O-Yama's Phone Rings...

O-Yama, having just set out for the night to hunt, feels his phone vibrate in his pocket. Not recognizing the number, he answers, voice stoic as usual. "Mr. Hatori speaking."

"That is not the Name I know..."

He looks at the phone with an angry eye. "Speak plainly stranger. Who are you?"

"You were the Do-Keru Yes?"

"It has been a long time since I have gone by that name... this is O-Yama." O-Yama says, voice stoic.

"We need to speak Mr. Hatori." His voice is cold, and semi muffled but serious

O-Yama decides to indulge this stranger. "I will meet with you, but you must come unarmed. If you make any moves to attack, I will kill you, and if you know me, you know this is no boast."

"Of course old friend. Where shall we meet?"

"Meet me at [insert address here]." O-Yama replies, naming an alley he knows to be desolate at this hour of the night.

"One Hour." and the phone went dead

The old friend comment struck O-Yama as odd, but he pushed it aside, hanging up the phone and grabbing his katana.

<<Scene Break>>

O-Yama heads to the location, waiting in the darkness, a tooth of a dead woman resting in his mouth against his cheek, ready to bring his bloodline's magic into being. His katana sits at his belt, ready to be drawn. He wears slacks and a button-up shirt, though he is hidden from sight in the shadows of the buildings in the alley.

He watches the One Eyed Samurai enter the Ally. He remembers there first meeting, all be it a brief one. Grey remembered the Samurai and how he had spoke out of turn. How the Dragon Prince had given him a new name. Fearsome was the dragon prince. It was amazing how much had changed in little more then a year. As the Swordsmen looks out of the Ally, Grey sees his eyes. Once Grey is in the Shadow of the building and out of sight of anyone but the The Nosferatu he releases himself from the shadows. "Hello O-Yama Hatori" The Mans face is shrouded in a mask. His clothing all back. His hands gloved. His Identity a mystery but his voice. His Voice is vaguely familiar. No Beast can Be felt stirring within the Masked man.

O-Yama watches as the covered man releases the cloak. He felt a touch of memory at his voice, but that still did not dissuade him. With a swiftness born of his training, he covered the short distance to Grey and drew his katana, stopping the edge just as it touched Grey's throat. He had moved with the blood, eating the distance with a distorted appearance. Standing, katana at Grey's throat, he spoke with a cool collected voice. "No more games, I will know who you are, now."

Grey does not move. He does not flinch, he holds his position and lets the blade come within a mere centimeter of his throat. Grey steps in and lets the blade barely touch his skin. The Blade sliding a small smooth bloodless cut into his skin. "You will not know my Name O-Yama Hatori, I am called Grey, I was there the night of your Acknowledgment. A Pale man."

As he speaks more, O-Yama begins to recognise his voice further. He remembered him, from that Court, over a year ago. "I remember you Shadow. Your name is lost to my memory, but Grey will suffice. What brings you back to the domain?"

"I left to complete my Vengeance. My vengeance Completed I have returned to the Domain of my Birth." The Masked man says. "There has been a great turmoil here. Word spreads of the lost nights. Many dead. A New Prince. The old struck down."

O-Yama pulls the katana away, quickly and efficiently replacing it in its sheath. "Indeed, many have been lost. Clarke rules now, the reptile fell to the Lost Nights. Only a hand's count of those who you would know remain. You will need acknowledgment if you wish to hunt, as you should know. Many things have change recently."

"Yes Acknowledgment." Grey says with a nod of his head. "We should go. We are too open here..."

"Agreed, let us retire from this place." O-Yama says, turning to lead Grey to a safer location, less open. He would headed to the Buddhist temple, his old haven, somewhere safe and secure, but no longer his main haven of residence. He didn't trust Grey enough to lead him to his home yet, that would simply be a foolish move.

<<Scene Break>>

Grey says nothing as they walk to the Temple. He merely walks and watches the Samurai. Grey pulls a hood up over his head and help to hide the Mask, but shows little concern beyond that for his looks. After they arrive he says, "Tell me of the state of things."

"You will need to contact your Pricus, Von Schusten. He seems an honorable sort, but I cannot say I know him well. Sheriff Naetesh is now Hound. Seneschal Twist is Archon. Our new Sheriff is of my Clan, a Reeve Arnold Culler. The Invictus and the Ordo Dracul are the only sanctioned covenants under Clarke's rule. You may claim Unaligned as well. You remember the feeding laws, and no-touch orders from your time here?"
He asks, waiting for an answer before continuing. "We've had a large influx of new kindred. Many seek to make a name for themselves, but many have fallen short from what I have seen. I have only recently been freed from capture at the hands of those who caused the Lost Nights. I was their prisoner for nine months."He pauses, thinking for a moment. "You are a warrior, yes?"

Grey Nods following along with what the one eyed man is saying, "I am a Fighter." Grey says. Leaving no question in his words. Grey does not delusion himself knowing all to well that the Swordsmen in front of him was far superior, Feeling the beast within the man.

"We have a coterie that is forming, known as the Grim Hand. Many influential kindred of warrior leanings have shown interest. I would extend my hand to you as a fellow warrior, if you are interest in such a fellowship. Our aim is to keep this domain safe from anything that may bring harm, within or without. No matter what it is."
He says, voice stoic.

Grey makes no move, he stands as a statue does. So soon... Grey thinks to himself. "Make your offer after we draw blood and take lives together." Grey says. "What of your Former captives. Have they been dealt with?"

"Indeed they have." O-Yama says, eyes distant for a moment as he recalls the fight. He says nothing more of it, leaving the rest unsaid. "I will extend the offer at such a time then."

"I will need the contact information for my Priscus"
Grey says

O-Yama grabs a piece of paper, writing the number for the Priscus and also the Seneschal on it. "Priscus Von Schusten's number, as well as the Seneschal's. I would not dally with Acknowledgement, it is priority. Clarke is not the type to triffled with. He is a good Prince, but stern."

"It will be interesting, Coming home again."
Grey says and takes the paper. "I must be going..." The Masked man says as he turns to walk away.

"Very well, I have duties to attend to as well. Welcome back, I hope the evening finds you well."
O-Yama says with a short bow.

"We will meet again, Good bye Mr. Hatori."
And with that Grey disappears from sight, wrapped and enveloped in shadow.

End Scene