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Price of Warmth

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  1. #31
    Madison Wells's Avatar

    Madison Wells


    Is it rather hard to miss the female kindred's unease and the fact that Madison's sword seems to mesmerize her attention. Madison shifts slightly turning her body to the left, hiding the hilt from view. While she would not put the weapon away somewhere or take it off, regardless of where she was, she also didn't want to cause undue distress.

    "It's quite all right, Ms. Marshall." Madison says in a calm voice. "I am Seneschal Staley's protection, nothing more. So long as we all keep our hands to ourselves, and keep our minds on our own business, there will not be any problems. You have my word."

    She looks from one kindred to another as she speaks making sure the message is clear. If you behave, so will I.

  2. #32

    Azmi was surprised at first by the hostility from the Staley at first, but it quickly became apparent that the man's beast had probably egged him on when Azmi had mispronounced his name. A stupid mistake that even a neonate would not have made, Azmi you are impressing the local kindred with your tact and diplomacy.

    "As you wish"

    Azmi's beast flared to the order given to dismiss the men outside, the fool didn't realize that Azmi had briefly hired men to protect the Seneschal and now that attempt was being thrown back into his face. Azmi gritted his teeth, bowed slightly and headed out towards the front entrance to dismiss the men.

    As he passed Madison, he found himself confused as to why the blade comment had angered her. Perhaps she was upset it was not her face that attracted the comment or perhaps it was that the blade held special meaning. Either way, Azmi was out of his depth so kept his thoughts to himself.

  3. #33

    Deacon indeed took a glance though when she stood he looked over, playing in his head whats going to happen and shook his head some with a slight chuckle, fun... yeah it'll be interesting hopefully I don't get shot this time. He looked to her again and listened to her speak, "I'm not sure if an apple would be appropriate, but city officials do like to get the heads up in case they might be busy. Even if they might be secretaries." As the last was mentioned it seemed directed to the extra pair of ears that may be listening, and he started to walk towards the park as he looked to the skateboard and chuckled, "I have no idea how to use one of those I just go ahead and rely on my feet." He smiled.

  4. #34

    Casey puts her hands in her pockets, then behind her back and finally just holds them in front of her as if the girl isn’t quite sure what she should do with them. Forcing her eyes away from the blade, she tosses a glance behind herself to see if Azmi was coming back yet, and then lets her eyes return to the girl.

    Making the very best of efforts to keep eye contact, she puts on her best forced smile and just stands there, socially awkward, while she waits for Azmi to get back.

  5. #35

    Azmi felt the light wind on his face again as he exited the building. It calmed him slightly, the heat of his own beast’s rage soothed by the light breeze.

    The two observers from before were now involved in conversation standing not too far away. Azmi watched them for a moment, hoping the look he shot in their direction served as silent communication.

    Azmi turned back and looked over the fellows that he had hired, they had done their jobs admirably considering the short notice. He would have to keep them in mind for future projects.

    It was often hard to find good help at the right time and these men at least showed they could take instruction for a small amount of cash.

    “As promised” Azmi pulled out a pair of twenties and a ten for each of the men, handing it both of them individually and nodding slightly for the assistance before turning and heading back into the building.

  6. #36

    She played with her foot on the skateboard and made it do a clumsy dump, landing on a sad fish at it side, before Nellie flipped it over again, got into deacons path and with amused story eyes looked at him.

    “Not me either. But as I said. You don't really have to be afraid to scrape your knees.” She said extending her hand to help him up on the skateboard just as he had help her up from the gutter. Her tone was that of a friend that tried to talk you into something you actually wanted to do. In her opinion at lest.

    “Get up. Try it.”
    Nellie laughed, and something said that she too would be the kind of friend that would punch you on the arm and call you a chicken for the rest of the week if you didn't. Her eyes never blinked but other then that think could actually been as innocent as they seemed. But predators was playful creatures. Waiting for his response she added.

    “The newspaper job. Is there anything the boss don't want you to write anything bad about? And any areas in the city you better stay away from doing any jobs on as an junior reporter? “

  7. #37
    Fractured's Avatar

    The men take the money, eyeing Azmi cautiously. "Aight," is all they reply as they watch him go inside, and get back to their debate. "You think he's one of those bin Laden muthafuckas?"

    "Nah. Runnin' guns?"

    "Nah. They bring their own guards."

    The conversation continues...

    Deacon and Nellie

    Nellie's ample cleavage does not go unnoticed at the park, which is simply a rusty swing set and a (presumably) needle-filled sandbox next to a basketball court, where a few young hoods are gathered playin' dice. "Hey, mami!" one yells to the general amusement of all. "You look good, mami, why don't you come over her and blow on my bones right quick!" he says, shaking the dice in his hand at her, and the group erupts in laughter.

    In Heathcliff's apartment...

    Heathcliff looked at Casey carefully. This one must be very young, or a very, very skilled actress. "The city is a dangerous place, Miss Marshall. You must be careful who you ally yourself with. Of course, the covenants tend to look after their own. You should consider joining one." He smiles at her. "The Dragons may be able to teach you the 'how' of our existence, the Crones the 'who,' but only the Sanctified can teach you 'why.'" He shrugs. "Something to consider."

  8. #38

    Azmi ignored the conversation the men were having; the normal American’s view towards the Middle East was much to be expected. Though he was glad it didn’t sound like they would be reporting anything to anyone at the moment.

    He headed back to the apartment, hearing Staley’s stirring speech on covenants as he walked through the door.

    “Your faith seems to be important; I would guess from your words that you follow the Sanctum faith.”
    “I would classify them differently: The sanctum shows you the place of vampires according to God, the Crone believes they can manipulate gods and blood, and the Dragon believes that they can overcome God’s limitations. I think that is a better explanation of the spiritual covenants.”
    “Do you not agree?”

    Azmi moved through the door at a casual stroll, knowing that the blade wielding guard was still at his back.

  9. #39

    eh whats the worse that could happen," Mostly he will give you the full speech, but don't play with police, Ambulance people, hospitals, and firemen. Big boss man has the right to destroy people, and don't scough at the three triditions." He took her hand and moved onto the skateboard, he took a couple seconds to gather his balance and set his hand on her hip steadying himself as they glided into the park until they hit grass and he caught himself, and her if she felt like she was gonna fall. pretty much ignoring the men.

  10. #40

    Some people really cared about why things were, or how things were. Casey, however, by and large didn’t give two flying fucks. When she was a mortal she wasn’t overly religious, but neither did evolution really interest her. It wasn’t that the girl didn’t believe, she just didn’t care. She had been born, she would live, and then one day she would fertilize daises. The why was this all going to happen, the how of why it was happening and her purpose for being there really didn’t matter to young Casey all that much.

    Then she had died, and not a whole lot had changed in that regard. Sure being a vampire was pretty strange and all, but there wasn’t much she could do about it, and asking the tough questions about why vampires existed and how seemed not only far beyond the girls entirely modest cranial prowess, but also fruitless. In the end it seemed like older things telling her what they believed was right, and that she should believe it too. Of course said monsters were generally more powerful then her, and Chris had told her they could do strange things. So Casey just says, “Oh, um yes Sir. I would love to prove myself worthy of joining one of the, uh, covenants.”

    Just like I would love to be ravished by genital harpies Casey though, tossing the idea out like a used tampon. She wasn’t about to join some club where she would be at the bottom of the totem pole for the next century or so, which would of course be assuming she didn’t die whilst being played with like some macabre marionette. Wringing her hands, she glances to Azmi and waits for him to continue.

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