Assault First Level

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  1. #51
    Argent's Avatar


    "Above you!" Argent yells, trying to buy a second or two as he huddles behind the desk. Maybe the former guards he's propped up and put guns in their hands will distract the attackers as well...

    If he were Mortal, he'd be wetting himself right now.

    Letting more guards in to shoot at him so he could spring his trap was nerve-wracking to say the least. Silently he wondered if Lorna had taken their gifts even further, and this was payback.

    Of course, the thought that he'd run into the Armory alone and done this to himself never crossed his mind.

    Instead, he simply promised his ever watchful Sire's spirit that if he got out alive, he'd never, ever, ever grab her ass in public again.

    Depending upon what she was wearing, of course.

    Just in case that wasn't good enough, he jumpstarted his Matrix Dodging badassery.

    Argent is HOLDING this turn while more guards enter and will trigger the trap at the bottom of Turn 1, and begin running at the top of Turn 2.

    DEFense 3 + Celerity 3 + SiA 3 + Cover 5 = 11 vs. melee, 14 vs. firearms

    -1 Vitae (Reflexively spent on Celerity), signature updated.

    18 Initiative

  2. #52
    Madison Wells's Avatar

    Madison Wells


    Madison takes off after Jayant, not hesitating in the hallway. She concentrates to send more vitae into her system and feels more of the flesh wounds close up as she moves.

    What the hell has he gotten himself into now? I believe this is why we were told to stick together. Oh wait, I forgot, this is Argent, rules don't apply to him.

    Stats update

  3. #53
    Fractured's Avatar

    The only sound for several seconds is gunfire. The first two guards fall for Argent's propped guards, the third fires at the desk and motions the others to collapse around it. The next four crowd around the desk and fire at Argent with some success, the last bringing the butt of his weapon to bear against the Daeva. After that, the room fills with autofiring guards, but only manage to hit a couple of their own. The shooting pauses for as the smoke clears...

    6B to Argent

  4. #54
    Argent's Avatar


    After a century of dodging women's slaps, you develop Argent Sense. Which, coupled with Lorna's blessing, made for one dodging, bobbing, and weaving little blond man as he avoided the majority of the hail of bullets.

    The Beast hissed and screamed at the flashes of fire spitting from the guns, and he focused on ignoring it; just as he focused on pulling the thin strip of cloth wound around the line of grenades set around the room.

    Those that he held and tossed into the air appeared suspended motionless as he called upon the Incubus' speed and swiftness, threading his way out of the door and ahead of the explosions.


  5. #55
    Fractured's Avatar

    Imagine a man leaping from an exploding room, the force of the blast propelling him up and away even as the flames singe his backside. Arms flailing, a wide-eyed look and a slow-motion 'Oh, shi-' frozen on his lips in this frame.

    Certainly, that's how Argent imagines what happens, and how he'll tell the story to his great-great-grand-Childe one day, an opportunity he is afforded by getting out of the room ahead of the grenades going off.

    The real scene would turn even the Daeva's stomach, if he was dumb enough to stay and watch. Twenty human beings are literally shredded apart by shrapnel and concussive force at point blank range in a fraction of a second. Their blood and entrails paint the walls, the floor, the ceiling of the armory, and, along with their mangled, mis-matched corpses, remind this observer of Picasso's little known Macabre period.

    At least, Horizon doesn't hire family men.

    As Argent speeds back the way he came, he sees a herd of ten scientists running towards the main exit, and beyond them, Jayant and Madison, approaching the scientists from the other direction. They stop when they see Madison's katana and try to turn back the other way, then see Argent, and freeze, totally unsure of what to do next.

  6. #56
    Jayant Nagaraj's Avatar

    Jayant Nagaraj


    Jayant suddenly stops, pulling up short as the explosion causes him to stare in rapt fascination at the Deava bolting from the Armory in such an interesting fashion, he couldn't help as a small smile appeared on his mouth.

    He himself, he had to admit, was not or would ever be, what many people, mainly kine, described as a cool person.

    Argent, for all his apparent ego and bright white sneakers, could pull it off quite easily it seemed.

    Looking over his shoulder to Madison, pushing the thoughts of being cool or not from his mind, he asks, "Any thoughts about the scientists?"

  7. #57
    Madison Wells's Avatar

    Madison Wells


    Madison stops abruptly and stares at the surging inferno with narrowed eyes.

    Were we supposed to blow up the armory? Oh well. I am sure Agrent will at least have an interesting reason behind his actions. He usually does.

    Surprisingly, she is relieved to see the Daeva got out of the mess alive and has a slight smile on her face when Jayant turns to speak to her. The smile drains away and she turns her attention to him, her face becoming cold and distent once again. Her eyes gleam in the rising heat of the blast, glittering like blue ice in a pale face.

    "Kill them." She says simply and moves to intercept the scientists without waiting for Jayant to respond.

  8. #58
    Fractured's Avatar

    Keeping same inits from earlier.

    Jayant (20) * Argent (18) * Scientists 1-6 * Madison/Sci7 (8) * Sci8-10

    Jayant is UP

    Sci inits

  9. #59
    Fractured's Avatar

    The guards still in the security office hit the panic button. On every level of Horizon, the overhead lights begin a rolling flashbulb effect, as though the Kindred had suddenly found themselves the targets of a mass of paparazzi.

    Say 'Cheese.'

    Every Kindred on every level must roll for Rotschrek due to light on their turns. The target number is 5. The first roll suffers a -1 penalty for surprise.

  10. #60
    Jayant Nagaraj's Avatar

    Jayant Nagaraj


    Jayant let the thoughts of Argent leave and moved forward to intercept the scientists but as the light flashed around him, his Naga screamed in fear, causing him to stumble.

    Bah! he thought as his bloodline rejected the light and attempted to grab a scientist. He needed to feed and the bane of all Kindred would not stop him.

    If only he could look cool doing it. Instead, he was forced to glare through squinted eyes.


    grab a scientist

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